LL-L "History" 2009.08.120 (01) [EN]
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Thu Aug 20 14:58:16 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 20 August 2009 - Volume 01
lowlands at lowlands-l.net - http://lowlands-l.net/
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: LL-L History
I found a little book in Lille (FR) yesteday:
J. Desmulliez & L Milis, Histoire des Provinces françaises du Nord, de la
Préhistoire à l'an Mil, 1988, Westhoek Editions.
It has a short chapter on the coastal Saxons p 143-145.
Apparently there has been a pre-Hanze, controlled by Saxons.
The map on p. 169 gives as relevant trade towns:
London, Quentowic (in France), Dorestad, Hamburg, Haitabu and Birka in
On url:
a similar map gives additionally York and Kaupang
Quentovic remains a kind of mistery town of the Saxons.
The Dutch wikipedia locates it at Etaples:
The French wikipedia at La Calotterie
"En 2004, pour la première fois, des vestiges ont été localisés à La
Calotterie, entre Montreuil-sur-Mer et Le Touquet, au mont de Beck,
I made a little scan (an excerpt from roadmap 101 of the IGN, scale
When one follows the river La Canche from sea till inland one finds:
and close to Montreuil:
the hamlet Visemarets
the municipality La Calotterie
Montreuil is still called "Montreuil-sur-Mer" since the sea once reached up
to there.
I guess the land West of Montreuil is basically newland, gained from sea
after the Saxon period, so little or no Saxon toponomy.
It is not unusual that cities disappeared along the coast, often as a result
of major tsunami-like floods.
Did anybody ever hear from this old-Saxon ghost town "Quentovic"?
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