LL-L "Travels" 2008.11.20 (01) [E]
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Thu Nov 20 15:19:41 UTC 2008
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L O W L A N D S - L - 20 November 2008 - Volume 01
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: Travel
I'm virtually in jail.
I'm actually on a congress at the Renaissance in Powai, North of Mumbai.
I arrived at the airport yesterday shortly before midnight with a Jet
Airways flight coming from Newark with a stop in Brussels.
After 90 minutes I finally got my luggage and 10 minutes later I found the
taxidriver sent by the Renaissance.
On the way to the hotel he told me how safe the streets in Mumbai are.
Howerver, when we arrived at Marriott territory, after 2 am, all cars have
to stop al a double pike, one opens the cap, inspect the space around the
motor, inspect with mirrors under the car, etc. All incoming cars are
thoroughly searched by Hunter security, day and night (this even for cars
driving exclusively for the Marriott ressort).
When one finally steps out the car at the hotel entrance, it continues: the
luggage was X Ray screened at the entrance of the hotel and I had to go
inside through a detecting gate.
Today I made some pictures of the surroundings (most through the windows at
the 7d floor).
At ground level I was not allowed to make pictures of securty, reducing the
possibilities of finding a good angle of vision..
I did a walk towards the lake. Below, behind the wall close to the lake,
there is, hidden from distance, a fence under electrical tension.
On the premisses Hunter security guides are walking with dogs.
I'm sure Americans like this. It confirms their vision of the world outside
the US.
Other surprise: I thought I knew a bit about Indian cuisine from Indian
restaurants in Brussels, London, Oxford...
Food here (served to the public of the congress, allmost all from India) is
completely different.
Even what is marked with very spice in Europe is supersweet compared with
what they serve here.
As a result it does not matter whether you take vegetarian or not-vegetarian
food: it all just tastes very strongly yo the spices.
Also the cakes at coffeetime are not sweet at all, but taste to a variety of
The slightly browny milk with a little coffee-tast comes in 2 versions, a
vegetarian one and a non-vegetarian one.
Even the (veggy) cool drinks are very spicy.
Further I don't understand how people here deal with malaria.
Before leaving, II got a prescription from the Antwerp "Tropisch instituut"
for taking one Marlone starting 2 days before departure and continuing for 7
days after return in Belgium. This came to two boxes of 12 tablets each for
a total of 100 euro. One cannot do that for a liftetime?
Inside the Renaissance it is supercold and one needs to wear a pull, no
musquito will survive that.
(outside, that's where the guards with the dogs are walking, it is 35
degrees Celsius)
I'm still in the area till Tuesday morning and eventually will send
additional travel stories
(I'm moving to a local hotel chain though tomorrow, the Orchid in Vile
from the Renaissance network, hoping the message passes (through security
and the gateways)
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