LL-L "Language politics" 2008.10.30 (02) [E/Valencian]

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Thu Oct 30 19:18:47 UTC 2008

L O W L A N D S - L - 30 October 2008 - Volume 02
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From: Brooks, Mark <mark.brooks at twc.state.tx.us>
Subject: LL-L Language Policies

Hello Lowlanders:

I wonder if any of y'all have heard about the Partido Popular's proposal to
give citizenship classes for Spanish citizenship in English.  I must have
gotten in on this late, because the news stories mostly cover the reaction
to that policy.  I never had read an article explaining the why of the
policy.  I found this on the Vilaweb website:

"El PP ha refusat avui a les corts valencianes una moció del PSPV que
demanava que el govern retiri l'ordre per impartir l'assignatura de
ciutadania <http://www.edu.gva.es/educationforcitizenship/> en anglès
perquè, segons el president de la Generalitat, Francesc Camps, respon a una
necessitat de la societat."

This link will take you to the most recent article:

Could someone tell me the reason for such a policy?


Mark Brooks
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