LL-L "Games" 2008.04.17 (04) [D/E]
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Thu Apr 17 21:46:09 UTC 2008
L O W L A N D S - L - 17 April 2008 - Volume 04
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <thijs.roger at euro-support.be>
Subject: LL-L Folklore
When I was a kid (in the fifties), there was a cock fight ("Hoanevèchtes" in
my Limburgish) organized every Sunday after the "High Mass" somewhere in the
village. Somewhere means at an undefined place, since it was legally
forbidden. Somewhere though easy to find for us all. The village
policeman *(the
"veldwachter", called the "boy" in my Limburgish dialect, in other dialects
the "sjampetter", French "garde champêtre")* closed his eyes. The national
police *(rijkswacht, gendarmerie)* intervened incidentally, but they were
easely detected (arriving on their bikes) by watchmen and the whole group
spread over the area before anything could be found. There was money set on
the cocks and after the plays people continued playing for money with
cards, generally playing "bankrussen", cf. French "Banque russe". In
Northern France it is still legally allowed.
Was this (forbidden) practice shared with other lowland countries?
WNT gives:
*HANENGEVECHT* — HANEGEVECHT —, znw. onz.; mv. -*en.* Nhd. *hahnengefecht.*Uit
*Haan*, 1ste art., in de bet. I, 1, *a*) en *Gevecht*, 1ste art., in de bet.
B). Opzettelijk ingerichte kampstrijd tusschen twee hanen; een geliefd, doch
thans bij de wet verboden volksvermaak, waarbij veelal op den haan, dien men
vermoedt dat winnen zal, gewed wordt. Verg. de uitdrukkingen in kol. 1385 en
1386 en de Samenst. *vechthaan* (kol. 1396). || Ook zyn de Inwooners van
Sumatra en in andere plaatzen van Oost-Indien, zeer gesteld op diergelyke
HaaneGevegten, CHOMEL, *Verv.* 2751 *b.* De hanegevechten kwamen als
volksvermaak bij alle gelegenheden te pas, TER GOUW, *Volksverm.* 358.
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