LL-L "Grammar" 2012.11.12 (01) [EN]
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Mon Nov 12 19:03:58 UTC 2012
L O W L A N D S - L - 12 November 2012 - Volume 01
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From: Sandy Fleming sandy at scotstext.org <heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Grammar" 2012.11.11 (01) [EN]
From: heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk
> Subject: LL-L "Grammar" 2012.11.10 (01) [EN-SCO]
> from Heather Rendall heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk
> Sandy wrote
> "constructions with modals in the first slot and "have to" in the
> second (might have to, would have to) definitely do NOT feel like
> double modals..."
> ... would have to is surely just a future conditional of "to have to
> / must" where 'would' is an auxiliary and not a modal. Future Perfect
> Conditional would be " .. would have had to "
> And "..might have to" - isn't this using 'might' non-modally as a
> (possible) subjunctive form of possibility of 'have to / must'
I might could done wrote that but canning write "slot" for "grammatical
position" ain't nothing none of my teachers could have done learned me.
It was Mike :)
Here's to 2013 when it comes, eh?
Sandy Fleming
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