LL-L "Morphology" 2010.02.21 (02) [EN-NDS]
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Sun Feb 21 17:59:44 UTC 2010
L O W L A N D S - L - 21 February 2010 - Volume 02
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From: Joachim <Osnabryg+Lowlands at googlemail.com<Osnabryg%2BLowlands at googlemail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2010.02.20 (01) [EN, NDS]
Am 19.02.2010, 18:39 hadde ik, Joachim, scriewen:
Man in den annern fal, wår du, Marcus, van *partisip perfekt* kürs, hes du
minner recht. De vorsilbe *gi-, later ge-, later (deylwiis, ås auk in
westfœlsk, e-) is 'ne Ault-Sasseske fuorm:*
*giworfan, gisprokan*
Sorry, with "giworfan" I had come unawares into the OHighG line. For OLowG
and Old Saxon it should (and must) of course read:
*giworpan* from *werpan* (EN to warp, throw), *ik warp* (EN I warped) - *wi
wurpan* (EN we warped), ppp: *giworpan* (EN warped)
In MLowG/MLowSaxon the same verb had been inflected:
*werpen, (ik) warp - (wi) worpan, ppp: geworpen*
So I'm still of the opinion, that - notwithstanding the later neclect,
shortening or loss of the *ge-* prefix in many follow-up vernaculars or
patois on "Saxon" territories - the *ge- prefix is inherited both from OHiG
**and** Old/Middle Saxon. *And the criterion of it's use in regional
varieties or not within the LowGerman-Dutch-Dialect continuum is not really
suitable to draw separation lines between "Saxon" and "Not Saxon". It
wouldn't be a deviation from the Saxon or Low Germanic character of the
language tradition, if it is used in regional "Saxon" Plat nowadays, though
I don't regard it as necessary or preferable.
Met echt-westfœlsken »Goutgaun!«
Kreimer-de Fries
Osnabrügge (a place where Widukint is still alive) => Berlin-Pankow
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