LL-L "Language varieties" 2010.05.02 (01) [EN]
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Mon May 3 04:49:52 UTC 2010
L O W L A N D S - L - 01 May 2010 - Volume 01
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From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language varieties
Dear Lowlanders,
For those of you that are interested in Appalachian (English), here are some
video presentations dedicated to these language varieties:
And for those of you interested in the Tsalagi (Cherokee) language spoken in
roughly the same area (North Carolina), here is a nice video presentation
about that:
(NB: This is a Tsalagi community in its old homeland. a group that escaped
forced relocation ("The Trail of Tears"), unlike other Cherokees and other
indigenous nations to the then Oklahoma Territories.)
Seattle, USA
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