LL-L "Events" 2008.04.09 (04) [E]
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Thu Apr 10 21:09:08 UTC 2008
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L O W L A N D S - L - 10 April 2008 - Volume 04
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: LL-L Events
I got the invitation below from the Van Mieghem Museum. The article referred
to can be found at URL:
----- Original Message ----- *From:* Eugeen Van Mieghem
Museum<van.mieghem.museum at skynet.be>
*Subject:* Fw: "Save the date" lecture "Eugeen Van Mieghem and the Emigrants
of the Red Star Line" by Erwin Joos, curator Van Mieghem Museum, Antwerp,
We have the pleasure to invite you, friends and family to attend the
lecture "Eugeen Van Mieghem (1875-1930) and the Emigrants of the Red Star
by Erwin Joos, curator of the Van Mieghem Museum, Antwerp, Belgium.
There will be no charge or entrance fee.
- *April 30, 2008*, 12 noon, the *Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts* "Art at
Lunch" in the Hamilton Auditorium of the Historic Landmark Building, 118
North Broad St. at Cherry St., *Philadelphia.*
- *May 7, 2008*, 6:30 PM, New York, *the Museum of the City of New York*,
1220 Fifth Ave. This lecture will be held in the presence of Mrs. Renilde
Loeckx, Consul-General of the Kingdom of Belgium in New York.
For further information, please contact: van.mieghem.museum at skynet.be or
P.S.: The newspaper "*The Jewish Week*" will publish in its *April
11th*issue the article, written by Ruth Corson, about the Antwerp
artist Eugeen
Van Mieghem (1875-1930) and his work about the Emigrants of the Red Star
The exhibit "Antwerp-America-Red Star Line" runs in the National Maritime
Museum of Antwerp until December 28, 2008, info: www.antwerpen.be
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