LL-L "Games" 2009.12.30 (02) [EN]
Lowlands-L List
lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM
Wed Dec 30 16:04:28 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 30 December 2009 - Volume 02
lowlands.list at gmail.com - http://lowlands-l.net/
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From: Tom Mc Rae <thomas.mcrae at bigpond.com>
Subject: LL-L "Games" 2009.12.29 (01) [EN]
Obviously not our design which was origami although we had never heard of
the word then.
A rectangle of paper was used one corner of which was folded over diagonally
then same repeated on other side.
This delineated a square with saltire grooving. The lower unfolded portion
was then folded up on itself, scored strongly and torn off,
this formed the basis of the tail. Next steps are tricky to describe in
words but no cutting or tearing was involved. A saltire was then formed on
one end of the tail, this was folded to a point and incorporated in the
pointed end of the main body which was then folded down to retain it.
All made from a single rectangle of paper.
On 30/12/2009, at 6:22 AM, Lowlands-L List wrote:
I made these planes too, but I wouldn't call them proper origami planes
as the two sheets of paper were different sizes and you did need to tear
the nose down the middle to ensure that the tail stayed in.
Best Regards
Tom Mc Rae
Brisbane Australia
An honest man's the noblest work of God (Robert Burns)
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