LL-L "Levity" 2008.01.04 (10) [E]

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Sat Jan 5 00:33:47 UTC 2008


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  01 January 2008 - Volume 10

From: Pat Reynolds <pat at caerlas.demon.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Levity" 2008.01.04 (04) [E]

I (just) passed the Scottish Citizenship test posted by Tom Mc Rae
<t.mcrae at uq.net.au>  (my husband did slightly better).

I have a different answer for 6 _ in a Scottish fish and chip shop you
can get fish suppers, or haggis suppers, or deep fried mars bars or pies
that look as if they are made from cardboard, but taste slightly better,
with a gob of something that you guess may once have been a sheep

Oddly enough, fish and chip shops in England sell fish and chips (no
meal qualifier) and pies.  Which taste worse than Scottish pies look.

Not sure if that qualifies for the ten points, or not.

13.  Does Jock count?

Husband quibbled over the cathederals question: he says that it _was_ a
cathedral, which is why it's now in the care of Historic Scotland.  But
his advanced knowledge of drinking in Scotland meant that he is much
more qualified than I am.

Thanks for cheering us up on a stressful evening (buying a new house).

Best wishes,

Pat Reynolds

It may look messy now ...
        ... but just you come back in 500 years time (T. Pratchett).



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