LL-L "Etymology" 2009.03.13 (02) [E]
Lowlands-L List
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Fri Mar 13 17:28:03 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 13 March 2009 - Volume 03
From: Roger Hondshoven <rhondshoven at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L "Phonology" 2009.03.01 (02) [E]
Hi Diederik,
I'm glad to be able to supply you with some information on the words used in
Eastern Brabantish (Getelands) for "itch". In all of the Getelands dialects
they say *uksel, *verb *ukselen. *These forms can be traced back to Middle
Dutch *jucken (next to *jocken, jeuken), (Old High German *jucchen*,
Anglo-Saxon *gycce, gycc(e)an. *The *j* was omitted. As you can see the
initial consonant was equally dropped in English. Note that in all of the
Getelands region (with the exception of Tiens and Hoegaardens, as far as I
know) the *h *is retained. Futher West in Brabant, the *h* is generally
dropped. I think we should see the development for *uksel *as follows. The
vowel u (sounding like in *mus, rups*) is clearly the product of umlaut.
Best regards,
Roger Hondshoven
Diest (East-Brabant) Belgium
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