LL-L "History" 2008.06.10 (01) [E]

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Tue Jun 10 14:13:38 UTC 2008


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L O W L A N D S - L  - 10 June 2008 - Volume 01
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From: Luc Hellinckx <luc.hellinckx at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "History"

Subject: LL-L "History" 2008.06.07 (06) [E]
>> I doubt it has anything to do with the Dutch flag.  Red, white, and blue
>> flags with open on them are common all over Texas.

A lot can be said about the significance of colors, which is partly rooted
in history, sometimes scientifically verifiable and once in a while plain
humbug. I happen to know for instance, that many (if not most) corporations
know very well which colors sell best in which countries. Yes, some cars
just can't be sold in country A if they're painted in color B (thinking of
mustard green cars which sell pretty well in France and Spain, but are
almost taboo in Belgium), male shoes that are almost always black in
Germany, certain brown suits that are hugely popular in Italy and nowhere
else etc. No doubt this has something to do with the amount and type of
light in each country (which can be very different), the colors of the
environment and simply how people look like.

Regarding the Dutch flag, I think it fits the country, especially the blue
and to a lesser degree the red band. There's a few hues of blue that one
gets to see very often in the Netherlands. Why? Maybe 'cause it matches
orange real well (color of Dutch royalty)...maybe because it goes well with
blond hair and blue eyes? Or does it stand for liberalism? Anyway, it's a
"cool" and "open" flag, the colors look fresh and clean...just like the
Dutch  are :-D . No sheer coincidence if you're asking me.

Same can be said about the Belgian (and German) flag: black, red and yellow.
Dark/closed (black) but yet warm (red) at the same time: strong contrast;
out of darkness, life is created.

Kind greetings,

Luc Hellinckx



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