LL-L "History" 2010.05.09 (01) [EN]
Lowlands-L List
lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM
Sun May 9 19:01:44 UTC 2010
L O W L A N D S - L - 09 May 2010 - Volume 01
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From: Pat <pat at caerlas.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2010.05.06 (02) [EN]
On 06/05/2010 23:51, Lowlands-L List wrote:
From: Tomás Ó Cárthaigh <tomasocarthaigh at yahoo.com>
Subject: Hatred in the Heart of Olde England
Hatred in the Heart of Old England*
Hi Tomás - could you post the link to the Daily Mail article - looking for
racism there is like looking for salt in the ocean ...
On a more positive note - everyone is welcome to a day celebrating 500 years
of Gypsy culture on June 20th:
Pat [Reynolds]
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