LL-L "Government" 2008.03.15 (05) [E]
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Sun Mar 16 01:49:25 UTC 2008
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L O W L A N D S - L - 15 March 2008 - Volume 05
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From: Pat Reynolds <pat at caerlas.demon.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "LL-L news" 2008.03.11 (02) [E]
In message
<57c981290803111028j6045426at4d191659236fe95a at mail.gmail.com>,
Lowlands-L List <lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM> (i.e. Reinhard/Ron writes of
his medal, and I wanted to congratulate him on this award that
recognises publicly what we all know: he is a great advocate and
tireless worker.
I noted with interest the portfolio of the minister who presented the
>Vlaams minister van Cultuur, Jeugd, Sport en Brusse
In local and national government in the UK 'Culture' rarely gets to
stand on its own (my own department is bucking the trend and becoming
the 'Cultural Service' on 1st April). Instead, culture is placed with
various supporters (or other hard-to-place areas of interest), such as
'sport', 'media', '(community) education' and so on. This is the first
time, however, that I have ever seen a geographical location placed into
the portfolio. That 'Brussels' and 'Culture' are bedfellows is
completely understandable. But it is part of the distinctive culture of
Belgium that there should be a department for Culture and Brussels.
Cheers and Congratulations
Pat Reynolds
It may look messy now ...
... but just you come back in 500 years time (T. Pratchett).
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Government
Thanks, Pat.
This goes that teams can do better thinking than individuals.
My own reaction to the seemingly eclectic portfolio was "... and the kitchen
sink." You, however, thought more deeply and provoked me to do so too.
I don't know if the portfolio is always the same or if this is Bert
Anciaux's specific mix. What comes to mind is this:
Brussels is treated as it's own area, where "Flemish," "Walloon" and
"German" Belgium coexist. So someone that is perceived as "neutral" or above
it all ought to be in charge of it. I don't know why it's been given to
Anciaux, considering that he has a past as a "Flemish" activist and is also
a Dutch language writer. On the other hand, he considers himself a *politiek
buitenbeentje* (political odd man out) and may well be that, and he is also
a rare popularist (with his own web site and blog). This may give him the
status of uniqueness, which is also the status Brussels is supposed to have.
Hopefully our Belgian friends will enlighten us on this.
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