LL-L "Language politics" 2008.02.05 (05) [E]

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Tue Feb 5 16:28:48 UTC 2008


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  05 February 2008 - Volume 05
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From: Andy Eagle <andy at scots-online.org>
Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2008.02.04 (04) [E]

Ron asked about how Northumbrian and Scots speakers would react
to a proposal to unite them linguistically?

Do Northumbrian and Scots dialects have the same underlying phonemes in
their lexis?
I'm pretty sure grammar will be much the same.

Aitken, A. J. (1981) "The Scottish Vowel Length Rule" in Michael Benskin and
M. L. Samuels eds. So Meny People, Longages and Tonges: Philological Essays
in Scots and Mediaeval English Presented to Angus McIntosh, Edinburgh: The
Middle English Dialect Project, 131-157.

In that (and others) Aitken describes the Scots vowel system. For most Scots
dialects, with the exception of Insular Scots because of the Norn influence,
the pronunciation in one dialect can usually predicted from the
pronunciation in another.  Aitken's vowel table and an indication of its
application to Scots can be found online in
http://www.scots-online.org/airticles/AwAeWey.pdf by yours truely.

How would the various Northumbrain dialects fit into such a description, or
could another be devolped to accurately describe the underlying phonemes of
both Scots and Northumbrian dialects enabling the pronunciation in one
dialect to be predicted from the pronunciation in another?

Consonants may well be similar but even her a few difference pop to mind. As
Paul mentioned that Geordies don't generally
sound medial "r"s any more than other Northern or Midland English or
Standard dialects, though that wouldn't pose an orthographic problem. What
about richt and reet (right) etc.?

Not being familiar with the intricacies of Northumbrian dialects I can't
answer such questions and untill they can be answered I remain sceptical
about the possibility of a polyphonemic written pan-Northumbrian.

Andy Eagle



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