LL-L "Language education" 2010.07.06 (01) [EN]
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Tue Jul 6 18:39:50 UTC 2010
*L O W L A N D S - L - 06 July 2010 - Volume 01*
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From: Obiter Dictum <obiterdictum at mail.ru>
Subject: LL-L "Language education" 2010.07.05 (04) [EN]
Marsha wrote:
> Being involved asa volunteer in anti-human trafficking activities, I have
to say this proposalto exchange/host kids without the official sanction of
some organization thatvets everyone on both ends, makes me very nervous. If
any of you decideto do this, please be very very careful.
Thanks Marsha.
Hmm. I never thought of that side. (Ron, I got your 'legal' point now. You
should have been blunter. Guessing is not my strongest suit.)
Of course I meant long-standing relations that have been existing for years
and mostly behind the scenes, like, say, mine with Ron and Mark Dreyer
(easy, Mandefu--I am not sending yet anyone your way :)).
And of course I never suggested saddling Ron with this.
I have a dream (c) MLKJ.
Vlad Lee
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language education
Hey, Vlad!
I agree that Marsha made a good and timely point.
Also, I was fully aware that you didn‘t think of that angle and that you
weren‘t implying it was to be my job.
Yes, I should have been more blunt.
Of course I meant long-standing relations that have been existing for years
and mostly behind the scenes, like, say, mine with Ron and Mark Dreyer
(easy, Mandefu--I am not sending yet anyone your way :)).
My relationship with a guy called *Vlad*, with a certain college-day
nickname?! Puh-leaze!
How‘s that for blunt? ;-)
There's nothing wrong with dreaming. In fact, were would we be without it?
Seattle, USA
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