LL-L "Borders" 2008.03.24 (08) [E]

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Mon Mar 24 23:23:16 UTC 2008


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L O W L A N D S - L - 24 March 2008 - Volume 08
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From: Luc Hellinckx <luc.hellinckx at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Resources"

Beste Mike,

You wrote:

Yes, after my first experience living overseas (in South Asia), I was
spoiled for life ... that is, I could no longer be satisfied with the
easy life in the States. Everytime I stayed longer than a couple years
(only twice in fact), I was just too frustrated. I always described it
as frustration that "I had grown and they hadn't" (... or put less
judgmentally "I've changed and they haven't", since "growth" has an
inherent positive denotation), but suspect it was then as it is now
just wanderlust!

In Dutch, we have a verb that describes liberal, prolific growth,
"woekeren", which has negative connotations. Often used in the following

   - growth of cancer cells
   - putting money out to usury
   - weeds growing apace

By the way, anything that grows physically, takes up space that
something/somebody else can't occupy anymore. Maybe this is not too bad if
the amount of available space is unlimited and the quality of all space is
equal. Which brings me to the subject of "borders" somehow: There's just as
many numbers between -1 and +1 as there are real numbers.

Sooo...where's that land of the free? :-D

Kind greetings,

Luc Hellinckx



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