LL-L 'Phonology' 2012.01.17 (02) [EN]
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Wed Jan 18 01:32:28 UTC 2012
L O W L A N D S - L - 17 January 2012 - Volume 02
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From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Phonolgy
Dear Lowlanders,
I am intrigued by some Scots words with *scl... *in which the /s-/ or the
/-k-/ seem to be intrusive. I wonder if we can make sense of this somehow.
- *Intrusive s?*
- *sclammer* 'clamber'
- *sclammer* 'clamor'
- *sclim* 'climb'
- *Intrusive k?*
- *sclice* 'slice' [Medieval French *esclicier*!]
- *sclidder ~ slidder* 'slither'
- *sclate ~ slate* 'slate' [Medieval French *esclat*!]
- *sclender ~ sclinner* 'slender' [Medieval French *esclendre*!]
- *scly *'slide'
- *sclype ~ slype* 'slap'
- *sklent ~ slent* 'slant'
- *spl- > skl-?**
- *sklinter* 'splinter'
What do you think is going on where Medieval French does not account for
the formations?
Seattle, USA (about to be snowed in again ...)
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