LL-L "Resources" 2010.06.28 (01) [EN]
Lowlands-L List
lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jun 28 16:44:18 UTC 2010
*L O W L A N D S - L - 28 June 2010 - Volume 01
*lowlands.list at gmail.com - http://lowlands-l.net/
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From: Ben J. Bloomgren <ben.j.bloomgren at gmail.com>
Subject: [lll] twitter
A while back I'd written the list in my crappy German to ask whether this
community has a Twitter account. Unless I've totally birded out and failed
to check my email, yet again..., I haven't gotten a response back. I know
that there's a twitter account at @lowlands, but it doesn't seem to be
related to Lowlands-l.
From: From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Resources
Hi, Ben!
As far as I remember, we discussed the issue. Maybe you didn't read the
thread because I didn't use your proposed topic "twitter".
I said that I didn’t understand the benefits of Twitter, certainly not in
this case. Sandy did some research and explained tagging. I said I’d give it
a try with my own account first. So far I really don’t see any real benefit,
just a bunch of small bits flying around all over the place, most of which
is of no relevance or importance to me.
So I still don’t quite get the point and don't see a real benefit for
Lowlands-L, and it seems like just a bunch more work.
I'm still keeping an open mind to persuasive arguments, though.
Thanks for being on the case.
Seattle, USA
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