LL-L "Literature" 2008.08.16 (01) [E]
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Sat Aug 16 19:40:59 UTC 2008
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L O W L A N D S - L - 16 August 2008 - Volume 01
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From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Literature
Dear Lowlanders,
Let me just briefly recap in English what has been transpiring between Arend
and me in Low Saxon in this thread.
Arend informed us that this year another writer in the Netherlands won the
Freudenthal Prize, the currently most prestigious and inclusive Low Saxon
literature prize.
This year's winner is Aly Freije who writes in Groningen Low Saxon and also
teaches writing (apparently has been a teacher of our Arend and Ingmar).
Even though I have not yet read the winning work, I know of Aly Freije and
have read some other works, and I can but agree that she is a most worthy
addition to the list of winners.
Aside from a long list of winners in Germany (beginning in 1957), there are
now three winners in the Netherlands, one in England and one in the USA. At
least two winners are members of Lowlands-L.
As a member of the Freudenthal Society I am happy and proud about the prize
committee's atypically international approach, something that I believe the
survival of the language requires.
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