LL-L "Names" 2011.06.30 (03) [EN]
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From: M.-L. Lessing marless at gmx.de
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2011.06.30 (02) [EN-NL]
??? In Germany as ü? This surprises me. "Thies" is a very common family name
in northern germany. I would have pronounced "Thijes" somewhat like it. Am I
very wrong?
From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at euro-support.be
Subject: LL-L Names
The ij is pronounced differtently:
In Belgium & the Netherlands: e+i (e of bell)
In the UK/USA: a+i (a of ball)
In Wallonia & France: ii (i of give)
In Germany as ü
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Names
Roger, Lowlanders,
I kind of go along with what Marlou writes above, although I would pronounce
Thies, which is also spelled Thieß in Germany, [tʰiːs].
I have never encountered the spelling Thys in Germany. If it *is* used, I
expect the older pronunciation to have been [tiːs] and more recently (under
Classicistic influence) have become [tʰyːs].
I have come across the surname Thyssen ("son of Thys") several times and it
was pronounced [ˈtʰyːsən] or [ˈtʰʏsən]. Originally it must have been
*[ˈtʰiːsə(n)]. (It's related to English Matthews, Danish Madsen, Swedish
Mattson, etc.)
Middle Saxon and Early Modern Low Saxon have Matties [ˈmatis] and Mattis
[ˈmatɪs] for Matthew (< Latin *Matthæus, Matthias* < Greek Ματθαῖος *
Matthaɪ̃os* < Hebrew מתתיהו *Matiθyahu*). As far as I know, this did not
come to be reduced to the second syllable since stress is on the first
syllable. It did come to be reduced to Matt, however, and in extension to
familiar Matten (as in "Matten Has'" - http:/lowlands-l.net/groth/matten.php
Matthies [ˈmat(ʰ)is] is a fairly common surname in Northern Germany.
Seattle, USA
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