LL-L "Members' news" 2009.04.19 (04) [E]
Lowlands-L List
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Sun Apr 19 14:57:15 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 19 April 2009 - Volume 04
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Members' news
Dear Lowlanders,
And there is news about another Lowlander today: our Arthur Jones.
Arthur's book *The Goths : Children of the Storm* hit the publication circle
a few days ago and should be available from various online outlets, such as
amazon.com, anytime now.
Please find out more here:
I have added links here:
I happen to know a lot about this book and can tell you that it is a very
interesting read, although it is difficult to categorize. Basically, it can
be said that it presents Gothic history from the perspective of the Goths
themselves. It does so in the form of poetry with interspersed historical
guided tours written in what approaches prose poetry. Historical detail is
found in copious appended notes. The poems are the "meat". They give Goths,
real and fictitious, real humanity. I describe them as "new songs for
ancient Gothic voices".
Congratulations, Arthur!
Seattle, USA
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