LL-L "How do you say ..."" 2010.10.16 (04) [EN]
Lowlands-L List
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Sun Oct 17 01:01:15 UTC 2010
L O W L A N D S - L - 16 October 2010 - Volume 03
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From: Obiter Dictum <obiterdictum at mail.ru>
Subject: How do you say ...?
Hallo Lowlanders.
My question to the Dutch speakers.
Someone I would like to help is translating something from Dutch to
Afrikaans. She stumbled over the following words she cannot find equivalents
Could you help out, please?
The list is this (no context, unfortunately):
UZ =
keigezellig =
duk =
logopediste = speech therapist?
moh = mohamed(dan)? Immigrant from the Middle East/North Africa?
supertof =
eurolanden = EU countries? Countries using the euro?
bwa =
bollekes =
toek =
trucjes =
zoudt =
ginter =
joeh =
[Vladislav Lee]
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