LL-L "Names" 2008.09.11 (02) [E]
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Fri Sep 12 02:35:32 UTC 2008
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L O W L A N D S - L - 11 September 2008 - Volume 02
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From: Caennmohr at aol.com
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2008.09.11 (01) [D/E/LS]
My grandfather emigrated from Sweden to the US in the late 19th century and
was called "Swan" Johnson. As a child, I found this to be an odd name for a
big burly man, but after my language studies, I always assumed that "Swan"
was a corrupted form of Sven (or one misspelled by immigration officials, as
commonly occurred). This would certainly tie in with the Swanson-Svenson
connection suggested by Wolfram. It would also correlate with Sandy's
Swansons in Scotland. Certainly,the Scandinavian influence in parts of
Scotland is huge, with many families and clans claiming Norse heritage, as
I'm sure Sandy has mentioned in the past. With Scottish and Swedish
ancestry, my brother has suggested that our family is probably 95% Norse in
Best regards,
Carolyn* [Wood]*
In a message dated 9/11/2008 4:45:44 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM writes:
From: Wolfram Antepohl <wolfram at antepohl.se>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2008.09.10 (03) [D/E/LS]
Once again thanks for lots of interesting information. I found two places
called "Entepoel" in the Netherlands, as well as onne Street by that name. I
could imagine that the Enddepoel/Entepoel families originated from those
places. I think the fact that there is at least one family called "van
Entepoel" further support this.The East-West matter is a little difficult.
Many of the -pohl/poel/pol names can be found further eastwards (in
Eastphalia, Mecklenburg, Pommerania, Prussia) but those are probably
migrated lowlanders.
The name "Pohl" however can also indicate that the original bearer came from
Poland. This might cause a little confusion in areas such as the Ruhrgebiet
with many Polish immigrants during the last centuries melted into a
LL-population. I guess the same is true for the US
The Swanson-name was interesting ... Not a variant of old Norse Svensson?
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Names
And then there is the not uncommon surname Swanteson. How does it fit it, if
at all?
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