LL-L "Grammar" 2008.03.29 (06) [E]

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Sat Mar 29 23:14:02 UTC 2008


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L O W L A N D S - L  - 29 March 2008 - Volume 06
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From: orville crane <manbythewater at hotmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Grammar" 2008.03.29 (02) [E]

Such an irregular past tense form of 'go', he went. Curiosity got me to
consult my dictionary, and sure enough, 'went' comes from the past tense of
'to wend'.
Modern English- go, gone, Middle English- gon, gon(e), Old Englsih- gan
gegan. Went; ME wente, past tense of wenden, to turn, wend

Old English; Conjugation of gan - to go
Pres. Sing. 1.ga
               2. gaest
               3 gaeth

         Plur. gath

Pret. Sing.  eode
       Plur.  eodon

Past Part. (ge)gan

Middle English; Conjugation of go(n), goon - to go
Pres. Sing.  1. ?
                 2. goost
                 3. goth, gooth

         Plur. go(on), gon

Pret. Sing.   yede
       Plur.   yeden

Past. Perf. go, ygo(n), ygoon

Having sought out the verb 'to go' in Old and Middle English, I have not
found an explanation for why or when 'went', past tense of 'to wend' ,
displaced the Middle English past tense of the verb, 'to go' - 'yede'.
man by the water



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