LL-L "Language varieties" 2010.08.10 (06) [EN]
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Wed Aug 11 02:07:27 UTC 2010
*L O W L A N D S - L - 10 August 2010 - Volume 06
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From: Hellinckx Luc <luc.hellinckx at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties"
Beste Ron,
You wrote:
Do you think there is a possibility of Western Flemish and Zealandic being
influenced by Saxon? There has been talk of Saxons, who began haunting the
Continental and British North Sea coasts well before settling in Britain,
settled on the coasts of what are now Belgium and adjacent parts of the
Southern Netherlands and Northern France.
I have no doubt about that. I can even tell it from the faces of locals.
When I was riding through Lower Saxony two weeks ago, it truly struck me to
see those same faces again and again that I'm familiar with in Western
Flanders. Even the same stature I would say. The Dutch are taller than most
other people surrounding them, maybe that's due to Frisian influence, but
the Saxons and Western Flemish seem to have the same build.
Passing through Quickborn, Dithmarschen, I even had to think of our Flemish
politician Vincent Van Quickenborne...go figure ;=)
Talking of facial features, the Frisians may be named after their supposedly
curly hair (~ to frizzle (E)). Curly blond hair is something I tend to
associate with our coastal regions and curly black hair with the
Mediterranean coast...just wonder where they got that curly hair from?
Kind greetings,
Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium
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