LL-L "Careers" 2009.04.07 (07) [E]
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Tue Apr 7 22:15:10 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 07 April 2009 - Volume 07
From: bsu295 at bangor.ac.uk
Subject: Guidance
Hello to all,
I would like to ask you all a question and I really hope you could guide me
in the correct direction. Firstly I am sorry again for such a irrelevant
message. What it is, is I have studied for a while in biology and doing a
masters now in Genetics (which I really cannot stand). I had been
considering going down a more linguistic based route in life, but as I
haven’t got much back ground in it I had never really taken it to be an
option. But after seeing how miserable genetics makes me I am seriously
considering a bit of change of plan. I am but 23, so I am nice and young and
am very willing to change. I have never felt so passionate about anything
like I do for language, especially indo-European languages (but also
others). I have so far learnt about a lot of languages through my own
interest (which I never really do for biology) and I have learn basic
French, Swedish and welsh, but as I have never lived in Sweden nor France I
have found it had to learn them fluently, and as welsh speaks seam to always
revert to English when they hear you struggling I have simply learnt what I
know from a basic welsh class and some friends at work. I plan to travel to
Sweden at the end of my masters so as to learn it fluently (and find a
biology based job over there). And then perhaps move somewhere new later
that year or the year after.
However what I want to know is how many of you actually work within a
language or linguistic based field of work. What would you recommend if I
wanted to get into a similar field? I am not just curious as to learn a
language, but the study of language evolution, history and culture etc etc,
I also am obsessed with. Please could you give me some guidance or advice as
where to turn? Would I need to do a degree in it? As this would be hard and
expensive, especially as I wouldn’t get any financial help from the
government, as I have already done one in Zoology. Or would I just need a
Masters, and how much prior knowledge would I need. I suppose what I am
asking is what all you did to get into your field of work? Sorry once again
for taking you time. AND TA FOR THAR ‘ELP.
Gregg Robert Ashcroft
Lancashire, ENGLAND
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