LL-L "Events" 2009.08.14 (02) [EN]
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Fri Aug 14 21:20:17 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 14 August 2009 - Volume 02
lowlands at lowlands-l.net - http://lowlands-l.net/
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: LL-L Events
For whom is interested in *migration from Continental Europe to the US*.
I got this open invitation from the Van Mieghem Museum in Antwerp.
Van Mieghem was a painter in the Antwerp harbor, and the subjects of his
work included emigrants taking the Red Star line.
There is a Van Mieghem Museum on the river Schelde left bank in Antwerp.
There will be a Red Star Line section in the new MAS museum, which is
actually being contructed on the site of the former large Hanze warehouse.
The invitation is quoted below.
The corresponding leaflet is temporarily stored at url:
Quote: We [The Museum] have the pleasure to inform you that:
1. *The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research New York,
*in association with the City of Antwerp, The Eugeen Van Mieghem Foundation
and the Antwerp World Diamond Centre,
cordially invites you to:
"One Foot in America, the Jewish Emigrants of the Red Star Line and Eugeen
Van Mieghem"
Book Launch & Exhibit, Reception sponsored by the Antwerp World Diamond
Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 7 PM
Scheduled Speakers: Philip Heylen, Vice Mayor of Antwerp and Erwin Joos,
*15 West 16th street, New York, NY 10010*
RSVP by August 31 to: yivorsvp at yivo.cjh.org
2. *The Kaiserman JCC, Golden slipper program*
*45, Haverford Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096*
cordially invites you to:
The Lecture "One Foot in America, the Jewish Emigrants of the Red Star Line
and Eugeen Van Mieghem"
by Erwin Joos, author and director of the Van Mieghem Museum & Foundation
Monday, September 14, 2009 at 10 AM
RSVP by September 10 to: goldenslipper at phillyjcc.com
3. *The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research New York,*
in association with the City of Antwerp, The Eugeen Van Mieghem Foundation
and the Antwerp World Diamond Centre,
Cordially invites you to the lecture and panel discussion:
"Shtetl on the high seas: the steamship companies and Jewish emigration from
Eastern Europe"
Featuring: Gur Alroey (University of Haifa), Frank Caestecker (University of
Ghent) and Moderator Hasia Diner (New York University)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 7 PM
RSVP by August 31 to: yivorsvp at yivo.cjh.org
4. If you want to be informed of new exhibits and lectures about the Jewish
Emigrants of the Red Star and Eugeen Van Mieghem (1875-1930) or if you want
an exhibit or lecture for your organization please inform the American
Friends of the Red Star Line: info at redstarline.org
"The Foundation recently encouraged the establishment of the American
Friends of the Red Star Line, a charitable organization in Philadelphia
whose mission is to inform a wide audience in the United States about the
work of Eugeen Van Mieghem and the significant immigration on the Red Star
Line, particularly from Antwerp to Philadelphia. The organization will
carry out its mission in cooperation with the Red Star Line Museum in
Antwerp, the Eugeen Van Mieghem Foundation and the Antwerp City Council."
info: www.redstarline.org
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