LL-L "Seasonal" 2012.09.18 (02) [DE-NDS-NL]
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Tue Sep 18 19:34:32 UTC 2012
L O W L A N D S - L - 18 September 2012 - Volume 02
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From: Dick van Faassen faasco at gmail.com
Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2012.09.17 (02) [DE-NDS]
A vey Happy New Year, Ron!
! שנה טובה ומתוקה
From: Hannelore Hinz
Subject: Jewish New Year
Best Fründ Ron.
Gistern is mi de Landesrabbiner William Wolff oewer den'n Weg lopen. Wi
hebben uns noch de Hand gäben un 'n fründlich Wuurd snackt.
Ok von mi noch Gratulatschon tau Jewish New Year. Ick will hapen, dat is
noch nich tau lat.
Hartlich Gräuten.
From: Hannelore Hinz
Subject: Nachtrag
Dit schuw ick noch nah. Ick möt je ümmer de web-Sied per Hand ingäwen, will
hapen, dat klappt. Heff dat vörher prüft.
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Nachtrag Datum: Tue, 18
Sep 2012 18:25:53 +0200 Von: Hannelore Hinz
<hannehinz at t-online.de><hannehinz at t-online.de> An:
Hannelore Hinz <hannehinz at t-online.de> <hannehinz at t-online.de>
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Seasonal
Thank you, dear Dick and Hanne! I am passing it on to the many other
Lowlands-L members who currently celebrate Rosh Hashanah and the rest of
the Jewish High Holy Days <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Holy_Days> (ימים
נוראים *yamim norai'im* "Days of Awe").
Seattle, USA
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