LL-L "Names" 2010.03.18 (08) [EN]
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Thu Mar 18 21:46:12 UTC 2010
*L O W L A N D S - L - 18 March 2010 - Volume 08*
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From: Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2010.03.18 (02) [EN]
Dear John:
Subject: LL-L "Names"
You say:
Well, people from Shetland are not normally referred to as 'Shelties'.
Well, I beg to differ with you there, but times change, & usages too. My
sources may be two generations or so your elders. You talk
about merchant ships - well, when once all trade & transport abroad went by
sea, the sea was the Shelties' natural habitat. I have heard a couple of
your Shelties of the older persuasion note that once there were more
Shelties standing on water than there stood on land. & they manned the
vessels of ship-owners & masters of all the nations of the North Sea. One
was glad to take their articles. You could rely on them.
Well I shall go back to Sheltie, until you come up with an alternative you
are willing to name. So also your Sheltie tongue Yours is not a dainty
people. Do not be dainty about your speech. & nor should you shyly withold
input as a mere expatriate. Even today there are more Shelties off the
Islands than there are on them. Am I telling you something you don't know? I
wish you could understand Jaqueline's letter on the poem by Neeltje Maria
Min, there's marrow in that...
You object that the adjectives associated with Scotland are very
complicated! Conceded: I don't propose to simplify them. There is enough
Scot in me & in my race to cherish even the complixities, do you have a
problem with that?
Ja; well: Bob he may be, but nobody calls him so. Our Tait answers to his
surname, even to his family, even to his wife. Only we pronounce it 'Tuit'
which means spout. It is a jocular term for a baby boy, as opposed to the
other sort, & implies smallmess. Tait is BIG. Nothing feminine about him
either, nor particularly dour.
Wishing you the same,
I remain
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