LL-L "Language varieties" 2010.04.16 (03) [EN]
Lowlands-L List
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Fri Apr 16 19:47:55 UTC 2010
L O W L A N D S - L - 16 April 2010 - Volume 03
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties"
Immigrants have also to do with language varieties in our Lowland areas.
The Belang van Limburg of today deals with communivcation issues in Dutch
between Turkish people from Belgian Limburg and their family in Rotterdam. I
scanned the article and it is for a brief while at url:
This regional adaptation is not limited to language issues. Also the
political views concerning the Flemish Walloons battles are aligned with the
area where these people live.
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