LL-L "Lexicon" 2008.07.25 (01) [DE]

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Fri Jul 25 14:32:48 UTC 2008


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L O W L A N D S - L  - 25 July 2008 - Volume 01
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From: Leo Aerts <Leo.K.E.AERTS at village.uunet.be>
Subject: IDicoon

Best of negativists,

My mothertongue is Vlaams. In this language, as well as in Dutch, icon is
written as icoon. Why don't you contest English words as tycoon, tyfoon, and
so on? As I was well aware of the possibility to contract Identity and Icon,
I chose for Identiteit en Icoon, thus idicoon.

I am aware that the main protest came from a dutch person, who we know
rather spit on their own language to admire the almighty English. Probable
that is the reason, their royalties chose a longtime ago for a the national
parole: "Je maintiendrai". Clearly French.

Personally I strive to maintain Flemish and Dutch as full worthy Lowland
languages, in the centre of their neighbours.

Therefore are not appreciated the negative critics of a fellow countryman.

If one doesn't like to use Idicoon, stay with gravatar and enjoy the

Vriendelijke groeten,


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Lexicon

Dear Leo,

Below is what you asked us a couple of days ago:

Some time ago I was suggested to find a better word for "Gravatar".

My creation:  "IDicoon". The word speaks for itself, in almost any language.

Pleased with your opinions.

Vriendelijke groeten,

Leo Flandriae

It doesn't say anywhere that it was restricted to Dutch. In fact, the way it
reads led us to believe that IDicoon was meant to be an internationally
recognizable word, and you did go as far as claiming that it would "speak
for itself in almost any language." The respondents followed your invitation
and shared their opinions. I sensed no negativism in it at all, and there
was no protest, just opinions. Therefore I don't think it is appropriate to
call us names like "negativists" and make remarks about Vaseline (whatever
that's supposed to mean). It's as simple as "Don't ask if you don't like to
hear answers you don't like."

None of this has any relevance to language maintenance since your question
did not address that issue.  I can safely say that everyone on this list
supports maintenance of anyone's language, Lowlands and otherwise.




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