LL-L "History" 2008.10.10 (06) [E]
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L O W L A N D S - L - 10 October 2008 - Volume 06
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From: Paul Finlow-Bates <wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2008.10.10 (04) [E]
Thanks for clearing that up Jonny - Ithought you meant they could somehow
track the curve of the meteorite through space, to know where it landed!
Another trap in German for a learner!
From: Thomas Mc Rae <t.mcrae at uq.net.au>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2008.10.10 (02) [E]
On 10/10/2008, at 6:13 PM, Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>wrote:
Subject: LL-L "History" 2008.10.09 (02) [E]
This casts a certain light on a certain calumny. Other Classical sources
write of how a Gallic warrior frequently had to step out of the battle-line
to straighten his sword-blade under his foot. Nonsense: I don't see a man
stepping out of the battle-line for any reason. If the enemy doesn't gut
him, his outraged buddies will. This is an old Classical lie told against
sundry enemies,
Actually in the case of 14th century Scottish weaponry the steel was of such
poor quality that soldiers did in fact have to regularly straighten them.
Magnus Magnusson in his superb history "Scotland" recounts this being the
case among Scots at Bannockburn and quotes no less an authority
than a modern weapons maker who demonstrates sword making in Stirling.
Tom Mc Rae
"Oh wad some power the Giftie gie us,
Tae see oorsels as ithers see us
Robert Burns
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