From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 1 22:31:46 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 15:31:46 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Administrativia" 2011.11.01 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 01 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Administrativia [Please do read this, especially if you are new on board!] Dear Lowlanders, Welcome to Lowlands-L in November of 2011! First of all, welcome to those of you that joined us since the beginning of October 2011! *India* (भारत, ভারত, ભારત, ਭਾਰਤ, ಭಾರತ, ഇന്ത്യ, ଭାରତ, भारतम्, இந்தியா, భారత, بھارت): Punjab (ਪੰਜਾਬ): Rajpura (ਰਾਜਪੂਰਾ) [1] *Netherlands* (Nederland, Nederlaand, Nederlân)*:* Gelderland: Wezep [1] Northern Holland (Noord-Holland): Amsterdam [1] Southern Holland (Zuid-Holland): Valkenburg [1] *United Kingdom*: England: Derbyshire: Derby [1] *United States of America*: District of Columbia: Washington [1] *SPECIAL LIST BUSINESS* *Subject headers* Some of you are still not following the subject header rule (see *Do not mix topics* under Rules below). Here in brief: - *Only one topic per message* - *In responding to an earlier posting, please use the subject line that already exists for a given thread. Do not change or "tweak" it, not the date and language labels either!* - *Only if you start a thread may you suggest your own subject header, but do not insist on your subject header if I change it.* *List Mail v Private Mail* Folks, please make sure that you send private messages to me to my private address (sassisch at, especially if they could be taken as responses to what has been said in the forum. If you do not make this distinction it could happen that your private message ends up posted to the List. For administrative purposes, it's best if you use lowlands.list at *Rejected Mail* Once in a while subscribers tell me that they receive List mail but that their posting submissions keep being rejected. In most cases, when I investigate this it turns out that a given subscriber has List mail forwarded from his or her subscribed e-mail address to another e-mail address, and, forgetting this, they try to send posting submissions from the address at which they read the mail. The list server rejects mail from that address because it is not subscribed. Also, some people try to unsubscribe or change their subscription configurations from addresses that are not subscribed. The simple solution is to address the list server only from the subscribed e-mail address. *Language Codes* In the subject line of each Lowlands-L issue you find language codes in square brackets ([ ]). This indicates which language or languages are used in that issue. I now use the ISO codes where available (and make up the rest). I used to provide the key for the abbreviations in the masthead, but that made for overly large mastheads. Instead, the masthead now contains the URL of the page of the key: You do not need to indicate the language varieties of you posting proposals. In the rare event of me not knowing it I will ask you. *Projects* Please don't forget about our activities: Anniversary ( Gallery ( Travels ( History ( Traditions ( Crypt ( Beyond the Pale ( Members' Resources ( Resource guide ( Shop ( All of them have growing numbers of visitors. If you have anything in mind for any of those presentations but lack confidence for some reason or other, please bear in mind that assistance is available. Please write to my private address or to our administrative address (see above) to propose or ask and also to send your works. If you want to order books, CDs, DVDs, or pretty much anything else from Amazon (in the US even groceries!) you might as well do so via our Lowlands-L shops (so far in Canada, Germany, France, Japan, UK and USA - ( which have constantly changing Lowlands-related selections. We (i.e. Lowlands-L) get a small percentage of Amazon sales if you enter Amazon through these portals. Believe me: it hardly pays a tiny fraction of the money I pay out of my own pocket to bringing Lowlands-L to you, and I am not even counting the hours of work I put into it. *REGULAR LIST BUSINESS* *Rules* A few of you are still making three basic mistakes when submitting postings. So here's a quick review: *Do not mix topics. *Many of you are still not following this rule. (Please see my note at the top.) Stay with the subject line (and don't add stuff to it) when you respond. It is only when you start a new thread that you may suggest a subject line. When you respond to someone's posting, please only quote the relevant portion. If you allow an entire issue to dangle as a quote behind your response I will remove it, even if your response does not make much sense then. Please consult the rules and guidelines: Another request: Please inform me if you route LL-L issues to or via email addresses other than those you subscribed. Right now, once again I am getting failure reports concerning email addresses that are not subscribed. This is really annoying, because I have no idea whose they are, so I can't do anything about it. *Membership* As most of you know in the meantime, our email addresses are visible only to subscribers. I hope this will encourage more of you to come forward and participate in our discussions. We send the postings in Unicode (UTF-8) format. You need to switch your view mode to it if you want to see all "special" characters. You must always give us your name, given name and family name. If you forward Lowlands-L mail to another (alias) account, please give us the address of that account. We need to identify it so we can do something in case we get error messages from that server. If you wish to leave ("unsubscribe" from) Lowlands-L, please follow the appropriate steps as described below. DO NOT mark Lowlands-L mail as SPAM. If you take this unethical action, it may detrimentally affect the entire list and its subscribers, as well as LINGUIST, our server hosts. Besides, we will be able to tell that it was you that did it and we will consider reporting you. SO DON'T! You must credit the writers of anything you quote. "Lowlands-L wrote:" simply won't do. Several of you are still not getting and doing this. Please continue already existing subject headers (rather than making up your own for the same thing). If you do begin a new topic, please make sure "Lowlands-L" or "LL-L" is in the subject line as well. DO NOT SEND POSTING SUBMISSIONS IN CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. Many beginners, but also a few older hands, forget to provide their names with their posting submission. Please remember that anonymous posting is not an option, that you are obligated to give your given and family name, even if you do not put them right next to each other. Even some people who have been with us for a while persistently ignore the following rules: Keep subjects separate: Only one topic per posting! Don't mix things up, please! Stick to the subject title: Do not change the topic name in your responses. Just stick with the one we have, even if you think it doesn't apply or is silly. I will change it if I think it needs to be. *Edit quotes:* If you hit the "reply" button and simply write your response before or after an unedited, complete quoted LL-L issue, please do not complain to me that I have removed the quoted text in the published version. It is proper email behavior to quote only the portions that are relevant to your response. *Give credit:* Let us know who the authors of quoted text portions are. If you just hit the "reply" button, it will automatically give "Lowlands-L" as the author. That simply will not do. You must be more specific, and you owe authors the courtesy of crediting them by name. *Sign off:* If you feel like leaving the List, please do not send the sign-off command to the posting address or to my personal address. *Change of Address* You do no longer need to sign off and on again if your email address changes. It suffices if you send me (sassisch at a message giving us the old address and the new address. If you don't remember under which address you were first subscribed, it will suffice if you give us only the new address and your name. *Temporary Absence* - Before you take a trip or for some other reason need to stop LL-L mail arriving for a given length of time, please write to us ( lowlands.list at to let us know the date you want mail to be stopped and the date you want mail to be resumed. As some of our members can attest, this has been working really well. It certainly beats the old, crude method of signing off and on again. - Once in a while people find themselves unsubscribed without notice. Some of them immediately suspect the worst: that I have "booted them out" for some infraction or other. (I know this for sure only about those that contact me. But it happens again and again and involves even the nicest, best-behaved people.) Please do not jump to this conclusion unless you have received prior reprimands and warnings (which happen very rarely, have not happened at all for well over two years). If you find yourself disconnected from Lowlands-L, the reason is most likely that the automated server has unsubscribed your address because of repeated "bouncing," i.e., because your mail servers keep informing the list server that you cannot be reached or is filled above quota. Most of the time this is due to temporary disconnection. - Sometimes the reason is that a subscriber's junk mail filter (or "spam" filter) has not been "told" to exempt Lowlands-L mail, which is why our mailings do not arrive in your in-boxes. - So, if Lowlands-L mail stops coming, please first check your "spam" filters and adjust them if necessary, and only contact me about the problem if all of the above fails. - Should you indeed be disconnected, please write to me or resubmit an application. I'll be more than happy to bring you swiftly back to the fold. Again, dear Lowlanders, thanks for your support and cooperation and for all those interesting contributions past and future! Regards, Reinhard "Ron" F. Hahn Co-Founder & Chief Editor Lowlands-L ( sassisch at ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 1 22:34:32 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 15:34:32 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2011.11.01 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 01 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at Subject: LL-L Endangered Languages There are quite some endangered languages in the US. One of these is “Missouri French”: *Missouri is home to an endangered dialect of the French language known as Missouri French. Speakers of the dialect, who call themselves Creoles, are descendants of the French pioneers who settled the area then known as the Illinois Country beginning in the late 17th century. It developed in isolation from French speakers in Canada and Louisiana, becoming quite distinct from the varieties of Canadian French and Louisiana Creole French. Once widely spoken throughout the area, Missouri French is now nearly extinct, with only a few elderly speakers able to use it*. pasted from: I’m on a project in St Louis Mo and I will be over there most of my time in the period Dec 2011– May 2012. So I’m interested whether somebody has any clues how to contact speakers of Missouri French. Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Nov 7 00:56:46 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2011 16:56:46 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Holidays" 2011.11.06 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 06 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder Subject: LL-L "Administrativia" 2011.11.01 (01) [EN] I wish everyone a good Offering Feast; Je souhais une bonne Fête de Tabaski à tout le monde; 'Id el Adha mubarak! Ingmar ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Holidays Thanks, Ingmar. Christian All Saints Day and varieties of the Day of the Dead, as well as the "Pagan," "Celtic" and Jewish High Holy Days recently behind us, I'm joining Ingmar in sending best wishes to our Muslim members and their loved ones for a wonderful عيد الأضحى (‘Īd al-’Aḍḥá, Festival of Sacrifice). This holiday commemorates the willingness of Abraham (אַבְרָהָם *ʼAḇrāhām*, إبراهيم‎ *ʾIbrāhīm*) to sacrifice his son. Because of this, this festival is celebrated widely throughout the Islamic world under various names referring to "sacrifice" (*qorbân* etc.). Regards and Love, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Nov 7 01:02:45 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2011 17:02:45 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Administrativia" 2011.11.06 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 06 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Paul Finlow-Bates Subject: LL-L "Administrativia" 2011.11.01 (01) [EN] Another member from Derby! Two of us! Paul Derby England From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Administrativia [Please do read this, especially if you are new on board!] Dear Lowlanders, Welcome to Lowlands-L in November of 2011! First of all, welcome to those of you that joined us since the beginning of October 2011! *India* (भारत, ভারত, ભારત, ਭਾਰਤ, ಭಾರತ, ഇന്ത്യ, ଭାରତ, भारतम्, இந்தியா, భారత, بھارت): Punjab (ਪੰਜਾਬ): Rajpura (ਰਾਜਪੂਰਾ) [1] *Netherlands* (Nederland, Nederlaand, Nederlân)*:* Gelderland: Wezep [1] Northern Holland (Noord-Holland): Amsterdam [1] Southern Holland (Zuid-Holland): Valkenburg [1] *United Kingdom*: England: Derbyshire: Derby [1] *United States of America*: District of Columbia: Washington [1] ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Nov 7 23:25:51 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 15:25:51 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.07 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 07 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder Subject: LL-L "Holidays" 2011.11.06 (01) [EN] I wish everyone a good Offering Feast; Je souhais une bonne Fête de Tabaski à tout le monde; 'Id el Adha mubarak! Ingmar Thanks, Ron. I called it incorrectly "Offering Feast" instead of Sacrifice Festival, because of the Dutch name "Offerfeest", compare German "Opferfest". Btw I wonder why German has -pf- instead of -ff- in this word, it seems to be a hypercorrection to me, because the original Latin verb is "offere" to offer. Or was the German word influenced by Latin operari, to work, which may have given a p => pf in German ? Ingmar From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Holidays Thanks, Ingmar. Christian All Saints Day and varieties of the Day of the Dead, as well as the "Pagan," "Celtic" and Jewish High Holy Days recently behind us, I'm joining Ingmar in sending best wishes to our Muslim members and their loved ones for a wonderful عيد الأضحى (‘Īd al-’Aḍḥá, Festival of Sacrifice). This holiday commemorates the willingness of Abraham (אַבְרָהָם ʼAḇrāhām, إبراهيم‎ ʾIbrāhīm) to sacrifice his son. Because of this, this festival is celebrated widely throughout the Islamic world under various names referring to "sacrifice" (qorbân etc.). Regards and Love, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz hannehinz at Subject: Etymology Hallo all' Lowlanners! Ick will hapen, dat all' Mitmakers gaud tauwäg sünd (gesund). Mi is upfollen, dat för poor Daag i'n Radio in ein'n "hochdüütschen" Bidrag dat Wuurd 'Mumpitz' snackt wüür. Ick kenn Mumpitz man blot as ein nedderdüütschet Wuurd. So heff ick nahkäken bi Wossidlo/Teuchert: *Mumpitz *m. Unsinn, Dummheit (Hagenow/Belsch) WOLF 3723 [Wolf Siegmund, A. Wolf, Wörterbuch des Rotwelschen (Deutsche Gaunersprache). Mannheim 1956. Zit. nach Artikelnummern. - Zig.: Großes Wörterbuch der Zigeunersprache. Mannheim 1960. Zit. nach Artikelnummern.] Ja un in'n DUDEN 7 Etymologie der deutschen Sprache künn ick dit Wuurt ok läsen: Der seit der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jh.s gebräuchliche Ausdruck *Mumpitz **ugs. *für "Unsinn, Schwindel" stammt aus dem Berliner Börsenjargon. Wie älteres 'Mummelputz' "Vogelscheuche" (17. Jh.) und *hess. *Mombotz "Schreckgestalt" bedeutet auch das Wort 'Mumpitz' eigentlich "[vermummte] Schreckgestalt, Schreckgespenst" (vgl. *putzig*)*. *Im Börsenjargon bezeichnete es zunächst ein erschreckendes oder schwindelhaftes Gerede. Hm, wat weit' ji denn womoeglich, woans dat noch heiten künn. Hartlich Gräuten. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 8 17:27:51 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 09:27:51 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.08 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 08 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: list at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.07 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder > > Subject: LL-L "Holidays" 2011.11.06 (01) [EN] > > I wish everyone a good Offering Feast; Je souhais une bonne Fête de Tabaski > à tout le monde; 'Id el Adha mubarak! > Ingmar > > Thanks, Ron. I called it incorrectly "Offering Feast" instead of Sacrifice > Festival, because of the Dutch name "Offerfeest", compare German > "Opferfest". Btw I wonder why German has -pf- instead of -ff- in this word, > it seems to be a hypercorrection to me, because the original Latin verb is > "offere" to offer. Or was the German word influenced by Latin operari, to > work, which may have given a p => pf in German ? > Ingmar > Indeed. This also reflects in the old terms for sacristan (in German "Küster", Low Saxon "Köster") which in Middle Low Saxon times was called "Offermann" or "Oppermann" in some regions. This also became a surname. The North Low Saxon region preferred "Offermann" and the Eastfalian region preferred "Oppermann". It's indeed from the words "offere"/"operari". (See e.g. ) Marcus Buck ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 9 03:31:05 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 19:31:05 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.08 (02) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 08 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.08 (01) [EN] So as ümmer "Hallo leiw' Lowlanners". *opfern: *Das aus der Kirchensprache stammende Verb mhd. opfern, ahd. opharōn (ursprünglich "etwas Gott als Opfergabe darbringen") ist entlehnt aus* lat.-kirchenlat*. operari "werktätig sein, arbeiten; einer religiösen Handlung obliegen, der Gottheit durch Opfer dienen; Almosen geben. Über weitere etymologische Zusammenhänge vgl. operieren. - Eine alte Rückbildung aus dem Verb 'opfern' ist das Substantiv *Opfer *(mhd. opfer, ahd. opfar). Lit.: DUDEN 7 *Küster: *"Kirchendiener": Die nhd. Form des Wortes geht über mhd. kuster auf ahd. kustor zurück, das aus mlat. custor "Hüter (des Kirchenschatzes); Kirchenpfleger" entlehnt ist. Dies gehört zu lat. custos "Wächter, Aufseher. Hüter usw." Lit.: DUDEN 7 *Köster *m. Küster: 'de Köste' (Rostock 1676) Sachliches: dei Köster ist seit den Zeiten der Reformation zunächst der Gehilfe des Pfarrherrn, des *Preisters* oder *Pasters*, bei dessen sämtlichen Amtshandlungen, zu denen er diesen stets abzuholen hat; vgl. Ord. d. Misse von 1545, deren erster Abschnitt beginnt: 'wo sick de Kerckheren unde Kosters up den Doorpen des Sonnavednes, ock alle andere hillige Avende holden schooelen'; jeden Wochentag hat der Küster dreimal dei *Bäad'klock* tau stöten, sonntags den Gottesdienst einzuläuten, in der Kirche die Gesangsnummern anzustecken und die Gemeindelieder anzustimmen, mancherorts auch den *Kling'büdel* herumzureichen. *Offer* n. a. Spr. Opfer, Gabe der Gläubigen für die Gottheit. Die Wortform *Offer *zum Verb *offern* aus lat. *offerre* ist dem Nd. über das Mittel- und Niederrheingebiet aus der galloromanischen Kirchensprache zugeflossen. Im mod. Nd. tritt sie hinter hd. Opfer, opfern stark zurück. Auffällig ist ein Beleg für *Opper* 'Oek ensal de brůdir eder prister . . . tů nenerleye opper grypen, dt dar velle edder vellich were' (Wismar/Temzin 1395); das im As. altsächsisch) neben Offar bezeugte Opper aus lat. opera, operari, ein früh von der süddeutschen Kirchensprache ins Nd. ausstrahlendes Lehnwort, das auf hd. Gebiet mit Lautverschiebung *Opfer *ergab FRINGS Germ. Rom 112* *Theodor Frings; Germ. Rom: Germania Romana. Teuth. Beiheft 4. Mittldeutsche Studien, Heft 2. Halle 1932. Grundl.: Grundlegung einer Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. 3. Aufl. Halle 1957. *offern, *mod. meist durch das hd. Wort ersetzt, opfern; refl.: sich zum Opfer bringen: 'wil ick (Christus) my sůlvest vor de suende offeren' Ord. d. Misse; ein Opfer, häufig Geldopfer bringen. Zss.: nahoffern; hen-, veropfern. - Mnd. offeren. Lit.: Wossidlo/Teuchert (Auszüge/Abschnitte) Nu is dat doch mihr worden, as ick dacht' heff. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sun Nov 13 22:41:43 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:41:43 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.13 (01) [DE-NDS-NL] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 13 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Luc Vanbrabant lucv32 at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.08 (02) [DE-NDS] Dag, De priesters (pasters) hebben in Vlaanderen een 'koster'. Voor de orde in de kerk bestaan hier en daar nog 'kerkbaljuws'. Vroeger was dit algemener. Zo'n kerkbaljuw werd in de volksmond 'suisse' genaamd omdat ze deden denken aan de Zwitserse garde van de paus. Vriendelijke groeten, Luc Vanbrabant Oekene From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.08 (01) [EN] So as ümmer "Hallo leiw' Lowlanners". *opfern: *Das aus der Kirchensprache stammende Verb mhd. opfern, ahd. opharōn (ursprünglich "etwas Gott als Opfergabe darbringen") ist entlehnt aus* lat.-kirchenlat*. operari "werktätig sein, arbeiten; einer religiösen Handlung obliegen, der Gottheit durch Opfer dienen; Almosen geben. Über weitere etymologische Zusammenhänge vgl. operieren. - Eine alte Rückbildung aus dem Verb 'opfern' ist das Substantiv *Opfer *(mhd. opfer, ahd. opfar). Lit.: DUDEN 7 *Küster: *"Kirchendiener": Die nhd. Form des Wortes geht über mhd. kuster auf ahd. kustor zurück, das aus mlat. custor "Hüter (des Kirchenschatzes); Kirchenpfleger" entlehnt ist. Dies gehört zu lat. custos "Wächter, Aufseher. Hüter usw." Lit.: DUDEN 7 *Köster *m. Küster: 'de Köste' (Rostock 1676) Sachliches: dei Köster ist seit den Zeiten der Reformation zunächst der Gehilfe des Pfarrherrn, des *Preisters* oder *Pasters*, bei dessen sämtlichen Amtshandlungen, zu denen er diesen stets abzuholen hat; vgl. Ord. d. Misse von 1545, deren erster Abschnitt beginnt: 'wo sick de Kerckheren unde Kosters up den Doorpen des Sonnavednes, ock alle andere hillige Avende holden schooelen'; jeden Wochentag hat der Küster dreimal dei *Bäad'klock* tau stöten, sonntags den Gottesdienst einzuläuten, in der Kirche die Gesangsnummern anzustecken und die Gemeindelieder anzustimmen, mancherorts auch den *Kling'büdel* herumzureichen. *Offer* n. a. Spr. Opfer, Gabe der Gläubigen für die Gottheit. Die Wortform *Offer *zum Verb *offern* aus lat. *offerre* ist dem Nd. über das Mittel- und Niederrheingebiet aus der galloromanischen Kirchensprache zugeflossen. Im mod. Nd. tritt sie hinter hd. Opfer, opfern stark zurück. Auffällig ist ein Beleg für *Opper* 'Oek ensal de brůdir eder prister . . . tů nenerleye opper grypen, dt dar velle edder vellich were' (Wismar/Temzin 1395); das im As. altsächsisch) neben Offar bezeugte Opper aus lat. opera, operari, ein früh von der süddeutschen Kirchensprache ins Nd. ausstrahlendes Lehnwort, das auf hd. Gebiet mit Lautverschiebung *Opfer *ergab FRINGS Germ. Rom 112* *Theodor Frings; Germ. Rom: Germania Romana. Teuth. Beiheft 4. Mittldeutsche Studien, Heft 2. Halle 1932. Grundl.: Grundlegung einer Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. 3. Aufl. Halle 1957. *offern, *mod. meist durch das hd. Wort ersetzt, opfern; refl.: sich zum Opfer bringen: 'wil ick (Christus) my sůlvest vor de suende offeren' Ord. d. Misse; ein Opfer, häufig Geldopfer bringen. Zss.: nahoffern; hen-, veropfern. - Mnd. offeren. Lit.: Wossidlo/Teuchert (Auszüge/Abschnitte) Nu is dat doch mihr worden, as ick dacht' heff. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sun Nov 13 22:45:00 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:45:00 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2011.11.13 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 13 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: John Bockman jbockman at Subject: LL-L travel tips This is not a travel tip per se but a family history that I'd like you to look at. -- John ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sun Nov 13 22:55:14 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:55:14 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.13 (03) [EN-NL] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 13 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: "Stellingwerfs Eigen" Subject: LL-L Beste Lowlanders, Waarom het sinds 'Offering Feast' opeens erg stil blijft op LL-L, vroeg ik mij af... Met het lezen van allerlei Nedersaksische dialecten maar ook met Duits, Nederlands, Frysk, Vlaams, Frans, Engels, Afrikaans, e.d. heb ik weinig moeite. En nee, geloof me, ik heb werkelijk niets tegen welke politiek en welke geloofsovertuiging ook. Ik heb wel iets tegen mensen die al dan niet moedwillig en al dan niet met behulp Google, geloofachtige kretologie bijeen verzamelen en daar anderen (mij in ieder geval) mee lastig vallen. Als dat ook nog in een voor mij onleesbare taal (o.a. Hebrew, Arab, o.i.d.) gebeurt, op een discussieforum waar ik dit niet verwacht, ja, dan haak ik af. Ik wil namelijk wel graag lezen en vooral ook begrijpen wat er staat. Als het iets met Nedersaksisch of andere bovengenoemde talen te maken heeft wil ik er zelfs m'n stinkende best voor doen om het te begrijpen maar allerlei geloofsuitingen, wensen of misschien wel verwensingen in korte zinnen die buiten mijn westerse norm vallen, zijn voor mij geen punt van discussie. Een aantal zaken - waaronder politiek en geloof - kun je m.i. niet afdoen met slaken een paar kreten. Graag was ik een nieuwe topic gestart over bijvoorbeeld dat 'slaken' hierboven of over de erg interessante bodemvondsten die onlangs zijn gedaan onder de gevangenis 'Santa Fu' van Hamburg (Dld) (zie: Hamburger Abendblatt, 31-10-2011). Dat heeft waarschijnlijk heel veel, zelfs met het ontstaan van ons Nedersaksisch te maken. Maar nee, ik doe het niet. Ik luister nog een poosje en wellicht haak ik dan geruisloos af. Mit een vrundelike groet uut Stellingwarf, Piet Bult ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Dear Piet, Apparently you understand more languages that are used here than do many other members. According to our rules, *any* language may be used. Beste Piet, Blijkbaar begrijp je meer talen die hier worden gebruikt dan doen veel andere leden. Volgens onze regels, kan elke taal gebruikt worden. MVG/Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Nov 14 20:57:49 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 12:57:49 -0800 Subject: LL-L "History" 2011.11.14 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 14 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Tomás Ó Cárthaigh tomasocarthaigh at Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2011.11.13 (02) [EN] That website page should be reproduced here as a post... excellent. Never knew that was why the saxons gto their names... *"a person with a good book is never alone... a writer until they've written one is never at peace"* ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L travel tips Hallo John un all' Lowlanners. Ick bün dien Bäd' nahgahn un heff de Web-Sid besöcht. De beiden "Pierdköpp" as Gäwelsmuck hebben mi tauseggt, wiel dat je ok hier in Mäkelborg noch begäng is.öpfe_(Giebelschmuck) Ick fang mal mit de Grotdör an. Oewer de Grotdör stünn up den'n *Dörbalken (SYN. Dörholm) *mihrstens ein Inschrift. Mal mit Antiqua-Baukstawen un ok mit Fraktur-Baukstawen. In dit lütte Bauk "Mecklenburgische ORNAMENT-FIBEL" heff ick twei funn'n mit diss Baukstawen: DER . HERR . SEGNE . VND . BEWAHRE . DIESES . HAVE . ALLE . DIE . DA . GEHEN . EIN . VND . AUS . ANDREIS . SCHMIT . MARA . PANKEN . ANNO 1726 DE . N. 22 . MARTIVS UN: Der Herr segnet die ihn fürchten bey de Kleine und Grosse Woomer denzten Märtz Ao 1781 Un hier dat Bedüden (mihr ein Versäuk) von de Pierdköpp: - Kieken sick de beiden Pierdköpp an, winken sei dat Glück in't Huus. - Kieken sei sick nich an, denn kann nicks Bös' dat Huus drapen. - Pierdköpp, de nah binnen kieken, sünd ein Symbol för Harmonie twüschen Mann un Fru; kieken's nah buten, denn gellt dat Teiken Unfräden mank Fru un Mann. - Kieken sick de Pierdköpp an, denn heit dat, dat all' Mannslüüd von denn' Hoff tau Huus sünd; kieken sei sick nich an, dat all' Mannslüüd von dissen Hoff in'n Krieg sünd. - Nah binnen kieken(d) Köpp wiesen up de "Einheirat" Infriegen von denn' Mann (Kierl) up denn' Hoff; nah buten kieken(d) Köpp gellt dat för dat Infriegen von de Fru up denn' Hoff. So, nu kännt ji dat utleggen, as ji willt... odder so as Dackdecker Möller holl'n... (de let dat so..) Mi würd dit mal verlangen, ob noch männigein wat tau dat Utdüden von de Pierdköpp bidragen kann. Na, denn HÜH! - Prrr! Hanne ut Swerin ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 15 18:12:09 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 10:12:09 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.15 (01) [EN-NDS-NL] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 15 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Dutchmatters at Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.13 (03) [EN-NL] Dag Piet, Zo is het nu eenmaal, we moeten allemaal wel eens een keertje van ons afblazen. Maar dat krantenbericht kan ik niet vinden, is het misschien de verkeerde datum?? Jacqueline BdJ ** ---------- From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.13 (03) [EN-NL] Waor heb ie 't nou eigenlijk over, Bult, wat zit oe dwars? Toch niet die gelokswuns veur 't Offerfeest, zo knieperig zo'j toch wel niet wezen? 't Zol toch niet zo weden da'w hier meinsen wel een goeie Sunterklaos of Karst toe weinsen meugt van oe, mar gien Chanoeka, Ramadan of Holi-festival? Waorumme dan wel niet, umdat die geleuven niet hier in de lege laanden thuus heurt, volgens oe? Misschien he'k 't mis, lees ik oen bosschop verkeerd, mar as ik 't niet mis hebbe, doe dan mar wa'j in oen leste zin zegt... Ingmar What are you talking about, Bult, what's bothering you? Hopefully not my wishes for the sacrifice Festival, you won't be that little-minded? It can't be that we can wish people a good Saint Nicholas or Christmas according to you, but not Khanuka, Ramadhan or Holi festival? Why couldn't we, maybe because these religions don't belong in the low lands, according to you? Maybe I'm wrong and misread your message, but if I didn't, maybe you should do what you were saying in your last sentence (i.e.: threatening to leave this group because he doesn't want to be bothered with non-Western things here) Ingmar From: "Stellingwerfs Eigen" Subject: LL-L Beste Lowlanders, Waarom het sinds 'Offering Feast' opeens erg stil blijft op LL-L, vroeg ik mij af... Met het lezen van allerlei Nedersaksische dialecten maar ook met Duits, Nederlands, Frysk, Vlaams, Frans, Engels, Afrikaans, e.d. heb ik weinig moeite. En nee, geloof me, ik heb werkelijk niets tegen welke politiek en welke geloofsovertuiging ook. Ik heb wel iets tegen mensen die al dan niet moedwillig en al dan niet met behulp Google, geloofachtige kretologie bijeen verzamelen en daar anderen (mij in ieder geval) mee lastig vallen. Als dat ook nog in een voor mij onleesbare taal (o.a. Hebrew, Arab, o.i.d.) gebeurt, op een discussieforum waar ik dit niet verwacht, ja, dan haak ik af. Ik wil namelijk wel graag lezen en vooral ook begrijpen wat er staat. Als het iets met Nedersaksisch of andere bovengenoemde talen te maken heeft wil ik er zelfs m'n stinkende best voor doen om het te begrijpen maar allerlei geloofsuitingen, wensen of misschien wel verwensingen in korte zinnen die buiten mijn westerse norm vallen, zijn voor mij geen punt van discussie. Een aantal zaken - waaronder politiek en geloof - kun je m.i. niet afdoen met slaken een paar kreten. Graag was ik een nieuwe topic gestart over bijvoorbeeld dat 'slaken' hierboven of over de erg interessante bodemvondsten die onlangs zijn gedaan onder de gevangenis 'Santa Fu' van Hamburg (Dld) (zie: Hamburger Abendblatt, 31-10-2011). Dat heeft waarschijnlijk heel veel, zelfs met het ontstaan van ons Nedersaksisch te maken. Maar nee, ik doe het niet. Ik luister nog een poosje en wellicht haak ik dan geruisloos af. Mit een vrundelike groet uut Stellingwarf, Piet Bult ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Dear Piet, Apparently you understand more languages that are used here than do many other members. According to our rules, any language may be used. Beste Piet, Blijkbaar begrijp je meer talen die hier worden gebruikt dan doen veel andere leden. Volgens onze regels, kan elke taal gebruikt worden. MVG/Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Wo! Easy, guys! Surely there's some misunderstanding. Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 16 18:28:48 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 10:28:48 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.16 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 16 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: mike.keach at Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.15 (01) [EN-NDS-NL] Really. Everyone take three healing breaths. [Mike Keach] ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Good advice, Mike. Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ** ---------- From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.15 (01) [EN-NDS-NL] Insha'allah that you are right. Sorry for all this. Ingmar From: R. F. Hahn <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Language use Wo! Easy, guys! Surely there's some misunderstanding. Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Thanks, Ingmar. I personally did not think that Piet's posting came from a place of intolerance. I rather believe that it was provoked by his eagerness to understand everything that is posted here. Posting in Lowlands languages is, of course, most appropriate and reaches the largest number of readers. Among them, English is optimal in this sense. But the use of other Lowlands language varieties is encouraged because of their relevance and because of the fact that our subscribers want to be exposed to them for learning purposes. However, this does not mean that other languages are excluded, especially in cases like welcoming messages and felicitations. A sizable percentage of our members are from places other than Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, and a lot of them are not Christian or even of Christian background. I want all of them to feel as welcome and validated as everyone else. Global communication is advancing rapidly, and Lowlands-L is an international community in which all sorts of voices can and should be heard. Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ---------- From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Language use" Beste Ingmar, You wrote: What are you talking about, Bult, what's bothering you? Hopefully not my wishes for the sacrifice Festival, you won't be that little-minded? It can't be that we can wish people a good Saint Nicholas or Christmas according to you, but not Khanuka, Ramadhan or Holi festival? Why couldn't we, maybe because these religions don't belong in the low lands, according to you? Not talking about Piet Bult here, but just to give you a general idea of how tolerant some of our compatriots are: Helft Vlamingen stoort zich aan vreemde talen op straat - De Standaard Yes, I'm living in a small country (these days). 'Nuff said. Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 17 01:30:34 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 17:30:34 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.16 (02) [NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 16 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Lowlands-L - 16. November 2011 - Volume 01 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.15 (01 [EN-NDS-NL] Hallo all' Lowlanners. Ick kann dat gor nich so recht verstahn, dat sowat as ein Unfräden ünner de Maten upkamen is. Ick bün mi ümmer wedder wiss, wat mi Lowlands bedüden deit. Lowlands is för mi so wat as ein Sod. Hier heff ick denn' besten Weg funn'n, wo ick noch väl, bannig väl taulihren kann, nich blot Spraken seggen mi tau, ok dat woroewer beraden ward un all' dat, wat mit Spraken tau daun hett, un ok de Mitmakers, de Minschen. Wi sünd doch weltwied ein grotorrig Sprakenbom un uns' Baas Ron hett de beste Ort un Wies', uns ümmer tau Sied tau stahn. Wo kann man hüt noch so feine un klauke Maten finn'n. Mi bedüden sei all' väl un ick häg grot Hochachten. Wi känen doch all'ns in Frieheit mit Pli un Fantasie angahn, wi hebben doch denn' besten Wiespahl, un wenn wi de Vörschriften inholl'n, denn kann nicks nich scheif lopen. Keinein leggt uns Käden an, wi all' sünd frie. Frieheit un Respekt gellt ok för denn' Gloven, un wo riek is de, de noch glöwen kann. Uns' Baas hölt dat Stüer (Steuer) fast un dat möt man em hoch danken. Ick heff mi oft eins wat utdruckt vun wägen de Sprak, so taun Bispill Nederlands Sprak. Dor kann ick väl von afläsen, woans Plattdüütsch un Nedderland sick mögen. Ick heff mi so gor vör poor Johr (as ick noch nich bi LL wier) up denn' Flohmark ein grotorrig Wüürbauk köfft "KRAMERS DUITS WOORDEN BOEK NederlandsDuits/DuitsNederlands VAN GOOR ZONEN. Un mit mien Ingelsch lihren bün ick ümmer noch taugang, dat möt noch riepen, un künn je sien, dat ick mi denn eins unvermaudens mit dis' Sprak mellen dau. Man, dat brukt all' sien Tied. Oewer up Lowlands lat ick nicks nich kamen, ick wüßt kein bäter Städ. De Spraken bringen uns doch neger un jedein Sprak het ehr eigen Melodei (Sound), wo künn ick süss sowat noch finn'n... Nu hebben wi unsen besten Sprakenbom un sien Wötteln sünd eddel un holl'n ut. IDIOM: Heraus mit der Sprache! *Out with it! *Rut mit de Sprak! So heff ick mi nu up mien Oort tau Wuurd mellt. Ick kann ümmer un will wedder unsen Ron danken un ok all' Frünn'. Mit best Gräuten. Hanne ut Schwerin ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 17 02:20:31 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 18:20:31 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 16 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Semantics Dear Lowlanders, I've long been intrigued by the semantic development of the word complex "dear" within the Germanic languages, and I wonder if you have any information to add. "Dear" and its relatives can mean the following: 1. highly valued (dear to one's heart) 2. expensive (having a high price) Clearly, the common denominator is "valuable" or "valued." In the English-speaking world there appears to be a split: 1. American English uses "dear" only in the first-mentioned sense, with idiomatic exceptions (i.e., supposedly archaisms) such as "to pay a dear price" or "to pay dearly." 2. Non-American English, at least many varieties of it, uses "dear" in both senses. Thus, for instance, in Australian English you may say something like "Computers are very expensive" and "Computers are very dear." The latter sounds strange to most American. How does this play out in related language varieties? - Scots:* dear** ** *both 'expensive' and 'dear' - West Frisian: *djoer* both 'expensive' and 'dear' - Low Saxon: *düür *'expensive' (somewhat archaic also as 'dear (to one's heart))' - Dutch: *duur* 'expensive' (?) - Limburgish: *deur* (*dœr*) 'expensive' - Afrikaans: *duur* 'expensive' (?, but *dierbaar* 'valuable', 'esteemed') - German: *teuer* 'expensive' (somewhat archaic also as 'dear (to one's heart)') - Yiddish: *tayer* (טײַער) both 'expensive' and 'dear' - Danish: *dyr* 'expensive' - Norwegian: *dyr* 'expensive' - Swedish:* dyr* 'expensive' - Icelandic: *dýr** *'expensive' Once we get into the ancestral language varieties it becomes a different game, and the two meanings will eventually merge. In other words, somewhere along the line a semantic split occurred. Any further information or simply thoughts? Regards and thanks, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 17 18:40:14 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 10:40:14 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.17 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 17 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.16 (01) [EN] Thanks Ron and the others who reacted or just read, I hope so Ron. For the great part of members here who're not fluent in Dutch, I'll translate Piet Bult's original message, to which I reacted so uncalmly again: "...Dear Lowlanders, Why since the "Sacrifice Feast" was brought up here, suddenly it's very quiet at LL-L, I wondered ... With reading of various Low Saxon dialects but also German, Dutch, Frisian, Flemish, French, English, Afrikaans, etc. I have little trouble. And no, believe me, I really have nothing against any religion and politics either. I have something against people who either deliberately or otherwise and whether or not using Google, like to bother me and others with their noise about faith. If that is in an unreadable language (including Hebrew, Arab, or the like) for me, in a discussion forum where I do not expect, yes, I occasionally hook off. Because I would like to read and above all understand what it says. If it is something about Low Saxon, or other aforementioned languages I do even my stinking best to understand, but many expressions about faith, religious wishes or even curses in short sentences that are outside my western standard, I don't want to discuss about. Some subjects - such as political and religious ones - can only provoke me to utter a few screams. I would like to start a new thread, for example that "heave" over the very interesting archaeological finds made recently in the prison 'Santa Fu' from Hamburg (Ger) (see: Hamburger Abendblatt, 10/31/2011). That has to do probably a lot with, or may be even essential for the emergence of our Low Saxon. But no, I will not. I'll listen here for a while and then I could hook off silently. With kind Stellingwerf greetings, Peter Bult From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Thanks, Ingmar. I personally did not think that Piet's posting came from a place of intolerance. I rather believe that it was provoked by his eagerness to understand everything that is posted here. Posting in Lowlands languages is, of course, most appropriate and reaches the largest number of readers. Among them, English is optimal in this sense. But the use of other Lowlands language varieties is encouraged because of their relevance and because of the fact that our subscribers want to be exposed to them for learning purposes. However, this does not mean that other languages are excluded, especially in cases like welcoming messages and felicitations. A sizable percentage of our members are from places other than Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, and a lot of them are not Christian or even of Christian background. I want all of them to feel as welcome and validated as everyone else. Global communication is advancing rapidly, and Lowlands-L is an international community in which all sorts of voices can and should be heard. Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Thanks, Ingmar. I suggest we allow this subject to rest now. Regards and thanks, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 17 18:45:13 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 10:45:13 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 17 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] I've never noted before how the Scandinavian forms are very close to the basic Germanic "animal" or "beast" words (ON *dyr*, NE "deer", German *Tier*etc.). Is this likely to be coincidence, or is it related to the association of wealth and animals, like "fee" and OE *feoh* etc? Incidentally a friend in South Africa used to say her husband was "dierbaar" - she joked it meant half animal, half barbarian! Paul Derby ("Animal Town") England ---------- From: Luc Vanbrabant lucv32 at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] Dag Ron, West-Vlaams: dier diere (expensive) dierbaar (dearly beloved) dieren, verdieren, dierzen (r niet uitspreken) = duurder worden te dieren danse = aan een zeer hoge prijs Nederlands: duurbaar / dierbaar (dearly beloved). duurte = expensiveness duurzaam = durable, lasting Groetjes Luc Vanbrabant Oekene ---------- From: Henry Pijffers Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] Ron wrote: > > Dutch: duur 'expensive' (?) > Limburgish: deur (dœr) 'expensive' > Afrikaans: duur 'expensive' (?, but dierbaar 'valuable', 'esteemed') Dutch also has dierbaar in the meaning of 'dear to one's heart' / 'valuable'. cheers, Henry ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 17 20:31:02 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 12:31:02 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (03) [EN-FY] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 17 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Henno Brandsma hennobrandsma at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Semantics Dear Lowlanders, I've long been intrigued by the semantic development of the word complex "dear" within the Germanic languages, and I wonder if you have any information to add. "Dear" and its relatives can mean the following: 1. highly valued (dear to one's heart) 2. expensive (having a high price) Clearly, the common denominator is "valuable" or "valued." In the English-speaking world there appears to be a split: 1. American English uses "dear" only in the first-mentioned sense, with idiomatic exceptions (i.e., supposedly archaisms) such as "to pay a dear price" or "to pay dearly." 2. Non-American English, at least many varieties of it, uses "dear" in both senses. Thus, for instance, in Australian English you may say something like "Computers are very expensive" and "Computers are very dear." The latter sounds strange to most American. How does this play out in related language varieties? - Scots:* dear** ** *both 'expensive' and 'dear' - West Frisian: *djoer* both 'expensive' and 'dear' Nee, djoer kin yn it Westerlauwer Frysk allinnich op priis slaan. Al bestiet der in, tinkt my, lienwurd "dierber". Groetnis, Henno ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Fri Nov 18 07:31:43 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 23:31:43 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.17 (04) [EN-NL] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 17 November 2011 - Volume 04 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: "Stellingwerfs Eigen" LL-L Subject: LL-L < my final posting> Beste Ron en Allemaal, In mijn bericht heb ik juist niet expliciet bedoeld te zeggen dat de taal het grootste probleem is. Nadat ik Ron zijn bericht las van 2011.11.16 (01) begreep ik dat mijn post aan hem privé waarschijnlijk niet in zijn postbus is aangekomen. Daarom reageer ik nog een allerlaatste keer via de List. Ook omdat er nogal geraden wordt naar de bedoeling van mijn bericht wil ik nog eenmaal aan jullie proberen duidelijk te maken wat ik wel heb bedoeld. In het algemeen Geloof me (zo je dat nog niet wist), dat Nederlanders - inclusief mij zelf - een erg tolerant, misschien wel het meest tolerante volk van de hele wereld zijn. Ik geef toe, er varandert momenteel wel het een en ander...;-) Ik meen voldoende ervaring te hebben om te weten dat je erg moet oppassen om over sommige onderwerpen zoals bijv. politiek, religie, geaardheid van mensen en dat soort zaken te spreken op een open (of zelfs geredigeerd) forum waar dat forum niet in is gespecialiseerd omdat je naar mijn bescheiden mening geen discussie kunt voeren over dit soort onderwerpen in slechts enkele korte zinnen. Er zullen in dat geval altijd leden zijn die niet of verkeerd begrijpen, of worden begrepen... De meeste oorlogen zijn begonnen door dit soort onbegrip, al helemaal als er religie aan te pas komt, nietwaar? Hier in mijn omgeving sta ik bij sommigen bekend als een soort van beschouwelijk filosoof en vraag mij zelf (maar ook anderen) vaak een mening af om daarmee tot een discussie te komen. Ik weet het, erg veel mensen hebben moeite met het voeren een discussie op deze wijze... Denk je eens in: je bent als geboren Nederlander, politieman in Amsterdam en hebt samen met twee collega's van bijv. van Bonairse herkomst een werk op te knappen. Dan vraag ik mij af: hoe zou jij je voelen als die twee collega's telkens maar in het Papiaments tegen alkaar spreken (wat jij niet verstaat)..? Ja hoor, ik heb er alle begrip voor dat Ron nieuwkomers op de LL-List verwelkomt in hun eigen taal. Geen probleem. Maar verder vraag ik mij af of al die beste (religieuze) wensen over en weer van iedereen, wel diep uit het hart komen. Is het veelal niet eerder een kwestie van gewoonte, zonder diepere gedachte, of zelfs provocatie..? Ik ben opgegroeid in de westerse wereld met katholieken, christelijken en veel andere religies om me heen. En ja, ik heb de hele Koran, Bijbel en KamaSutra (oeps!) gelezen/gespeld. Dat laatste boek vond ik het leukste, hoe meer ik de Bijbel las (die ik zelfs helemaal vertaalde), hoe minder ik geloof in het katholisisme, christendom en de meeste andere religies. Ik ga je niet vertellen wat ik van de Koran vind maar ik zou niet graag leven met de Sharia. Volgens mij is mijn vrouw meer waard dan een geit en ik verplicht haar niet een boerka te dragen. Ik geloof in een individuele vrijheid voor zowel mannen als vrouwen op gelijke voet en laat het laatste oordeel graag over aan de/een Almachtige. Conclusie Wat ik met mijn bericht probeerde uit te vinden - na een periode van stilte - hoe andere leden van deze LL-list denken over dat soort van vraagstukken op deze list, die naar mijn mening een (Lowlands) taalforum is. En laat ik nogmaals duidelijk zijn: ik houd niet van provocaties in korte zinnen aangaande religie en dat soort zaken. Het voelt voor mij dus niet (meer) goed aan om in relatie te staan met mensen die het blijkbaar juist leuk vinden op die confronterende wijze te moeten provoceren. Het spijt mij voor mijn aandeel in dit onbehouwen gedrag op deze LL-List. Aanvaard mijn excuses daarvoor... Ik ga niet meer in casu reageren op de harde woorden van Ingmar omdat ik bang ben dat daar alleen nog maar meer onbegrip uit voort zal komen. Ik ga mij nu afmelden... (Ik weet het zeker, ik zal jullie nog missen!) Maar niet nadat ik Ron persoonlijk hartelijk wil bedanken voor het goede werk wat hij hier doet... Misschien weet niemand beter dan ik, hoeveel werk, tijd, toewijding en energie het kost om de LL-List te starten en vooral ook vol te houden... Ik heb dat zeer op prijs gesteld. Dankjewel Ron! Ik dank ook de leden van de list met de vele antwoorden op mijn vragen over onze prachtige oude taal en de goede tijd die ik met jullie had. Dank daarvoor! Beste Ron, ik wens je werkelijk het allerbeste met je LL-List... Mit een (alderlaeste) vrundelike groet uut Stellingwarf, Piet Bult PS: mocht iemand nog eens iets over onze prachtige taal willen weten waar ik je misschien bij kan helpen dan mag je me natuurlijk altijd rechtstreeks benaderen... Dear Ron and All, In my posting I just have not explicit meant to say that language was my biggest problem. According to Ron's reply in his posting of 2011.11.16 (01) I understood that my posting to him in privat did not reach his mailbox. That's wy I come to you all (for the very last time) this way and because of all the guests around the reason of my indignation I'll try to make my point more clear. In general Beleave me (as you already didn't know), the Dutch people - including myself - are very, maybe even the most tolerant people in the world. Okay, at this moment, times are changing a bit...;-) I think that I have enough experience to know that you always must be aware (or is it even attentive?) to talk about politics, religion, personal nature of people a.s.o. on an open (and even on a moderated) forum that is not specialized in that kind of subjects, because you can't have a discussion about such topics in just some short paragraphs. There always will be one or more member(s) who do(es) misunderstand... Most wars have started because those misunderstandings, aspecially if there is also religion connected, aren't they? Here in our neighberhood by some people I'm known as a sort of a philosopher and frequently ask myself (and others) for an opinion to come to a real discussion. I know, lots and lots of people can't handle conversation that way... Imaging: you're an authentic Dutch policeman in Amsterdam and you have to do a job with two colleges who came origin from - lets say - Bonaire. Half the way down the two of them do constantly talk in Papiamentu (wich you do not understand). Then, how would you feel..? Yes, I can realy understand that our Ron sends a welcome in any language to a new member. No problem with me. But furtheron, I'm wondering, do come all those (i.c. religious) best wishes from the bottom of the haert? (not meaning Ron's wishes.) I've been grown up in the western world with katholics, cristians and lots of other religious people around. Yes, I read the whole Koran, Bible and KamaSutra (oops!). The lastone I'd like most, the more I read the Bible (whom I translated in Stellingwarfs), the less I beleave in katholicism and cristianity. I'm not gonna say what I think about the Koran but I don't like to live by the rules of the Sharia. In my opinion my wife is more worth then a goat and I don't let her walk in a bourka. I beleave in individual freedom for man and woman and let the last judgment to the/any Almighty. The clou... What I was trying to do in my posting, was to find out - after a period of silence - how other members of this LL-list think about that sort of questions on this list, wich is in my opinion is a (Lowlands) language-forum. And let me be clear again: I don't like provocating shortcuts about religions and things like that. For me, it just doesn't feel good anylonger to be conected with people who seam to like (religious) provocations in such a hard way. I'm very sorry for my part in the misbehavior on this LL-List. Accept my apologys (also for my poor writing in English!)... I'll not reply on Ingmar's hard words. Any word again will be misunderstood. I'll signof the LL-List now... (I'm quite sure, I'm gonna miss you!) But not after I thank you, Ron in person for the good job you're doing with this LL-List... Perhaps nobody knows better then I do, how much work, time, obligation and energy it costs to keep 'm up... I've really appreciated it. Thanks! I also thank the members with there good suggestions about our lovely Lowland-language and where I had a good time with. Thanks! Dear Ron, I really wish you and your LL-L all the best... With (very) last greetings from Stellingwarf (Frl, Nl.), Piet Bult PS: if you think I can be helpful in some special affairs among our beautiful language than you may contact me directly, of course.. ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Fri Nov 18 07:47:56 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 23:47:56 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (06) [EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 17 November 2011 - Volume 06 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Ed Alexander edsells at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (03) [EN-FY] At 03:31 PM 17/11/2011, Ron wrote: 1. American English uses "dear" only in the first-mentioned sense, with idiomatic exceptions (i.e., supposedly archaisms) such as "to pay a dear price" or "to pay dearly." My wife and I do not agree. First of all, I suspect that the common root meaning is "rare". Secondly, it is only to be expected in the creolization of English, that items that were "costly" would have been more affordable to the upper classes which of course use far more words of French derivation (such as "expensive"). Of course, since "expensive" is far more common, people who have learned English as a second language are far less likely to know this meaning. Also, I do not understand why you would say that "pay dearly" is idomatic, as opposed to a situation where "expensive" would be inappropriate. I think that we have not yet replaced the word "dear" with another in cases where the cost is not financial. Of course, the Anglo-Saxon speaking lower classes were more likely to have to "pay dearly with their lives" in the time of war. 1. Non-American English, at least many varieties of it, uses "dear" in both senses. Thus, for instance, in Australian English you may say something like "Computers are very expensive" and "Computers are very dear." The latter sounds strange to most American. I'm an American and I don't find it strange, just infrequent. Ed Alexander, Ontario ---------- From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" Beste Ron, You wrote: I've long been intrigued by the semantic development of the word complex "dear" within the Germanic languages, and I wonder if you have any information to add. "Dear" and its relatives can mean the following: 1. highly valued (dear to one's heart) 2. expensive (having a high price) Clearly, the common denominator is "valuable" or "valued." In the English-speaking world there appears to be a split: 1. American English uses "dear" only in the first-mentioned sense, with idiomatic exceptions (i.e., supposedly archaisms) such as "to pay a dear price" or "to pay dearly." 2. Non-American English, at least many varieties of it, uses "dear" in both senses. Thus, for instance, in Australian English you may say something like "Computers are very expensive" and "Computers are very dear." The latter sounds strange to most American. Brabantish knows "duur/dier" exclusively as a word meaning "expensive" (geographical distribution roughly follows the pattern of vier/vuur ~ fire/Feuer). Not as a word meaning something like "caro" in Italian. By the way, "dierbaar" is totally "school language", it's no part whatsoever of the vernacular. More in general, any word having the suffix "baar" is not a traditional Brabantish word, it's a germanism. Could it be that the literal meaning of "dear" already got pushed away by "expensive" in English during Anglo-Norman times? In uptown language that lower echelons the original meaning may have been preserved longer. "Dear", as in "Dear Henry", has no cognate in Brabantish. "Lieve" is predominantly used when an amorous relationship exists between the two (contrasting with Saxon I believe). On a general level, as far as I know, only "Beste ..." will do. Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Semantics Thanks, everyone. Here's something for you to sink your teeth into: In Scots, *lief* [li(ː)f] ~ [li(ː)v...] means 'dear', 'beloved', thus corresponding to what in Dutch is *lief* [li(ː)f] ~ [li(ː)v...] and in Low Saxon is *leef* ... [lɛɪf] ~ [lɛɪv...] ~ [laɪf] ~ [laɪv...]. Dutch ("Flemish") influence in Scotland? Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] Hallo "dear" Lowlanners. Vörweg hier ein Riemel von Gerda Uhthoff 2.8.1896-21.10.1988 (Wi kennten uns.) *PLANT' HELLE BLAUMEN * Glück in de Leiw, dat singt von sülben, - wenn't Hart tau vull is, juucht de Mund, man trurig Leiw swiggt in sik rinner, ward nachtens blot in Tranen kund. Dor möten anner denn von singen, de Dichterslüüd, dat olle Leed von de verlaten Leiw up Ierden, de düster Blaum in't bunte Beet. Plant' helle Blaumen in den Goren all von jug Leiw, wenn't jichtens geiht, de düstern maken trurig Harten; - wo schöön is't doch, wenn'n Glück utseiht*! * aussäen *leif, *-ee-, flekt. -*w* Adj. und Adv, lieb *1. *erfreulich, angenehm: 'Dat sy ju allen lef edder leyt' Re. Osterspiele; 'it wer ock dem Rade leff edder leit' (Rostock; dem Lebensmüden *is 't *(das Sterben) *eenen Dag so leef as den annern; dat Leiwst un dat Best updragen *zur Mahlzeit; adverbial gern: *wo leif sei dat nehm! *(1887)HARed; *moegen Sei dat nich so lif liden? (1889) *SCHÖ/Schlagsd.; bes. wie hd. für fehlende Steigerung von gern im Kompar. und Superl.: 'Kumpt hir jemant here varen, Deme wil ik alzo möten; He mochte sik lever laten des kynkhostes böten' Red. Ost.; 'He wolde lever syn, dar ein Nachmeisters Knecht Ein Span vul dünne Supp (Jauche) up sinen LAUR (Johann Lauremberg); *he süht eenen lever sinken as fleeten *(schwimmen); *hei süht ein leiwer gahn as kamen; leiwer tweimal mit Gemack as einmal mit gebrack *vom geladenen Wagen (1887); *leiwer ahn Abendbrot tau Bedd' gahn as mit Schulden upstahn; leewer 'n Magen verrenken as 'n Wirt wat schenken. **2. *im Sinne der Neigung bes. zum andern Geschlecht; so *leif hebben *lieben; 'nademe . . . de Welt . . . dat ere Leeff hefft'; *de Uhl heft eer Uelhken so leev, aß de Duve er Düveken; wenn . . . Nahwers Kinner sick leiw hewwen * F.Reut; *leef hebben *küssen; so auch in der Wechselrede von Mutter und Tochter: *Herrjemine, wat deit he di? Hett he di ok leef? Wat wull he nich, wat schull he nich! Wenn 't dor man noch bi blew! HA/Red; **ironisch*: *he is 'n Soehn, oewer ok 'n leewen! - seem. sick leewen Mann maken (*sich beliebt ..Huh, Programm abgestürzt.., gerettet) also (sich beliebt machen, sich einschmeicheln beim Kapitän); *substantivisch *in der Anrede: *min Leiwen*; im Sprw.: *dei wat Leiws hett, dei geiht 'e nah, un de wat Scheiws hett, de smitt ' e nah; *im *Superlativ: **Leiwste *Liebste; *formelhaft *häufig als Attribut bei Substantiven mannigfacher Art wie: *dei leiw Gott, dat leiw Brot, dat leiw Veih, dei leiw Sünn, dei leiw' Ierd', dei leiwe Lust, männigein leiwen Dag, dei leiwe lange Nacht; *oft *verhüllend*: *dat leiwe *(kümmerliche bißchen) *Läben; dat leiw Wäder *(Unwetter, Gewitter); *min leiwe *(große) *Not; vör luter leiwe *(großer) *Angst; dat leiwe *(schlimme) *Kuurnköpen; dat leiw *(böse) *Leiden; so väl leiwe *(harte) *Släg'; *Als* Ausruf des Bedauerns oder der Verwunderung: **du leiwe Tit. **3. *Dim.: 'min Lefken' (mein Liebchen; ebenso im Tanzlied *Gos up de Däl: mit min Leewken. **Im Tiergespräch: **Herrjes', min Leefken! **auch hd.: *für die Sonne *seggen weck Klärchen, weck Liebchen; **Koseform*: Leiwing. Zss.: *hart-, unleif; förleif. *Mnd. *lêf. *Lit.: Wossidlo/Teuchert * ** *Noch 'n Riemel von Gerda Uhthoff: * LÄWENSLANG* Verlaten Leiw, de glööwt, dat all's sik wedder wend', verlaten Leiw, de tööwt un tööwt, dat all's in'n Gauden end'. - Un seggst du, dat s' nich glöwen sall, denn kickt s' di an so bang, un seggst du, dat s' nich töwen sall, denn flustert s': "Läwenslang." So, dat wier mal *dit *un *dat *von leiw/leew *Leiw/Leew* Un mien Gräuten is ok *leiw *meint. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Fri Nov 18 19:31:21 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 11:31:21 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.18 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 18 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Theo Homan theohoman at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (06) [EN-NDS] From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" [...] Brabantish knows "duur/dier" exclusively as a word meaning "expensive" (geographical distribution roughly follows the pattern of vier/vuur ~ fire/Feuer). Not as a word meaning something like "caro" in Italian. By the way, "dierbaar" is totally "school language", it's no part whatsoever of the vernacular. More in general, any word having the suffix "baar" is not a traditional Brabantish word, it's a germanism. Could it be that the literal meaning of "dear" already got pushed away by "expensive" in English during Anglo-Norman times? In uptown language that lower echelons the original meaning may have been preserved longer. "Dear", as in "Dear Henry", has no cognate in Brabantish. "Lieve" is predominantly used when an amorous relationship exists between the two (contrasting with Saxon I believe). On a general level, as far as I know, only "Beste ..." will do. Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium Hi, Now I get confused; and so it has to be. In dutch [of the north] we have 'dierbaar' and I've never read 'duurbaar'. Because of 'dier' one would assume that 'dierbaar' came from the dutch in the south [e.g. imported by the brabantish/flamish people who came to Holland some centuries ago]. I would almost suspect that 'dierbaar' came in use by writings [i.e. books that were widely read]. Theo Homan ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (06) [EN-NDS] Hallo, ick bün all wedder dor. Nu kam ick noch up (*lieb) teuer. *Dor kann ick nich väl anbeiden, liekers künn dat noch sien Bedüden hebben. Bi Perfesser Voßlo heff ick man blot dit funn'n: as Adv.:'ein duerbar werdich wordt'. Neues hochdeutsch-plattdeutsches Wörterbuch von Renate Herrmann-Winter: * teuer** düer, **1. *einen hohen Preis habend *Syn **nich to betahlen *usw.. *2. *sehr geschätzt, lieb, wert, *Syn leif sin. *Tschä, dat heff ick nich dacht, ok up Platt kannst wat mit anfangen. Un woans künn man dat so schriewen: *"Mien leif sin Fründ" ? *Begäng is *leif sin *hier nich. * *DUDEN 7: *teuer: *Die Herkunft des *altgerm. *Adjektivs (*mhd. *tiure, *ahd. *tiuri, *niederl. *duur, *engl. *dear [s. Darling], *schwed. *dyr) ist unbekannt. Zu 'teuer' gehören die unter *dauern *"leid tun" Wörter. Schon in den älteren Sprachzuständen wurde es in den heutigen Bedeutungen "lieb", wert, hochgeschätzt; viel kostend" gebraucht. Abl.: *Teuerung *"Preisanstieg" *(spätmhd. *tiurung, ursprünglich nur "Preis"); *verteuern *(*mhd. * vertiuren). Hinweis auf *beteuern.* * *Un nu gah ick in de Kœk, denn mien Middagäten "Gräuns un Ketüffels/Tüften" is mi wat *leif un düer. *Hartlich Gräuten. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Fri Nov 18 21:20:20 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 13:20:20 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.18 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 18 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] > From: R. F. Hahn > Subject: Semantics > Dear Lowlanders, > I've long been intrigued by the semantic development of the word complex "dear" within the Germanic languages, and I wonder if you have any information to add. In my West-Limburgish “duur” can mean: - expensive - a bull (Dutch: stier) For animal (in Dutch “dier”) we use “bès” (cf. Dutch “beest”) In French we have cher for dear in both senses: cher ami: dear friend cher: expensive. Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sat Nov 19 19:49:13 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2011 11:49:13 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.19 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 19 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: M.-L. Lessing marless at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.18 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Dear Lowlanders, as Hanne points out, in German the words "teuer" and "lieb" form a sort of parallel. I think the meaning "lieb, wert, hochgeschätzt" might have been first, and later the meaning "viel kostend" has been added as a consequence, when money came into consideration. (However, there are sorts of people for whom the logic goes the opposite way; first they think of money, and then they love what they have paid for dearly...) What I wish to add is only this: There is a similar parallel between "Lob" and "Preis". "Preis" must have been identical with "Lob" at first, and when money came into consideration, the meaning of one of the words shifted to "what you have to pay" (because it is so well worth its "Lob"). (Of course for the aforementioned perverse sort of people maybe the money comes first again, the the Lob.) That shift of meaning can't be very old; as one of the few Germans familiar with the Evangelisches Kirchengesangbuch I know dozens of hymns, where "Lob und Preis" are offered to god, ... O wär ich da, o stünd ich schon du reicher Gott, vor Deinem Thron und trüge meine Palmen! so wollt ich nach der Engel Weis’ erhöhen Deines Namens Preis mit tausend schönen Psalmen. Text from 1653. And to christmas we sing: Heut' schließt er wieder auf das Tor zum schönen Paradeis; der Cherub steht nicht mehr davor, Gott sei Lob, Ehr und Preis. The latter Text 1560. -- The like thing happened to "billig", which meant "angemessen" at first, and only later changed to *cheap*. In combinations it still has its old meaning ("Das ist recht und billig", etwas billigen, missbilligen usw.). What I like about this: All the words concerning money (in their today meaning) have their roots in "true values" and were only borrowed out by the financial sort of things. Today we are aware of a strong difference between what in german is called Realwirtschaft and the so-called Finanzwirtschaft (which is the thing that, you know, in these last 3 years has been very much... ahem...). "Oh, oh," they say, "bisher betrifft die Krise ja nur die Finanzwirtschaft, aber wenn sie auf die Realwirtschaft durchschlägt...!" (Which in Germany it still doesn't, while in other countries it does.) And Language is purely Realwirtschaft! Real values. -- Are there any words in any lowlands language that have their origin in Finanzwirtschaft, i.e. that were meant for money and money only? Hartlich! Marlou From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (06) [EN-NDS] Hallo, ick bün all wedder dor. Nu kam ick noch up (*lieb) teuer.* Dor kann ick nich väl anbeiden, liekers künn dat noch sien Bedüden hebben. Bi Perfesser Voßlo heff ick man blot dit funn'n: as Adv.:'ein duerbar werdich wordt'. Neues hochdeutsch-plattdeutsches Wörterbuch von Renate Herrmann-Winter: * teuer** düer,* *1. *einen hohen Preis habend *Syn **nich to betahlen *usw.. *2. *sehr geschätzt, lieb, wert, *Syn leif sin.* Tschä, dat heff ick nich dacht, ok up Platt kannst wat mit anfangen. Un woans künn man dat so schriewen: *"Mien leif sin Fründ" ? *Begäng is *leif sin *hier nich. DUDEN 7: *teuer: *Die Herkunft des *altgerm. *Adjektivs (*mhd. *tiure, *ahd. *tiuri, *niederl. *duur, *engl. *dear [s. Darling], *schwed. *dyr) ist unbekannt. Zu 'teuer' gehören die unter *dauern *"leid tun" Wörter. Schon in den älteren Sprachzuständen wurde es in den heutigen Bedeutungen "lieb", wert, hochgeschätzt; viel kostend" gebraucht. Abl.: *Teuerung *"Preisanstieg" *(spätmhd. *tiurung, ursprünglich nur "Preis"); *verteuern *(*mhd. * vertiuren). Hinweis auf *beteuern.* Un nu gah ick in de Kœk, denn mien Middagäten "Gräuns un Ketüffels/Tüften" is mi wat *leif un düer.* Hartlich Gräuten. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sun Nov 20 22:40:58 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2011 14:40:58 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.20 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 20 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Mark and Ruth Dreyer mrdreyer at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.19 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Dear Marlou, Ron & All: Subject: LL-L "Semantics" Further to the pairs '"teuer" & "lieb", "dier" & "lief" (Afrikaans - I see a drift here) "dear" & "love". I have difficulty with the word 'dear'*=*'valuable' being originally associated with 'deer'='animal'. The Afrikaans for valuable is 'duur', & for animal is 'dier'. In this context the concept 'dierbaar' is I think the only term in the Taal associated with an item that is cherished but *not* a negotiable commodity. It is closer to the English 'darling'. The Old English 'Deor' was not a darling but a fugitive in hiding: Reference, the poem "Deor" The Migratory Period Rune 'Feoh' with the 'F' value refers to 'livestock' on the one hand & 'fee' on the other; Afrikaans has 'vee' for the first & 'foei' for the second. This is a sensible & inevitable association going right back to the Indo-Germanic, right? Here is a traceable pair for Afrikaans! As for "Lob" & "Preis": English "praise" & "prize" (now this is getting interesting) with which I associate with Afrikaans "lof" & "prys", my Kritzinger, Steyn, Schoonees & Cronje (Afrikaanse Woordeboek. Vertalend, Afrikaans : Engels) has this to offer. 'Lof' = praise, eulogy, commendation, laudation. 'Prys' = price, value, cost, charge, award, premium, prize, praise &c. The first, 'lof', may be a tribute but it is not a commodity. The second, 'prys', may be, but is it a synonym altogether? Not inevitably. We still offer Lof & Prys to God. Hearty greetings all round! Hartlike groete alom! Yrs, Mark. ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Nov 21 03:07:33 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2011 19:07:33 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.20 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 20 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Ed Alexander edsells at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.20 (01) [EN] At 05:40 PM 20/11/2011, Mark or Ruth wrote: I have difficulty with the word 'dear'*=*'valuable' being originally associated with 'deer'='animal'. I submit that in fact they were not associated originally, and come from separate IE roots. >From the Online Etymological Dictionary: *DEER* O.E. deor "animal, beast," from P.Gmc. *deuzam, the general Germanic word for "animal" (as opposed to man), but often restricted to "wild animal" (cf. O.Fris. diar, Du. dier, O.N. dyr, O.H.G. tior, Ger. Tier "animal," Goth. dius "wild animal," also cf. reindeer), from PIE *dheusom "creature that breathes," from *dheu- (1) "cloud, breath" (cf. Lith. dusti "gasp," dvesti "gasp, perish;" O.C.S. dychati "breathe;" cf. L. animal from anima "breath"), from base *dheu-. Sense specialization to a specific animal began in O.E. (usual O.E. for what we now call a deer was heorot; see hart), common by 15c., now complete. Probably via hunting, deer being the favorite animal of the chase (cf. Skt. mrga- "wild animal," used especially for "deer"). Deer-lick is first attested 1778, in an American context. *DEAR *O.E. deore "precious, valuable, costly, loved, beloved," from P.Gmc. *deurjaz (cf. O.S. diuri, O.N. dyrr, O.Fris. diore, M.Du. dure, Du. duur, O.H.G. tiuri, Ger. teuer), ultimate origin unknown. Used interjectorily since 1690s. As a polite introductory word to letters, it is attested from mid-15c. As a noun, from late 14c., perhaps short for dear one, etc. Ed Alexander, on Manitoulin Island, where the annual deer hunt starts on Monday. ---------- From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" Beste Mark, You wrote: As for "Lob" & "Preis": English "praise" & "prize" (now this is getting interesting) with which I associate with Afrikaans "lof" & "prys", my Kritzinger, Steyn, Schoonees & Cronje (Afrikaanse Woordeboek. Vertalend, Afrikaans : Engels) has this to offer. 'Lof' = praise, eulogy, commendation, laudation. 'Prys' = price, value, cost, charge, award, premium, prize, praise &c. The first, 'lof', may be a tribute but it is not a commodity. The second, 'prys', may be, but is it a synonym altogether? Not inevitably. We still offer Lof & Prys to God. Or to merchandise. As is the case in the Brabantish expression: "loven en bieden" (loven en bieëen ~ love and bid). It's an old one (attested in 1380 already), used to describe the haggling between seller and byer. A seller will usually praise his ware (loven is not coincidentally cognate with "to love" (E)), while the potential byer may make an offer (a bid). I have a feeling that words like "cheap", "love", "praise" and "dear" were rather market-terms, before they were religiously/morally reinterpreted. "Free" on the other hand looks like a more original word-complex that was connected with what we label "love" these days. Note: - vrijen (D): to make love - friend (E): ami-go (Spanish) - fri: Old Saxon for "woman" - Frieden (G): peace - Freyja: goddess of love Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 22 03:35:24 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 19:35:24 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.20 (03) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 20 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.20. (02) [EN] Hallo Lowlanners. Dat is je snaaksch. Fründ Ed Alexaner is nu von Dear up Deer kamen. Ja, wenn dat so is, kann ick je noch wat tau un oewer *DEER **(Tier) * vermellen. *Diert,* Dier, Deir, ä. Deert, Pl. *Deerte, Dierte, Direr, Deirer, -s *n. Tier, das wilde , freilebende Tier im Gegensatz zu den zahmen oder Haustieren: animal 'ein Deerte'; 'so ein wunderlik derte' (1563); 'unvornufftige Deerte'; 'de wilden Deerte'; 'von einem schlimmen Deert'; 'alle Deerde, all dat Veh' (1726); für dat Vieh vermeidet der Volksmund die Bezeichnung *Diert *nach Möglichkeit; wenn ein Badegast einen Fisch mit *Diert *bezeichnet, erhält er die abweisende Antwort: *Deirer warden hier nich fungen; *nur im Zorn sowie im Segen und Volksreim wird das Wort zuweilen auch von Haustieren gebraucht: *dat oll Diert *von einer Kuh, die beim Melken nicht stehen will;* wo willt Derers ji Deirers hen! *zu Schafen, die sich von der Herde absondern; *dat Diert hett sick verfungen** *im Segen gegen die Kolik; junge Gössel, die man erstmalig auf die Weide bringt, werden durch folgenden Spruch vor Raubzeug geschützt: *Will Dierer, hier bring' ick juch tamm Dierer, Dor sœlt ji nich ihrer von äten, Ihrer Mudder Maria ehr Kind hett vergäten; de lütten Deirer *junge Enten; *Hotthö, min lütt Pierten, Hoppeda, min lütt Dierten; de fleigen Dierten *Vögel; *dat wieren Dierer von derer Grött *sehr große Insekten; *dor gahn väl Deirer ümher *(Läuse im Rätsel); *en unvernünftig Dird *(Schimmel)*; *bildl. von großer Armut: *hier hett dat arm Diert jung't; hier is nicks los, hier hett'n arm Diert jung't, hett twölw krägen; *übertr. von Menschen, die man nicht alle Tage sieht, z.B. hochgestellte Persönlichkeiten: *se willen sonn Diert *(den Großherzog) *ok eens seihn; Wunnerdiert; grote Dierter*(angesehene Personen); *de Dierer *Studenten; vgl. *Dussel-, Nussel-, Undiert;** *von leblosen Dingen: *wat hebben de Deirer för Dwasknüppel *sagte ein Bauernjunge beim Anblick von Segelschiffen mit großen Rahen; *dat olle Diert *(Hose); *dee hebben sick noch sonn Deirers upgrübelt *Reime und Schwänke. FN. (Flurnamen): *Dierbrauk, -goorden-, -horst, -koppel. *Mnd. *dêrt, dêr; *Diertüg n. das Vieh. Lit.: Wossidlo/Teuchert IDIOM: *Jedem Tierchen sein Pläsierchen **To each his/her own.* * *Un ick hüpp nu as ne Flöh (Floh) in't Bedd. Hartlich. Hanne ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Semantics Moin, Hanne! Bi mi un in 'n good Deel annere Dialekten is de Mehrtallform "Deerten" or "Dierten". Grötens, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA P.S.: Un ick hüpp nu as ne Flöh (Floh) in't Bedd. 'n Flöh (*vlooi*, *Floh*, *flee*) is bẹter as as 'n Wandluus (*wandluis, ** Wanze*, *bedbug*). (Wandlüs' stinkt daar ja ook noch to!) ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 22 03:39:04 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 19:39:04 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.20. (04) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 20 November 2011 - Volume 04 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: event An all' Lowlanners. Wat je noch weiten möt'. Die Fritz Reuter Gesellschaft wurde heute mit dieser Auszeichnung geehrt. Der Präsident der FRG Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Grote* nahm die Auszeichnung entgegen. (Un gistern hebben wi* bi Café Prag noch ne schöön Tass' Kaffe drunken un 'n Strämel vertellt. J.G. is ein Sweriner un sien Mudding wier eins mien Doktersch.) Ick freu mi för de FRG. Hanne ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: event Da ich die Webseite immer Buchstabe für Buchstabe abschreiben muß, ist mir ein Fehler unterlaufen. Nun ist alles OK. Kann mir einer mal den Tipp geben, wie man direkt die Anschrift http usw. in ein Schreiben übertragen kann? Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 22 18:36:31 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 10:36:31 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.22 (01) [DE] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 22 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Dutchmatters at Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.20. (04) [DE-NDS] Liebe Hanne Das ist gar nicht schwierig. Man soll zuerst die Botschaft “durchsenden” oder “beantworten. Auf das Schirm kan man dann die Anschrift abschreiben und in eine andere Botschaft aufkleben. Good luck! Jacqueline, Seattle VS ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 22 23:53:12 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 15:53:12 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.22. (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 22 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.18 (02) [EN] Translations may leave semantic differences unresolved. See picture from the “avenue Ten Horen” – “Ten Horen laan” (zum Horn Allee) in the bilingual “Uccle” – “Ukkel”, one of the 19 municipalities of the Brussels capital region. It helps understanding why the Dutch and French speakers have it so difficult to find oneother. Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: be.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 127072 bytes Desc: not available URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 23 19:47:05 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 11:47:05 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.23 (01) [DE] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 23 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.22 (01) [DE] Liebe Jacqueline, vielen vielen Dank für deine Hilfe, ich habe mich sehr gefreut. *Aber *ich habe leider Probleme. Ich werde weiter Test-Übungen anwenden. Eigentlich bin ich gar nicht so *doemlich *(dumm). Ich habe seit einiger Zeit Windows 7 mit Mozilla Thunderbird und komme damit auch klar. Immer wenn ich die Sache angehe, kommt mir in die Quere: "Babylon Nachricht: Diese Babylon Version ist abgelaufen." Warum eigentlich...?) Ich kriege das schon hin... Herzliche Grüße und nochmals DANK! Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 23 19:48:04 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 11:48:04 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.23 (01) [DE] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 23 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.22 (01) [DE] Liebe Jacqueline, vielen vielen Dank für deine Hilfe, ich habe mich sehr gefreut. *Aber *ich habe leider Probleme. Ich werde weiter Test-Übungen anwenden. Eigentlich bin ich gar nicht so *doemlich *(dumm). Ich habe seit einiger Zeit Windows 7 mit Mozilla Thunderbird und komme damit auch klar. Immer wenn ich die Sache angehe, kommt mir in die Quere: "Babylon Nachricht: Diese Babylon Version ist abgelaufen." Warum eigentlich...?) Ich kriege das schon hin... Herzliche Grüße und nochmals DANK! Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 23 19:49:52 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 11:49:52 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2011.11.23 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 23 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Henry Pijffers henry.pijffers at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.22. (02) [EN] Roger Thijs wrote: > > See picture from the “avenue Ten Horen” – “Ten Horen laan” (zum Horn Allee) > in the bilingual “Uccle” – “Ukkel”, one of the 19 municipalities of the > Brussels capital region. > Hey, the French sign is bigger. This calls for a good riot! cheers, Henry ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 24 00:46:02 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 16:46:02 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Technica" 2011.11.23 (03) [DE] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 23 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Dutchmatters at Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.23 (01) [DE] Re: Babylon Nachricht. Liebe Hanne, Leider kann ich dir damit nicht helfen. Ich habe überhaupt nie gewusst dat die Babylonier schon computers hatten. Sterkte met het probleem! Jacqueline ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 24 00:48:38 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 16:48:38 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2011.11.23 (04) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 23 November 2011 - Volume 04 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Language politics" Beste Henry, You wrote: Roger Thijs wrote: > > See picture from the “avenue Ten Horen” – “Ten Horen laan” (zum Horn Allee) > in the bilingual “Uccle” – “Ukkel”, one of the 19 municipalities of the > Brussels capital region. > Hey, the French sign is bigger. Of course...this is a prank set up by the Dutch community ;=) We bilinguals, all know you have to turn to the right, but since most of the French have absolutely no clue what "Wegomlegging" means they will surely follow the bigger (French) signpost. This is our way to minimize traffic jams ;=) Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium PS: Even in unilingual territory, at a junction, you can sometimes see a sign pointing to the left: Brussel, 15 km, and another pointing to the right, Brussel, 17 km. No problem for locals... ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 24 01:16:45 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 17:16:45 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 23 November 2011 - Volume 05 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Etymology Dear Lowlanders, Here in the Seattle area, we had what my Australian friends would call "a real stinker of a day." Though while they tend to refer to particularly hot weather, I am referring to a dark, depressing day of constant rain ... November at its worst (short of snow in a hilly area like this). I may have mentioned the following some years ago, but I am sure it can stand repeating. In many Low Saxon dialects, this type of light, steady rain (and the accompanying low light conditions) are known as (masculine) *Druus*[dru:s], and the derived adjective/adverb is *drusig* ['dru:zɪç]. Now, this reminds me of English "drowsy" and the Scots verb *drouse* (* droose* [dru:z] 'to be drowsy'), considering also that, like English "drowsy" and Scots *drouse*, the Low Saxon words can refer to a state of sleepiness as well. Are we talking about a coincidence or about a relationship? Are there other Lowlands pieces of the puzzle? Regards, and to all Lowlanders in and from the United States a wonderful and heartwarming Thanksgiving! Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 24 21:25:19 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 13:25:19 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.24 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 24 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" Beste Ron, You wrote: In many Low Saxon dialects, this type of light, steady rain (and the accompanying low light conditions) are known as (masculine) *Druus*[dru:s], and the derived adjective/adverb is *drusig* ['dru:zɪç]. I think the original meaning of [dru:s] may have been "murk" (compare Old English "drusan" to sink, and "to drowse"), evolving to: - [dru:s]: nickname for the devil (the dark one, in many dialects) - [dru:s]: sediment, dark sludgy substance in a liquid, also a horse disease (cf. droesem in Dutch) - [dru:s]: as in toponym Droeshout and surname Droesbeke (dark, marshy wood and muddy, slow running brook) - [dru:s]: nickname for a big, clumsy, slow-witted fellow Not too sure English "drizzle" is related btw. Seems like a substrate word, together with Dutch "dras". Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium ---------- From: Mark and Ruth Dreyer mrdreyer at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] Dear Ron: Subject: LL-L Etymology We've started with that now on the Highveld. Fine weather, for ducks. S Africans can get really morbid when they don't see the Sun. By the way; I think you'll get more meat out of the English term 'drizzle' by which they mean light rain of long duration. A brief burst of the same would rate 'shower'. My Yiddish ear says this has to be a *little* 'drizz' - whatever that izz. Reciprocations to you, Ron & all you Americans, eat a fat slice of pecan pie for me! All Yrs, Mark You wrote: ...I am referring to a dark, depressing day of constant rain ... November at its worst (short of snow in a hilly area like this). I may have mentioned the following some years ago, but I am sure it can stand repeating. In many Low Saxon dialects, this type of light, steady rain (and the accompanying low light conditions) are known as (masculine) *Druus*[dru:s], and the derived adjective/adverb is *drusig* ['dru:zɪç]. ---------- From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] That sort of rain is called "drizzle" in England (and probably other UK countries too). Online Etymological dictionary dates it to 1540s, probably from OE *dreosan*, to fall. Related to PIE **dhreu,* related to "drip". Paul. PS: when it is really fine rain, we call it "mizzle", combining "drizzle" with "mist". ---------- From: Ed Alexander edsells at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] At 08:16 PM 23/11/2011, Ron wrote: In many Low Saxon dialects, this type of light, steady rain (and the accompanying low light conditions) are known as (masculine) *Druus*[dru:s], and the derived adjective/adverb is *drusig* ['dru:zɪç]. Now, this reminds me of English "drowsy" and the Scots verb *drouse* (* droose* [dru:z] 'to be drowsy'), considering also that, like English "drowsy" and Scots *drouse*, the Low Saxon words can refer to a state of sleepiness as well. Are we talking about a coincidence or about a relationship? Are there other Lowlands pieces of the puzzle? You forgot "drizzle." It looks like drowsy comes from a different root than *drusig*. Ed Alexander ---------- From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Dutchmatters at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] Hello there ‘stadgenoot’ A Dutch friend came to visit me this afternoon and she said, while we were negotiating the puddles in the driveway, “en als dit thuis was geweest, zou ik ook nog op de fiets zijn gekomen”!! Brrrrr Which brings me back to your etymological question. Dutch knows ‘druisen’ which my dictionary tells me is ‘een aanhoudend maar ongelijkmatig, verward, vrij sterk geluid voortbrengen. I think that makes meterological sense today. And then there are of course druilen en druipen (respectively not showing any energy and to drip). Does that remind you of something?? Keep dry! Jacqueline BdJ ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Etymology Thanks for all the responses. Now that you have mentioned it I am convinced that *drizzle* is related, must have come from **drysel* ['dry:zl] (< /druz+el-/, diminutive frequentive, umlauted). Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA My keyboard just broke, and the stores are closed for the holiday … It is horrendous working around that. ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 24 21:33:05 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 13:33:05 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2011.11.24 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 24 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder Subject: LL-L "Language varietiess" 2011.11.24 [EN] According to the Dutch linguistic magazine Onze Taal, Brabantish is the most sexy accent of the Netherlands: Ingmar ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sat Nov 26 00:17:25 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 16:17:25 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.25 [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 25 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" Beste Paul, You mentioned "to mizzle", when light rain is falling. The same word exists in Dutch "miezelen/miezeren" and Low German "miseln". Note Dutch dialect "miegelen", to urinate. Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium ---------- From: Wim wkv at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.24 (01) [EN] >From wim verdoold wkv at Zwolle nl Hi! Droes in the futhark ( Rune Alphabeth) the th is called thurs ( giant ) I think that is the same word again Moin! Wim ---------- From: list at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.24 (01) [EN] From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at > Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] > > That sort of rain is called "drizzle" in England (and probably other UK > countries too). Online Etymological dictionary dates it to 1540s, probably > from OE *dreosan*, to fall. Related to PIE **dhreu,* related to "drip". > > Paul. > > PS: when it is really fine rain, we call it "mizzle", combining "drizzle" > with "mist". > Is it really a portmanteau or perhaps an old word? Low Saxon has "musseln" for fine rain (it also means dropping powder-like or grainy substances: "Mussel nich so mit dat Stroh, ik heff jüst feegt." Do not drop any straw, I just swept.). Marcus Buck ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] Hallo all' Lowlanners, ick hadd stramm tau daun un kann ierst hüt , wat nu kümmt, vermellen: *Regen, Regen drus' *Regen, Regen* drus',* wi sitt hier warm in Huus'! De Vageln sitt in Bom to kurn, de Köh, dee staht an' Wall to schurn: Regen, Regen *drus'*, wi sitt hier warm in Huus'! 1. Vers Text: Klaus Groth Hier heit *drus' *: *'rieseln'.* *Bim-bam-beier! *2. Vers: Bim-bam-Jünging, min oll lütt Lusepünging, min oll lütt Snickermus, din Og is blag, din Poll is krus - bim-bam, nu ligg un *drus'*! Text: John Brinckman Hier hett *drus' *dat Bedüden von *schläfrig*. Übrigens, eine schöne Lautmalerei. * **drus' *hett so tau seggen twei Bedüden. Perfesser Voßlo: *drus' *(*drüs), *druss verschlafen, mürrisch:* dru's; drus utseihn; denn wäs' nich so drus, Dirn, Un nimm nicks krumm! - As sonn Kaninken drus un fram; de Windhunn' sleken so drus; wo drus un bös he utseg; bün ick drus, so sall ick schmeicheln; drus *still, launisch, verdrossen; *druss laten *traurig aussehen. Drus' m. Halbschlaf; *De Wind dee weiht, De Hahn dee kreiht, De Köster liggt in 'n Drus'; oll Unkel Sprein Sitt still vör sick as in den Druss' *; *oll Drus' *Langschläfer; *in 'n Drus' stahn* ungewiß sein; *dat Weder steiht so im Druse ; Winterdrus'. *Aberglaube: *ut den Drus' is hei nich ruttaubringen; Drus' krigen *Schläge erhalten - Drus'drom m. Schelte für einen schlafmützigen Menschen - *drusen *in leichten Schlummer fallen, Einnicken, schlummern; - *drusig *schläfrig, verdrossen; *em ward all so drusig* er wird schlafmüde. Drus'jahn m. schläfriger, langsamer Mensch; Druskopp m. Dummkopf; Drusmichel m. wie Drusjahn; Drusmul n. sauertöpfischer Mensch; Druspeter m. wie -jahn. *Drussel *(ss stimmhaft) m. Halbschlaf, leichter Schlummer; *en lütten Drussel hollen *(ein Nickerchen machen); Drusselbücks f. langsamer, schläfriger Mensch; *drusseln *ein wenig einnicken, im halben Schlummer sein *hei drusselt so vör sick hen*; Zss.: *inoewerdrusseln*; gruseln im Märchen von dem, der das Fürchten lernen wollte: *wenn ick wüsst, wat drusseln wir. **Drusseltit *f. Schlummerzeit; *Drüssing *m. kleiner Ärger, Verdruß. * *Anmerkung von mir: ick heff mi hier nich vertippt, is all'ns echt (original). DUDEN 7: *Dusel: *Das im 16. Jh. aus dem Niederl. ins Hochd. übernommene Wort gehört mit mnd. düsinge "Betäubung", ahd. tüsig "einfältig", norw. dusa "duseln", niederl. dwaas"töricht". Duseln ist ist eine Ableitung von Dusel; *duseln *"träumen, still vor sich hin gehen" 16. Jh.; *dusselig, dusslig *"dumm, schlafmützig. Nu möt ick waak bliewen, denn bi dat Wuurt *drusig *mit all' sien Rankelwüürd heff ick mi binah so fäuhlt as *Nusseljochen *(schläfriger Mensch). Caffè Crema ut mien niege Kaffeemaschin möckt mi wedder munter. Best' Gräuten. Hanne ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Etymology Dank di, Hanne. *Regen, Regen drus'* * * * *Regen, Regen* drus',* wi sitt hier warm in Huus'! De Vageln sitt in Bom to kurn, de Köh, dee staht an' Wall to schurn: Regen, Regen *drus'*, wi sitt hier warm in Huus'! 1. Vers Text: Klaus Groth You read this song (with vocabulary) and my "translation" here: Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA Brought to you with the help of a new keyboard ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sat Nov 26 00:21:44 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 16:21:44 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.24 (02) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 25 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Dem Advent entgegen Un wedder heit dat "Leiw' Frünn'n!" Uns'* Ingelsch-Lihrer Ulrich Planken *hett ein Drapen mit Frünn'n ut England organisiert. Ick wier gistern mit bi. Hier mal de Plan, wat so up uns taukümmt: *Anticipating Advent (Dem Advent entgegen). * Frünn'n ut England tau Besäuk in de "Bernogemeinde": * Donnerstag, 24. November* 18:00 "Süppchen" im Berno-Gemeindezentrum. Erstes Kennenlernen und Wiedersehen. *(Ja, dat hett mi tauseggt.)* *Freitag, 25. Nov.* 9:30 VolXmobil an der Paulskirche; Thomas Ruppenthal stellt ein besonderes Projekt der Jugendarbeit unserer Landeskirche vor. 11:00 Besichtigung Festsaal des Oberkirchenrates, Münzstraße 8-10. *15:00 Teaparty im Mehrgenerationenhaus auf dem Dreesch. Dor mak ick mit.* 19:00 Weihnachtsmarkt, Treffpunkt Eingang Dom. *Sonnabend, 26. November* 9:00 Ausflug Bellin, Haus der Stille und Güstrow, Krippenmuseum. 17:30 Gottesdienst Anticipating Advent im Bernogemeindezentrum, Abend der Begegnung. Bitte bringen Sie etwas für das Buffet mit! *Sonntag, 27. November* 10:30 Uhr Gottesdienst in der Paulskirche. Veranstalter: Ev.-Luth. Bernogemeinde /Wossidlostraße 2 / 19059 Schwerin, Kirchenältester *Ulrich Planken* / Pastorin Konstanze Helmers. Ick heff mi poor Gedanken upschräwen, woans ick up Ingelsch 'n Snack anfangen kann. Uns fählt de Dialog. Also, hüt ward Ingelsch snackt..... oh ha! Hanne ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Musik Ja, tau Tied hümpelt dat mit Höhepunkten... Dat Landesfunkhuus Schwerin *NDR *hett mi tau ein "Funkhauskonzert" inlaadt (ick heff je vör un nah de Wenn' väl Tauarbeit för dat Funkhuus makt). Un mit Freud wier ick mit bi. "Hell ward dat in uns Stuben - Plattdütsch Wiehnacht mit de Fritz-Reuter-Bühn" am Mittwoch, 23. November 2011 um 19:00 Uhr im Foyer des NDR Landesfunkhauses Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. De F.R.Bühn hett dit Johr ehrn 85. Burtsdag fiert un hebben ehr niege CD vörstellt. Blot inladen Gäst so an ~ fötig Lüüd nich blot ut Swerin hebben sick drapen. Dat Drapen wier einzig , grootorrig. Wi Frünn'n hebben uns vör Freud ümarmt un later noch bi 'n lütten Rodspon 'n Strämel vertellt. Dat wier grotorrig! Mal von ein anner Oort un Wies' hebben de Künstlers ehr niege CD vörstellt, un ick heff sei mi later glieksen köfft un ok noch mit de Mitmakers vertellt. *Hell ward dat in uns Stuben Plattdütsch Wiehnachten: Frech, fröhlich, feierlich. Das Weihnachts-Ensemble der Fritz-Reuter-Bühne Schwerin mit alten und neuen plattdeutschen Weihnachts-, Kinder- und Winterliedern sowie Texten und Gedichten zum Fest. Dazu die Weihnachtsgeschihte up Platt. *(Ick heff oewer nicks freches rutehüert, ja, spaßig woll.) * *Mit allen Texten up Platt in einem ausführlichen Booklet von Rainer Schobeß (ick heff fief Johr för em *Bänkel-Leeder *nah ein vörgäben Thema schräwen, komponiert un insungen bi ein Tonstudio. Eigentlich wier dat blot vör ein Johr so dacht, oewer dat löp so gaud, un so sünd 't fief Johr mit 250 Bänkel-Leeder worden). De Mitmakers: Sänger/Sprecher: Arja Sharma, Ulrike Stern, Andres Auer, Manfred Brümmer*, Knut Fiete Degner, Jens Tramsen, Valentin Manß) * schreew de mihrsten Texten. Dat Läuschen liggt em, oewer ok de tau Harten gahn Texten. De vertonten Texten hebben mi bannig anroegt. Thomas Möckel (Komponist) hett denn' Nerv drapen. Mit sien Muskanten von dat Staatstheater Swerin inspält mit de Instrumenten Cello, Viola, Klavier, Celesta, Violine, Kontrabass, Bassgitarre, Celesta, Akkordeon, Flöte, Tenor-, Sopran-, Baritonsaxophon, Schlagzeug, percussion (sehr dezent eingesetzt), Trompete, Flügelhorn, Akustikgitarre und E-Gitarre. Mien Mein, hier hett'n olle Traditschon mit sinnige niemodsche Traditschon verknütt. Wat Möckel komponiert is ümmer wedder wunnerschööön! Glieks bi de iersten Takten von Musik käm in mi liesen ein Fäuhlen up as wier't nu Wiehnachten. De CD kannst 67:45 Minuten geneiten. Nu ward't Tied ... möt je noch weg nah denn' Groten Dreisch. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sat Nov 26 22:29:30 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 14:29:30 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.26 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 26 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== >From Cliff Smuts csmuts at Subject LL-L “Etymology” Best all Interesting etymology. In Afrikaans we have ‘misreën’ (literally misty rain) for very soft light rain. The word ‘mis’ is Afr for ‘fog’, and we have other words, such as ‘mishoring = foghorn’ with the same component as well. The Xhosa (black tribal grouping as well as athe name of their language have the word ‘kitsha’ or kwitsha’ for the same event (i.e. light rain). Kind greetings, Cliff ---------- From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.25 [DE-EN-NDS] Thanks Luc, My explanation of "mist and drizzle" was actually a guess; maybe we got the word much earlier from Flemish and Dutch traders, or there might be an older Germanic word common to all these. Paul ---------- From: Sandy Fleming fleemin at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" > From: list at > Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.24 (01) [EN] > > From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at > Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN]PS: when it is really fine rain, we call it "mizzle", combining "drizzle" > with "mist". > Is it really a portmanteau or perhaps an old word? Low Saxon has "musseln" for fine rain (it also means dropping powder-like or grainy substances: "Mussel nich so mit dat Stroh, ik > heff jüst feegt." Do not drop any straw, I just swept.). In Scots we say "mizzlin" for raining with fine droplets, too. When fine rain is wafted by the wind so that it looks like curtains, we call this "smirr". Sandy Fleming ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. 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URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sun Nov 27 00:42:52 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 16:42:52 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.26 (02) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 26 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.26.(01) [EN] Ick heff ok noch wat up Lager, *musselig *Adj., (*-ss- *stimmhaft)* *auch umg., regnerisch, schmutzig, vom Wetter *musseln *leicht regnen, nieseln. *nieseln *wie hd. *Syn **fisseln, dribbeln, drübbeln, schmuddeln, dat nieselt sonn' bäten *es fällt leichter Regen. *drüppen *tropfen, *druppen*, oft von beginnendem Regen: *dat drüppt all*; übertr. von spärlichem Gewinn: *wenn 't nich rägent, so drüppt 't doch*; auch von großem Überfluß: 'Idt drüppet all van Geld, wor se man henne gripen'; triefen: *hei ... drüppte von baben bet unnen; von 'n Druppenfall in 'n Platzrägen kamen *ein kleines Übel mit einem größeren vertauschen - *druppwis' *tropfenweise, auch bedächtig, stockend von der Sprache. Aber *drup *darauf; *drup un dran sin *im Begriff sein. Lit.: Perfesser Voßlo IDIOM *Auf Regen folgt Sonnenschein. **Every cloud has a silver lining. *Ick wünsch all Lowlanners 'n sinnigen (besinnlichen) Sünndag. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sun Nov 27 20:34:54 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 12:34:54 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.27.(01) [AF-EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 27 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" Beste Hannelore, Another verb for fine, light rain: Sabbern, known in Bremen, Köln, Göttingen (Georg Schambach) and Brabant. Also in use for "to drool (E), geifern (G)) and probably cognate with "to sob (E)". Same root and also used for light rain is Southern Dutch "zever(e)n". I think German musseln/muscheln could well be related to older Dutch "mooschen" (treat clumsily, play with dirt...). "Moeësn" in Brabantish. Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium ---------- From: Denis dujardin dujardin at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.26 (02) [DE-NDS] In Dutch we have "miezeren" for light raining. In West-flemish we use "smeukken" in which the "kk" is pronounced as a "glottislag" (dont know how you translate this to english) which has the sound like go'''''a- get (gotta get , got to get) in Cockney. Always wondered where smuekken came from. Anyone? *Denis Dujardin dujardin at Flanders-Belgium 0032485328375* ---------- From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.26 (02) [DE-NDS] We often hear about how Inupiat has dozens of words for snow (though I believe it actually doesn't); Trust the Lowlanders to have a dozen words for rain! Paul (in rather dry) Derby England ---------- From: Mark and Ruth Dreyer mrdreyer at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.26 (01) [EN] Haai, Cliff! Onderwerp: LL-L "Etymology" En wat van 'motreën'? *Motreën*, (s) drizzle, Scotch mist; dribble; (w) *(ge-)*, drizzle. [Kritzinger, Steyn, Schoonees & Cronje] en: Motreën: Sagte reën; Ndl *motregen* (aanhaling uit van Riebeek se Dagboek) " 's avonds 't luchen... met motregen" (en 'n ander uit Schou) "een geweldige mist en mot-regen ondereen gemenght" ens... [Boshoff en Nienaber] & while we're talking about Scotch mist, don't *they* call it 'haar'? (I'd like to hear the back-story to that). I have also heard one of *them*define this as the exact boundry condition between light rain & heavy mist, AKA "a fine fair morning" anywhere North of Carlisle! U skryf: Interesting etymology. In Afrikaans we have ‘misreën’ (literally misty rain) for very soft light rain. The word ‘mis’ is Afr for ‘fog’, and we have other words, such as ‘mishoring = foghorn’ with the same component as well. The Xhosa (black tribal grouping as well as athe name of their language have the word ‘kitsha’ or kwitsha’ for the same event (i.e. light rain). Groete, Mark ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Nov 28 20:23:42 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 12:23:42 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2011.11.28.(01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 28 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Utz H.Woltmann uwoltmann at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.27.(01) [AF-EN] An´n 26.11.2011 schrev Denis Dujardin: In Dutch we have "miezeren" for light raining. I like very much the Dutch word 'miezemuizen' for light rain. I realised the following words in Low Saxon and Missingsch: To drizzle in LS: Dribbeln, drieseln, drübbeln, drüppeln, druseln, drusseln, fieseln, fießeln, fisseln, miesten, misten, musseln, nieseln, nisseln, smuddeln, snuschen. To drizzle in Missingsch: Fieseln, pieseln, schuddern, schnuddern. The drizzle in LS: Druus, Niesel, Nieselregen (same as German), Smuddel, Smuddelregen, Smudderregen The drizzle in Missingsch: Fieselregen. We call the weather in Missingsch 'Schmuddelwetter' and in LS 'dat schidderige Wedder'. Best regards Utz H. Woltmann ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Lexicon Thanks, Utz. To drizzle in Missingsch: Fieseln, pieseln, schuddern, schnuddern. The drizzle in Missingsch: Fieselregen. We call the weather in Missingsch 'Schmuddelwetter' and in LS 'dat schidderige Wedder'. That's Bremen Missingsch, right? In Hamburg Missingsch I'd say: to drizzle: *schmuddeln* drizzle: *Schmuddelregen* drizzly weather: *Schmuddelwedder* Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 29 06:14:10 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:14:10 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2011.11.28 (03) [EN-NL] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 25 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at Subject: LL-L Resources A new Dialect Atlas of the Dutch language area (in Europe) is reviewed in "De Standard" today. Strange to me is the swap between komen/gekomen in the last paragraph Regards, Roger quoted from: Tot ziens, salu, ajuus, houdoe en dag hoor! Dialectatlas toont evolutie van streektalen dinsdag 29 november 2011, 03u00 Auteur: Berthold van Maris UTRECHT - De ‘Dialectatlas van het Nederlands' brengt streektalen overzichtelijk in kaart en toont aan dat dialecten blijven evolueren. Van onze medewerker Dialectonderzoekers doen niets liever dan kaartjes tekenen. Waar in het Nederlandse taalgebied spreken ze met de zachte g en waar met de harde? Waar zeggen ze ‘spijkerbroek' en waar ‘jeans'? Veel van die kaartjes zijn voor de leek moeilijk te lezen, omdat er soms wel twintig verschillende varianten op staan aangegeven met ieder zijn eigen symbooltje. Daarom is het goed dat er nu een boek is waarin honderd vijftig van die kaartjes zo bewerkt zijn dat ook het grote publiek ervan kan genieten. Mooie, overzichtelijke kaartjes zijn het geworden. Ieder kaartje is voorzien van een uitgebreide toelichting. Allerlei bekende dialectkwesties komen voorbij. Waar zegt men ‘Toon wast zich', waar ‘Toon wast z'n eigen' en waar is het ‘Toon wast hem'? Op het kaartje over hoe men ‘groter dan' zegt in de dialecten van het Nederlands, zie je in één oogopslag dat het in bijna alle dialecten ‘groter als' is. Alleen in het westen van Vlaanderen zegt men liever iets anders, namelijk ‘groter of'. Ook minder bekende maar daarom niet minder intrigerende zaken worden in beeld gebracht. Het lidwoord ‘een' heeft in sommige delen van het taalgebied een mannelijke, een vrouwelijke én een onzijdige vorm (bijvoorbeeld: ne man, ‘n vrouw, e kind). En in sommige dialecten zeggen ze niet ‘Wie denk je dat ik in de stad heb gezien?' maar ‘Wie denk je wie ik in de stad heb gezien?'. Elk kaartje is anders. De grenzen tussen de verschillende varianten van een klank, een woord of een zinsconstructie vallen bijna nooit samen met de grenzen tussen veronderstelde dialectgroepen zoals ‘het Limburgs' of ‘het Gronings'. Aan een goede, wetenschappelijk onderbouwde indeling in dialectgroepen wordt trouwens al meer dan een eeuw gewerkt, met telkens andere resultaten. Nu eens werden er in het Nederlandse taalgebied zes dialectgroepen onderscheiden, dan weer achtentwintig of acht. Vroeger zag men het liefst de vroege geschiedenis van Nederland door die kaartjes heen schemeren: de huidige dialectverschillen zouden teruggaan op taalverschillen tussen de Franken, de Saksen en de Friezen. Streektalen Tegenwoordig spreekt men graag over ‘streektalen', die beschermd dienen te worden, zoals ‘het Limburgs' en ‘het Nedersaksisch' (de dialecten van Oost- en Noord-Nederland). Maar wie al die kaartjes bekijkt en naast elkaar legt, ziet dat er geen duidelijk omlijnde streektalen zijn. Met als enige uitzondering, misschien, het Fries. Bij de meeste kaartjes valt wel een interessant verhaal te vertellen. Er is bijvoorbeeld één groot aaneengesloten gebied waarin men ‘sinaasappel' zegt. Daaromheen liggen kleinere gebieden, die niet met elkaar verbonden zijn, waar men ‘appelsien' zegt. De dialectoloog concludeert uit dat geografische patroon dat ‘appelsien' de oudste vorm is, die langzaam door de nieuwere vorm (‘sinaasappel') wordt verdrongen. Dat dialecten steeds weer veranderen en dat soms ook in tegengestelde richtingen doen, is mooi te zien op een kaartje over de varianten ‘ik ben gekomen' en ‘ik ben komen'. *In Noord-Nederland zei men in de veertiende eeuw op veel plaatsen ‘ick ben ghecomen' en is het nu overal ‘ik ben komen'. Onder de rivieren is het precies andersom: daar zei men zes eeuwen geleden ‘ick ben comen' en is het nu overal ‘ik ben gekomen'.* Nicoline van der Sijs (red.), ‘Dialectatlas van het Nederlands', Prometheus, 368 blz., 39,95 euro. ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 29 06:17:45 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:17:45 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.28.(04) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 25 November 2011 - Volume 04 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Dutchmatters at comc Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.27.(01) [AF-EN] Dennis contributed the word smeukken to the growing palette of words with which we ‘word paint’ Lowlands weather. That is getting close to E smog, which I always thought was a contamination between smoke and fog. How come> Jacqueline BdJ Seattle ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 29 06:22:43 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:22:43 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.28.(05) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 25 November 2011 - Volume 05 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Kultur Hallo all' Lowlanners, in'n Wiehnachtsmaand deit sick nu all wat, un dat möt de wiede Welt ok tau weiten kriegen. Mit ein hartlich Gräuten. Hanne Am 28.11.2011 00:57, schrieb Zentrum für Niederdeutsch: ** ** *Leve Frünnen vun't Plattdüütschzentrum in Ratzeborg,* *hier de Henwies op de een un anner plattdüütsche Veranstalten düsse Week bi uns in'n Norden:* ** ** ******** *Lichtwarksaal in Hamburg* *Walter-A.-Kreye-Abend II* *Dirk Römmer stellt dat Wark vör* ** Ein weiteres Bibliotheksgespräch der Carl-Toepfer-Stiftung widmet sich dem Werk von Walter A. Kreye, dem Bremer Schriftsteller und Rundfunkregisseur (1922-1991). Bekannt geworden ist u.a. seine "Fidele Weltgeschicht op Platt", z.B. mit "Mord un Dootslag bi de Nibelungen". Hamburg, Lichtwarksaal, Neanderstraße 22, am Dienstag, 29. Nov. 2011, 18:30 Uhr - Eintritt frei ___________________ ** *Lauenburgische Akademie für Wissenschaft und Kultur* *„Heimat un Wöör“* Gülzow - 1. Dezember 2011, 19:30 Uhr Literarisch-musikalischer Abend op Platt im Markt Treff, Hauptstr. 21 Volkert Ipsen, Lübeck Der Poet und Liedermacher Volkert Ipsen spricht und singt das Plattdeutsch seiner nordfriesischen Heimat, die er als junger Mann verlassen musste, um in Kiel mit einem Studium zu beginnen. In seinem plattdeutschen Musik- und Textprogramm zeigt der 57-jährige seine tiefe Verwurzelung in der norddeutschen Heimat. Auf der Insel Nordstrand aufgewachsen, hat er die Weite der Nordseelandschaft in sich aufgenommen. Dorthin hat es den heute in Lübeck lebenden Pädagogen immer wieder hingezogen. Dabei berührt es ihn zutiefst, dass moderne Entwicklungen wie Großwind- und Solaranlagen die Landschaft seiner Jugend mehr und mehr verändern. Das beeinflusst seine Lieder und Texte. Aber er ist auch ein genauer Beobachter seiner Alltagsumgebung. Und da wird der Satiriker Ipsen spürbar: Mit viel Witz porträtiert er seine Mitmenschen. Darüber hinaus versteht er es, überaus humorvoll seine Lieder, Gedichte und Erzählungen zu moderieren und den Zuhörern einen bunten unterhaltsamen Abend der besonderen Art zu bieten. Volkert Ipsen war mehrere Jahre lang für das Zentrum für Niederdeutsch in Ratzeburg tätig. Er ist Studiendirektor am Lübecker Carl-Jacob-Burckhardt-Gymnasium. Aktuelles unter „“. Eintritt 5 Euro / erm. 3 Euro (Schüler, Studenten) Anmeldung ist unter Tel. 04542/87000 oder info at möglich. In Kooperation mit dem MarktTreff Gülzow ___________________ *Gut Knoop bei Kiel* *"Vun em un ehr un anner Lüüd"* *Egen Gedichten un Vertellen vun Karl-Heinz Groth, Eckernföör.* ** Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2011, 19 Uhr, Gut Knoop ** Im schönen Herrenhaus am Nord-Ostseekanal ist Karl-Heinz Groth zu Gast, der ausgewählte Texte seiner langjährigen Karriere als niederdeutscher Schriftsteller präsentieren wird. Ein bisschen etwas vom Winter und von der Weihnachtszeit, die inzwischen auch im Gutshaus Knoop eingekehrt ist, wird auch dabei sein. Eine Veranstaltung von PLATTGOLD, Tel. 04322-552031 ___________________ *Lichtwarksaal Hamburg* *"Wie die Alten sungen..."* *Singen Sie hamburgisch!* Professor Hermann Rauhe und Jochen Wiegandt erzählen und singen mit einem Publikum, das "wie die Jungen zwitschern" soll! Der Musiker und Liedersammler Jochen Wiegandt ist auf der Suche nach verschollenem Liedgut, an das sich Hamburgerinnen und Hamburger hoffentlich noch erinnern. Da dürfte auch auch noch allerhand Plattdeutsches dabei sein. Jochen Wiegandt, NDR 90,3 und die Carl-Toepfer-Stiftung, die zu diesem Abend einlädt: Donnerstag, 1.12.2011, 18:30 - 20:30 Uhr, Lichtwarksaal, Neanderstraße 22, 20459 Hamburg - Eintritt frei ___________________ *Kulturzentrum Marstall am Schloss e.V.* *„Eenen in’n Sinn“* *Achtersinnige Leder un humorige Dööntjes vun Jochen Jacobsen* * * Ahrensburg, Freitag, 2. Dez. 2011, 17:00 Uhr. Lübecker Str. 8 - 22926 Ahrensburg Der plattdeutsche Entertainer Jochen Jacobsen präsentiert achtersinnige Leder un humorige Dööntjes. Dabei stellt er seine CD mit Eigenkompositionen vor und singt Lieder von Klaus Groth bis C.M. Bellmann sowie plattdeutsche Versionen französischer Chansons und George-Gershwin-Melodien. Unter dem Motto „Sing maal wedder platt!“ fordert er seine Zuhörer zum Mitmachen auf. Eintritt 14 Euro - ____________________ *Café Tagespost* *"Wiehnachten un anner Opregen"* *Kruuse Gedanken vun Ines Barber* ** Dat schall woll en Heimspeel warrn: In Rendsborg is se to Huus: Ines Barber, de Plattdüütsch-Reportersch vun'n NDR Welle Nord. Privaat schrifft se allerhand schnaakschen Kraam. Un dat leest se nu vör: In't Café Tagespost an'n Fridag, 2. Dezember 2011, 19.30 Uhr, Bahnhofstraße 12-16, 24768 Rendsburg. Ik denk, dor is för jedeen wat dorbi. ** *Hartli Gröten vun't Plattdüütschzentrum an'n 2**8**.11.2011* *Volker Holm* ** *Zentrum für Niederdeutsch* *Plattdüütschzentrum in Holsteen* *Wer in Zukunft keine E-Mail-Informationen vom ZfN haben möchte, den bitten wir, uns das in einer kurzen Nachricht mitzuteilen: zfn at* ---------- From. Hannelore Hinz Subject: Tradition ? Ick will jug dit nu all' leiw' Lowlanners ok noch weiten laten. Dor deit sick wat tau Wiehnachten. Dit wier hüt mien Kopp-Arbeid. *De Makers hebben an all'ns dacht *So is dat nu mal, Wiehnachten is dat hoge Fest för de Famili, und dat is grotorrig! Man dat gifft je ok Minschen, de nu womoeglich kein Sippschaft nich hebben un ok kein Frünn', nich un wat weit ick... Oewer all' de Mitmakers von de grotorrig CD, up de ick noch tau schriewen (ok tau snacken) kam, hebben an dacht. Un so föl ok up mi ein helle Schien, un ick künn nu all bi dat Vörstellen von dit Kunstwark Wiehnachtsfreud beläwen. Dat in Swerin begäng' Landsfunkhus NDR 1 MV hadd ok mi tau ein "Funkhauskonzert" inladt. Oh wat heff ick mi freut! Un mit Freud wier ick mit bi. "*Hell ward dat in uns Stuben - Plattdütsch Wiehnacht mit de Fritz-Reuter-Bühn"* an'n Middeweek 23. Dag in'n Näwelmaand (November) 2011 hentau Klock soeben in de Abendstunn'. Dat fein tausnäden Programm un dat Drapen mit all' de inlaad'n Tauhürers in dat wiehnachtlich smückte Foyer, un ok 'n lütten Rodspon vörweg, let all liesing Freud' upkamen. Un allein dat Wedderseihn mit olle un truuge Frünn' let ok Minschenleiw' upkamen, de Plattdüütschen sünd noch nich verklamt un ümmer idel mit bi. Taugliek hett de Fritz-Reuter-Bühn in dit Johr ehrn 85. Burtsdag fiert un nu tau rechten Tied de niege CD vörstellt. As all seggt, blot inladen Gäst woll so an föftig bet sößtig Lüüd nich blot ut Swerin hebben sick hier drapen. Man, wat hebben wi uns vör Freud ümarmt un drückt un bi 'n lütten Rodspon 'n Strämel vertellt. Dat wier grotorrig, jawoll "Spitze" odder "super"as man je hütigendags so seggen deit. Oewer disse Wüür seggen mi gor nich tau, wo schön hürt sick dat an, wenn Jung un Olt sick noch up ehr Mudderspraak besinn'n. Un wo riek un läwig sei hüt noch is, dat all' künn' hier beläwen. Mal up ein anner un nich vermauden Oort un Wies' hebben de Künstlers ehr niege CD vörstellt, un ick heff sei mi later glieksens köfft, süss künn ick dit je gor so vermellen, wo fein diss CD worden is. Ja, ümmer wedder heff ick ein Verlangen nah disse schöne Musik un uns' Platt. Dat hett bestens funkschoniert mit *Hell ward dat in uns Stuben - Plattdüsch Wiehnachten: Frech, fröhlich, feierlich. Das Weihnachts-Ensemble der Fritz-Reuter-Bühne Schwerin mit alten und neuen plattdeutschen Weihnachts-, Kinder- und Winterliedern sowie Texten und Gedichten zum Fest. Dazu die Weihnachtsgeschichte up Platt. *Egenlich heff ick nicks *freches *rutehürt, ja, spaßig woll; villicht wier't mihr Oewermaut. Is je ok egal, wir all' harden uns' Freud. Mit all' de Texten up Platt in ein "Booklet" schräwen. Ja, Dunnerlüchten, Rainer Schobeß hett klauke un feine Wüür oewer dat Jubelleum von de F-R-Bühn schräwen un bannig deiplot' in de mäkelborgsche Traditschon un denn' Richard Spethmann*hett hei nich vergäten. Disse niege CD hett ut mien Sicht 'n groten Pries verdeint. Na, wat nich is, kann je noch kamen. Un ein Bewiesen, wo fein Künstlers ut Ost un West tausamenfunn'n hebben, ick heff kein' Ünnerscheid markt, all' hebben's liekgaud un ein best' Plattdüütsch snackt un sungen, man, un so schön as echte Profis. Also de Mitmakers as Plattsnackers un -sängers hebben mi oewertüügt, ick heff nicks nich intauwend'n. De von Manfred Brümmer schräwen Riemels/Dichtels mal nahdenkern un mal taun Hoegen hett hei schön in echte plattdüütsche Klüer snackt, up wat för Ideen hei oewer ok kümmt, dat let mi wunnerwarken. Minsch Manfred,wo angelst du de plietschen Ideen...? Hest ümmer denn' Punkt an rechte Städ sett'. Ja, un de Kron is de von Thomas Möckel schräben also komponierte Musik . Mit de niegen Texten un de Musik, spält up verschieden Instrumenten is dit so wat as ein *klassisch *CD worden.Un, hier holl ick denn' Wiesfinger hoch - wi dörben nich de Muskanten vergäten! Mit ehr Musik ward de Minsch deip anroegt (tief bewegt, berührt). So bün ick tau de Mein kamen, hier hett'n olle Tradtischon mit sinnig' niemodsche Traditschon verknütt. Un nich vergäten de Moderadschon bi dat Begräuten un later bi dat Afseggen. Heike Mayer un Thomas Lenz hebben up ehr eigen Oort *locker *vör de Gästen bestens snackt, kein Stamern un kein "äm un äh"; sei hebben sick, so as man seggt, denn' Ball fein tauspält un dat Publikum hett sick freut un dankt. Groten Dank häg ok ick för all' de Mitmakers, ok Technikers un an de, de mi noch nich künnig sünd un liesen ehr Arbeit dahn hebben. Oh Mann, un *NDR Radio MV! *An dissen Abend wiern wi all'tohopen ein grot' Famili. Hartlich un mit ein Ihren (Ehren) Hannelore Hinz Tau Huus in Swerin * Gründer der Niederdeutschen Bühne Väl Freud mit ein hartlich Gräuten. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/jpeg Size: 5548 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/jpeg Size: 7194 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... 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Name: not available Type: image/jpeg Size: 19871 bytes Desc: not available URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 29 18:09:44 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 10:09:44 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.29.(01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 29 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Denis dujardin dujardin at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.28.(04) [EN] Excellent Jacqueline. Wasn't aware of that contamination. Makes my day :-) *Denis Dujardin dujardin at Flanders-Belgium 0032485328375 * From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Dutchmatters at comc Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.27.(01) [AF-EN] Dennis contributed the word smeukken to the growing palette of words with which we ‘word paint’ Lowlands weather. That is getting close to E smog, which I always thought was a contamination between smoke and fog. How come> Jacqueline BdJ Seattle ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 29 18:14:38 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 10:14:38 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2011.11.29. (02) [EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 29 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Utz H.Woltmann uwoltmann at Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2011.11.28.(01) [EN] An´n 28.11.2011 21:23, schrev Ron: That's Bremen Missingsch, right? > Yes, Bremen and the surrounding area. We say: In Brem´n un umzu (bi de Tagenbarens un ook bi de Butenbremers). Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards Utz H. Woltmann Buchenweg 24 D-21635 Jork Fon: ++49 4162 942995 Mobile: ++49 160 8580273 E-mail: uwoltmann at ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. 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URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 29 18:23:43 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 10:23:43 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2011.11.29 (03) [EN-NL] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 29 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: list at Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2011.11.28 (03) [EN-NL] From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at > Subject: LL-L Resources > > Vroeger zag > men het liefst de vroege geschiedenis van Nederland door die kaartjes heen > schemeren: de huidige dialectverschillen zouden teruggaan op > taalverschillen tussen de Franken, de Saksen en de Friezen. > > Streektalen > > Tegenwoordig > Dit "vroeger - tegenwoordig" klinkt alsof er een tegenstelling of tegenspraak is. Maar het is blijkbaar dat de verschillen "appelsien - sinaasappel" of "spijkerbroek - jeans" geen onmiddelbaar verband kunnen hebben met Franken, Saksen, Friezen. Slechts en middelbaar verband, voorzover de uitbreiding van woorden stopde aan oude isoglossenbundels. Maar de stopkracht van oude isoglossenbundels is erg swak geworden sinds de standardtaal is alomtegenwoordig. Oude isoglossen worden verschoven door de straaldruk van de standardtaal. Het articeltje toont het zelf, "appelsien" is ouder, maar "sinaasappel" wint over. Dus zijn de kaartjes van de atlas een nogal zwak argument tegen de invloed van Franken, Saksen en Friezen. Marcus Buck ---------- From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2011.11.28 (03) [EN-NL] > From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at > Subject: LL-L Resources > A new Dialect Atlas of the Dutch language area (in Europe) is reviewed in "De Standard" today. > Strange to me is the swap between komen/gekomen in the last paragraph Attached are some maps from the paper edition of De Standaard. The “hadich” they give for Limburgish is in my version (of Vliermaal): “Had oech gowd”. Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: dial 2911DS1-DS25-CULT.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 3113999 bytes Desc: not available URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 30 19:52:39 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:52:39 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.30 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 30 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Pat Barrett pbarrett at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.29.(01) [EN] I remember clearly in the 50s that magazines like Time regularly referred to the word smog as new and as being an amalgam of fog and smoke. But my etymological dictionary cites 1905 as its date of origin and in reference to London, not Los Angeles. ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2011.11.28 (03) [EN-NL] So bün ick nahgahn bi *Tot ziens, *wat so gaud bi uns *Adschüs ok Tschüs*heiten deit. Vörweg paßt disse Riemel von John Brinckman: * Adschüs *Du hest mi so väl Fründschaft dan un büst nu so wit mit mi gahn dörch Nacht un Dag un dick un dünn, un wi'ck di all, wat got is, günn'n - ick segg di nu adschüs! Torecht heww ick wat Origs klœhnt, kann sin, toväl ok vör di drœhnt; na, jede Vagel fläut't sin Leed, so as he nah sin'n Snabel heet - ick segg di nu adschüs! Wi gahn nu all beid hier vuneen, wen weet, wat wi üns weddersehn, wen weet, wat du dat tweete Mal ok stiggst mit mi de Landstrat dal - ick segg di nu adschüs! Wen weet, wat ick ok Order krieg un wider gah un wider stig; ick häng, min'n Handstock an de Wand un schüdd di, Broder, nu de Hand un segg di nu adschüs! Un nu wedder Perfesser Voßlo: *adschüs *(*atšüs, *meist verkürzt *tšüs) *der volkstümliche Abschiedsgruß, der sich im Weltkriege nicht hat verdrängen lassen und auch jetzt noch unter Bekannten zu hören ist; lautlich auf eine 1739 in einem Hochzeitsgedicht belegte Form *atjü *oder *atšü *('adju' zurückgehend; selten daneben die nichtheimischen Formen*adje *und *adjö. *Im Gruß vielfach mit gemütvollen Wendungen verknüpft: *adschüs, wenn Se 't gaut geiht, denken S' an uns*; wenn man ein Wiedersehen wünscht: *adschüs, vergät dat Wedderkamen nich! - *Häufig neckend: *adschüs, grüß Großmudder achter'n Aben; *auch reimend im Knabenreim: *adschüs, stäk'n Finger in'n Noors un grüß; adjö, hest ok Flöh, adschüs, hest ok Lüs? - *In der Gegenrede: *Adjü hett sick uphangen, nu seih du di bäter vör; *ironisch: adschüs, Welt, wi gahn in'n Ehestand; beim zweiten Schnaps ruft man: *adschüs, Koorl, grüß den annern*; wenn man beim Kartenspiel kein Glück hat: *adschüs, Lisett, drei Sössling liggen uppe Trepp. *- Un so künn ick hier noch väl von uptellen. *tschüs, *schüs Abschiedsgruß; verbreitete Kurzform von *adschüs; *von span. *adiós *über seem. Vermittlung hergeleitet wird; *tschüs, *öft. * schüs.* Gefühltsbetonte Diminutivformen *tschüßing, schüßing. *Na, denn Tschüßing (dat Wuurt *hartlich *kœnt ji jug denn ja denken.) Hanne* * ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 30 19:56:41 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:56:41 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2011.11.30.(02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 30 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Language Tips All wedder niege Nahrichten von: * PLATTNET-Nachrichten - 30**.11.2011 * ** ** * * ** * * ** *Bökertipp:* * „Was für ein schönes Buch, da freu ich mich zu.“ * *So spricht Schleswig-Holstein* (pn) Mit „Moin, Moin“ grüßen die Nordlichter morgens, mittags und abends. Und weil’s so schön ist, breitet sich diese Formel allmählich über die ganze Republik aus. Jeder versteht, was gemeint ist. Aber wo er her, dieser Ausdruck? Fragen wie diese beantwortet das 224 Seiten starke Buch, das speziellen Ausdrücken der Alltagssprache im Norden gewidmet ist. Hervorgegangen ist es aus einer Aktion des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Zeitungsverlags „sh:z“, der seine Leser aufgefordert hatte, Lieblingsredewendungen zu nennen und von typischen Wörtern und regional bezogenen Begriffen zu berichten. Der Erfolg dieses Aufrufes ist überwältigend und die Flut der Einsendungen reißt nicht ab. Weiterhin erscheint täglich in den Zeitungen des Verlags die Rubrik „So spricht Schleswig-Holstein“. Die schönsten, interessantesten Begriffe sind nun als Buch erschienen. Dabei halfen ein wissenschaftlicher Beirat, der das erforderliche Fachwissen beisteuerte, sowie der plattdeutsche Schriftsteller und sh:z-Autor Karl-Heinz Groth, der die Leitung des Redaktionsteams übernahm. Wer Spaß daran hat, den regionalen Spracheigenarten des nördlichen Bundeslandes nachschlagend oder schmökernd auf den Grund zu gehen, der sollte sich dieses Taschenbuch in den Bücherschrank stellen. Es ist ein zeitgemäßes Heimatkundebuch, das gut Platz nehmen kann zwischen DUDEN und neuem SASS. *So spricht Schleswig-Holstein* Herausgegeben vom Schleswig-Holsteinischen Zeitungsverlag Redaktionsleitung: Karl-Heinz Groth Fachbeirat: Wolfgang Börnsen (MdB) Prof. Dr. Willy Diercks Prof. Dr. Silke Göttsch-Elten Prof. Dr. Thomas Steensen Mit Cartoons von Kim Schmidt Verlag Ellert & Richter, Hamburg 2011 ISBN 978-3-8319-0455-6 9,95 Euro *(PLATTNET-Nachricht)* *_______________________________________** ___________________________________________________* ** ** * Nachrichten **Volker Holm, Buchenweg 35, D-22926 Ahrensburg, Tel. 49-4102-4739108 - *** * * * Nachrichten-Archiv: alle Nachrichten unter *** * * * ist ein Dienst des Zentrums für Niederdeutsch in Holstein (**w**) * * ** **Nachrichten können unter folgenden Bedingungen verwendet und weiterverbreitet werden:* *Eine Weitergabe der Adressaten-Daten, vornehmlich für gewerbliche Zwecke, ist ausgeschlossen.* *Wer in Zukunft keine E-Mail-Informationen von PLATTNET haben möchte, den bitten wir, uns das in einer kurzen Nachricht mitzuteilen: ** nieges at* * * *Mit best' Gräuten. * * Hanne ut Swerin* ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/gif Size: 2286 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/jpeg Size: 28718 bytes Desc: not available URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 30 20:03:41 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 12:03:41 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Environment" 2011.11.30.(03) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 30 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: History ? Hallo Ron, mi is upstund's de Infall kamen, ob wi ok oewer Klimawannel disketieren kœnn' ... *kein jubeln **der himmel ist so wie ein sieb das mächtig grob schon ist von oben will die Sonne aber noch für's leben sein und gibt ihr bestes sie strengt sich an jedoch von unten stinkt nebel-rauch man nennt's auch smog von menschen gemacht und schiebt sich durch das sieb das helle verliert sein licht und auch zugleich die zeit wie lange kann mensch helle sonne noch sehen läßt sonnen-freiheit nach H. Hinz 26.0.2008 *Ick heff dat mal hier riskiert. * *Hartlich. Hanne ---------- From: R.F. Hahn Subject: Environment Yes, Hanne, *any* subject may be discussed, as long as the core of the discussion has direct relevance to the Lowlands. Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 30 22:01:26 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 14:01:26 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.30.(04) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 30 November 2011 - Volume 04 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Isaac M. Davis isaacmacdonalddavis at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.30 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] From: Pat Barrett pbarrett at > Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.29.(01) [EN] > > I remember clearly in the 50s that magazines like Time regularly referred > to the word smog as new and as being an amalgam of fog and smoke. But my > etymological dictionary cites 1905 as its date of origin and in reference > to London, not Los Angeles. > Is it possible that it was a relatively recent loan from one dialect of English to another, perhaps a result of contact between speakers in World War II? saac M. Davis -- "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master." —Abraham Lincoln ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 1 22:31:46 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 15:31:46 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Administrativia" 2011.11.01 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 01 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Administrativia [Please do read this, especially if you are new on board!] Dear Lowlanders, Welcome to Lowlands-L in November of 2011! First of all, welcome to those of you that joined us since the beginning of October 2011! *India* (????, ????, ????, ????, ????, ??????, ????, ??????, ???????, ????, ?????): Punjab (?????): Rajpura (???????) [1] *Netherlands* (Nederland, Nederlaand, Nederl?n)*:* Gelderland: Wezep [1] Northern Holland (Noord-Holland): Amsterdam [1] Southern Holland (Zuid-Holland): Valkenburg [1] *United Kingdom*: England: Derbyshire: Derby [1] *United States of America*: District of Columbia: Washington [1] *SPECIAL LIST BUSINESS* *Subject headers* Some of you are still not following the subject header rule (see *Do not mix topics* under Rules below). Here in brief: - *Only one topic per message* - *In responding to an earlier posting, please use the subject line that already exists for a given thread. Do not change or "tweak" it, not the date and language labels either!* - *Only if you start a thread may you suggest your own subject header, but do not insist on your subject header if I change it.* *List Mail v Private Mail* Folks, please make sure that you send private messages to me to my private address (sassisch at, especially if they could be taken as responses to what has been said in the forum. If you do not make this distinction it could happen that your private message ends up posted to the List. For administrative purposes, it's best if you use lowlands.list at *Rejected Mail* Once in a while subscribers tell me that they receive List mail but that their posting submissions keep being rejected. In most cases, when I investigate this it turns out that a given subscriber has List mail forwarded from his or her subscribed e-mail address to another e-mail address, and, forgetting this, they try to send posting submissions from the address at which they read the mail. The list server rejects mail from that address because it is not subscribed. Also, some people try to unsubscribe or change their subscription configurations from addresses that are not subscribed. The simple solution is to address the list server only from the subscribed e-mail address. *Language Codes* In the subject line of each Lowlands-L issue you find language codes in square brackets ([ ]). This indicates which language or languages are used in that issue. I now use the ISO codes where available (and make up the rest). I used to provide the key for the abbreviations in the masthead, but that made for overly large mastheads. Instead, the masthead now contains the URL of the page of the key: You do not need to indicate the language varieties of you posting proposals. In the rare event of me not knowing it I will ask you. *Projects* Please don't forget about our activities: Anniversary ( Gallery ( Travels ( History ( Traditions ( Crypt ( Beyond the Pale ( Members' Resources ( Resource guide ( Shop ( All of them have growing numbers of visitors. If you have anything in mind for any of those presentations but lack confidence for some reason or other, please bear in mind that assistance is available. Please write to my private address or to our administrative address (see above) to propose or ask and also to send your works. If you want to order books, CDs, DVDs, or pretty much anything else from Amazon (in the US even groceries!) you might as well do so via our Lowlands-L shops (so far in Canada, Germany, France, Japan, UK and USA - ( which have constantly changing Lowlands-related selections. We (i.e. Lowlands-L) get a small percentage of Amazon sales if you enter Amazon through these portals. Believe me: it hardly pays a tiny fraction of the money I pay out of my own pocket to bringing Lowlands-L to you, and I am not even counting the hours of work I put into it. *REGULAR LIST BUSINESS* *Rules* A few of you are still making three basic mistakes when submitting postings. So here's a quick review: *Do not mix topics. *Many of you are still not following this rule. (Please see my note at the top.) Stay with the subject line (and don't add stuff to it) when you respond. It is only when you start a new thread that you may suggest a subject line. When you respond to someone's posting, please only quote the relevant portion. If you allow an entire issue to dangle as a quote behind your response I will remove it, even if your response does not make much sense then. Please consult the rules and guidelines: Another request: Please inform me if you route LL-L issues to or via email addresses other than those you subscribed. Right now, once again I am getting failure reports concerning email addresses that are not subscribed. This is really annoying, because I have no idea whose they are, so I can't do anything about it. *Membership* As most of you know in the meantime, our email addresses are visible only to subscribers. I hope this will encourage more of you to come forward and participate in our discussions. We send the postings in Unicode (UTF-8) format. You need to switch your view mode to it if you want to see all "special" characters. You must always give us your name, given name and family name. If you forward Lowlands-L mail to another (alias) account, please give us the address of that account. We need to identify it so we can do something in case we get error messages from that server. If you wish to leave ("unsubscribe" from) Lowlands-L, please follow the appropriate steps as described below. DO NOT mark Lowlands-L mail as SPAM. If you take this unethical action, it may detrimentally affect the entire list and its subscribers, as well as LINGUIST, our server hosts. Besides, we will be able to tell that it was you that did it and we will consider reporting you. SO DON'T! You must credit the writers of anything you quote. "Lowlands-L wrote:" simply won't do. Several of you are still not getting and doing this. Please continue already existing subject headers (rather than making up your own for the same thing). If you do begin a new topic, please make sure "Lowlands-L" or "LL-L" is in the subject line as well. DO NOT SEND POSTING SUBMISSIONS IN CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. Many beginners, but also a few older hands, forget to provide their names with their posting submission. Please remember that anonymous posting is not an option, that you are obligated to give your given and family name, even if you do not put them right next to each other. Even some people who have been with us for a while persistently ignore the following rules: Keep subjects separate: Only one topic per posting! Don't mix things up, please! Stick to the subject title: Do not change the topic name in your responses. Just stick with the one we have, even if you think it doesn't apply or is silly. I will change it if I think it needs to be. *Edit quotes:* If you hit the "reply" button and simply write your response before or after an unedited, complete quoted LL-L issue, please do not complain to me that I have removed the quoted text in the published version. It is proper email behavior to quote only the portions that are relevant to your response. *Give credit:* Let us know who the authors of quoted text portions are. If you just hit the "reply" button, it will automatically give "Lowlands-L" as the author. That simply will not do. You must be more specific, and you owe authors the courtesy of crediting them by name. *Sign off:* If you feel like leaving the List, please do not send the sign-off command to the posting address or to my personal address. *Change of Address* You do no longer need to sign off and on again if your email address changes. It suffices if you send me (sassisch at a message giving us the old address and the new address. If you don't remember under which address you were first subscribed, it will suffice if you give us only the new address and your name. *Temporary Absence* - Before you take a trip or for some other reason need to stop LL-L mail arriving for a given length of time, please write to us ( lowlands.list at to let us know the date you want mail to be stopped and the date you want mail to be resumed. As some of our members can attest, this has been working really well. It certainly beats the old, crude method of signing off and on again. - Once in a while people find themselves unsubscribed without notice. Some of them immediately suspect the worst: that I have "booted them out" for some infraction or other. (I know this for sure only about those that contact me. But it happens again and again and involves even the nicest, best-behaved people.) Please do not jump to this conclusion unless you have received prior reprimands and warnings (which happen very rarely, have not happened at all for well over two years). If you find yourself disconnected from Lowlands-L, the reason is most likely that the automated server has unsubscribed your address because of repeated "bouncing," i.e., because your mail servers keep informing the list server that you cannot be reached or is filled above quota. Most of the time this is due to temporary disconnection. - Sometimes the reason is that a subscriber's junk mail filter (or "spam" filter) has not been "told" to exempt Lowlands-L mail, which is why our mailings do not arrive in your in-boxes. - So, if Lowlands-L mail stops coming, please first check your "spam" filters and adjust them if necessary, and only contact me about the problem if all of the above fails. - Should you indeed be disconnected, please write to me or resubmit an application. I'll be more than happy to bring you swiftly back to the fold. Again, dear Lowlanders, thanks for your support and cooperation and for all those interesting contributions past and future! Regards, Reinhard "Ron" F. Hahn Co-Founder & Chief Editor Lowlands-L ( sassisch at ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 1 22:34:32 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 15:34:32 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2011.11.01 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 01 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at Subject: LL-L Endangered Languages There are quite some endangered languages in the US. One of these is ?Missouri French?: *Missouri is home to an endangered dialect of the French language known as Missouri French. Speakers of the dialect, who call themselves Creoles, are descendants of the French pioneers who settled the area then known as the Illinois Country beginning in the late 17th century. It developed in isolation from French speakers in Canada and Louisiana, becoming quite distinct from the varieties of Canadian French and Louisiana Creole French. Once widely spoken throughout the area, Missouri French is now nearly extinct, with only a few elderly speakers able to use it*. pasted from: I?m on a project in St Louis Mo and I will be over there most of my time in the period Dec 2011? May 2012. So I?m interested whether somebody has any clues how to contact speakers of Missouri French. Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Nov 7 00:56:46 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2011 16:56:46 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Holidays" 2011.11.06 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 06 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder Subject: LL-L "Administrativia" 2011.11.01 (01) [EN] I wish everyone a good Offering Feast; Je souhais une bonne F?te de Tabaski ? tout le monde; 'Id el Adha mubarak! Ingmar ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Holidays Thanks, Ingmar. Christian All Saints Day and varieties of the Day of the Dead, as well as the "Pagan," "Celtic" and Jewish High Holy Days recently behind us, I'm joining Ingmar in sending best wishes to our Muslim members and their loved ones for a wonderful ??? ?????? (??d al-?A???, Festival of Sacrifice). This holiday commemorates the willingness of Abraham (????????? *?A?r?h?m*, ???????? *?Ibr?h?m*) to sacrifice his son. Because of this, this festival is celebrated widely throughout the Islamic world under various names referring to "sacrifice" (*qorb?n* etc.). Regards and Love, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Nov 7 01:02:45 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2011 17:02:45 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Administrativia" 2011.11.06 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 06 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Paul Finlow-Bates Subject: LL-L "Administrativia" 2011.11.01 (01) [EN] Another member from Derby! Two of us! Paul Derby England From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Administrativia [Please do read this, especially if you are new on board!] Dear Lowlanders, Welcome to Lowlands-L in November of 2011! First of all, welcome to those of you that joined us since the beginning of October 2011! *India* (????, ????, ????, ????, ????, ??????, ????, ??????, ???????, ????, ?????): Punjab (?????): Rajpura (???????) [1] *Netherlands* (Nederland, Nederlaand, Nederl?n)*:* Gelderland: Wezep [1] Northern Holland (Noord-Holland): Amsterdam [1] Southern Holland (Zuid-Holland): Valkenburg [1] *United Kingdom*: England: Derbyshire: Derby [1] *United States of America*: District of Columbia: Washington [1] ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Nov 7 23:25:51 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 15:25:51 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.07 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 07 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder Subject: LL-L "Holidays" 2011.11.06 (01) [EN] I wish everyone a good Offering Feast; Je souhais une bonne F?te de Tabaski ? tout le monde; 'Id el Adha mubarak! Ingmar Thanks, Ron. I called it incorrectly "Offering Feast" instead of Sacrifice Festival, because of the Dutch name "Offerfeest", compare German "Opferfest". Btw I wonder why German has -pf- instead of -ff- in this word, it seems to be a hypercorrection to me, because the original Latin verb is "offere" to offer. Or was the German word influenced by Latin operari, to work, which may have given a p => pf in German ? Ingmar From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Holidays Thanks, Ingmar. Christian All Saints Day and varieties of the Day of the Dead, as well as the "Pagan," "Celtic" and Jewish High Holy Days recently behind us, I'm joining Ingmar in sending best wishes to our Muslim members and their loved ones for a wonderful ??? ?????? (??d al-?A???, Festival of Sacrifice). This holiday commemorates the willingness of Abraham (????????? ?A?r?h?m, ???????? ?Ibr?h?m) to sacrifice his son. Because of this, this festival is celebrated widely throughout the Islamic world under various names referring to "sacrifice" (qorb?n etc.). Regards and Love, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz hannehinz at Subject: Etymology Hallo all' Lowlanners! Ick will hapen, dat all' Mitmakers gaud tauw?g s?nd (gesund). Mi is upfollen, dat f?r poor Daag i'n Radio in ein'n "hochd??tschen" Bidrag dat Wuurd 'Mumpitz' snackt w??r. Ick kenn Mumpitz man blot as ein nedderd??tschet Wuurd. So heff ick nahk?ken bi Wossidlo/Teuchert: *Mumpitz *m. Unsinn, Dummheit (Hagenow/Belsch) WOLF 3723 [Wolf Siegmund, A. Wolf, W?rterbuch des Rotwelschen (Deutsche Gaunersprache). Mannheim 1956. Zit. nach Artikelnummern. - Zig.: Gro?es W?rterbuch der Zigeunersprache. Mannheim 1960. Zit. nach Artikelnummern.] Ja un in'n DUDEN 7 Etymologie der deutschen Sprache k?nn ick dit Wuurt ok l?sen: Der seit der zweiten H?lfte des 19. Jh.s gebr?uchliche Ausdruck *Mumpitz **ugs. *f?r "Unsinn, Schwindel" stammt aus dem Berliner B?rsenjargon. Wie ?lteres 'Mummelputz' "Vogelscheuche" (17. Jh.) und *hess. *Mombotz "Schreckgestalt" bedeutet auch das Wort 'Mumpitz' eigentlich "[vermummte] Schreckgestalt, Schreckgespenst" (vgl. *putzig*)*. *Im B?rsenjargon bezeichnete es zun?chst ein erschreckendes oder schwindelhaftes Gerede. Hm, wat weit' ji denn womoeglich, woans dat noch heiten k?nn. Hartlich Gr?uten. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 8 17:27:51 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 09:27:51 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.08 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 08 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: list at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.07 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder > > Subject: LL-L "Holidays" 2011.11.06 (01) [EN] > > I wish everyone a good Offering Feast; Je souhais une bonne F?te de Tabaski > ? tout le monde; 'Id el Adha mubarak! > Ingmar > > Thanks, Ron. I called it incorrectly "Offering Feast" instead of Sacrifice > Festival, because of the Dutch name "Offerfeest", compare German > "Opferfest". Btw I wonder why German has -pf- instead of -ff- in this word, > it seems to be a hypercorrection to me, because the original Latin verb is > "offere" to offer. Or was the German word influenced by Latin operari, to > work, which may have given a p => pf in German ? > Ingmar > Indeed. This also reflects in the old terms for sacristan (in German "K?ster", Low Saxon "K?ster") which in Middle Low Saxon times was called "Offermann" or "Oppermann" in some regions. This also became a surname. The North Low Saxon region preferred "Offermann" and the Eastfalian region preferred "Oppermann". It's indeed from the words "offere"/"operari". (See e.g. ) Marcus Buck ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. 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URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 9 03:31:05 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 19:31:05 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.08 (02) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 08 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.08 (01) [EN] So as ?mmer "Hallo leiw' Lowlanners". *opfern: *Das aus der Kirchensprache stammende Verb mhd. opfern, ahd. ophar?n (urspr?nglich "etwas Gott als Opfergabe darbringen") ist entlehnt aus* lat.-kirchenlat*. operari "werkt?tig sein, arbeiten; einer religi?sen Handlung obliegen, der Gottheit durch Opfer dienen; Almosen geben. ?ber weitere etymologische Zusammenh?nge vgl. operieren. - Eine alte R?ckbildung aus dem Verb 'opfern' ist das Substantiv *Opfer *(mhd. opfer, ahd. opfar). Lit.: DUDEN 7 *K?ster: *"Kirchendiener": Die nhd. Form des Wortes geht ?ber mhd. kuster auf ahd. kustor zur?ck, das aus mlat. custor "H?ter (des Kirchenschatzes); Kirchenpfleger" entlehnt ist. Dies geh?rt zu lat. custos "W?chter, Aufseher. H?ter usw." Lit.: DUDEN 7 *K?ster *m. K?ster: 'de K?ste' (Rostock 1676) Sachliches: dei K?ster ist seit den Zeiten der Reformation zun?chst der Gehilfe des Pfarrherrn, des *Preisters* oder *Pasters*, bei dessen s?mtlichen Amtshandlungen, zu denen er diesen stets abzuholen hat; vgl. Ord. d. Misse von 1545, deren erster Abschnitt beginnt: 'wo sick de Kerckheren unde Kosters up den Doorpen des Sonnavednes, ock alle andere hillige Avende holden schooelen'; jeden Wochentag hat der K?ster dreimal dei *B?ad'klock* tau st?ten, sonntags den Gottesdienst einzul?uten, in der Kirche die Gesangsnummern anzustecken und die Gemeindelieder anzustimmen, mancherorts auch den *Kling'b?del* herumzureichen. *Offer* n. a. Spr. Opfer, Gabe der Gl?ubigen f?r die Gottheit. Die Wortform *Offer *zum Verb *offern* aus lat. *offerre* ist dem Nd. ?ber das Mittel- und Niederrheingebiet aus der galloromanischen Kirchensprache zugeflossen. Im mod. Nd. tritt sie hinter hd. Opfer, opfern stark zur?ck. Auff?llig ist ein Beleg f?r *Opper* 'Oek ensal de br?dir eder prister . . . t? nenerleye opper grypen, dt dar velle edder vellich were' (Wismar/Temzin 1395); das im As. alts?chsisch) neben Offar bezeugte Opper aus lat. opera, operari, ein fr?h von der s?ddeutschen Kirchensprache ins Nd. ausstrahlendes Lehnwort, das auf hd. Gebiet mit Lautverschiebung *Opfer *ergab FRINGS Germ. Rom 112* *Theodor Frings; Germ. Rom: Germania Romana. Teuth. Beiheft 4. Mittldeutsche Studien, Heft 2. Halle 1932. Grundl.: Grundlegung einer Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. 3. Aufl. Halle 1957. *offern, *mod. meist durch das hd. Wort ersetzt, opfern; refl.: sich zum Opfer bringen: 'wil ick (Christus) my s?lvest vor de suende offeren' Ord. d. Misse; ein Opfer, h?ufig Geldopfer bringen. Zss.: nahoffern; hen-, veropfern. - Mnd. offeren. Lit.: Wossidlo/Teuchert (Ausz?ge/Abschnitte) Nu is dat doch mihr worden, as ick dacht' heff. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sun Nov 13 22:41:43 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:41:43 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.13 (01) [DE-NDS-NL] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 13 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Luc Vanbrabant lucv32 at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.08 (02) [DE-NDS] Dag, De priesters (pasters) hebben in Vlaanderen een 'koster'. Voor de orde in de kerk bestaan hier en daar nog 'kerkbaljuws'. Vroeger was dit algemener. Zo'n kerkbaljuw werd in de volksmond 'suisse' genaamd omdat ze deden denken aan de Zwitserse garde van de paus. Vriendelijke groeten, Luc Vanbrabant Oekene From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.08 (01) [EN] So as ?mmer "Hallo leiw' Lowlanners". *opfern: *Das aus der Kirchensprache stammende Verb mhd. opfern, ahd. ophar?n (urspr?nglich "etwas Gott als Opfergabe darbringen") ist entlehnt aus* lat.-kirchenlat*. operari "werkt?tig sein, arbeiten; einer religi?sen Handlung obliegen, der Gottheit durch Opfer dienen; Almosen geben. ?ber weitere etymologische Zusammenh?nge vgl. operieren. - Eine alte R?ckbildung aus dem Verb 'opfern' ist das Substantiv *Opfer *(mhd. opfer, ahd. opfar). Lit.: DUDEN 7 *K?ster: *"Kirchendiener": Die nhd. Form des Wortes geht ?ber mhd. kuster auf ahd. kustor zur?ck, das aus mlat. custor "H?ter (des Kirchenschatzes); Kirchenpfleger" entlehnt ist. Dies geh?rt zu lat. custos "W?chter, Aufseher. H?ter usw." Lit.: DUDEN 7 *K?ster *m. K?ster: 'de K?ste' (Rostock 1676) Sachliches: dei K?ster ist seit den Zeiten der Reformation zun?chst der Gehilfe des Pfarrherrn, des *Preisters* oder *Pasters*, bei dessen s?mtlichen Amtshandlungen, zu denen er diesen stets abzuholen hat; vgl. Ord. d. Misse von 1545, deren erster Abschnitt beginnt: 'wo sick de Kerckheren unde Kosters up den Doorpen des Sonnavednes, ock alle andere hillige Avende holden schooelen'; jeden Wochentag hat der K?ster dreimal dei *B?ad'klock* tau st?ten, sonntags den Gottesdienst einzul?uten, in der Kirche die Gesangsnummern anzustecken und die Gemeindelieder anzustimmen, mancherorts auch den *Kling'b?del* herumzureichen. *Offer* n. a. Spr. Opfer, Gabe der Gl?ubigen f?r die Gottheit. Die Wortform *Offer *zum Verb *offern* aus lat. *offerre* ist dem Nd. ?ber das Mittel- und Niederrheingebiet aus der galloromanischen Kirchensprache zugeflossen. Im mod. Nd. tritt sie hinter hd. Opfer, opfern stark zur?ck. Auff?llig ist ein Beleg f?r *Opper* 'Oek ensal de br?dir eder prister . . . t? nenerleye opper grypen, dt dar velle edder vellich were' (Wismar/Temzin 1395); das im As. alts?chsisch) neben Offar bezeugte Opper aus lat. opera, operari, ein fr?h von der s?ddeutschen Kirchensprache ins Nd. ausstrahlendes Lehnwort, das auf hd. Gebiet mit Lautverschiebung *Opfer *ergab FRINGS Germ. Rom 112* *Theodor Frings; Germ. Rom: Germania Romana. Teuth. Beiheft 4. Mittldeutsche Studien, Heft 2. Halle 1932. Grundl.: Grundlegung einer Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. 3. Aufl. Halle 1957. *offern, *mod. meist durch das hd. Wort ersetzt, opfern; refl.: sich zum Opfer bringen: 'wil ick (Christus) my s?lvest vor de suende offeren' Ord. d. Misse; ein Opfer, h?ufig Geldopfer bringen. Zss.: nahoffern; hen-, veropfern. - Mnd. offeren. Lit.: Wossidlo/Teuchert (Ausz?ge/Abschnitte) Nu is dat doch mihr worden, as ick dacht' heff. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sun Nov 13 22:45:00 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:45:00 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2011.11.13 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 13 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: John Bockman jbockman at Subject: LL-L travel tips This is not a travel tip per se but a family history that I'd like you to look at. -- John ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sun Nov 13 22:55:14 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:55:14 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.13 (03) [EN-NL] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 13 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: "Stellingwerfs Eigen" Subject: LL-L Beste Lowlanders, Waarom het sinds 'Offering Feast' opeens erg stil blijft op LL-L, vroeg ik mij af... Met het lezen van allerlei Nedersaksische dialecten maar ook met Duits, Nederlands, Frysk, Vlaams, Frans, Engels, Afrikaans, e.d. heb ik weinig moeite. En nee, geloof me, ik heb werkelijk niets tegen welke politiek en welke geloofsovertuiging ook. Ik heb wel iets tegen mensen die al dan niet moedwillig en al dan niet met behulp Google, geloofachtige kretologie bijeen verzamelen en daar anderen (mij in ieder geval) mee lastig vallen. Als dat ook nog in een voor mij onleesbare taal (o.a. Hebrew, Arab, o.i.d.) gebeurt, op een discussieforum waar ik dit niet verwacht, ja, dan haak ik af. Ik wil namelijk wel graag lezen en vooral ook begrijpen wat er staat. Als het iets met Nedersaksisch of andere bovengenoemde talen te maken heeft wil ik er zelfs m'n stinkende best voor doen om het te begrijpen maar allerlei geloofsuitingen, wensen of misschien wel verwensingen in korte zinnen die buiten mijn westerse norm vallen, zijn voor mij geen punt van discussie. Een aantal zaken - waaronder politiek en geloof - kun je m.i. niet afdoen met slaken een paar kreten. Graag was ik een nieuwe topic gestart over bijvoorbeeld dat 'slaken' hierboven of over de erg interessante bodemvondsten die onlangs zijn gedaan onder de gevangenis 'Santa Fu' van Hamburg (Dld) (zie: Hamburger Abendblatt, 31-10-2011). Dat heeft waarschijnlijk heel veel, zelfs met het ontstaan van ons Nedersaksisch te maken. Maar nee, ik doe het niet. Ik luister nog een poosje en wellicht haak ik dan geruisloos af. Mit een vrundelike groet uut Stellingwarf, Piet Bult ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Dear Piet, Apparently you understand more languages that are used here than do many other members. According to our rules, *any* language may be used. Beste Piet, Blijkbaar begrijp je meer talen die hier worden gebruikt dan doen veel andere leden. Volgens onze regels, kan elke taal gebruikt worden. MVG/Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Nov 14 20:57:49 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 12:57:49 -0800 Subject: LL-L "History" 2011.11.14 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 14 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Tom?s ? C?rthaigh tomasocarthaigh at Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2011.11.13 (02) [EN] That website page should be reproduced here as a post... excellent. Never knew that was why the saxons gto their names... *"a person with a good book is never alone... a writer until they've written one is never at peace"* ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L travel tips Hallo John un all' Lowlanners. Ick b?n dien B?d' nahgahn un heff de Web-Sid bes?cht. De beiden "Pierdk?pp" as G?welsmuck hebben mi tauseggt, wiel dat je ok hier in M?kelborg noch beg?ng is. Ick fang mal mit de Grotd?r an. Oewer de Grotd?r st?nn up den'n *D?rbalken (SYN. D?rholm) *mihrstens ein Inschrift. Mal mit Antiqua-Baukstawen un ok mit Fraktur-Baukstawen. In dit l?tte Bauk "Mecklenburgische ORNAMENT-FIBEL" heff ick twei funn'n mit diss Baukstawen: DER . HERR . SEGNE . VND . BEWAHRE . DIESES . HAVE . ALLE . DIE . DA . GEHEN . EIN . VND . AUS . ANDREIS . SCHMIT . MARA . PANKEN . ANNO 1726 DE . N. 22 . MARTIVS UN: Der Herr segnet die ihn f?rchten bey de Kleine und Grosse Woomer denzten M?rtz Ao 1781 Un hier dat Bed?den (mihr ein Vers?uk) von de Pierdk?pp: - Kieken sick de beiden Pierdk?pp an, winken sei dat Gl?ck in't Huus. - Kieken sei sick nich an, denn kann nicks B?s' dat Huus drapen. - Pierdk?pp, de nah binnen kieken, s?nd ein Symbol f?r Harmonie tw?schen Mann un Fru; kieken's nah buten, denn gellt dat Teiken Unfr?den mank Fru un Mann. - Kieken sick de Pierdk?pp an, denn heit dat, dat all' Mannsl??d von denn' Hoff tau Huus s?nd; kieken sei sick nich an, dat all' Mannsl??d von dissen Hoff in'n Krieg s?nd. - Nah binnen kieken(d) K?pp wiesen up de "Einheirat" Infriegen von denn' Mann (Kierl) up denn' Hoff; nah buten kieken(d) K?pp gellt dat f?r dat Infriegen von de Fru up denn' Hoff. So, nu k?nnt ji dat utleggen, as ji willt... odder so as Dackdecker M?ller holl'n... (de let dat so..) Mi w?rd dit mal verlangen, ob noch m?nnigein wat tau dat Utd?den von de Pierdk?pp bidragen kann. Na, denn H?H! - Prrr! Hanne ut Swerin ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 15 18:12:09 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 10:12:09 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.15 (01) [EN-NDS-NL] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 15 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Dutchmatters at Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.13 (03) [EN-NL] Dag Piet, Zo is het nu eenmaal, we moeten allemaal wel eens een keertje van ons afblazen. Maar dat krantenbericht kan ik niet vinden, is het misschien de verkeerde datum?? Jacqueline BdJ ** ---------- From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.13 (03) [EN-NL] Waor heb ie 't nou eigenlijk over, Bult, wat zit oe dwars? Toch niet die gelokswuns veur 't Offerfeest, zo knieperig zo'j toch wel niet wezen? 't Zol toch niet zo weden da'w hier meinsen wel een goeie Sunterklaos of Karst toe weinsen meugt van oe, mar gien Chanoeka, Ramadan of Holi-festival? Waorumme dan wel niet, umdat die geleuven niet hier in de lege laanden thuus heurt, volgens oe? Misschien he'k 't mis, lees ik oen bosschop verkeerd, mar as ik 't niet mis hebbe, doe dan mar wa'j in oen leste zin zegt... Ingmar What are you talking about, Bult, what's bothering you? Hopefully not my wishes for the sacrifice Festival, you won't be that little-minded? It can't be that we can wish people a good Saint Nicholas or Christmas according to you, but not Khanuka, Ramadhan or Holi festival? Why couldn't we, maybe because these religions don't belong in the low lands, according to you? Maybe I'm wrong and misread your message, but if I didn't, maybe you should do what you were saying in your last sentence (i.e.: threatening to leave this group because he doesn't want to be bothered with non-Western things here) Ingmar From: "Stellingwerfs Eigen" Subject: LL-L Beste Lowlanders, Waarom het sinds 'Offering Feast' opeens erg stil blijft op LL-L, vroeg ik mij af... Met het lezen van allerlei Nedersaksische dialecten maar ook met Duits, Nederlands, Frysk, Vlaams, Frans, Engels, Afrikaans, e.d. heb ik weinig moeite. En nee, geloof me, ik heb werkelijk niets tegen welke politiek en welke geloofsovertuiging ook. Ik heb wel iets tegen mensen die al dan niet moedwillig en al dan niet met behulp Google, geloofachtige kretologie bijeen verzamelen en daar anderen (mij in ieder geval) mee lastig vallen. Als dat ook nog in een voor mij onleesbare taal (o.a. Hebrew, Arab, o.i.d.) gebeurt, op een discussieforum waar ik dit niet verwacht, ja, dan haak ik af. Ik wil namelijk wel graag lezen en vooral ook begrijpen wat er staat. Als het iets met Nedersaksisch of andere bovengenoemde talen te maken heeft wil ik er zelfs m'n stinkende best voor doen om het te begrijpen maar allerlei geloofsuitingen, wensen of misschien wel verwensingen in korte zinnen die buiten mijn westerse norm vallen, zijn voor mij geen punt van discussie. Een aantal zaken - waaronder politiek en geloof - kun je m.i. niet afdoen met slaken een paar kreten. Graag was ik een nieuwe topic gestart over bijvoorbeeld dat 'slaken' hierboven of over de erg interessante bodemvondsten die onlangs zijn gedaan onder de gevangenis 'Santa Fu' van Hamburg (Dld) (zie: Hamburger Abendblatt, 31-10-2011). Dat heeft waarschijnlijk heel veel, zelfs met het ontstaan van ons Nedersaksisch te maken. Maar nee, ik doe het niet. Ik luister nog een poosje en wellicht haak ik dan geruisloos af. Mit een vrundelike groet uut Stellingwarf, Piet Bult ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Dear Piet, Apparently you understand more languages that are used here than do many other members. According to our rules, any language may be used. Beste Piet, Blijkbaar begrijp je meer talen die hier worden gebruikt dan doen veel andere leden. Volgens onze regels, kan elke taal gebruikt worden. MVG/Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Wo! Easy, guys! Surely there's some misunderstanding. Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 16 18:28:48 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 10:28:48 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.16 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 16 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: mike.keach at Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.15 (01) [EN-NDS-NL] Really. Everyone take three healing breaths. [Mike Keach] ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Good advice, Mike. Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ** ---------- From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.15 (01) [EN-NDS-NL] Insha'allah that you are right. Sorry for all this. Ingmar From: R. F. Hahn <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Language use Wo! Easy, guys! Surely there's some misunderstanding. Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Thanks, Ingmar. I personally did not think that Piet's posting came from a place of intolerance. I rather believe that it was provoked by his eagerness to understand everything that is posted here. Posting in Lowlands languages is, of course, most appropriate and reaches the largest number of readers. Among them, English is optimal in this sense. But the use of other Lowlands language varieties is encouraged because of their relevance and because of the fact that our subscribers want to be exposed to them for learning purposes. However, this does not mean that other languages are excluded, especially in cases like welcoming messages and felicitations. A sizable percentage of our members are from places other than Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, and a lot of them are not Christian or even of Christian background. I want all of them to feel as welcome and validated as everyone else. Global communication is advancing rapidly, and Lowlands-L is an international community in which all sorts of voices can and should be heard. Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ---------- From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Language use" Beste Ingmar, You wrote: What are you talking about, Bult, what's bothering you? Hopefully not my wishes for the sacrifice Festival, you won't be that little-minded? It can't be that we can wish people a good Saint Nicholas or Christmas according to you, but not Khanuka, Ramadhan or Holi festival? Why couldn't we, maybe because these religions don't belong in the low lands, according to you? Not talking about Piet Bult here, but just to give you a general idea of how tolerant some of our compatriots are: Helft Vlamingen stoort zich aan vreemde talen op straat - De Standaard Yes, I'm living in a small country (these days). 'Nuff said. Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 17 01:30:34 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 17:30:34 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.16 (02) [NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 16 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Lowlands-L - 16. November 2011 - Volume 01 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.15 (01 [EN-NDS-NL] Hallo all' Lowlanners. Ick kann dat gor nich so recht verstahn, dat sowat as ein Unfr?den ?nner de Maten upkamen is. Ick b?n mi ?mmer wedder wiss, wat mi Lowlands bed?den deit. Lowlands is f?r mi so wat as ein Sod. Hier heff ick denn' besten Weg funn'n, wo ick noch v?l, bannig v?l taulihren kann, nich blot Spraken seggen mi tau, ok dat woroewer beraden ward un all' dat, wat mit Spraken tau daun hett, un ok de Mitmakers, de Minschen. Wi s?nd doch weltwied ein grotorrig Sprakenbom un uns' Baas Ron hett de beste Ort un Wies', uns ?mmer tau Sied tau stahn. Wo kann man h?t noch so feine un klauke Maten finn'n. Mi bed?den sei all' v?l un ick h?g grot Hochachten. Wi k?nen doch all'ns in Frieheit mit Pli un Fantasie angahn, wi hebben doch denn' besten Wiespahl, un wenn wi de V?rschriften inholl'n, denn kann nicks nich scheif lopen. Keinein leggt uns K?den an, wi all' s?nd frie. Frieheit un Respekt gellt ok f?r denn' Gloven, un wo riek is de, de noch gl?wen kann. Uns' Baas h?lt dat St?er (Steuer) fast un dat m?t man em hoch danken. Ick heff mi oft eins wat utdruckt vun w?gen de Sprak, so taun Bispill Nederlands Sprak. Dor kann ick v?l von afl?sen, woans Plattd??tsch un Nedderland sick m?gen. Ick heff mi so gor v?r poor Johr (as ick noch nich bi LL wier) up denn' Flohmark ein grotorrig W??rbauk k?fft "KRAMERS DUITS WOORDEN BOEK NederlandsDuits/DuitsNederlands VAN GOOR ZONEN. Un mit mien Ingelsch lihren b?n ick ?mmer noch taugang, dat m?t noch riepen, un k?nn je sien, dat ick mi denn eins unvermaudens mit dis' Sprak mellen dau. Man, dat brukt all' sien Tied. Oewer up Lowlands lat ick nicks nich kamen, ick w??t kein b?ter St?d. De Spraken bringen uns doch neger un jedein Sprak het ehr eigen Melodei (Sound), wo k?nn ick s?ss sowat noch finn'n... Nu hebben wi unsen besten Sprakenbom un sien W?tteln s?nd eddel un holl'n ut. IDIOM: Heraus mit der Sprache! *Out with it! *Rut mit de Sprak! So heff ick mi nu up mien Oort tau Wuurd mellt. Ick kann ?mmer un will wedder unsen Ron danken un ok all' Fr?nn'. Mit best Gr?uten. Hanne ut Schwerin ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 17 02:20:31 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 18:20:31 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 16 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Semantics Dear Lowlanders, I've long been intrigued by the semantic development of the word complex "dear" within the Germanic languages, and I wonder if you have any information to add. "Dear" and its relatives can mean the following: 1. highly valued (dear to one's heart) 2. expensive (having a high price) Clearly, the common denominator is "valuable" or "valued." In the English-speaking world there appears to be a split: 1. American English uses "dear" only in the first-mentioned sense, with idiomatic exceptions (i.e., supposedly archaisms) such as "to pay a dear price" or "to pay dearly." 2. Non-American English, at least many varieties of it, uses "dear" in both senses. Thus, for instance, in Australian English you may say something like "Computers are very expensive" and "Computers are very dear." The latter sounds strange to most American. How does this play out in related language varieties? - Scots:* dear** ** *both 'expensive' and 'dear' - West Frisian: *djoer* both 'expensive' and 'dear' - Low Saxon: *d??r *'expensive' (somewhat archaic also as 'dear (to one's heart))' - Dutch: *duur* 'expensive' (?) - Limburgish: *deur* (*d?r*) 'expensive' - Afrikaans: *duur* 'expensive' (?, but *dierbaar* 'valuable', 'esteemed') - German: *teuer* 'expensive' (somewhat archaic also as 'dear (to one's heart)') - Yiddish: *tayer* (?????) both 'expensive' and 'dear' - Danish: *dyr* 'expensive' - Norwegian: *dyr* 'expensive' - Swedish:* dyr* 'expensive' - Icelandic: *d?r** *'expensive' Once we get into the ancestral language varieties it becomes a different game, and the two meanings will eventually merge. In other words, somewhere along the line a semantic split occurred. Any further information or simply thoughts? Regards and thanks, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 17 18:40:14 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 10:40:14 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.17 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 17 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.16 (01) [EN] Thanks Ron and the others who reacted or just read, I hope so Ron. For the great part of members here who're not fluent in Dutch, I'll translate Piet Bult's original message, to which I reacted so uncalmly again: "...Dear Lowlanders, Why since the "Sacrifice Feast" was brought up here, suddenly it's very quiet at LL-L, I wondered ... With reading of various Low Saxon dialects but also German, Dutch, Frisian, Flemish, French, English, Afrikaans, etc. I have little trouble. And no, believe me, I really have nothing against any religion and politics either. I have something against people who either deliberately or otherwise and whether or not using Google, like to bother me and others with their noise about faith. If that is in an unreadable language (including Hebrew, Arab, or the like) for me, in a discussion forum where I do not expect, yes, I occasionally hook off. Because I would like to read and above all understand what it says. If it is something about Low Saxon, or other aforementioned languages I do even my stinking best to understand, but many expressions about faith, religious wishes or even curses in short sentences that are outside my western standard, I don't want to discuss about. Some subjects - such as political and religious ones - can only provoke me to utter a few screams. I would like to start a new thread, for example that "heave" over the very interesting archaeological finds made recently in the prison 'Santa Fu' from Hamburg (Ger) (see: Hamburger Abendblatt, 10/31/2011). That has to do probably a lot with, or may be even essential for the emergence of our Low Saxon. But no, I will not. I'll listen here for a while and then I could hook off silently. With kind Stellingwerf greetings, Peter Bult From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Thanks, Ingmar. I personally did not think that Piet's posting came from a place of intolerance. I rather believe that it was provoked by his eagerness to understand everything that is posted here. Posting in Lowlands languages is, of course, most appropriate and reaches the largest number of readers. Among them, English is optimal in this sense. But the use of other Lowlands language varieties is encouraged because of their relevance and because of the fact that our subscribers want to be exposed to them for learning purposes. However, this does not mean that other languages are excluded, especially in cases like welcoming messages and felicitations. A sizable percentage of our members are from places other than Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, and a lot of them are not Christian or even of Christian background. I want all of them to feel as welcome and validated as everyone else. Global communication is advancing rapidly, and Lowlands-L is an international community in which all sorts of voices can and should be heard. Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language use Thanks, Ingmar. I suggest we allow this subject to rest now. Regards and thanks, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 17 18:45:13 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 10:45:13 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 17 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] I've never noted before how the Scandinavian forms are very close to the basic Germanic "animal" or "beast" words (ON *dyr*, NE "deer", German *Tier*etc.). Is this likely to be coincidence, or is it related to the association of wealth and animals, like "fee" and OE *feoh* etc? Incidentally a friend in South Africa used to say her husband was "dierbaar" - she joked it meant half animal, half barbarian! Paul Derby ("Animal Town") England ---------- From: Luc Vanbrabant lucv32 at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] Dag Ron, West-Vlaams: dier diere (expensive) dierbaar (dearly beloved) dieren, verdieren, dierzen (r niet uitspreken) = duurder worden te dieren danse = aan een zeer hoge prijs Nederlands: duurbaar / dierbaar (dearly beloved). duurte = expensiveness duurzaam = durable, lasting Groetjes Luc Vanbrabant Oekene ---------- From: Henry Pijffers Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] Ron wrote: > > Dutch: duur 'expensive' (?) > Limburgish: deur (d?r) 'expensive' > Afrikaans: duur 'expensive' (?, but dierbaar 'valuable', 'esteemed') Dutch also has dierbaar in the meaning of 'dear to one's heart' / 'valuable'. cheers, Henry ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 17 20:31:02 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 12:31:02 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (03) [EN-FY] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 17 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Henno Brandsma hennobrandsma at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Semantics Dear Lowlanders, I've long been intrigued by the semantic development of the word complex "dear" within the Germanic languages, and I wonder if you have any information to add. "Dear" and its relatives can mean the following: 1. highly valued (dear to one's heart) 2. expensive (having a high price) Clearly, the common denominator is "valuable" or "valued." In the English-speaking world there appears to be a split: 1. American English uses "dear" only in the first-mentioned sense, with idiomatic exceptions (i.e., supposedly archaisms) such as "to pay a dear price" or "to pay dearly." 2. Non-American English, at least many varieties of it, uses "dear" in both senses. Thus, for instance, in Australian English you may say something like "Computers are very expensive" and "Computers are very dear." The latter sounds strange to most American. How does this play out in related language varieties? - Scots:* dear** ** *both 'expensive' and 'dear' - West Frisian: *djoer* both 'expensive' and 'dear' Nee, djoer kin yn it Westerlauwer Frysk allinnich op priis slaan. Al bestiet der in, tinkt my, lienwurd "dierber". Groetnis, Henno ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Fri Nov 18 07:31:43 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 23:31:43 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2011.11.17 (04) [EN-NL] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 17 November 2011 - Volume 04 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: "Stellingwerfs Eigen" LL-L Subject: LL-L < my final posting> Beste Ron en Allemaal, In mijn bericht heb ik juist niet expliciet bedoeld te zeggen dat de taal het grootste probleem is. Nadat ik Ron zijn bericht las van 2011.11.16 (01) begreep ik dat mijn post aan hem priv? waarschijnlijk niet in zijn postbus is aangekomen. Daarom reageer ik nog een allerlaatste keer via de List. Ook omdat er nogal geraden wordt naar de bedoeling van mijn bericht wil ik nog eenmaal aan jullie proberen duidelijk te maken wat ik wel heb bedoeld. In het algemeen Geloof me (zo je dat nog niet wist), dat Nederlanders - inclusief mij zelf - een erg tolerant, misschien wel het meest tolerante volk van de hele wereld zijn. Ik geef toe, er varandert momenteel wel het een en ander...;-) Ik meen voldoende ervaring te hebben om te weten dat je erg moet oppassen om over sommige onderwerpen zoals bijv. politiek, religie, geaardheid van mensen en dat soort zaken te spreken op een open (of zelfs geredigeerd) forum waar dat forum niet in is gespecialiseerd omdat je naar mijn bescheiden mening geen discussie kunt voeren over dit soort onderwerpen in slechts enkele korte zinnen. Er zullen in dat geval altijd leden zijn die niet of verkeerd begrijpen, of worden begrepen... De meeste oorlogen zijn begonnen door dit soort onbegrip, al helemaal als er religie aan te pas komt, nietwaar? Hier in mijn omgeving sta ik bij sommigen bekend als een soort van beschouwelijk filosoof en vraag mij zelf (maar ook anderen) vaak een mening af om daarmee tot een discussie te komen. Ik weet het, erg veel mensen hebben moeite met het voeren een discussie op deze wijze... Denk je eens in: je bent als geboren Nederlander, politieman in Amsterdam en hebt samen met twee collega's van bijv. van Bonairse herkomst een werk op te knappen. Dan vraag ik mij af: hoe zou jij je voelen als die twee collega's telkens maar in het Papiaments tegen alkaar spreken (wat jij niet verstaat)..? Ja hoor, ik heb er alle begrip voor dat Ron nieuwkomers op de LL-List verwelkomt in hun eigen taal. Geen probleem. Maar verder vraag ik mij af of al die beste (religieuze) wensen over en weer van iedereen, wel diep uit het hart komen. Is het veelal niet eerder een kwestie van gewoonte, zonder diepere gedachte, of zelfs provocatie..? Ik ben opgegroeid in de westerse wereld met katholieken, christelijken en veel andere religies om me heen. En ja, ik heb de hele Koran, Bijbel en KamaSutra (oeps!) gelezen/gespeld. Dat laatste boek vond ik het leukste, hoe meer ik de Bijbel las (die ik zelfs helemaal vertaalde), hoe minder ik geloof in het katholisisme, christendom en de meeste andere religies. Ik ga je niet vertellen wat ik van de Koran vind maar ik zou niet graag leven met de Sharia. Volgens mij is mijn vrouw meer waard dan een geit en ik verplicht haar niet een boerka te dragen. Ik geloof in een individuele vrijheid voor zowel mannen als vrouwen op gelijke voet en laat het laatste oordeel graag over aan de/een Almachtige. Conclusie Wat ik met mijn bericht probeerde uit te vinden - na een periode van stilte - hoe andere leden van deze LL-list denken over dat soort van vraagstukken op deze list, die naar mijn mening een (Lowlands) taalforum is. En laat ik nogmaals duidelijk zijn: ik houd niet van provocaties in korte zinnen aangaande religie en dat soort zaken. Het voelt voor mij dus niet (meer) goed aan om in relatie te staan met mensen die het blijkbaar juist leuk vinden op die confronterende wijze te moeten provoceren. Het spijt mij voor mijn aandeel in dit onbehouwen gedrag op deze LL-List. Aanvaard mijn excuses daarvoor... Ik ga niet meer in casu reageren op de harde woorden van Ingmar omdat ik bang ben dat daar alleen nog maar meer onbegrip uit voort zal komen. Ik ga mij nu afmelden... (Ik weet het zeker, ik zal jullie nog missen!) Maar niet nadat ik Ron persoonlijk hartelijk wil bedanken voor het goede werk wat hij hier doet... Misschien weet niemand beter dan ik, hoeveel werk, tijd, toewijding en energie het kost om de LL-List te starten en vooral ook vol te houden... Ik heb dat zeer op prijs gesteld. Dankjewel Ron! Ik dank ook de leden van de list met de vele antwoorden op mijn vragen over onze prachtige oude taal en de goede tijd die ik met jullie had. Dank daarvoor! Beste Ron, ik wens je werkelijk het allerbeste met je LL-List... Mit een (alderlaeste) vrundelike groet uut Stellingwarf, Piet Bult PS: mocht iemand nog eens iets over onze prachtige taal willen weten waar ik je misschien bij kan helpen dan mag je me natuurlijk altijd rechtstreeks benaderen... Dear Ron and All, In my posting I just have not explicit meant to say that language was my biggest problem. According to Ron's reply in his posting of 2011.11.16 (01) I understood that my posting to him in privat did not reach his mailbox. That's wy I come to you all (for the very last time) this way and because of all the guests around the reason of my indignation I'll try to make my point more clear. In general Beleave me (as you already didn't know), the Dutch people - including myself - are very, maybe even the most tolerant people in the world. Okay, at this moment, times are changing a bit...;-) I think that I have enough experience to know that you always must be aware (or is it even attentive?) to talk about politics, religion, personal nature of people a.s.o. on an open (and even on a moderated) forum that is not specialized in that kind of subjects, because you can't have a discussion about such topics in just some short paragraphs. There always will be one or more member(s) who do(es) misunderstand... Most wars have started because those misunderstandings, aspecially if there is also religion connected, aren't they? Here in our neighberhood by some people I'm known as a sort of a philosopher and frequently ask myself (and others) for an opinion to come to a real discussion. I know, lots and lots of people can't handle conversation that way... Imaging: you're an authentic Dutch policeman in Amsterdam and you have to do a job with two colleges who came origin from - lets say - Bonaire. Half the way down the two of them do constantly talk in Papiamentu (wich you do not understand). Then, how would you feel..? Yes, I can realy understand that our Ron sends a welcome in any language to a new member. No problem with me. But furtheron, I'm wondering, do come all those (i.c. religious) best wishes from the bottom of the haert? (not meaning Ron's wishes.) I've been grown up in the western world with katholics, cristians and lots of other religious people around. Yes, I read the whole Koran, Bible and KamaSutra (oops!). The lastone I'd like most, the more I read the Bible (whom I translated in Stellingwarfs), the less I beleave in katholicism and cristianity. I'm not gonna say what I think about the Koran but I don't like to live by the rules of the Sharia. In my opinion my wife is more worth then a goat and I don't let her walk in a bourka. I beleave in individual freedom for man and woman and let the last judgment to the/any Almighty. The clou... What I was trying to do in my posting, was to find out - after a period of silence - how other members of this LL-list think about that sort of questions on this list, wich is in my opinion is a (Lowlands) language-forum. And let me be clear again: I don't like provocating shortcuts about religions and things like that. For me, it just doesn't feel good anylonger to be conected with people who seam to like (religious) provocations in such a hard way. I'm very sorry for my part in the misbehavior on this LL-List. Accept my apologys (also for my poor writing in English!)... I'll not reply on Ingmar's hard words. Any word again will be misunderstood. I'll signof the LL-List now... (I'm quite sure, I'm gonna miss you!) But not after I thank you, Ron in person for the good job you're doing with this LL-List... Perhaps nobody knows better then I do, how much work, time, obligation and energy it costs to keep 'm up... I've really appreciated it. Thanks! I also thank the members with there good suggestions about our lovely Lowland-language and where I had a good time with. Thanks! Dear Ron, I really wish you and your LL-L all the best... With (very) last greetings from Stellingwarf (Frl, Nl.), Piet Bult PS: if you think I can be helpful in some special affairs among our beautiful language than you may contact me directly, of course.. ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Fri Nov 18 07:47:56 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 23:47:56 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (06) [EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 17 November 2011 - Volume 06 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Ed Alexander edsells at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (03) [EN-FY] At 03:31 PM 17/11/2011, Ron wrote: 1. American English uses "dear" only in the first-mentioned sense, with idiomatic exceptions (i.e., supposedly archaisms) such as "to pay a dear price" or "to pay dearly." My wife and I do not agree. First of all, I suspect that the common root meaning is "rare". Secondly, it is only to be expected in the creolization of English, that items that were "costly" would have been more affordable to the upper classes which of course use far more words of French derivation (such as "expensive"). Of course, since "expensive" is far more common, people who have learned English as a second language are far less likely to know this meaning. Also, I do not understand why you would say that "pay dearly" is idomatic, as opposed to a situation where "expensive" would be inappropriate. I think that we have not yet replaced the word "dear" with another in cases where the cost is not financial. Of course, the Anglo-Saxon speaking lower classes were more likely to have to "pay dearly with their lives" in the time of war. 1. Non-American English, at least many varieties of it, uses "dear" in both senses. Thus, for instance, in Australian English you may say? something like "Computers are very expensive" and "Computers are very dear." The latter sounds strange to most American. I'm an American and I don't find it strange, just infrequent. Ed Alexander, Ontario ---------- From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" Beste Ron, You wrote: I've long been intrigued by the semantic development of the word complex "dear" within the Germanic languages, and I wonder if you have any information to add. "Dear" and its relatives can mean the following: 1. highly valued (dear to one's heart) 2. expensive (having a high price) Clearly, the common denominator is "valuable" or "valued." In the English-speaking world there appears to be a split: 1. American English uses "dear" only in the first-mentioned sense, with idiomatic exceptions (i.e., supposedly archaisms) such as "to pay a dear price" or "to pay dearly." 2. Non-American English, at least many varieties of it, uses "dear" in both senses. Thus, for instance, in Australian English you may say something like "Computers are very expensive" and "Computers are very dear." The latter sounds strange to most American. Brabantish knows "duur/dier" exclusively as a word meaning "expensive" (geographical distribution roughly follows the pattern of vier/vuur ~ fire/Feuer). Not as a word meaning something like "caro" in Italian. By the way, "dierbaar" is totally "school language", it's no part whatsoever of the vernacular. More in general, any word having the suffix "baar" is not a traditional Brabantish word, it's a germanism. Could it be that the literal meaning of "dear" already got pushed away by "expensive" in English during Anglo-Norman times? In uptown language that lower echelons the original meaning may have been preserved longer. "Dear", as in "Dear Henry", has no cognate in Brabantish. "Lieve" is predominantly used when an amorous relationship exists between the two (contrasting with Saxon I believe). On a general level, as far as I know, only "Beste ..." will do. Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Semantics Thanks, everyone. Here's something for you to sink your teeth into: In Scots, *lief* [li(?)f] ~ [li(?)v...] means 'dear', 'beloved', thus corresponding to what in Dutch is *lief* [li(?)f] ~ [li(?)v...] and in Low Saxon is *leef* ... [l??f] ~ [l??v...] ~ [la?f] ~ [la?v...]. Dutch ("Flemish") influence in Scotland? Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] Hallo "dear" Lowlanners. V?rweg hier ein Riemel von Gerda Uhthoff 2.8.1896-21.10.1988 (Wi kennten uns.) *PLANT' HELLE BLAUMEN * Gl?ck in de Leiw, dat singt von s?lben, - wenn't Hart tau vull is, juucht de Mund, man trurig Leiw swiggt in sik rinner, ward nachtens blot in Tranen kund. Dor m?ten anner denn von singen, de Dichtersl??d, dat olle Leed von de verlaten Leiw up Ierden, de d?ster Blaum in't bunte Beet. Plant' helle Blaumen in den Goren all von jug Leiw, wenn't jichtens geiht, de d?stern maken trurig Harten; - wo sch??n is't doch, wenn'n Gl?ck utseiht*! * auss?en *leif, *-ee-, flekt. -*w* Adj. und Adv, lieb *1. *erfreulich, angenehm: 'Dat sy ju allen lef edder leyt' Re. Osterspiele; 'it wer ock dem Rade leff edder leit' (Rostock; dem Lebensm?den *is 't *(das Sterben) *eenen Dag so leef as den annern; dat Leiwst un dat Best updragen *zur Mahlzeit; adverbial gern: *wo leif sei dat nehm! *(1887)HARed; *moegen Sei dat nich so lif liden? (1889) *SCH?/Schlagsd.; bes. wie hd. f?r fehlende Steigerung von gern im Kompar. und Superl.: 'Kumpt hir jemant here varen, Deme wil ik alzo m?ten; He mochte sik lever laten des kynkhostes b?ten' Red. Ost.; 'He wolde lever syn, dar ein Nachmeisters Knecht Ein Span vul d?nne Supp (Jauche) up sinen LAUR (Johann Lauremberg); *he s?ht eenen lever sinken as fleeten *(schwimmen); *hei s?ht ein leiwer gahn as kamen; leiwer tweimal mit Gemack as einmal mit gebrack *vom geladenen Wagen (1887); *leiwer ahn Abendbrot tau Bedd' gahn as mit Schulden upstahn; leewer 'n Magen verrenken as 'n Wirt wat schenken. **2. *im Sinne der Neigung bes. zum andern Geschlecht; so *leif hebben *lieben; 'nademe . . . de Welt . . . dat ere Leeff hefft'; *de Uhl heft eer Uelhken so leev, a? de Duve er D?veken; wenn . . . Nahwers Kinner sick leiw hewwen * F.Reut; *leef hebben *k?ssen; so auch in der Wechselrede von Mutter und Tochter: *Herrjemine, wat deit he di? Hett he di ok leef? Wat wull he nich, wat schull he nich! Wenn 't dor man noch bi blew! HA/Red; **ironisch*: *he is 'n Soehn, oewer ok 'n leewen! - seem. sick leewen Mann maken (*sich beliebt ..Huh, Programm abgest?rzt.., gerettet) also (sich beliebt machen, sich einschmeicheln beim Kapit?n); *substantivisch *in der Anrede: *min Leiwen*; im Sprw.: *dei wat Leiws hett, dei geiht 'e nah, un de wat Scheiws hett, de smitt ' e nah; *im *Superlativ: **Leiwste *Liebste; *formelhaft *h?ufig als Attribut bei Substantiven mannigfacher Art wie: *dei leiw Gott, dat leiw Brot, dat leiw Veih, dei leiw S?nn, dei leiw' Ierd', dei leiwe Lust, m?nnigein leiwen Dag, dei leiwe lange Nacht; *oft *verh?llend*: *dat leiwe *(k?mmerliche bi?chen) *L?ben; dat leiw W?der *(Unwetter, Gewitter); *min leiwe *(gro?e) *Not; v?r luter leiwe *(gro?er) *Angst; dat leiwe *(schlimme) *Kuurnk?pen; dat leiw *(b?se) *Leiden; so v?l leiwe *(harte) *Sl?g'; *Als* Ausruf des Bedauerns oder der Verwunderung: **du leiwe Tit. **3. *Dim.: 'min Lefken' (mein Liebchen; ebenso im Tanzlied *Gos up de D?l: mit min Leewken. **Im Tiergespr?ch: **Herrjes', min Leefken! **auch hd.: *f?r die Sonne *seggen weck Kl?rchen, weck Liebchen; **Koseform*: Leiwing. Zss.: *hart-, unleif; f?rleif. *Mnd. *l?f. *Lit.: Wossidlo/Teuchert * ** *Noch 'n Riemel von Gerda Uhthoff: * L?WENSLANG* Verlaten Leiw, de gl??wt, dat all's sik wedder wend', verlaten Leiw, de t??wt un t??wt, dat all's in'n Gauden end'. - Un seggst du, dat s' nich gl?wen sall, denn kickt s' di an so bang, un seggst du, dat s' nich t?wen sall, denn flustert s': "L?wenslang." So, dat wier mal *dit *un *dat *von leiw/leew *Leiw/Leew* Un mien Gr?uten is ok *leiw *meint. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Fri Nov 18 19:31:21 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 11:31:21 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.18 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 18 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Theo Homan theohoman at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (06) [EN-NDS] From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" [...] Brabantish knows "duur/dier" exclusively as a word meaning "expensive" (geographical distribution roughly follows the pattern of vier/vuur ~ fire/Feuer). Not as a word meaning something like "caro" in Italian. By the way, "dierbaar" is totally "school language", it's no part whatsoever of the vernacular. More in general, any word having the suffix "baar" is not a traditional Brabantish word, it's a germanism. Could it be that the literal meaning of "dear" already got pushed away by "expensive" in English during Anglo-Norman times? In uptown language that lower echelons the original meaning may have been preserved longer. "Dear", as in "Dear Henry", has no cognate in Brabantish. "Lieve" is predominantly used when an amorous relationship exists between the two (contrasting with Saxon I believe). On a general level, as far as I know, only "Beste ..." will do. Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium Hi, Now I get confused; and so it has to be. In dutch [of the north] we have 'dierbaar' and I've never read 'duurbaar'. Because of 'dier' one would assume that 'dierbaar' came from the dutch in the south [e.g. imported by the brabantish/flamish people who came to Holland some centuries ago]. I would almost suspect that 'dierbaar' came in use by writings [i.e. books that were widely read]. Theo Homan ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (06) [EN-NDS] Hallo, ick b?n all wedder dor. Nu kam ick noch up (*lieb) teuer. *Dor kann ick nich v?l anbeiden, liekers k?nn dat noch sien Bed?den hebben. Bi Perfesser Vo?lo heff ick man blot dit funn'n: as Adv.:'ein duerbar werdich wordt'. Neues hochdeutsch-plattdeutsches W?rterbuch von Renate Herrmann-Winter: * teuer** d?er, **1. *einen hohen Preis habend *Syn **nich to betahlen *usw.. *2. *sehr gesch?tzt, lieb, wert, *Syn leif sin. *Tsch?, dat heff ick nich dacht, ok up Platt kannst wat mit anfangen. Un woans k?nn man dat so schriewen: *"Mien leif sin Fr?nd" ? *Beg?ng is *leif sin *hier nich. * *DUDEN 7: *teuer: *Die Herkunft des *altgerm. *Adjektivs (*mhd. *tiure, *ahd. *tiuri, *niederl. *duur, *engl. *dear [s. Darling], *schwed. *dyr) ist unbekannt. Zu 'teuer' geh?ren die unter *dauern *"leid tun" W?rter. Schon in den ?lteren Sprachzust?nden wurde es in den heutigen Bedeutungen "lieb", wert, hochgesch?tzt; viel kostend" gebraucht. Abl.: *Teuerung *"Preisanstieg" *(sp?tmhd. *tiurung, urspr?nglich nur "Preis"); *verteuern *(*mhd. * vertiuren). Hinweis auf *beteuern.* * *Un nu gah ick in de K?k, denn mien Middag?ten "Gr?uns un Ket?ffels/T?ften" is mi wat *leif un d?er. *Hartlich Gr?uten. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Fri Nov 18 21:20:20 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 13:20:20 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.18 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 18 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.15 (03) [EN] > From: R. F. Hahn > Subject: Semantics > Dear Lowlanders, > I've long been intrigued by the semantic development of the word complex "dear" within the Germanic languages, and I wonder if you have any information to add. In my West-Limburgish ?duur? can mean: - expensive - a bull (Dutch: stier) For animal (in Dutch ?dier?) we use ?b?s? (cf. Dutch ?beest?) In French we have cher for dear in both senses: cher ami: dear friend cher: expensive. Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sat Nov 19 19:49:13 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2011 11:49:13 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.19 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 19 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: M.-L. Lessing marless at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.18 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Dear Lowlanders, as Hanne points out, in German the words "teuer" and "lieb" form a sort of parallel. I think the meaning "lieb, wert, hochgesch?tzt" might have been first, and later the meaning "viel kostend" has been added as a consequence, when money came into consideration. (However, there are sorts of people for whom the logic goes the opposite way; first they think of money, and then they love what they have paid for dearly...) What I wish to add is only this: There is a similar parallel between "Lob" and "Preis". "Preis" must have been identical with "Lob" at first, and when money came into consideration, the meaning of one of the words shifted to "what you have to pay" (because it is so well worth its "Lob"). (Of course for the aforementioned perverse sort of people maybe the money comes first again, the the Lob.) That shift of meaning can't be very old; as one of the few Germans familiar with the Evangelisches Kirchengesangbuch I know dozens of hymns, where "Lob und Preis" are offered to god, ... O w?r ich da, o st?nd ich schon du reicher Gott, vor Deinem Thron und tr?ge meine Palmen! so wollt ich nach der Engel Weis? erh?hen Deines Namens Preis mit tausend sch?nen Psalmen. Text from 1653. And to christmas we sing: Heut' schlie?t er wieder auf das Tor zum sch?nen Paradeis; der Cherub steht nicht mehr davor, Gott sei Lob, Ehr und Preis. The latter Text 1560. -- The like thing happened to "billig", which meant "angemessen" at first, and only later changed to *cheap*. In combinations it still has its old meaning ("Das ist recht und billig", etwas billigen, missbilligen usw.). What I like about this: All the words concerning money (in their today meaning) have their roots in "true values" and were only borrowed out by the financial sort of things. Today we are aware of a strong difference between what in german is called Realwirtschaft and the so-called Finanzwirtschaft (which is the thing that, you know, in these last 3 years has been very much... ahem...). "Oh, oh," they say, "bisher betrifft die Krise ja nur die Finanzwirtschaft, aber wenn sie auf die Realwirtschaft durchschl?gt...!" (Which in Germany it still doesn't, while in other countries it does.) And Language is purely Realwirtschaft! Real values. -- Are there any words in any lowlands language that have their origin in Finanzwirtschaft, i.e. that were meant for money and money only? Hartlich! Marlou From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.17 (06) [EN-NDS] Hallo, ick b?n all wedder dor. Nu kam ick noch up (*lieb) teuer.* Dor kann ick nich v?l anbeiden, liekers k?nn dat noch sien Bed?den hebben. Bi Perfesser Vo?lo heff ick man blot dit funn'n: as Adv.:'ein duerbar werdich wordt'. Neues hochdeutsch-plattdeutsches W?rterbuch von Renate Herrmann-Winter: * teuer** d?er,* *1. *einen hohen Preis habend *Syn **nich to betahlen *usw.. *2. *sehr gesch?tzt, lieb, wert, *Syn leif sin.* Tsch?, dat heff ick nich dacht, ok up Platt kannst wat mit anfangen. Un woans k?nn man dat so schriewen: *"Mien leif sin Fr?nd" ? *Beg?ng is *leif sin *hier nich. DUDEN 7: *teuer: *Die Herkunft des *altgerm. *Adjektivs (*mhd. *tiure, *ahd. *tiuri, *niederl. *duur, *engl. *dear [s. Darling], *schwed. *dyr) ist unbekannt. Zu 'teuer' geh?ren die unter *dauern *"leid tun" W?rter. Schon in den ?lteren Sprachzust?nden wurde es in den heutigen Bedeutungen "lieb", wert, hochgesch?tzt; viel kostend" gebraucht. Abl.: *Teuerung *"Preisanstieg" *(sp?tmhd. *tiurung, urspr?nglich nur "Preis"); *verteuern *(*mhd. * vertiuren). Hinweis auf *beteuern.* Un nu gah ick in de K?k, denn mien Middag?ten "Gr?uns un Ket?ffels/T?ften" is mi wat *leif un d?er.* Hartlich Gr?uten. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sun Nov 20 22:40:58 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2011 14:40:58 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.20 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 20 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Mark and Ruth Dreyer mrdreyer at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.19 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Dear Marlou, Ron & All: Subject: LL-L "Semantics" Further to the pairs '"teuer" & "lieb", "dier" & "lief" (Afrikaans - I see a drift here) "dear" & "love". I have difficulty with the word 'dear'*=*'valuable' being originally associated with 'deer'='animal'. The Afrikaans for valuable is 'duur', & for animal is 'dier'. In this context the concept 'dierbaar' is I think the only term in the Taal associated with an item that is cherished but *not* a negotiable commodity. It is closer to the English 'darling'. The Old English 'Deor' was not a darling but a fugitive in hiding: Reference, the poem "Deor" The Migratory Period Rune 'Feoh' with the 'F' value refers to 'livestock' on the one hand & 'fee' on the other; Afrikaans has 'vee' for the first & 'foei' for the second. This is a sensible & inevitable association going right back to the Indo-Germanic, right? Here is a traceable pair for Afrikaans! As for "Lob" & "Preis": English "praise" & "prize" (now this is getting interesting) with which I associate with Afrikaans "lof" & "prys", my Kritzinger, Steyn, Schoonees & Cronje (Afrikaanse Woordeboek. Vertalend, Afrikaans : Engels) has this to offer. 'Lof' = praise, eulogy, commendation, laudation. 'Prys' = price, value, cost, charge, award, premium, prize, praise &c. The first, 'lof', may be a tribute but it is not a commodity. The second, 'prys', may be, but is it a synonym altogether? Not inevitably. We still offer Lof & Prys to God. Hearty greetings all round! Hartlike groete alom! Yrs, Mark. ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Nov 21 03:07:33 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2011 19:07:33 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.20 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 20 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Ed Alexander edsells at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.20 (01) [EN] At 05:40 PM 20/11/2011, Mark or Ruth wrote: I have difficulty with the word 'dear'*=*'valuable' being originally associated with 'deer'='animal'. I submit that in fact they were not associated originally, and come from separate IE roots. >From the Online Etymological Dictionary: *DEER* O.E. deor "animal, beast," from P.Gmc. *deuzam, the general Germanic word for "animal" (as opposed to man), but often restricted to "wild animal" (cf. O.Fris. diar, Du. dier, O.N. dyr, O.H.G. tior, Ger. Tier "animal," Goth. dius "wild animal," also cf. reindeer), from PIE *dheusom "creature that breathes," from *dheu- (1) "cloud, breath" (cf. Lith. dusti "gasp," dvesti "gasp, perish;" O.C.S. dychati "breathe;" cf. L. animal from anima "breath"), from base *dheu-. Sense specialization to a specific animal began in O.E. (usual O.E. for what we now call a deer was heorot; see hart), common by 15c., now complete. Probably via hunting, deer being the favorite animal of the chase (cf. Skt. mrga- "wild animal," used especially for "deer"). Deer-lick is first attested 1778, in an American context. *DEAR *O.E. deore "precious, valuable, costly, loved, beloved," from P.Gmc. *deurjaz (cf. O.S. diuri, O.N. dyrr, O.Fris. diore, M.Du. dure, Du. duur, O.H.G. tiuri, Ger. teuer), ultimate origin unknown. Used interjectorily since 1690s. As a polite introductory word to letters, it is attested from mid-15c. As a noun, from late 14c., perhaps short for dear one, etc. Ed Alexander, on Manitoulin Island, where the annual deer hunt starts on Monday. ---------- From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" Beste Mark, You wrote: As for "Lob" & "Preis": English "praise" & "prize" (now this is getting interesting) with which I associate with Afrikaans "lof" & "prys", my Kritzinger, Steyn, Schoonees & Cronje (Afrikaanse Woordeboek. Vertalend, Afrikaans : Engels) has this to offer. 'Lof' = praise, eulogy, commendation, laudation. 'Prys' = price, value, cost, charge, award, premium, prize, praise &c. The first, 'lof', may be a tribute but it is not a commodity. The second, 'prys', may be, but is it a synonym altogether? Not inevitably. We still offer Lof & Prys to God. Or to merchandise. As is the case in the Brabantish expression: "loven en bieden" (loven en bie?en ~ love and bid). It's an old one (attested in 1380 already), used to describe the haggling between seller and byer. A seller will usually praise his ware (loven is not coincidentally cognate with "to love" (E)), while the potential byer may make an offer (a bid). I have a feeling that words like "cheap", "love", "praise" and "dear" were rather market-terms, before they were religiously/morally reinterpreted. "Free" on the other hand looks like a more original word-complex that was connected with what we label "love" these days. Note: - vrijen (D): to make love - friend (E): ami-go (Spanish) - fri: Old Saxon for "woman" - Frieden (G): peace - Freyja: goddess of love Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 22 03:35:24 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 19:35:24 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.20 (03) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 20 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.20. (02) [EN] Hallo Lowlanners. Dat is je snaaksch. Fr?nd Ed Alexaner is nu von Dear up Deer kamen. Ja, wenn dat so is, kann ick je noch wat tau un oewer *DEER **(Tier) * vermellen. *Diert,* Dier, Deir, ?. Deert, Pl. *Deerte, Dierte, Direr, Deirer, -s *n. Tier, das wilde , freilebende Tier im Gegensatz zu den zahmen oder Haustieren: animal 'ein Deerte'; 'so ein wunderlik derte' (1563); 'unvornufftige Deerte'; 'de wilden Deerte'; 'von einem schlimmen Deert'; 'alle Deerde, all dat Veh' (1726); f?r dat Vieh vermeidet der Volksmund die Bezeichnung *Diert *nach M?glichkeit; wenn ein Badegast einen Fisch mit *Diert *bezeichnet, erh?lt er die abweisende Antwort: *Deirer warden hier nich fungen; *nur im Zorn sowie im Segen und Volksreim wird das Wort zuweilen auch von Haustieren gebraucht: *dat oll Diert *von einer Kuh, die beim Melken nicht stehen will;* wo willt Derers ji Deirers hen! *zu Schafen, die sich von der Herde absondern; *dat Diert hett sick verfungen** *im Segen gegen die Kolik; junge G?ssel, die man erstmalig auf die Weide bringt, werden durch folgenden Spruch vor Raubzeug gesch?tzt: *Will Dierer, hier bring' ick juch tamm Dierer, Dor s?lt ji nich ihrer von ?ten, Ihrer Mudder Maria ehr Kind hett verg?ten; de l?tten Deirer *junge Enten; *Hotth?, min l?tt Pierten, Hoppeda, min l?tt Dierten; de fleigen Dierten *V?gel; *dat wieren Dierer von derer Gr?tt *sehr gro?e Insekten; *dor gahn v?l Deirer ?mher *(L?use im R?tsel); *en unvern?nftig Dird *(Schimmel)*; *bildl. von gro?er Armut: *hier hett dat arm Diert jung't; hier is nicks los, hier hett'n arm Diert jung't, hett tw?lw kr?gen; *?bertr. von Menschen, die man nicht alle Tage sieht, z.B. hochgestellte Pers?nlichkeiten: *se willen sonn Diert *(den Gro?herzog) *ok eens seihn; Wunnerdiert; grote Dierter*(angesehene Personen); *de Dierer *Studenten; vgl. *Dussel-, Nussel-, Undiert;** *von leblosen Dingen: *wat hebben de Deirer f?r Dwaskn?ppel *sagte ein Bauernjunge beim Anblick von Segelschiffen mit gro?en Rahen; *dat olle Diert *(Hose); *dee hebben sick noch sonn Deirers upgr?belt *Reime und Schw?nke. FN. (Flurnamen): *Dierbrauk, -goorden-, -horst, -koppel. *Mnd. *d?rt, d?r; *Diert?g n. das Vieh. Lit.: Wossidlo/Teuchert IDIOM: *Jedem Tierchen sein Pl?sierchen **To each his/her own.* * *Un ick h?pp nu as ne Fl?h (Floh) in't Bedd. Hartlich. Hanne ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Semantics Moin, Hanne! Bi mi un in 'n good Deel annere Dialekten is de Mehrtallform "Deerten" or "Dierten". Gr?tens, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA P.S.: Un ick h?pp nu as ne Fl?h (Floh) in't Bedd. 'n Fl?h (*vlooi*, *Floh*, *flee*) is b?ter as as 'n Wandluus (*wandluis, ** Wanze*, *bedbug*). (Wandl?s' stinkt daar ja ook noch to!) ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 22 03:39:04 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 19:39:04 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.20. (04) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 20 November 2011 - Volume 04 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: event An all' Lowlanners. Wat je noch weiten m?t'. Die Fritz Reuter Gesellschaft wurde heute mit dieser Auszeichnung geehrt. Der Pr?sident der FRG Prof. Dr. Dr. J?rgen Grote* nahm die Auszeichnung entgegen. (Un gistern hebben wi* bi Caf? Prag noch ne sch??n Tass' Kaffe drunken un 'n Str?mel vertellt. J.G. is ein Sweriner un sien Mudding wier eins mien Doktersch.) Ick freu mi f?r de FRG. Hanne ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: event Da ich die Webseite immer Buchstabe f?r Buchstabe abschreiben mu?, ist mir ein Fehler unterlaufen. Nun ist alles OK. Kann mir einer mal den Tipp geben, wie man direkt die Anschrift http usw. in ein Schreiben ?bertragen kann? Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 22 18:36:31 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 10:36:31 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.22 (01) [DE] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 22 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Dutchmatters at Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.20. (04) [DE-NDS] Liebe Hanne Das ist gar nicht schwierig. Man soll zuerst die Botschaft ?durchsenden? oder ?beantworten. Auf das Schirm kan man dann die Anschrift abschreiben und in eine andere Botschaft aufkleben. Good luck! Jacqueline, Seattle VS ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 22 23:53:12 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 15:53:12 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.22. (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 22 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.18 (02) [EN] Translations may leave semantic differences unresolved. See picture from the ?avenue Ten Horen? ? ?Ten Horen laan? (zum Horn Allee) in the bilingual ?Uccle? ? ?Ukkel?, one of the 19 municipalities of the Brussels capital region. It helps understanding why the Dutch and French speakers have it so difficult to find oneother. Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: be.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 127072 bytes Desc: not available URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 23 19:47:05 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 11:47:05 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.23 (01) [DE] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 23 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.22 (01) [DE] Liebe Jacqueline, vielen vielen Dank f?r deine Hilfe, ich habe mich sehr gefreut. *Aber *ich habe leider Probleme. Ich werde weiter Test-?bungen anwenden. Eigentlich bin ich gar nicht so *doemlich *(dumm). Ich habe seit einiger Zeit Windows 7 mit Mozilla Thunderbird und komme damit auch klar. Immer wenn ich die Sache angehe, kommt mir in die Quere: "Babylon Nachricht: Diese Babylon Version ist abgelaufen." Warum eigentlich...?) Ich kriege das schon hin... Herzliche Gr??e und nochmals DANK! Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 23 19:48:04 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 11:48:04 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.23 (01) [DE] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 23 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.22 (01) [DE] Liebe Jacqueline, vielen vielen Dank f?r deine Hilfe, ich habe mich sehr gefreut. *Aber *ich habe leider Probleme. Ich werde weiter Test-?bungen anwenden. Eigentlich bin ich gar nicht so *doemlich *(dumm). Ich habe seit einiger Zeit Windows 7 mit Mozilla Thunderbird und komme damit auch klar. Immer wenn ich die Sache angehe, kommt mir in die Quere: "Babylon Nachricht: Diese Babylon Version ist abgelaufen." Warum eigentlich...?) Ich kriege das schon hin... Herzliche Gr??e und nochmals DANK! Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 23 19:49:52 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 11:49:52 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2011.11.23 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 23 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Henry Pijffers henry.pijffers at Subject: LL-L "Semantics" 2011.11.22. (02) [EN] Roger Thijs wrote: > > See picture from the ?avenue Ten Horen? ? ?Ten Horen laan? (zum Horn Allee) > in the bilingual ?Uccle? ? ?Ukkel?, one of the 19 municipalities of the > Brussels capital region. > Hey, the French sign is bigger. This calls for a good riot! cheers, Henry ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 24 00:46:02 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 16:46:02 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Technica" 2011.11.23 (03) [DE] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 23 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Dutchmatters at Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.23 (01) [DE] Re: Babylon Nachricht. Liebe Hanne, Leider kann ich dir damit nicht helfen. Ich habe ?berhaupt nie gewusst dat die Babylonier schon computers hatten. Sterkte met het probleem! Jacqueline ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 24 00:48:38 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 16:48:38 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2011.11.23 (04) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 23 November 2011 - Volume 04 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Language politics" Beste Henry, You wrote: Roger Thijs wrote: > > See picture from the ?avenue Ten Horen? ? ?Ten Horen laan? (zum Horn Allee) > in the bilingual ?Uccle? ? ?Ukkel?, one of the 19 municipalities of the > Brussels capital region. > Hey, the French sign is bigger. Of course...this is a prank set up by the Dutch community ;=) We bilinguals, all know you have to turn to the right, but since most of the French have absolutely no clue what "Wegomlegging" means they will surely follow the bigger (French) signpost. This is our way to minimize traffic jams ;=) Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium PS: Even in unilingual territory, at a junction, you can sometimes see a sign pointing to the left: Brussel, 15 km, and another pointing to the right, Brussel, 17 km. No problem for locals... ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 24 01:16:45 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 17:16:45 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 23 November 2011 - Volume 05 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Etymology Dear Lowlanders, Here in the Seattle area, we had what my Australian friends would call "a real stinker of a day." Though while they tend to refer to particularly hot weather, I am referring to a dark, depressing day of constant rain ... November at its worst (short of snow in a hilly area like this). I may have mentioned the following some years ago, but I am sure it can stand repeating. In many Low Saxon dialects, this type of light, steady rain (and the accompanying low light conditions) are known as (masculine) *Druus*[dru:s], and the derived adjective/adverb is *drusig* ['dru:z??]. Now, this reminds me of English "drowsy" and the Scots verb *drouse* (* droose* [dru:z] 'to be drowsy'), considering also that, like English "drowsy" and Scots *drouse*, the Low Saxon words can refer to a state of sleepiness as well. Are we talking about a coincidence or about a relationship? Are there other Lowlands pieces of the puzzle? Regards, and to all Lowlanders in and from the United States a wonderful and heartwarming Thanksgiving! Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 24 21:25:19 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 13:25:19 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.24 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 24 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" Beste Ron, You wrote: In many Low Saxon dialects, this type of light, steady rain (and the accompanying low light conditions) are known as (masculine) *Druus*[dru:s], and the derived adjective/adverb is *drusig* ['dru:z??]. I think the original meaning of [dru:s] may have been "murk" (compare Old English "drusan" to sink, and "to drowse"), evolving to: - [dru:s]: nickname for the devil (the dark one, in many dialects) - [dru:s]: sediment, dark sludgy substance in a liquid, also a horse disease (cf. droesem in Dutch) - [dru:s]: as in toponym Droeshout and surname Droesbeke (dark, marshy wood and muddy, slow running brook) - [dru:s]: nickname for a big, clumsy, slow-witted fellow Not too sure English "drizzle" is related btw. Seems like a substrate word, together with Dutch "dras". Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium ---------- From: Mark and Ruth Dreyer mrdreyer at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] Dear Ron: Subject: LL-L Etymology We've started with that now on the Highveld. Fine weather, for ducks. S Africans can get really morbid when they don't see the Sun. By the way; I think you'll get more meat out of the English term 'drizzle' by which they mean light rain of long duration. A brief burst of the same would rate 'shower'. My Yiddish ear says this has to be a *little* 'drizz' - whatever that izz. Reciprocations to you, Ron & all you Americans, eat a fat slice of pecan pie for me! All Yrs, Mark You wrote: ...I am referring to a dark, depressing day of constant rain ... November at its worst (short of snow in a hilly area like this). I may have mentioned the following some years ago, but I am sure it can stand repeating. In many Low Saxon dialects, this type of light, steady rain (and the accompanying low light conditions) are known as (masculine) *Druus*[dru:s], and the derived adjective/adverb is *drusig* ['dru:z??]. ---------- From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] That sort of rain is called "drizzle" in England (and probably other UK countries too). Online Etymological dictionary dates it to 1540s, probably from OE *dreosan*, to fall. Related to PIE **dhreu,* related to "drip". Paul. PS: when it is really fine rain, we call it "mizzle", combining "drizzle" with "mist". ---------- From: Ed Alexander edsells at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] At 08:16 PM 23/11/2011, Ron wrote: In many Low Saxon dialects, this type of light, steady rain (and the accompanying low light conditions) are known as (masculine) *Druus*[dru:s], and the derived adjective/adverb is *drusig* ['dru:z????]. Now, this reminds me of English "drowsy" and the Scots verb *drouse* (* droose* [dru:z] 'to be drowsy'), considering also that, like English "drowsy" and Scots *drouse*, the Low Saxon words can refer to a state of sleepiness as well. Are we talking about a coincidence or about a relationship? Are there other Lowlands pieces of the puzzle? You forgot "drizzle." It looks like drowsy comes from a different root than *drusig*. Ed Alexander ---------- From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Dutchmatters at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] Hello there ?stadgenoot? A Dutch friend came to visit me this afternoon and she said, while we were negotiating the puddles in the driveway, ?en als dit thuis was geweest, zou ik ook nog op de fiets zijn gekomen?!! Brrrrr Which brings me back to your etymological question. Dutch knows ?druisen? which my dictionary tells me is ?een aanhoudend maar ongelijkmatig, verward, vrij sterk geluid voortbrengen. I think that makes meterological sense today. And then there are of course druilen en druipen (respectively not showing any energy and to drip). Does that remind you of something?? Keep dry! Jacqueline BdJ ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Etymology Thanks for all the responses. Now that you have mentioned it I am convinced that *drizzle* is related, must have come from **drysel* ['dry:zl] (< /druz+el-/, diminutive frequentive, umlauted). Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA My keyboard just broke, and the stores are closed for the holiday ? It is horrendous working around that. ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Nov 24 21:33:05 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 13:33:05 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2011.11.24 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 24 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder Subject: LL-L "Language varietiess" 2011.11.24 [EN] According to the Dutch linguistic magazine Onze Taal, Brabantish is the most sexy accent of the Netherlands: Ingmar ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sat Nov 26 00:17:25 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 16:17:25 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.25 [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 25 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" Beste Paul, You mentioned "to mizzle", when light rain is falling. The same word exists in Dutch "miezelen/miezeren" and Low German "miseln". Note Dutch dialect "miegelen", to urinate. Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium ---------- From: Wim wkv at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.24 (01) [EN] >From wim verdoold wkv at Zwolle nl Hi! Droes in the futhark ( Rune Alphabeth) the th is called thurs ( giant ) I think that is the same word again Moin! Wim ---------- From: list at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.24 (01) [EN] From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at > Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] > > That sort of rain is called "drizzle" in England (and probably other UK > countries too). Online Etymological dictionary dates it to 1540s, probably > from OE *dreosan*, to fall. Related to PIE **dhreu,* related to "drip". > > Paul. > > PS: when it is really fine rain, we call it "mizzle", combining "drizzle" > with "mist". > Is it really a portmanteau or perhaps an old word? Low Saxon has "musseln" for fine rain (it also means dropping powder-like or grainy substances: "Mussel nich so mit dat Stroh, ik heff j?st feegt." Do not drop any straw, I just swept.). Marcus Buck ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN] Hallo all' Lowlanners, ick hadd stramm tau daun un kann ierst h?t , wat nu k?mmt, vermellen: *Regen, Regen drus' *Regen, Regen* drus',* wi sitt hier warm in Huus'! De Vageln sitt in Bom to kurn, de K?h, dee staht an' Wall to schurn: Regen, Regen *drus'*, wi sitt hier warm in Huus'! 1. Vers Text: Klaus Groth Hier heit *drus' *: *'rieseln'.* *Bim-bam-beier! *2. Vers: Bim-bam-J?nging, min oll l?tt Lusep?nging, min oll l?tt Snickermus, din Og is blag, din Poll is krus - bim-bam, nu ligg un *drus'*! Text: John Brinckman Hier hett *drus' *dat Bed?den von *schl?frig*. ?brigens, eine sch?ne Lautmalerei. * **drus' *hett so tau seggen twei Bed?den. Perfesser Vo?lo: *drus' *(*dr?s), *druss verschlafen, m?rrisch:* dru's; drus utseihn; denn w?s' nich so drus, Dirn, Un nimm nicks krumm! - As sonn Kaninken drus un fram; de Windhunn' sleken so drus; wo drus un b?s he utseg; b?n ick drus, so sall ick schmeicheln; drus *still, launisch, verdrossen; *druss laten *traurig aussehen. Drus' m. Halbschlaf; *De Wind dee weiht, De Hahn dee kreiht, De K?ster liggt in 'n Drus'; oll Unkel Sprein Sitt still v?r sick as in den Druss' *; *oll Drus' *Langschl?fer; *in 'n Drus' stahn* ungewi? sein; *dat Weder steiht so im Druse ; Winterdrus'. *Aberglaube: *ut den Drus' is hei nich ruttaubringen; Drus' krigen *Schl?ge erhalten - Drus'drom m. Schelte f?r einen schlafm?tzigen Menschen - *drusen *in leichten Schlummer fallen, Einnicken, schlummern; - *drusig *schl?frig, verdrossen; *em ward all so drusig* er wird schlafm?de. Drus'jahn m. schl?friger, langsamer Mensch; Druskopp m. Dummkopf; Drusmichel m. wie Drusjahn; Drusmul n. sauert?pfischer Mensch; Druspeter m. wie -jahn. *Drussel *(ss stimmhaft) m. Halbschlaf, leichter Schlummer; *en l?tten Drussel hollen *(ein Nickerchen machen); Drusselb?cks f. langsamer, schl?friger Mensch; *drusseln *ein wenig einnicken, im halben Schlummer sein *hei drusselt so v?r sick hen*; Zss.: *inoewerdrusseln*; gruseln im M?rchen von dem, der das F?rchten lernen wollte: *wenn ick w?sst, wat drusseln wir. **Drusseltit *f. Schlummerzeit; *Dr?ssing *m. kleiner ?rger, Verdru?. * *Anmerkung von mir: ick heff mi hier nich vertippt, is all'ns echt (original). DUDEN 7: *Dusel: *Das im 16. Jh. aus dem Niederl. ins Hochd. ?bernommene Wort geh?rt mit mnd. d?singe "Bet?ubung", ahd. t?sig "einf?ltig", norw. dusa "duseln", niederl. dwaas"t?richt". Duseln ist ist eine Ableitung von Dusel; *duseln *"tr?umen, still vor sich hin gehen" 16. Jh.; *dusselig, dusslig *"dumm, schlafm?tzig. Nu m?t ick waak bliewen, denn bi dat Wuurt *drusig *mit all' sien Rankelw??rd heff ick mi binah so f?uhlt as *Nusseljochen *(schl?friger Mensch). Caff? Crema ut mien niege Kaffeemaschin m?ckt mi wedder munter. Best' Gr?uten. Hanne ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Etymology Dank di, Hanne. *Regen, Regen drus'* * * * *Regen, Regen* drus',* wi sitt hier warm in Huus'! De Vageln sitt in Bom to kurn, de K?h, dee staht an' Wall to schurn: Regen, Regen *drus'*, wi sitt hier warm in Huus'! 1. Vers Text: Klaus Groth You read this song (with vocabulary) and my "translation" here: Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA Brought to you with the help of a new keyboard ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sat Nov 26 00:21:44 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 16:21:44 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.24 (02) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 25 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Dem Advent entgegen Un wedder heit dat "Leiw' Fr?nn'n!" Uns'* Ingelsch-Lihrer Ulrich Planken *hett ein Drapen mit Fr?nn'n ut England organisiert. Ick wier gistern mit bi. Hier mal de Plan, wat so up uns tauk?mmt: *Anticipating Advent (Dem Advent entgegen). * Fr?nn'n ut England tau Bes?uk in de "Bernogemeinde": * Donnerstag, 24. November* 18:00 "S?ppchen" im Berno-Gemeindezentrum. Erstes Kennenlernen und Wiedersehen. *(Ja, dat hett mi tauseggt.)* *Freitag, 25. Nov.* 9:30 VolXmobil an der Paulskirche; Thomas Ruppenthal stellt ein besonderes Projekt der Jugendarbeit unserer Landeskirche vor. 11:00 Besichtigung Festsaal des Oberkirchenrates, M?nzstra?e 8-10. *15:00 Teaparty im Mehrgenerationenhaus auf dem Dreesch. Dor mak ick mit.* 19:00 Weihnachtsmarkt, Treffpunkt Eingang Dom. *Sonnabend, 26. November* 9:00 Ausflug Bellin, Haus der Stille und G?strow, Krippenmuseum. 17:30 Gottesdienst Anticipating Advent im Bernogemeindezentrum, Abend der Begegnung. Bitte bringen Sie etwas f?r das Buffet mit! *Sonntag, 27. November* 10:30 Uhr Gottesdienst in der Paulskirche. Veranstalter: Ev.-Luth. Bernogemeinde /Wossidlostra?e 2 / 19059 Schwerin, Kirchen?ltester *Ulrich Planken* / Pastorin Konstanze Helmers. Ick heff mi poor Gedanken upschr?wen, woans ick up Ingelsch 'n Snack anfangen kann. Uns f?hlt de Dialog. Also, h?t ward Ingelsch snackt..... oh ha! Hanne ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Musik Ja, tau Tied h?mpelt dat mit H?hepunkten... Dat Landesfunkhuus Schwerin *NDR *hett mi tau ein "Funkhauskonzert" inlaadt (ick heff je v?r un nah de Wenn' v?l Tauarbeit f?r dat Funkhuus makt). Un mit Freud wier ick mit bi. "Hell ward dat in uns Stuben - Plattd?tsch Wiehnacht mit de Fritz-Reuter-B?hn" am Mittwoch, 23. November 2011 um 19:00 Uhr im Foyer des NDR Landesfunkhauses Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. De F.R.B?hn hett dit Johr ehrn 85. Burtsdag fiert un hebben ehr niege CD v?rstellt. Blot inladen G?st so an ~ f?tig L??d nich blot ut Swerin hebben sick drapen. Dat Drapen wier einzig , grootorrig. Wi Fr?nn'n hebben uns v?r Freud ?marmt un later noch bi 'n l?tten Rodspon 'n Str?mel vertellt. Dat wier grotorrig! Mal von ein anner Oort un Wies' hebben de K?nstlers ehr niege CD v?rstellt, un ick heff sei mi later glieksen k?fft un ok noch mit de Mitmakers vertellt. *Hell ward dat in uns Stuben Plattd?tsch Wiehnachten: Frech, fr?hlich, feierlich. Das Weihnachts-Ensemble der Fritz-Reuter-B?hne Schwerin mit alten und neuen plattdeutschen Weihnachts-, Kinder- und Winterliedern sowie Texten und Gedichten zum Fest. Dazu die Weihnachtsgeschihte up Platt. *(Ick heff oewer nicks freches ruteh?ert, ja, spa?ig woll.) * *Mit allen Texten up Platt in einem ausf?hrlichen Booklet von Rainer Schobe? (ick heff fief Johr f?r em *B?nkel-Leeder *nah ein v?rg?ben Thema schr?wen, komponiert un insungen bi ein Tonstudio. Eigentlich wier dat blot v?r ein Johr so dacht, oewer dat l?p so gaud, un so s?nd 't fief Johr mit 250 B?nkel-Leeder worden). De Mitmakers: S?nger/Sprecher: Arja Sharma, Ulrike Stern, Andres Auer, Manfred Br?mmer*, Knut Fiete Degner, Jens Tramsen, Valentin Man?) * schreew de mihrsten Texten. Dat L?uschen liggt em, oewer ok de tau Harten gahn Texten. De vertonten Texten hebben mi bannig anroegt. Thomas M?ckel (Komponist) hett denn' Nerv drapen. Mit sien Muskanten von dat Staatstheater Swerin insp?lt mit de Instrumenten Cello, Viola, Klavier, Celesta, Violine, Kontrabass, Bassgitarre, Celesta, Akkordeon, Fl?te, Tenor-, Sopran-, Baritonsaxophon, Schlagzeug, percussion (sehr dezent eingesetzt), Trompete, Fl?gelhorn, Akustikgitarre und E-Gitarre. Mien Mein, hier hett'n olle Traditschon mit sinnige niemodsche Traditschon verkn?tt. Wat M?ckel komponiert is ?mmer wedder wunnersch???n! Glieks bi de iersten Takten von Musik k?m in mi liesen ein F?uhlen up as wier't nu Wiehnachten. De CD kannst 67:45 Minuten geneiten. Nu ward't Tied ... m?t je noch weg nah denn' Groten Dreisch. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sat Nov 26 22:29:30 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 14:29:30 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.26 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 26 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== >From Cliff Smuts csmuts at Subject LL-L ?Etymology? Best all Interesting etymology. In Afrikaans we have ?misre?n? (literally misty rain) for very soft light rain. The word ?mis? is Afr for ?fog?, and we have other words, such as ?mishoring = foghorn? with the same component as well. The Xhosa (black tribal grouping as well as athe name of their language have the word ?kitsha? or kwitsha? for the same event (i.e. light rain). Kind greetings, Cliff ---------- From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.25 [DE-EN-NDS] Thanks Luc, My explanation of "mist and drizzle" was actually a guess; maybe we got the word much earlier from Flemish and Dutch traders, or there might be an older Germanic word common to all these. Paul ---------- From: Sandy Fleming fleemin at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" > From: list at > Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.24 (01) [EN] > > From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at > Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.23 (05) [EN]PS: when it is really fine rain, we call it "mizzle", combining "drizzle" > with "mist". > Is it really a portmanteau or perhaps an old word? Low Saxon has "musseln" for fine rain (it also means dropping powder-like or grainy substances: "Mussel nich so mit dat Stroh, ik > heff j?st feegt." Do not drop any straw, I just swept.). In Scots we say "mizzlin" for raining with fine droplets, too. When fine rain is wafted by the wind so that it looks like curtains, we call this "smirr". Sandy Fleming ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. 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URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sun Nov 27 00:42:52 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 16:42:52 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.26 (02) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 26 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.26.(01) [EN] Ick heff ok noch wat up Lager, *musselig *Adj., (*-ss- *stimmhaft)* *auch umg., regnerisch, schmutzig, vom Wetter *musseln *leicht regnen, nieseln. *nieseln *wie hd. *Syn **fisseln, dribbeln, dr?bbeln, schmuddeln, dat nieselt sonn' b?ten *es f?llt leichter Regen. *dr?ppen *tropfen, *druppen*, oft von beginnendem Regen: *dat dr?ppt all*; ?bertr. von sp?rlichem Gewinn: *wenn 't nich r?gent, so dr?ppt 't doch*; auch von gro?em ?berflu?: 'Idt dr?ppet all van Geld, wor se man henne gripen'; triefen: *hei ... dr?ppte von baben bet unnen; von 'n Druppenfall in 'n Platzr?gen kamen *ein kleines ?bel mit einem gr??eren vertauschen - *druppwis' *tropfenweise, auch bed?chtig, stockend von der Sprache. Aber *drup *darauf; *drup un dran sin *im Begriff sein. Lit.: Perfesser Vo?lo IDIOM *Auf Regen folgt Sonnenschein. **Every cloud has a silver lining. *Ick w?nsch all Lowlanners 'n sinnigen (besinnlichen) S?nndag. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sun Nov 27 20:34:54 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 12:34:54 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.27.(01) [AF-EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 27 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hellinckx Luc luc.hellinckx at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" Beste Hannelore, Another verb for fine, light rain: Sabbern, known in Bremen, K?ln, G?ttingen (Georg Schambach) and Brabant. Also in use for "to drool (E), geifern (G)) and probably cognate with "to sob (E)". Same root and also used for light rain is Southern Dutch "zever(e)n". I think German musseln/muscheln could well be related to older Dutch "mooschen" (treat clumsily, play with dirt...). "Moe?sn" in Brabantish. Kind greetings, Luc Hellinckx, Halle, Belgium ---------- From: Denis dujardin dujardin at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.26 (02) [DE-NDS] In Dutch we have "miezeren" for light raining. In West-flemish we use "smeukken" in which the "kk" is pronounced as a "glottislag" (dont know how you translate this to english) which has the sound like go'''''a- get (gotta get , got to get) in Cockney. Always wondered where smuekken came from. Anyone? *Denis Dujardin dujardin at Flanders-Belgium 0032485328375* ---------- From: Paul Finlow-Bates wolf_thunder51 at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.26 (02) [DE-NDS] We often hear about how Inupiat has dozens of words for snow (though I believe it actually doesn't); Trust the Lowlanders to have a dozen words for rain! Paul (in rather dry) Derby England ---------- From: Mark and Ruth Dreyer mrdreyer at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.26 (01) [EN] Haai, Cliff! Onderwerp: LL-L "Etymology" En wat van 'motre?n'? *Motre?n*, (s) drizzle, Scotch mist; dribble; (w) *(ge-)*, drizzle. [Kritzinger, Steyn, Schoonees & Cronje] en: Motre?n: Sagte re?n; Ndl *motregen* (aanhaling uit van Riebeek se Dagboek) " 's avonds 't luchen... met motregen" (en 'n ander uit Schou) "een geweldige mist en mot-regen ondereen gemenght" ens... [Boshoff en Nienaber] & while we're talking about Scotch mist, don't *they* call it 'haar'? (I'd like to hear the back-story to that). I have also heard one of *them*define this as the exact boundry condition between light rain & heavy mist, AKA "a fine fair morning" anywhere North of Carlisle! U skryf: Interesting etymology. In Afrikaans we have ?misre?n? (literally misty rain) for very soft light rain. The word ?mis? is Afr for ?fog?, and we have other words, such as ?mishoring = foghorn? with the same component as well. The Xhosa (black tribal grouping as well as athe name of their language have the word ?kitsha? or kwitsha? for the same event (i.e. light rain). Groete, Mark ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Nov 28 20:23:42 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 12:23:42 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2011.11.28.(01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 28 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Utz H.Woltmann uwoltmann at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.27.(01) [AF-EN] An?n 26.11.2011 schrev Denis Dujardin: In Dutch we have "miezeren" for light raining. I like very much the Dutch word 'miezemuizen' for light rain. I realised the following words in Low Saxon and Missingsch: To drizzle in LS: Dribbeln, drieseln, dr?bbeln, dr?ppeln, druseln, drusseln, fieseln, fie?eln, fisseln, miesten, misten, musseln, nieseln, nisseln, smuddeln, snuschen. To drizzle in Missingsch: Fieseln, pieseln, schuddern, schnuddern. The drizzle in LS: Druus, Niesel, Nieselregen (same as German), Smuddel, Smuddelregen, Smudderregen The drizzle in Missingsch: Fieselregen. We call the weather in Missingsch 'Schmuddelwetter' and in LS 'dat schidderige Wedder'. Best regards Utz H. Woltmann ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Lexicon Thanks, Utz. To drizzle in Missingsch: Fieseln, pieseln, schuddern, schnuddern. The drizzle in Missingsch: Fieselregen. We call the weather in Missingsch 'Schmuddelwetter' and in LS 'dat schidderige Wedder'. That's Bremen Missingsch, right? In Hamburg Missingsch I'd say: to drizzle: *schmuddeln* drizzle: *Schmuddelregen* drizzly weather: *Schmuddelwedder* Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 29 06:14:10 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:14:10 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2011.11.28 (03) [EN-NL] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 25 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at Subject: LL-L Resources A new Dialect Atlas of the Dutch language area (in Europe) is reviewed in "De Standard" today. Strange to me is the swap between komen/gekomen in the last paragraph Regards, Roger quoted from: Tot ziens, salu, ajuus, houdoe en dag hoor! Dialectatlas toont evolutie van streektalen dinsdag 29 november 2011, 03u00 Auteur: Berthold van Maris UTRECHT - De ?Dialectatlas van het Nederlands' brengt streektalen overzichtelijk in kaart en toont aan dat dialecten blijven evolueren. Van onze medewerker Dialectonderzoekers doen niets liever dan kaartjes tekenen. Waar in het Nederlandse taalgebied spreken ze met de zachte g en waar met de harde? Waar zeggen ze ?spijkerbroek' en waar ?jeans'? Veel van die kaartjes zijn voor de leek moeilijk te lezen, omdat er soms wel twintig verschillende varianten op staan aangegeven met ieder zijn eigen symbooltje. Daarom is het goed dat er nu een boek is waarin honderd vijftig van die kaartjes zo bewerkt zijn dat ook het grote publiek ervan kan genieten. Mooie, overzichtelijke kaartjes zijn het geworden. Ieder kaartje is voorzien van een uitgebreide toelichting. Allerlei bekende dialectkwesties komen voorbij. Waar zegt men ?Toon wast zich', waar ?Toon wast z'n eigen' en waar is het ?Toon wast hem'? Op het kaartje over hoe men ?groter dan' zegt in de dialecten van het Nederlands, zie je in ??n oogopslag dat het in bijna alle dialecten ?groter als' is. Alleen in het westen van Vlaanderen zegt men liever iets anders, namelijk ?groter of'. Ook minder bekende maar daarom niet minder intrigerende zaken worden in beeld gebracht. Het lidwoord ?een' heeft in sommige delen van het taalgebied een mannelijke, een vrouwelijke ?n een onzijdige vorm (bijvoorbeeld: ne man, ?n vrouw, e kind). En in sommige dialecten zeggen ze niet ?Wie denk je dat ik in de stad heb gezien?' maar ?Wie denk je wie ik in de stad heb gezien?'. Elk kaartje is anders. De grenzen tussen de verschillende varianten van een klank, een woord of een zinsconstructie vallen bijna nooit samen met de grenzen tussen veronderstelde dialectgroepen zoals ?het Limburgs' of ?het Gronings'. Aan een goede, wetenschappelijk onderbouwde indeling in dialectgroepen wordt trouwens al meer dan een eeuw gewerkt, met telkens andere resultaten. Nu eens werden er in het Nederlandse taalgebied zes dialectgroepen onderscheiden, dan weer achtentwintig of acht. Vroeger zag men het liefst de vroege geschiedenis van Nederland door die kaartjes heen schemeren: de huidige dialectverschillen zouden teruggaan op taalverschillen tussen de Franken, de Saksen en de Friezen. Streektalen Tegenwoordig spreekt men graag over ?streektalen', die beschermd dienen te worden, zoals ?het Limburgs' en ?het Nedersaksisch' (de dialecten van Oost- en Noord-Nederland). Maar wie al die kaartjes bekijkt en naast elkaar legt, ziet dat er geen duidelijk omlijnde streektalen zijn. Met als enige uitzondering, misschien, het Fries. Bij de meeste kaartjes valt wel een interessant verhaal te vertellen. Er is bijvoorbeeld ??n groot aaneengesloten gebied waarin men ?sinaasappel' zegt. Daaromheen liggen kleinere gebieden, die niet met elkaar verbonden zijn, waar men ?appelsien' zegt. De dialectoloog concludeert uit dat geografische patroon dat ?appelsien' de oudste vorm is, die langzaam door de nieuwere vorm (?sinaasappel') wordt verdrongen. Dat dialecten steeds weer veranderen en dat soms ook in tegengestelde richtingen doen, is mooi te zien op een kaartje over de varianten ?ik ben gekomen' en ?ik ben komen'. *In Noord-Nederland zei men in de veertiende eeuw op veel plaatsen ?ick ben ghecomen' en is het nu overal ?ik ben komen'. Onder de rivieren is het precies andersom: daar zei men zes eeuwen geleden ?ick ben comen' en is het nu overal ?ik ben gekomen'.* Nicoline van der Sijs (red.), ?Dialectatlas van het Nederlands', Prometheus, 368 blz., 39,95 euro. ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. 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That is getting close to E smog, which I always thought was a contamination between smoke and fog. How come> Jacqueline BdJ Seattle ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 29 06:22:43 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:22:43 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Events" 2011.11.28.(05) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 25 November 2011 - Volume 05 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Kultur Hallo all' Lowlanners, in'n Wiehnachtsmaand deit sick nu all wat, un dat m?t de wiede Welt ok tau weiten kriegen. Mit ein hartlich Gr?uten. Hanne Am 28.11.2011 00:57, schrieb Zentrum f?r Niederdeutsch: ** ** *Leve Fr?nnen vun't Plattd??tschzentrum in Ratzeborg,* *hier de Henwies op de een un anner plattd??tsche Veranstalten d?sse Week bi uns in'n Norden:* ** ** ******** *Lichtwarksaal in Hamburg* *Walter-A.-Kreye-Abend II* *Dirk R?mmer stellt dat Wark v?r* ** Ein weiteres Bibliotheksgespr?ch der Carl-Toepfer-Stiftung widmet sich dem Werk von Walter A. Kreye, dem Bremer Schriftsteller und Rundfunkregisseur (1922-1991). Bekannt geworden ist u.a. seine "Fidele Weltgeschicht op Platt", z.B. mit "Mord un Dootslag bi de Nibelungen". Hamburg, Lichtwarksaal, Neanderstra?e 22, am Dienstag, 29. Nov. 2011, 18:30 Uhr - Eintritt frei ___________________ ** *Lauenburgische Akademie f?r Wissenschaft und Kultur* *?Heimat un W??r?* G?lzow - 1. Dezember 2011, 19:30 Uhr Literarisch-musikalischer Abend op Platt im Markt Treff, Hauptstr. 21 Volkert Ipsen, L?beck Der Poet und Liedermacher Volkert Ipsen spricht und singt das Plattdeutsch seiner nordfriesischen Heimat, die er als junger Mann verlassen musste, um in Kiel mit einem Studium zu beginnen. In seinem plattdeutschen Musik- und Textprogramm zeigt der 57-j?hrige seine tiefe Verwurzelung in der norddeutschen Heimat. Auf der Insel Nordstrand aufgewachsen, hat er die Weite der Nordseelandschaft in sich aufgenommen. Dorthin hat es den heute in L?beck lebenden P?dagogen immer wieder hingezogen. Dabei ber?hrt es ihn zutiefst, dass moderne Entwicklungen wie Gro?wind- und Solaranlagen die Landschaft seiner Jugend mehr und mehr ver?ndern. Das beeinflusst seine Lieder und Texte. Aber er ist auch ein genauer Beobachter seiner Alltagsumgebung. Und da wird der Satiriker Ipsen sp?rbar: Mit viel Witz portr?tiert er seine Mitmenschen. Dar?ber hinaus versteht er es, ?beraus humorvoll seine Lieder, Gedichte und Erz?hlungen zu moderieren und den Zuh?rern einen bunten unterhaltsamen Abend der besonderen Art zu bieten. Volkert Ipsen war mehrere Jahre lang f?r das Zentrum f?r Niederdeutsch in Ratzeburg t?tig. Er ist Studiendirektor am L?becker Carl-Jacob-Burckhardt-Gymnasium. Aktuelles unter ? Eintritt 5 Euro / erm. 3 Euro (Sch?ler, Studenten) Anmeldung ist unter Tel. 04542/87000 oder info at m?glich. In Kooperation mit dem MarktTreff G?lzow ___________________ *Gut Knoop bei Kiel* *"Vun em un ehr un anner L??d"* *Egen Gedichten un Vertellen vun Karl-Heinz Groth, Eckernf??r.* ** Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2011, 19 Uhr, Gut Knoop ** Im sch?nen Herrenhaus am Nord-Ostseekanal ist Karl-Heinz Groth zu Gast, der ausgew?hlte Texte seiner langj?hrigen Karriere als niederdeutscher Schriftsteller pr?sentieren wird. Ein bisschen etwas vom Winter und von der Weihnachtszeit, die inzwischen auch im Gutshaus Knoop eingekehrt ist, wird auch dabei sein. Eine Veranstaltung von PLATTGOLD, Tel. 04322-552031 ___________________ *Lichtwarksaal Hamburg* *"Wie die Alten sungen..."* *Singen Sie hamburgisch!* Professor Hermann Rauhe und Jochen Wiegandt erz?hlen und singen mit einem Publikum, das "wie die Jungen zwitschern" soll! Der Musiker und Liedersammler Jochen Wiegandt ist auf der Suche nach verschollenem Liedgut, an das sich Hamburgerinnen und Hamburger hoffentlich noch erinnern. Da d?rfte auch auch noch allerhand Plattdeutsches dabei sein. Jochen Wiegandt, NDR 90,3 und die Carl-Toepfer-Stiftung, die zu diesem Abend einl?dt: Donnerstag, 1.12.2011, 18:30 - 20:30 Uhr, Lichtwarksaal, Neanderstra?e 22, 20459 Hamburg - Eintritt frei ___________________ *Kulturzentrum Marstall am Schloss e.V.* *?Eenen in?n Sinn?* *Achtersinnige Leder un humorige D??ntjes vun Jochen Jacobsen* * * Ahrensburg, Freitag, 2. Dez. 2011, 17:00 Uhr. L?becker Str. 8 - 22926 Ahrensburg Der plattdeutsche Entertainer Jochen Jacobsen pr?sentiert achtersinnige Leder un humorige D??ntjes. Dabei stellt er seine CD mit Eigenkompositionen vor und singt Lieder von Klaus Groth bis C.M. Bellmann sowie plattdeutsche Versionen franz?sischer Chansons und George-Gershwin-Melodien. Unter dem Motto ?Sing maal wedder platt!? fordert er seine Zuh?rer zum Mitmachen auf. Eintritt 14 Euro - ____________________ *Caf? Tagespost* *"Wiehnachten un anner Opregen"* *Kruuse Gedanken vun Ines Barber* ** Dat schall woll en Heimspeel warrn: In Rendsborg is se to Huus: Ines Barber, de Plattd??tsch-Reportersch vun'n NDR Welle Nord. Privaat schrifft se allerhand schnaakschen Kraam. Un dat leest se nu v?r: In't Caf? Tagespost an'n Fridag, 2. Dezember 2011, 19.30 Uhr, Bahnhofstra?e 12-16, 24768 Rendsburg. Ik denk, dor is f?r jedeen wat dorbi. ** *Hartli Gr?ten vun't Plattd??tschzentrum an'n 2**8**.11.2011* *Volker Holm* ** *Zentrum f?r Niederdeutsch* *Plattd??tschzentrum in Holsteen* *Wer in Zukunft keine E-Mail-Informationen vom ZfN haben m?chte, den bitten wir, uns das in einer kurzen Nachricht mitzuteilen: zfn at* ---------- From. Hannelore Hinz Subject: Tradition ? Ick will jug dit nu all' leiw' Lowlanners ok noch weiten laten. Dor deit sick wat tau Wiehnachten. Dit wier h?t mien Kopp-Arbeid. *De Makers hebben an all'ns dacht *So is dat nu mal, Wiehnachten is dat hoge Fest f?r de Famili, und dat is grotorrig! Man dat gifft je ok Minschen, de nu womoeglich kein Sippschaft nich hebben un ok kein Fr?nn', nich un wat weit ick... Oewer all' de Mitmakers von de grotorrig CD, up de ick noch tau schriewen (ok tau snacken) kam, hebben an dacht. Un so f?l ok up mi ein helle Schien, un ick k?nn nu all bi dat V?rstellen von dit Kunstwark Wiehnachtsfreud bel?wen. Dat in Swerin beg?ng' Landsfunkhus NDR 1 MV hadd ok mi tau ein "Funkhauskonzert" inladt. Oh wat heff ick mi freut! Un mit Freud wier ick mit bi. "*Hell ward dat in uns Stuben - Plattd?tsch Wiehnacht mit de Fritz-Reuter-B?hn"* an'n Middeweek 23. Dag in'n N?welmaand (November) 2011 hentau Klock soeben in de Abendstunn'. Dat fein tausn?den Programm un dat Drapen mit all' de inlaad'n Tauh?rers in dat wiehnachtlich sm?ckte Foyer, un ok 'n l?tten Rodspon v?rweg, let all liesing Freud' upkamen. Un allein dat Wedderseihn mit olle un truuge Fr?nn' let ok Minschenleiw' upkamen, de Plattd??tschen s?nd noch nich verklamt un ?mmer idel mit bi. Taugliek hett de Fritz-Reuter-B?hn in dit Johr ehrn 85. Burtsdag fiert un nu tau rechten Tied de niege CD v?rstellt. As all seggt, blot inladen G?st woll so an f?ftig bet s??tig L??d nich blot ut Swerin hebben sick hier drapen. Man, wat hebben wi uns v?r Freud ?marmt un dr?ckt un bi 'n l?tten Rodspon 'n Str?mel vertellt. Dat wier grotorrig, jawoll "Spitze" odder "super"as man je h?tigendags so seggen deit. Oewer disse W??r seggen mi gor nich tau, wo sch?n h?rt sick dat an, wenn Jung un Olt sick noch up ehr Mudderspraak besinn'n. Un wo riek un l?wig sei h?t noch is, dat all' k?nn' hier bel?wen. Mal up ein anner un nich vermauden Oort un Wies' hebben de K?nstlers ehr niege CD v?rstellt, un ick heff sei mi later glieksens k?fft, s?ss k?nn ick dit je gor so vermellen, wo fein diss CD worden is. Ja, ?mmer wedder heff ick ein Verlangen nah disse sch?ne Musik un uns' Platt. Dat hett bestens funkschoniert mit *Hell ward dat in uns Stuben - Plattd?sch Wiehnachten: Frech, fr?hlich, feierlich. Das Weihnachts-Ensemble der Fritz-Reuter-B?hne Schwerin mit alten und neuen plattdeutschen Weihnachts-, Kinder- und Winterliedern sowie Texten und Gedichten zum Fest. Dazu die Weihnachtsgeschichte up Platt. *Egenlich heff ick nicks *freches *ruteh?rt, ja, spa?ig woll; villicht wier't mihr Oewermaut. Is je ok egal, wir all' harden uns' Freud. Mit all' de Texten up Platt in ein "Booklet" schr?wen. Ja, Dunnerl?chten, Rainer Schobe? hett klauke un feine W??r oewer dat Jubelleum von de F-R-B?hn schr?wen un bannig deiplot' in de m?kelborgsche Traditschon un denn' Richard Spethmann*hett hei nich verg?ten. Disse niege CD hett ut mien Sicht 'n groten Pries verdeint. Na, wat nich is, kann je noch kamen. Un ein Bewiesen, wo fein K?nstlers ut Ost un West tausamenfunn'n hebben, ick heff kein' ?nnerscheid markt, all' hebben's liekgaud un ein best' Plattd??tsch snackt un sungen, man, un so sch?n as echte Profis. Also de Mitmakers as Plattsnackers un -s?ngers hebben mi oewert??gt, ick heff nicks nich intauwend'n. De von Manfred Br?mmer schr?wen Riemels/Dichtels mal nahdenkern un mal taun Hoegen hett hei sch?n in echte plattd??tsche Kl?er snackt, up wat f?r Ideen hei oewer ok k?mmt, dat let mi wunnerwarken. Minsch Manfred,wo angelst du de plietschen Ideen...? Hest ?mmer denn' Punkt an rechte St?d sett'. Ja, un de Kron is de von Thomas M?ckel schr?ben also komponierte Musik . Mit de niegen Texten un de Musik, sp?lt up verschieden Instrumenten is dit so wat as ein *klassisch *CD worden.Un, hier holl ick denn' Wiesfinger hoch - wi d?rben nich de Muskanten verg?ten! Mit ehr Musik ward de Minsch deip anroegt (tief bewegt, ber?hrt). So b?n ick tau de Mein kamen, hier hett'n olle Tradtischon mit sinnig' niemodsche Traditschon verkn?tt. Un nich verg?ten de Moderadschon bi dat Begr?uten un later bi dat Afseggen. Heike Mayer un Thomas Lenz hebben up ehr eigen Oort *locker *v?r de G?sten bestens snackt, kein Stamern un kein "?m un ?h"; sei hebben sick, so as man seggt, denn' Ball fein tausp?lt un dat Publikum hett sick freut un dankt. Groten Dank h?g ok ick f?r all' de Mitmakers, ok Technikers un an de, de mi noch nich k?nnig s?nd un liesen ehr Arbeit dahn hebben. Oh Mann, un *NDR Radio MV! *An dissen Abend wiern wi all'tohopen ein grot' Famili. Hartlich un mit ein Ihren (Ehren) Hannelore Hinz Tau Huus in Swerin * Gr?nder der Niederdeutschen B?hne V?l Freud mit ein hartlich Gr?uten. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/jpeg Size: 5548 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/jpeg Size: 7194 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... 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Name: not available Type: image/jpeg Size: 19871 bytes Desc: not available URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 29 18:09:44 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 10:09:44 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.29.(01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 29 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Denis dujardin dujardin at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.28.(04) [EN] Excellent Jacqueline. Wasn't aware of that contamination. Makes my day :-) *Denis Dujardin dujardin at Flanders-Belgium 0032485328375 * From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Dutchmatters at comc Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.27.(01) [AF-EN] Dennis contributed the word smeukken to the growing palette of words with which we ?word paint? Lowlands weather. That is getting close to E smog, which I always thought was a contamination between smoke and fog. How come> Jacqueline BdJ Seattle ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 29 18:14:38 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 10:14:38 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2011.11.29. (02) [EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 29 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Utz H.Woltmann uwoltmann at Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2011.11.28.(01) [EN] An?n 28.11.2011 21:23, schrev Ron: That's Bremen Missingsch, right? > Yes, Bremen and the surrounding area. We say: In Brem?n un umzu (bi de Tagenbarens un ook bi de Butenbremers). Mit freundlichen Gr??en / Best regards Utz H. Woltmann Buchenweg 24 D-21635 Jork Fon: ++49 4162 942995 Mobile: ++49 160 8580273 E-mail: uwoltmann at ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Nov 29 18:23:43 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 10:23:43 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2011.11.29 (03) [EN-NL] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 29 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: list at Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2011.11.28 (03) [EN-NL] From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at > Subject: LL-L Resources > > Vroeger zag > men het liefst de vroege geschiedenis van Nederland door die kaartjes heen > schemeren: de huidige dialectverschillen zouden teruggaan op > taalverschillen tussen de Franken, de Saksen en de Friezen. > > Streektalen > > Tegenwoordig > Dit "vroeger - tegenwoordig" klinkt alsof er een tegenstelling of tegenspraak is. Maar het is blijkbaar dat de verschillen "appelsien - sinaasappel" of "spijkerbroek - jeans" geen onmiddelbaar verband kunnen hebben met Franken, Saksen, Friezen. Slechts en middelbaar verband, voorzover de uitbreiding van woorden stopde aan oude isoglossenbundels. Maar de stopkracht van oude isoglossenbundels is erg swak geworden sinds de standardtaal is alomtegenwoordig. Oude isoglossen worden verschoven door de straaldruk van de standardtaal. Het articeltje toont het zelf, "appelsien" is ouder, maar "sinaasappel" wint over. Dus zijn de kaartjes van de atlas een nogal zwak argument tegen de invloed van Franken, Saksen en Friezen. Marcus Buck ---------- From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2011.11.28 (03) [EN-NL] > From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. roger.thijs at > Subject: LL-L Resources > A new Dialect Atlas of the Dutch language area (in Europe) is reviewed in "De Standard" today. > Strange to me is the swap between komen/gekomen in the last paragraph Attached are some maps from the paper edition of De Standaard. The ?hadich? they give for Limburgish is in my version (of Vliermaal): ?Had oech gowd?. Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: dial 2911DS1-DS25-CULT.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 3113999 bytes Desc: not available URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 30 19:52:39 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:52:39 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.30 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 30 November 2011 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Pat Barrett pbarrett at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.29.(01) [EN] I remember clearly in the 50s that magazines like Time regularly referred to the word smog as new and as being an amalgam of fog and smoke. But my etymological dictionary cites 1905 as its date of origin and in reference to London, not Los Angeles. ---------- From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2011.11.28 (03) [EN-NL] So b?n ick nahgahn bi *Tot ziens, *wat so gaud bi uns *Adsch?s ok Tsch?s*heiten deit. V?rweg pa?t disse Riemel von John Brinckman: * Adsch?s *Du hest mi so v?l Fr?ndschaft dan un b?st nu so wit mit mi gahn d?rch Nacht un Dag un dick un d?nn, un wi'ck di all, wat got is, g?nn'n - ick segg di nu adsch?s! Torecht heww ick wat Origs kl?hnt, kann sin, tov?l ok v?r di dr?hnt; na, jede Vagel fl?ut't sin Leed, so as he nah sin'n Snabel heet - ick segg di nu adsch?s! Wi gahn nu all beid hier vuneen, wen weet, wat wi ?ns weddersehn, wen weet, wat du dat tweete Mal ok stiggst mit mi de Landstrat dal - ick segg di nu adsch?s! Wen weet, wat ick ok Order krieg un wider gah un wider stig; ick h?ng, min'n Handstock an de Wand un sch?dd di, Broder, nu de Hand un segg di nu adsch?s! Un nu wedder Perfesser Vo?lo: *adsch?s *(*at??s, *meist verk?rzt *t??s) *der volkst?mliche Abschiedsgru?, der sich im Weltkriege nicht hat verdr?ngen lassen und auch jetzt noch unter Bekannten zu h?ren ist; lautlich auf eine 1739 in einem Hochzeitsgedicht belegte Form *atj? *oder *at?? *('adju' zur?ckgehend; selten daneben die nichtheimischen Formen*adje *und *adj?. *Im Gru? vielfach mit gem?tvollen Wendungen verkn?pft: *adsch?s, wenn Se 't gaut geiht, denken S' an uns*; wenn man ein Wiedersehen w?nscht: *adsch?s, verg?t dat Wedderkamen nich! - *H?ufig neckend: *adsch?s, gr?? Gro?mudder achter'n Aben; *auch reimend im Knabenreim: *adsch?s, st?k'n Finger in'n Noors un gr??; adj?, hest ok Fl?h, adsch?s, hest ok L?s? - *In der Gegenrede: *Adj? hett sick uphangen, nu seih du di b?ter v?r; *ironisch: adsch?s, Welt, wi gahn in'n Ehestand; beim zweiten Schnaps ruft man: *adsch?s, Koorl, gr?? den annern*; wenn man beim Kartenspiel kein Gl?ck hat: *adsch?s, Lisett, drei S?ssling liggen uppe Trepp. *- Un so k?nn ick hier noch v?l von uptellen. *tsch?s, *sch?s Abschiedsgru?; verbreitete Kurzform von *adsch?s; *von span. *adi?s *?ber seem. Vermittlung hergeleitet wird; *tsch?s, *?ft. * sch?s.* Gef?hltsbetonte Diminutivformen *tsch??ing, sch??ing. *Na, denn Tsch??ing (dat Wuurt *hartlich *k?nt ji jug denn ja denken.) Hanne* * ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. 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URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 30 19:56:41 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:56:41 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2011.11.30.(02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 30 November 2011 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Language Tips All wedder niege Nahrichten von: * PLATTNET-Nachrichten - 30**.11.2011 * ** ** * * ** * * ** *B?kertipp:* * ?Was f?r ein sch?nes Buch, da freu ich mich zu.? * *So spricht Schleswig-Holstein* (pn) Mit ?Moin, Moin? gr??en die Nordlichter morgens, mittags und abends. Und weil?s so sch?n ist, breitet sich diese Formel allm?hlich ?ber die ganze Republik aus. Jeder versteht, was gemeint ist. Aber wo er her, dieser Ausdruck? Fragen wie diese beantwortet das 224 Seiten starke Buch, das speziellen Ausdr?cken der Alltagssprache im Norden gewidmet ist. Hervorgegangen ist es aus einer Aktion des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Zeitungsverlags ?sh:z?, der seine Leser aufgefordert hatte, Lieblingsredewendungen zu nennen und von typischen W?rtern und regional bezogenen Begriffen zu berichten. Der Erfolg dieses Aufrufes ist ?berw?ltigend und die Flut der Einsendungen rei?t nicht ab. Weiterhin erscheint t?glich in den Zeitungen des Verlags die Rubrik ?So spricht Schleswig-Holstein?. Die sch?nsten, interessantesten Begriffe sind nun als Buch erschienen. Dabei halfen ein wissenschaftlicher Beirat, der das erforderliche Fachwissen beisteuerte, sowie der plattdeutsche Schriftsteller und sh:z-Autor Karl-Heinz Groth, der die Leitung des Redaktionsteams ?bernahm. Wer Spa? daran hat, den regionalen Spracheigenarten des n?rdlichen Bundeslandes nachschlagend oder schm?kernd auf den Grund zu gehen, der sollte sich dieses Taschenbuch in den B?cherschrank stellen. Es ist ein zeitgem??es Heimatkundebuch, das gut Platz nehmen kann zwischen DUDEN und neuem SASS. *So spricht Schleswig-Holstein* Herausgegeben vom Schleswig-Holsteinischen Zeitungsverlag Redaktionsleitung: Karl-Heinz Groth Fachbeirat: Wolfgang B?rnsen (MdB) Prof. Dr. Willy Diercks Prof. Dr. Silke G?ttsch-Elten Prof. Dr. Thomas Steensen Mit Cartoons von Kim Schmidt Verlag Ellert & Richter, Hamburg 2011 ISBN 978-3-8319-0455-6 9,95 Euro *(PLATTNET-Nachricht)* *_______________________________________** ___________________________________________________* ** ** * Nachrichten **Volker Holm, Buchenweg 35, D-22926 Ahrensburg, Tel. 49-4102-4739108 - *** * * * Nachrichten-Archiv: alle Nachrichten unter *** * * * ist ein Dienst des Zentrums f?r Niederdeutsch in Holstein (**w**) * * ** **Nachrichten k?nnen unter folgenden Bedingungen verwendet und weiterverbreitet werden:* *Eine Weitergabe der Adressaten-Daten, vornehmlich f?r gewerbliche Zwecke, ist ausgeschlossen.* *Wer in Zukunft keine E-Mail-Informationen von PLATTNET haben m?chte, den bitten wir, uns das in einer kurzen Nachricht mitzuteilen: ** nieges at* * * *Mit best' Gr?uten. * * Hanne ut Swerin* ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. 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Name: not available Type: image/jpeg Size: 28718 bytes Desc: not available URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 30 20:03:41 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 12:03:41 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Environment" 2011.11.30.(03) [DE-EN-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 30 November 2011 - Volume 03 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: History ? Hallo Ron, mi is upstund's de Infall kamen, ob wi ok oewer Klimawannel disketieren k?nn' ... *kein jubeln **der himmel ist so wie ein sieb das m?chtig grob schon ist von oben will die Sonne aber noch f?r's leben sein und gibt ihr bestes sie strengt sich an jedoch von unten stinkt nebel-rauch man nennt's auch smog von menschen gemacht und schiebt sich durch das sieb das helle verliert sein licht und auch zugleich die zeit wie lange kann mensch helle sonne noch sehen l??t sonnen-freiheit nach H. Hinz 26.0.2008 *Ick heff dat mal hier riskiert. * *Hartlich. Hanne ---------- From: R.F. Hahn Subject: Environment Yes, Hanne, *any* subject may be discussed, as long as the core of the discussion has direct relevance to the Lowlands. Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Wed Nov 30 22:01:26 2011 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 14:01:26 -0800 Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.30.(04) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 30 November 2011 - Volume 04 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Isaac M. Davis isaacmacdonalddavis at Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.30 (01) [DE-EN-NDS] From: Pat Barrett pbarrett at > Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.11.29.(01) [EN] > > I remember clearly in the 50s that magazines like Time regularly referred > to the word smog as new and as being an amalgam of fog and smoke. But my > etymological dictionary cites 1905 as its date of origin and in reference > to London, not Los Angeles. > Is it possible that it was a relatively recent loan from one dialect of English to another, perhaps a result of contact between speakers in World War II? saac M. Davis -- "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master." ?Abraham Lincoln ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. 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