LL-L "History" 2009.11.08 (07) [EN]
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Mon Nov 9 07:16:51 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 08 November 2009- Volume 07
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From: Tom Mc Rae <thomas.mcrae at bigpond.com>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2009.11.08 (06) [EN]
On 09/11/2009, at 12:47 PM, Marcus Buck <list at marcusbuck.org>wrote:
Guy Fawkes was a man who gave his life in an attempt to revise the injustice
that was done to the Catholics by the Anglican rulers
Sure the Roman Catholics suffered some discrimination but not one single
Roman Catholic was burned at the stake from the time of Elizabeth to the
recent accession of King James of Scotland and that any executions of Romans
in Elizabeth's reign were in connection with plots to assassinate her by
Jesuits and their followers.
Marcus you conveniently overlook the hard fact that well over a hundred
innocent Protestants were burned alive during the reign of the abominable
Mary Tudor. Elizabeth was much more tolerant of Roman Catholics than her
predecessor had been on Protestants. Same oppressive conduct took place in
Scotland under the Regency of Marie de Guise where unfortunates such as
Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart suffered this awful fate.
Prior to Elizabeth Henry VIII had to put down a rebellion in the North "The
Pilgrimage of Faith" which attempted to restore Roman Catholicism in
I defy you to name a single plot or act of terrorism from the Protestant
side during the reign of Bloody Mary.
What would have been Guy Fawkes' alternative?
He and the other members of the well organised Plot had the alternative of
loyally serving their lawful king James 1st.
There would have been no Gunpowder Plot if there would have been equality of
religion in England in 1605.
OK then what equality was there under the ghastly Mary Tudor ? James 2nd was
subsequently overthrown for attempting to re-impose Roman Catholicism on
England and Scotland and restoring The Divine Right of Kings over
It's takes much harassment until the harassed person resorts to "terror"
English Protestants took no such actions during Mary's tyrannical
Scots Protestants on the other hand rose up in rebellion against de Guise
and Cardinal David Beaton after Wishart ind Hamilton were burned alive.
Beaton watched Hamilton's murder from a window in his palace before going in
to baptise the his bastard daughter by his main mistress. They won in the
end thank God. Roman Catholics now seek to canonise Beaton a murderer,
fornicator, and murderer.
I do concede that Irish Roman Catholics were justified in their several
rebellions due to the extreme persecution they suffered for centuries.
Without Collins' organised terrorism Ireland would probably still remain
British yet the creator of The Free State was himself murdered by terrorists
of his own Faith. Collins devoted his attacks to military and police
targets the IRA hit British civilian populations.
Tom Mc Rae
thomas.mcrae at bigpond.com
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