LL-L "Etymology" 2007.09.14 (03) [E]
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L O W L A N D S - L - 14 September 2007 - Volume 03
Song Contest: lowlands-l.net/contest/ (- 31 Dec. 2007)
From: Gary Davenport <gldavenport at student.ysu.edu>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2007.09.14 (01) [E]
Here's another one to add to the list, this time from from the *Barnhart
Concise Dictionary of Etymology* by Robert K. Barnhart, 1995 (ISBN
"*battery **n. *1531 *batrye, batery, batterie *act of beating or battering;
borrowed from Middle French *batterie *a beating, battering, group of
cannon, from Old French *baterie *a beating, from *batre *to
beat, Late Latin *battere, *Latin *battuere *beat, strike; for suffix see
-ERY. The meaning of set of electrical cells appeared in 1748, in letters of
Benjamin Franklin, and the same sense of container holing one of more cells
that produce electricity in 1801."
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