LL-L "Language politics" 2010.08.06 (05) [EN]
Lowlands-L List
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Fri Aug 6 20:18:16 UTC 2010
*L O W L A N D S - L - 06 August 2010 - Volume 05
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From: Henry Pijffers <henry.pijffers at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2010.08.06 (04) [EN]
Anja Meyfarth skreev:
> Oh yes, the opinion was that people who spoke Low Saxon never would learn
> proper High German. My mother was born 1934 in Hanover. She still says s-t
> and s-p (sie s-tolpert über s-pitze S-teine) and so did my brothers when
> they came into school. There both of them were told that that was NOT the
> right prononciation and they were forced to say scht and schp (sie
> schtolpern über schpitze Schteine).
Where I live (Twente, Netherlands) it goes even further. We weren't
only taught that it's wrong to say "skool" (school) and "skaap"
(sheep) in Dutch, but it was wrong also in Saxon! We should say
"schole" and "schaop", not "skole" and "skaop". Using "sk" is a speech
disorder we are told.
good gaon,
From: Michael Everson <everson at evertype.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2010.08.06 (04) [EN]
On 6 Aug 2010, at 19:33, Lowlands-L List wrote:
> She still says s-t and s-p (sie s-tolpert über s-pitze S-teine)
I didn't follow this. Does she say ßt and ßp or scht and schp?
Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/
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