LL-L "Resources" 2009.07.02 (01) [EN]
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Thu Jul 2 16:18:14 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 02 July 2009 - Volume 01
lowlands at lowlands-l.net - http://lowlands-l.net/
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: Ll-L Resources
As (some) languages are dying out, they become subject of study in
historical magazines.
1 - Ãper Platt.
Eupen has the most Southern Lowlandic dialect (Still at the "maken" side,
Limburgish) of the maken/machen isogloss).
In "Geschichtliches Eupen", XLIII, 2009, Eupener Geschichts- und
Museumverein, published this week, we find a classical kitschy heimatpoem:
2 - Bargoens, Bourgondisch, Breils, Koeterwaalsch, Roodwaalsch ... of the
The *Teuten* were traveling salesmen from the village of Lommel and the area
around. Lommel is now in the North-East of Belgian Limburg, but it was
North-Brabantish before it was exchanged for the enclaved territory of
Luycksgestel. The landscape (sandy soil with low fertility) is called *
Kempen* (Campina in Latin).
The Teuten spoke a kind of slang, but that language died out in the
beginning of the 19th century.
In the historical magazine of Belgian Limburg "Limburg - Het Oudec Land van
Loon", Jaargang 87 / 2009, Nr. 4, 4de kwartaal 2009, published this week,
Paul Van Hauwermeiren makes an analysis of the little resource material
available. A lttle vocabulary is listed p. 367-271.
Here is a scan of the article:
change the page numbers and end with:
I leave these scans for a short time on my website. Copyrights may apply.
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