LL-L "Gender" 2009.10.27 (05) [EN]
Lowlands-L List
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Wed Oct 28 02:16:17 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 27 October 2009 - Volume 05
lowlands at lowlands-l.net - http://lowlands-l.net/
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From: Tom Mc Rae <thomas.mcrae at bigpond.com>
Subject: LL-L "Gender" 2009.10.27 (04) [EN]
On 28/10/2009, at 5:37 AM, Ron wrote:
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2009.10.27 (02) [EN]
Ron writes: If gender *is* important in a given context, it can be explained
by other means. English speakers can relate to this no doubt. Of course,
gender marking of words for human beings are still floating around but are
on their way out in English (e.g. "waitress" vs "waiter", "headmistress" vs
"headmaster"), though some of them will probably remain for some time to
come at least (e.g. "queen" vs "king").
In Scotland in many business the lady who handled accounts correspondence
and generally kept things
going was seldom known by the well deserved title of Secretary. Instead she
was the Clerkess and this title even appeared in job adverts. On public
transport ladies dispensing tickets were conductresses. Pure Male chavinism
Even worse a lady following Judaism was known as a Jewess yet we never heard
of any Protestantesses
or Catholicesses.
Tom Mc Rae
"Oh wad some power the Giftie gie us,
Tae see oorsels as ithers see us
Robert Burns
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