LL-L "Projects" 2008.07.05 (04) [E]
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Sat Jul 5 18:16:57 UTC 2008
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L O W L A N D S - L - 05 July 2008 - Volume 04
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From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Projects
Dear Lowlanders,
Our "Irish Tom" (Tomas O' Carthaigh/Tom Carty) has been keeping himself and
me busy.
I just added his two-part article about Germans in Ireland to our History
English: http://lowlands-l.net/history/carty_germans-en.php
German: http://lowlands-l.net/history/carty_germans-de.php
Also, Tom wrote the lyrics to a Lowlands song which I have added to his part
of the Gallery:
What a guy! Thanks, Tom!
Please keep things coming for these and other presentations! The Folk
Traditions presentation will be unveiled in the near future. Please come up
with stuff for it!
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