LL-L "Introduction" 2008.09.03 (01) [E]

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Wed Sep 3 20:50:16 UTC 2008


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L O W L A N D S - L - 03 September 2008 - Volume 01
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From: "Marenich, Peggy" <Peggy.Marenich at thyssenkrupp.com>
Subject: Introduction

 Dear Lowlanders,

 As a new subscriber to the list, I would like to introduce myself.  I'm an
American, living in Birmingham, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit.  By way of
background, I'm a graduate of Michigan State University with a degree in
German.  I lived in Vienna, Austria, for six years immediately after
graduation and I have used German in my work ever since.

 My interests are history, languages, and other countries and cultures.  My
primary interest is the Scots language, which I have been studying eidently
for almost two years.  I'm a member of the Scots Language Society and
everything having to do with the language is of interest to me.  Closer to
home, I know that Appalachian has retained several grammatical features of
Scots and I'm planning to start studying that as well.

 I look forward to this forum and to everything that I can learn from all of

 Peggy Marenich


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Introduction

Hello, Peggy!

Wow! What a pleasure to meet you, to welcome you on board and to see that
you did your homework before posting (for which you're getting an A+)!

This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. ;-)  The Kahuna
stopped snoozing briefly and started smiling. Keep this up and there'll be a
mat of honor with your name on it. (

Peggy, you've certainly come to the right address as far as your interests
are concerned. (And as far as Scots is concerned you have a fellow-fan in

Now all we have to do is wake up our snoozing members of the Scots and
Appalachian persuasions. They tend to leave our Sandy holding the bag for
them. The best way of doing this is to ask them questions, and, as plan B,
to "provoke" or "entice" them. This "lot" (to use a non-American expression)
sometimes ... uh ... often needs a nudge or five, all the more during the
Northern Hemisphere summer. So don't feel discouraged if they don't respond
right away.

Anyway, Peggy, it's great to have met you.




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