LL-L "Language politics" 2009.05.09 (06) [EN]
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Sat May 9 19:32:49 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 09 May 2009 - Volume 06
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From: Marcus Buck <list at marcusbuck.org>
Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2009.05.09 (02) [E]
From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be <mailto:
roger.thijs at euro-support.be>>
> Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2009.05.04 (02) [EN-NL]
> For the latter part, I think Flemish politicians (in this case Erik Van
> Rompuy) risk to loose sympathy from the public because of their emotional
> approach of things. From the French side Christian Van Eycken was very cool,
> clear, reasonable, constructive.
It's easy to be cool and relaxed if you just have to maintain the status quo
to win. The French cannot loose anything. If the status quo is maintained,
French will win more ground. If the status is changed, the worst thing, that
could happen is that French will stop winning more ground. The French just
have to listen to the Flemish arguments, be friendly, nod and agree, and
then do nothing.
The same happens with Low Saxon. Activists demand action to safeguard the
further existance of the language. Then the authorities nod and agree,
emphasize the high value of the language and their willingness to support
the efforts of the activists. And then they do nothing. And if the activists
put pressure on them, they again nod and agree and perhaps they issue a new
directive that makes "recommendations" to "encourage" further actions. For
example, instead of issueing an order to create school instructions _in_ the
language, they recommend to the schools to take steps to encourage teachers
to discuss the language in school.
Just be friendly and vague. Time will solve the problem.
The Flemish are on the loosing side and don't have the time the French have.
That's what makes them more angry.
Marcus Buck
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