From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Jul 1 15:46:20 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2013 08:46:20 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Administr=?UTF-8?Q?=E2=80=8Bativia=22_?=2013.07.01 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 01 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Administrativia [Please do read this, especially if you are new on board!] Dear Lowlanders, Welcome to Lowlands-L in the month of Julyy of 2013! Welcome to the persons that joined us since the beginning of June 2013! *Germany*:(*Deutschland, Düütschland, Düütsklound, Tjüschlönj, Tyskland, Nimska, Němska, Jermaniya*)*:* Lower Saxony (*Niedersachsen, Neddersassen, Läichsaksen*): Cologne (*Köln, **Kölle*) [1] North Rhine-Westphalia (*Nordrhein-Westfalen, Noodrhing-Wässfaale* ): Cologne (*Köln, **Kölle*) [1] *United Kingdom* (*Ruwvaneth Unys, Deyrnas Unedig, Unitit Kinrick, Rìoghachd Aonaichte, * *Ríocht Aontaithe, Reeriaght Unnaneysit, Phandlo Thagaripen*): England (*Pow Sows*): Leicestershire: Leicester [1] *United States of America:* Oregon: Portland [1] *Reminder*: This discussion forum deals with a number of languages, cultures, etc. It is not possible to limit subscription to certain topics (languages, cultures, etc.) *SPECIAL LIST BUSINESS* *Subject headers* Some of you are still not following the subject header rule (see *Do not mix topics* under Rules below). Here in brief: - *Only one topic per message* - *In responding to an earlier posting, please use the subject line that already exists for a given thread. Do not change or "tweak" it, not the date and language labels either!* - *Only if you start a thread may you suggest your own subject header, but do not insist on your subject header if I change it.* *List Mail v Private Mail* Folks, please make sure that you send private messages to me to my private address (sassisch at, especially if they could be taken as responses to what has been said in the forum. If you do not make this distinction it could happen that your private message ends up posted to the List. For administrative purposes, it's best if you use lowlands.list at *Rejected Mail* Once in a while subscribers tell me that they receive List mail but that their posting submissions keep being rejected. In most cases, when I investigate this it turns out that a given subscriber has List mail forwarded from his or her subscribed e-mail address to another e-mail address, and, forgetting this, they try to send posting submissions from the address at which they read the mail. The list server rejects mail from that address because it is not subscribed. Also, some people try to unsubscribe or change their subscription configurations from addresses that are not subscribed. The simple solution is to address the list server only from the subscribed e-mail address. *Language Codes* In the subject line of each Lowlands-L issue you find language codes in square brackets ([ ]). This indicates which language or languages are used in that issue. I now use the ISO codes where available (and make up the rest). I used to provide the key for the abbreviations in the masthead, but that made for overly large mastheads. Instead, the masthead now contains the URL of the page of the key: You do not need to indicate the language varieties of you posting proposals. In the rare event of me not knowing it I will ask you. *Projects* Please don't forget about our activities: Anniversary ( Gallery ( Travels ( History ( Traditions ( Crypt ( Beyond the Pale ( Members' Resources ( Resource guide ( Shop ( All of them have growing numbers of visitors. If you have anything in mind for any of those presentations but lack confidence for some reason or other, please bear in mind that assistance is available. Please write to my private address or to our administrative address (see above) to propose or ask and also to send your works. If you want to order books, CDs, DVDs, or pretty much anything else from Amazon (in the US even groceries!) you might as well do so via our Lowlands-L shops (so far in Canada, Germany, France, Japan, UK and USA - ( which have constantly changing Lowlands-related selections. We (i.e. Lowlands-L) get a small percentage of Amazon sales if you enter Amazon through these portals. Believe me: it hardly pays a tiny fraction of the money I pay out of my own pocket to bringing Lowlands-L to you, and I am not even counting the hours of work I put into it. *REGULAR LIST BUSINESS* *Rules* A few of you are still making three basic mistakes when submitting postings. So here's a quick review: *Do not mix topics. *Many of you are still not following this rule. (Please see my note at the top.) Stay with the subject line (and don't add stuff to it) when you respond. It is only when you start a new thread that you may suggest a subject line. When you respond to someone's posting, please only quote the relevant portion. If you allow an entire issue to dangle as a quote behind your response I will remove it, even if your response does not make much sense then. Please consult the rules and guidelines: Another request: Please inform me if you route LL-L issues to or via email addresses other than those you subscribed. Right now, once again I am getting failure reports concerning email addresses that are not subscribed. This is really annoying, because I have no idea whose they are, so I can't do anything about it. *Membership* As most of you know in the meantime, our email addresses are visible only to subscribers. I hope this will encourage more of you to come forward and participate in our discussions. We send the postings in Unicode (UTF-8) format. You need to switch your view mode to it if you want to see all "special" characters. You must always give us your name, given name and family name. If you forward Lowlands-L mail to another (alias) account, please give us the address of that account. We need to identify it so we can do something in case we get error messages from that server. If you wish to leave ("unsubscribe" from) Lowlands-L, please follow the appropriate steps as described below. DO NOT mark Lowlands-L mail as SPAM. If you take this unethical action, it may detrimentally affect the entire list and its subscribers, as well as LINGUIST, our server hosts. Besides, we will be able to tell that it was you that did it and we will consider reporting you. SO DON'T! You must credit the writers of anything you quote. "Lowlands-L wrote:" simply won't do. Several of you are still not getting and doing this. Please continue already existing subject headers (rather than making up your own for the same thing). If you do begin a new topic, please make sure "Lowlands-L" or "LL-L" is in the subject line as well. DO NOT SEND POSTING SUBMISSIONS IN CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. Many beginners, but also a few older hands, forget to provide their names with their posting submission. Please remember that anonymous posting is not an option, that you are obligated to give your given and family name, even if you do not put them right next to each other. Even some people who have been with us for a while persistently ignore the following rules: Keep subjects separate: Only one topic per posting! Don't mix things up, please! Stick to the subject title: Do not change the topic name in your responses. Just stick with the one we have, even if you think it doesn't apply or is silly. I will change it if I think it needs to be. *Edit quotes:* If you hit the "reply" button and simply write your response before or after an unedited, complete quoted LL-L issue, please do not complain to me that I have removed the quoted text in the published version. It is proper email behavior to quote only the portions that are relevant to your response. *Give credit:* Let us know who the authors of quoted text portions are. If you just hit the "reply" button, it will automatically give "Lowlands-L" as the author. That simply will not do. You must be more specific, and you owe authors the courtesy of crediting them by name. *Sign off:* If you feel like leaving the List, please do not send the sign-off command to the posting address or to my personal address. *Change of Address* You do no longer need to sign off and on again if your email address changes. It suffices if you send me (sassisch at a message giving us the old address and the new address. If you don't remember under which address you were first subscribed, it will suffice if you give us only the new address and your name. *Temporary Absence* - Before you take a trip or for some other reason need to stop LL-L mail arriving for a given length of time, please write to us ( lowlands.list at to let us know the date you want mail to be stopped and the date you want mail to be resumed. As some of our members can attest, this has been working really well. It certainly beats the old, crude method of signing off and on again. - Once in a while people find themselves unsubscribed without notice. Some of them immediately suspect the worst: that I have "booted them out" for some infraction or other. (I know this for sure only about those that contact me. But it happens again and again and involves even the nicest, best-behaved people.) Please do not jump to this conclusion unless you have received prior reprimands and warnings (which happen very rarely, have not happened at all for well over two years). If you find yourself disconnected from Lowlands-L, the reason is most likely that the automated server has unsubscribed your address because of repeated "bouncing," i.e., because your mail servers keep informing the list server that you cannot be reached or is filled above quota. Most of the time this is due to temporary disconnection. - Sometimes the reason is that a subscriber's junk mail filter (or "spam" filter) has not been "told" to exempt Lowlands-L mail, which is why our mailings do not arrive in your in-boxes. - So, if Lowlands-L mail stops coming, please first check your "spam" filters and adjust them if necessary, and only contact me about the problem if all of the above fails. - Should you indeed be disconnected, please write to me or resubmit an application. I'll be more than happy to bring you swiftly back to the fold. Again, dear Lowlanders, thanks for your support and cooperation and for all those interesting contributions past and future! Regards, Reinhard "Ron" F. Hahn Co-Founder& Chief Editor Lowlands-L ( sassisch at ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sat Jul 6 14:04:41 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2013 07:04:41 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2013.07.06 (01) [NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 06 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Rebecca Breu Subject: Vocabulary Moin, Moin! Ik heff anfungen, mal 'n beten wat op Platt to schrieven, man mi fehlt so männichmal dat richtige Woort. Villicht köönt ji mi helpen? Ik will to 'n Bispill 'n Kuss beschrieven, man ik weet nich, wo ik dat angahn schall. Op Hoochdüütsch woor ik so Wöör bruken as leidenschaftlich, stürmisch, begierig, ungestüm, usw., op Engelsch passionate, eager, hungry, heady, usw., man wat segg ik op Platt? Dat is ok swoor, Literatur to finnen, wo ik mi 'n beten wat afkieken kann, wat Leevde un Romantik angeiht. Wenn een dor 'n Tipp vör mi hett, ik bün sounso jümmers op Söök na wat ne'et to lesen. :) Un wo seggt man, wenn een so 'n schöön Grienen hett, dat du ok glieks grienen muttst? (Ein ansteckendes Lächeln/a contagious smile?) Un 'n ganz anners Thema: Wo heet egentlich dat Deel vun 'n Fohrrad, wo een sien Bagaasch op fastmaakt? (Gepäckträger/luggage rack?) Rebecca ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Lexicon Moin un willkamen, beste Rebecca! Reinhard/Ron Co-Founder and Editor, Lowlands-L Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sat Jul 6 22:09:26 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2013 15:09:26 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2013.07.06 (02) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 06 July 2013 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Vocabulary Gauden Dag ok Rebecca, Ron un all' Lowlanners! Ick fang mal mit dat Küssen an. Vörweg poetsch' wat ut dat Versepos *"Kein Hüsung"*, wat Fritz Reuter sotauseggen mit Hartblaut schrewen hett. *De Hewen blag, un dörch de Höh gahn Wolkenschäp up stille See. Dat is en Kuß, den'n hett de Hewen de Ird in Leiw un Andacht gewen, un dörch de Welt, dor klingt en Klang, de hürt sick an as: Lewen! Lewen! * In ein oll' Leed: *Juchhe, Hochtiet und Hochtiet is hüüt** *(Quelle: Haas, 33,S. 64) kannst läsen in'n 1. Riemel/Vers: *Juchhe, Hochtiet un Hochtiet is hüüt! Kiekt de schmucke Bruut mol an un den drallen Brüüdgamsmann, wie se sick so herzig schnütern un mit Füerogen klütern! Schnütert, klütert frisch drup in, Bruutlüüd möten lustig sien. **küssen, *swv., küssen; snuteln, swv.; snütern, swv.; knuutschen, swv.: Geknuutsche, n.; Snudelee/-lie, f. Lit.: HOCHDEUTSCH PLATTDEUTSCHES WÖRTERBUCH - VERLAG SCHUSTER LEER. * **Kuß **Kuß *m., Pl. *Küss'; Syn Buss *m., *Puss *m., *Säuten *m. *Phras * *Krichst 'n Säuten! **küssen *wie hd.. *Syn **knuutschen, afknuutschen, aflappen, afpussen, aflicken, einen upbrennen, 'n Säuten gäben, einen updrücken. *Lit.: Neues hochdeutsches- plattdeutsches Wörterbuch Renate Herrmann-Winter *Kuß *m. Kuß: osculum 'ein Můndeken, Kuß': Rdaa.: *Kuß ahn Boort hett kein Oort, Kuß mit Priem smeckt noch mal so fin*; im Volksreim *O nee, o nee: O ja, o ja, min Musikus, du giffst, du giff**st sonn' säuten Kuß. **küssen *küssen; Abfertigungen: *ierst heff mi un denn küß mi! Sei kann sick küssen laten! Gah hen un küss de Katt. Wat de Leiw nich deit, säd' de Snider, küßt den Zägenbuck mang de Hüürn; *übertr. vom Bezechten: *dei hett dei oll Buddel tau oft küßt; *ebenso: *darf ick eins din Fründin küssen? **Küsserdanz *m. Kußtanz, beliebter Volkstanz*. Lit.: Wossidlo/Teuchert * denn' kann ick up mien Quetschkomod spälen. ... nu heff ik mi woll ok 'n Säuten verdeint... Ick wünsch alltohopen 'n sinnigen Sünndag. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Jul 8 01:02:16 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2013 18:02:16 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Media" 2013.07.07 (01) [EN-FY-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 07 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Media Dear Lowlanders, The following video presentation makes fun of the government line that North Frisian language has its fair share of media representation in Schleswig-Holstein (or elsewhere). Following that, there are two North Frisian new articles. Most is in North Frisian, some in Low Saxon, with German subtitles. Please note that there are several North Frisian varieties, aside from East and West Frisian varieties: More North Frisian to listen to: Mainstream Mainland North Frisian: North Frisian and Low Saxon coexistence (also with German, Danish and Southern Jutish): Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Jul 8 17:44:55 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 10:44:55 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2013.07.08 (01) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 08 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Lexicon Nu mell ick mi all wedder... Kiekt noch eins in bi " LL-L "Lexicon" 2013.07.06 (01) [NDS]. Rebecca fragt' an "... Un 'n ganz anners Thema: Wo heet egentlich dat Deel vun 'n Fohrrad, wo een sien Bagaasch op fastmaakt? (Gepäckträger/luggage rack?) Nu heff ick mi 'n Kopp makt, un bün de Fraag nahgahn: Ein *luggage rack *is ein Gepäcknetz bi de Isenbahn. Hüt giwwt dat de woll nich mihr. Gepäckträger am Fahrrad *rack, carrier*; to rack *aufstecken (Teile auf ein Gestell) ?. *Lit.: PONS Express Wörterbuch ENGLISCH. Ji kœnt je mal besäuken: Ick heff bether noch kein plattdüütsch Wuurt funn'n. Gräuten. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Jul 9 21:00:03 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 14:00:03 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2013.07.09 (01) [DEEN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 09 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Vocabulary Un nu kümmt de Rest... *Who laughs last, laughs best.* Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten. Wecker tauletzt lacht, lacht an'n besten. *We doubled over with laughter listening to his stories. *Bei seinen Geschichten lachten wir uns einen Ast. Bi sien Geschichten lachten wi uns 'n Telg. Lit.: IDIOMS Englische & Amerikanische Redewendungen. *lächeln **Syn. **grienen, schmuustern, schmunzeln; Spez *höhnisch, hämisch lächeln (grinsen)*, grifflachen, sik einen hœgen; **lachen *wie hd. *Syn. **kåkeln, kichern, kucheln, gniddern, gnikkeln, gluckern Spez* sehr laut lachen *krieschen, kreigen, juchen; *fortwährend heftig lachen *sik dotlachen, sik scheif lachen, sik krank lachen, sik wechlachen. **lächerlich 1. *komisch wirkend, Ablehnung hervorrufend *Syn** quackelig, trallig, twallig, appeldwatsch, appeldwalsch, figilant, kalwerig. - **2. *verstärkend, sehr *Syn **bannig, bös, dull.** *Lit.: Renate Herrmann-Winter Neues hochdeutsch-plattdeutsches Wörterbuch HINSTORFF. *lachen *lachen *1. *Art und Umstände *a.*anschaulich beschreibend und besondere Verhältnisse: *wenn he lacht, krigen de Uhren Besök; du lachst **œ **wer 't ganz Gesicht un œwer 't halw is man Mod'; he lacht, dat em de Buk bäwert; Bräsig lachte mit Arm un Bein; *adv. Bestimmung: *gell lachen *hell auflachen; im Vergleich, von Männern: *lachen as 'n Kobold, as 'n Kiwitt, as ne Jungfer, as 'n Spitzbow* (nicht eig. volkstümlich); von Frauen: *lachen as 'n Stieglitsch, as ne Lachduw, as ne Hawerzäg'; *mit Beziehung auf einen, der lacht, ohne verstanden zu haben, warum die andern lachen: *dei maakt 't as dei Nigendörper Kauhhierd', wenn dei Lüd' in 'n Dörp lachen, lacht hei sick in 'n Busch ok; hei lacht mi nah dei Ogen rin; wer œwer uns lacht, hett 'n groten Hals; wecker to lest lacht, de ok to best lacht. **b. *Lachen und Weinen: *du kannst woll lachen, wenn anner Lüd' weinen*; *dee *(der Wohlhabende) *kann sick vör Lachen nich bargen, wenn anner Lüd' de Ogen œwergahn; se hett Lachen un Weinen in einen Pott*; vielfach; *dei kann roren un lachen in einen Aten; noch wit vont Lachen, säd' de Brut, dor huult se all. *Unverstand: *Dummheit lacht.* Zss.:* an-, be-, dal-, glim-, griff-, grim-, **jicher-, tau-, ter-, utlachen; *Wortbildung: *Gelach, Gelächel, Gelächter. - *Mnd. *lachen.* *Dit is sowat as ein Kostprauw** von Pe*rfesser Voßlo. O hah, nu kam ick ok in't Lachen... Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Jul 9 21:37:36 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 14:37:36 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Language acquisition" 2013.07.09 (02) [CY-EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 09 July 2013 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language acquisition How to (not?) teach a foreign language (including English): *Humo*(*u*)*r alert!* Naughty language alert as well! Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Jul 11 03:41:29 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 20:41:29 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Language proficiency" 2013.07.10 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 10 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs Subject: LL-L "Language acquisition" 2013.07.09 (02) [CY-EN] I'm in (Y)ekaterinburg this week and surprised how poor the knowledge of English here is. Even the lady at the tourist information desk at the airport (Koltsovo) does not speak English. The same holds for some restaurants. Fortunately some menu cards have pictures of the main dishes. At the event side some staff people have a badge "I speak English", but asking them to explain how to drive to the airport is much too much asked for (The exit of the exhibition area is only towards downtown and one cannot u-turn on the motoway). The Hertz car rental guy could not distinguish between the fee one pays for the damage insurance and the franchise still to pay in case of an accident. He charged me the franchise first in stead of the insurance fee. Stupid me, I should have learned to speak Russian. My Yahoo menu appeared in Russian here at first, but after a warning against use of false identity, I could switch. American websites (as Yahoo, Linkedin...) automatically give warnings when one logs in from a Russian IP address. I'm at Innoprom this week ( and staying at the Angelo airport hotel in Koltsovo. Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Fri Jul 19 04:26:22 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 21:26:22 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2013.07.18 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 18 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Tom Mc Rae Subject: LL-L Languge Convention Delancey Place quoted the following from a book.. -- saying "please" and "thank you" is not a universal custom -- there are societies such as the Inuit, where it is not the case. In fact it first took hold in Western society during the commercial revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as evidence of the democratization of society -- our desire to view everyone as equals. Before that, saying please and thank you was a way to show deference to a lord or master. "Thank you" derives from "think," and it originally meant, "I will remember what you did for me"-- and "please" is short for "if you please," "if it pleases you to do this": Having lived in West Africa for 11 years I would question this statement. The old Asante Twi language has "thank you" as 'Medassi" and "Thank you very much" as Medassi Pi." Further north in Ghana the early iron age Mossi Dagbaani tribes have "M'pooseeya" or "Ta Puhyia". English speaking Ghanaians ranging from pidgin to excellent will use "Please" or "Pleesuh". I concede that some learned this at school but it is also used by illiterates and appears to have evolved from their local word for please. Best Regards Tom Mc Rae Brisbane Australia Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolised. –Albert Einstein ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Fri Jul 19 17:10:22 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 10:10:22 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Idiomatic=?UTF-8?Q?=E2=80=8Ba=22_?=2013.07.19 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 19 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Mike Morgan Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2013.07.18 (01) [EN] Regarding please and thank you... Tom Mc Rae notes: > Delancey Place quoted the following from a book.. > -- saying "please" and "thank you" is not a universal > custom -- there are societies such as the Inuit, where it is not the case. > Having lived in West Africa for 11 years I would question this statement. > The old Asante Twi language has "thank you" as 'Medassi" and "Thank you > very much" as Medassi Pi." ... I don't see the disagreement. After all the statement "is not universal" does NOT equate with "is universally absent"... The fact that use of "please" and "thank you" may "equate" in some way with "modern western values" does NOT mean that they may not ALSO match well with certain (even many?) non-western non-"modern" societies and languages. Although I have some experience in other parts of the world (including Horn of Africa and southern part of EAST Africa), mostly I can speak with "authority" about Asia only... and in GENERAL (though not without exception) usage of phrases translated (tanslatable?) as "please" and "thank you" in a wide range of languages and societies has "migrated" towards a Western (Euro-Amerfican) model over the years (i.e. MY lifetime). The expressions (forms used) haven't much changed (except as noted below) but the USAGE (significance) HAS. Take Nepali. Like most modern Indic language there is a word धन्यबाद /dhanyabaad/ which is usually given as the translation of "thank you". AND, if you listen to mall-attendants and 3-star restaurant waitpersonel usage (and also by clientelle of such establishments) nowadays, you will get the impression that it is used EXACTLY as (American) English "Thank you". Note however, 1) धन्यबाद is NOT Nepali, it is not an inherited Indic word going through the normal process of linguistic changes, it is a direct borrowing from Sanskrit. I.e. it is a 'high-falootin'/high-culture word. And using it "shows high culture" (whatever that is!) 2) It's use even by service personel and clientelle is NEW. When I was first in Nepal 35 years ago, one would NEVER have heard someone being served a meal they ordered replying with धन्यबाद ! UNTHINKABLE! धन्यबाद was something I maybe might would have used if I owed my LIFE to someone else (e.g. if I had lost my passport AND all my cash on the road and a Nepali had picked it up and come running after absent-minded me to RETURN it, THEN I would certainly have said धन्यबाद... and probab;ly fallen down, prostrating myself at to his feet!!). In the old days , IF ANYTHING was said, the exchange would have gone something like this: Wait person: लिनुस् /linus/ (take it) Me: ल /la/ (ok) There is nothing LESS polite in this... it is just a different culture... a culture less "contaminated" by Western ways. AND in a way it is a cheapening... after all, if someone saves my life or if they serve me a coke, all I can do is give the SAME reply.... PS. Mumbai/Bombay NOTE A similar development (evolution) has taken place in India also... Though at least in Mumbai (and much of Urban india) there is STILL a risistance among educated to equate Indic धन्यवाद /dhanyavaad/ with "thankyou... and so in Mumbai Marathi and Gujarati and Hindi, the tendency is to use थेंक्स /thenks/ (aspirated /t/ NOT dental fricative /θ/ Note also that in Hindi there is the option of using Urdu /shukria/ for "thanks" ALSO as far as I can think, there is STILL no equivalent for please in Nepali ... except the borrowed Hindi कृपाया /krpaya/ we just use the appropriate verb form (imnperative, etc)... and cna "soften" (or intensify it!) it if needed by the addition of a sentence final partical (several options available) my 8 anna's worth! mwm || *U*C> || mike || माईक || мика || マイク (aka Dr Michael W Morgan) sign language linguist / linguistic typologist academic adviser, Nepal Sign Language Training and Research NDFN, Kathmandu, Nepal ---------- From: Paul Finlow-Bates Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2013.07.18 (01) [EN] My nephew lives in Finland (his wife is Finnish) and their kids are completely bilingual. But they have to keep reminding the kids to say please and thank you when speaking English, as it's not an automatic response in Finnish. Paul Derby England ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Jul 22 17:38:14 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:38:14 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Idiomatic=?UTF-8?Q?=E2=80=8Ba=22_?=2013.07.22 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 22 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2013.07.18 (01) [EN] > *From:* Lowlands-L lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM > *Sent:* Friday, July 19, 2013 6:26 AM > From: Tom Mc Rae > Subject: LL-L Languge Convention > Delancey Place quoted the following from a book.. > -- saying "please" and "thank you" is not a universal custom -- In my Lonerland Limburgish from Vliermaal: For "please": The common or rather impolite form: "dè" a kind of vocative form of "doeë" = in Dutch "daar" "dè" comes close to the Dutch "ziedaar"; similar to the French "voilà", that still sounds polite when one complètes as "voilà Madame", "voilà Monsieur". The polite form: asteblif (Dutch: alstublieft, if it to you pleases) for both singular as plural generally also completed as "asteblif meneer", "asteblif madam" "asteblif mammezel" (= mademoiselle). Young guys become immediately "meneer", while young ladies, especially when not married, pass trough an intermediate state of "mammezel". For "thank you: "mèrseej" (cf. the French "mersi"; it is not uncommon to diphtongize ending e or i vowels as well in East Walloon as in Southern Limburgish. When offering food, one adds generally: "Lut het oech smoake" ("lut" is the imperative form of "loeëte", Dutch "laten") "Oech" sounds similar to "euch" in German, but it is used in both singular as plural, so as "u" can be used for both in Dutch. When offering drinks: "Sonteej" not nazalized in Vliermaal, it is nazalized though by some in Tongeren 5 miles to the South (cf. French "Santé" nazalized) Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Jul 29 01:06:35 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 18:06:35 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.28 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 28 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs Subject: LL-L Travel We had some exchanges on travel in this group before. Let's see if it is still active. I'm looking for suggestions I'm participating at a conference of the IEEE in Vancouver on Sept. 11-13. I'm staying at the Delta, 550 West Hastings The conference is across the street in the Harbour Centre. (I would rather write Harbor Center, but the Canadians .....) I arrive on Sept 9 in the evening. So I have the 10th for visiting Vancouver (+ jetlag recup). Suggesstions are welcome. I'm returning home, leaving on Sept 15 in the morning. On the 14th I take a trip to Seattle: Amtrak Cascades 6:40 am -> 11:05 am and back 6:50 pm -> 10:50 pm I reserved for Underground Seattle at 12 pm. I don't know how long that tour will take. Thanks ahead for all good advice. Regards, Roger ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Travels Hi, Roger! What wonderful news about you visiting our area again! I'm sure other people have more information than I do. Let me just say that I've spent a lot of time in Vancouver(BC, Canada), and it's one of my favorite cities. It's one of the closes North America has to a "European city". Robson Street in downtown, all the way up to English Bay. (Part of that street is known as Robsonstraße, because that neighborhood used to be home to many German immigrants. For people-watching, I recommend Granville Island with its artist studios, theater and a terrific market. There's good East Asian food in Vancouver (being North America's "sushi capital"). If you like good, affordable Chinese food, eat at Hon's on Keefer Street in Chinatown (not the one in downtown!). Also try the French Canadian signature dish *poutine *. You as a Belgian might actually enjoy it (while I am not too sure about it ...) I believe the tour of Seattle's undergroundtakes about one hour. (Careful! The place is said to be haunted ...) I'm not yet sure what my teaching schedule will be like, but, if you have the time, I'd love to have lunch of dinner with you somewhere. It would be really nice to see you again. Let's communicate about the details of that privately. Best regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Jul 29 17:23:36 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:23:36 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.29 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 29 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Pat Reynolds Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.28 (01) [EN] We had some exchanges on travel in this group before. Let's see if it is still active Roger Thijs wrote ..... We had some exchanges on travel in this group before. Let's see if it is still active. I'm looking for suggestions I'm participating at a conference of the IEEE in Vancouver on Sept. 11-13..... Hi Roger, It is a long time since I was in Vancouver (over 20 years), and then Stanley Park and the Anthropological Museum were the things I’d return to. It was also a nice city to wander in. The only downside for me was that the plane descended very rapidly, which upset my hearing/balance for the first couple of days. Cheers, Pat Pat Reynolds Settling in to a new job, working for the Heritage Crafts Association ( ---------- From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.28 (01) [EN] To Roger, in reply to your going to Vancouver.**** It is a wonderfully civilized city. Of all the things to do in Vancouver, three stand out:**** 1.The Anthropological Museum at UBC. A most interesting collection of artifacts and works of art of the local tribes before the white man took their indigenous life away. Their collection of totempoles is fantastic. But they also have art by modern Indian artists that makes your jaw drop.*** * 2. The authentic Chinese garden of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. It transports you in the dream world of a Chinese scholar from the end of the end of the 19thcentury. Make sure that you buy tea at their tea shop! It is unfortunate that the neighborhood is a little bit unkemped, but the gardens and the study are absolutely worth it.**** 3. For just mindless enjoyment ( yes, I know about those meetings ) I would suggest you amble over to the Aquarium and spend time with the fishes, and the aquatic mammals and do not forget to go visit the rainforest in the belly of the aquarium. You’ll come out a better person; guaranteed.**** Jacqueline BdJ**** Seattle WA USA (across the border) **** ---------- From: Isaac M. Davis Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.28 (01) [EN] For poutine, I recommend Frenchies Diner on Dunsmuir (speaking as a former resident of Vancouver and a current resident of Montréal). Bon appétit! Regards, Isaac M. Davis ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Jul 30 00:07:26 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 17:07:26 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.29 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 29 July 2013 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: (Ted Harding) Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.29 (01) [EN] > From: Pat Reynolds > Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.28 (01) [EN] > > Roger Thijs > wrote ..... > > We had some exchanges on travel in this group before. Let's see if > it is still active. > > I'm looking for suggestions > > I'm participating at a conference of the IEEE in Vancouver on Sept. > 11-13..... > > Hi Roger, > It is a long time since I was in Vancouver (over 20 years), and then > Stanley Park and the Anthropological Museum were the things I'd > return to. > It was also a nice city to wander in. The only downside for me was > that the plane descended very rapidly, which upset my hearing/balance > for the first couple of days. > > Cheers, > Pat > > Pat Reynolds > Settling in to a new job, working for the Heritage Crafts Association > ( ) Pat: heritagerafts are just what you need for making a tour round Vancouver Island! Best wishes to all, Ted. PS: Written within 20 miles of King's Lynn, England -- anciently a major Hanseatic port, and birthplace of Captain George Vancouver who explored and mapped that part of the Pacific coast in the 1790s, and whose name is attached to many places. > [remainder snipped] > ---------- ------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: (Ted Harding) Date: 29-Jul-2013 Time: 19:07:23 This message was sent by XFMail ------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Jul 30 18:25:42 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 11:25:42 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Literature" 2013.07.30 (01) [NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 30 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Literature (Autorin. H. Hinz) *Austmaand * Hoch tellt de Austtied as ein Fest, un ripte Sünn dat Kuurn up't best, mit Freud is Austarbeit rasch dahn, nu heit dat, an de Austkron ran; wi binnen sei mit Lief un Sääl; tau Austköst smück sei de Schündääl. Löt Austmaand uns mit Hundsdag' sweiten, ok dat will'n wi noch dägt geneiten. Man, wenn noch eins de Kukuk röppt, so hart uns nahst de Winter dröppt. Väl Dau möt sien, hei bringt kein Not, wi hebben stolt dat däglich Brot. Sünd Lorenz (10.), Bartelmeis (24.) ok gaud, denn kümmt de Harwst mit Sünn'nmaud. Un œwer uns an'n wieden Häben Twästiert sien Jungvœgel hoch swäben. De Sommertied wäwt lies' ehr Enn'; bald ward de Sünn sick wedder wenn'. Twälstiert: Roter Milan Mit ein hartlich Gräuten. Hanne Hinz ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Jul 30 18:29:22 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 11:29:22 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.30 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 30 July 2013 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs Subject: Re: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.29 (02) [EN] > From: (Ted Harding) > Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.29 (01) [EN] > ...;heritagerafts are just what you need for making a tour round Vancouver Island! Thanks to all for the suggestions. A couple of things: 1 - The Vancouver family is supposed to have Dutch origins: quote: There has been some debate about the origins of the Vancouver name. It is now commonly accepted that the name Vancouver derives from the expression van Coevorden, meaning "(originating) from Coevorden", a city in the northeast of the Netherlands. This city is apparently named after the "Coeverden" family of the 13 – 15th century. An alternative theory is that Vancouver is a misspelling or anglicized version of Van Couwen, a Dutch name. quoted from: 2 - Vancouver gives me nightmares. I have been driving up to there for an exhibition a couple of years ago, while staying in Bellingham WA (after a visit to Boeing in Everett). My Hertz "Never Lost" guided me to the middle of nowhere in a hilly suburb. I found a commercial street and I stopped for lunch at a Laotian restaurant. The meat was served in a bowl of red soup. Some meat fell of the fork, splashing my shirt with the red fluid. My spare clothes were left in the hotel in Bellingham, but fortunately I could buy a shirt in a Pakistanese shop in that street. Anyhow, in the afternoon I still came to make a tour of the exhibition in the expo centre, downtown at the harbour. 3 - I got poutine coming out of my ears when being in Montreal for a week last year. I was staying in the Fairmont above the underground railway station, having a lot of eateries underground. Actually I don't like the sweet ketchup tasting sauce, nor the cheese blocs on my fries. And further I think it is a bomb of calories. 4 - I made some jokes about poutine at the booth of Canada at the Innoprom exhibition in Ekaterinburg a couple of weeks ago. The staffing actually was not Canadian (none of them understood French). They had contracted the thing to a Russian governmental service. And these guys had a different taste of humor. Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Jul 1 15:46:20 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2013 08:46:20 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Administr=?UTF-8?Q?=E2=80=8Bativia=22_?=2013.07.01 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 01 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Administrativia [Please do read this, especially if you are new on board!] Dear Lowlanders, Welcome to Lowlands-L in the month of Julyy of 2013! Welcome to the persons that joined us since the beginning of June 2013! *Germany*:(*Deutschland, D??tschland, D??tsklound, Tj?schl?nj, Tyskland, Nimska, N?mska, Jermaniya*)*:* Lower Saxony (*Niedersachsen, Neddersassen, L?ichsaksen*): Cologne (*K?ln, **K?lle*) [1] North Rhine-Westphalia (*Nordrhein-Westfalen, Noodrhing-W?ssfaale* ): Cologne (*K?ln, **K?lle*) [1] *United Kingdom* (*Ruwvaneth Unys, Deyrnas Unedig, Unitit Kinrick, R?oghachd Aonaichte, * *R?ocht Aontaithe, Reeriaght Unnaneysit, Phandlo Thagaripen*): England (*Pow Sows*): Leicestershire: Leicester [1] *United States of America:* Oregon: Portland [1] *Reminder*: This discussion forum deals with a number of languages, cultures, etc. It is not possible to limit subscription to certain topics (languages, cultures, etc.) *SPECIAL LIST BUSINESS* *Subject headers* Some of you are still not following the subject header rule (see *Do not mix topics* under Rules below). Here in brief: - *Only one topic per message* - *In responding to an earlier posting, please use the subject line that already exists for a given thread. Do not change or "tweak" it, not the date and language labels either!* - *Only if you start a thread may you suggest your own subject header, but do not insist on your subject header if I change it.* *List Mail v Private Mail* Folks, please make sure that you send private messages to me to my private address (sassisch at, especially if they could be taken as responses to what has been said in the forum. If you do not make this distinction it could happen that your private message ends up posted to the List. For administrative purposes, it's best if you use lowlands.list at *Rejected Mail* Once in a while subscribers tell me that they receive List mail but that their posting submissions keep being rejected. In most cases, when I investigate this it turns out that a given subscriber has List mail forwarded from his or her subscribed e-mail address to another e-mail address, and, forgetting this, they try to send posting submissions from the address at which they read the mail. The list server rejects mail from that address because it is not subscribed. Also, some people try to unsubscribe or change their subscription configurations from addresses that are not subscribed. The simple solution is to address the list server only from the subscribed e-mail address. *Language Codes* In the subject line of each Lowlands-L issue you find language codes in square brackets ([ ]). This indicates which language or languages are used in that issue. I now use the ISO codes where available (and make up the rest). I used to provide the key for the abbreviations in the masthead, but that made for overly large mastheads. Instead, the masthead now contains the URL of the page of the key: You do not need to indicate the language varieties of you posting proposals. In the rare event of me not knowing it I will ask you. *Projects* Please don't forget about our activities: Anniversary ( Gallery ( Travels ( History ( Traditions ( Crypt ( Beyond the Pale ( Members' Resources ( Resource guide ( Shop ( All of them have growing numbers of visitors. If you have anything in mind for any of those presentations but lack confidence for some reason or other, please bear in mind that assistance is available. Please write to my private address or to our administrative address (see above) to propose or ask and also to send your works. If you want to order books, CDs, DVDs, or pretty much anything else from Amazon (in the US even groceries!) you might as well do so via our Lowlands-L shops (so far in Canada, Germany, France, Japan, UK and USA - ( which have constantly changing Lowlands-related selections. We (i.e. Lowlands-L) get a small percentage of Amazon sales if you enter Amazon through these portals. Believe me: it hardly pays a tiny fraction of the money I pay out of my own pocket to bringing Lowlands-L to you, and I am not even counting the hours of work I put into it. *REGULAR LIST BUSINESS* *Rules* A few of you are still making three basic mistakes when submitting postings. So here's a quick review: *Do not mix topics. *Many of you are still not following this rule. (Please see my note at the top.) Stay with the subject line (and don't add stuff to it) when you respond. It is only when you start a new thread that you may suggest a subject line. When you respond to someone's posting, please only quote the relevant portion. If you allow an entire issue to dangle as a quote behind your response I will remove it, even if your response does not make much sense then. Please consult the rules and guidelines: Another request: Please inform me if you route LL-L issues to or via email addresses other than those you subscribed. Right now, once again I am getting failure reports concerning email addresses that are not subscribed. This is really annoying, because I have no idea whose they are, so I can't do anything about it. *Membership* As most of you know in the meantime, our email addresses are visible only to subscribers. I hope this will encourage more of you to come forward and participate in our discussions. We send the postings in Unicode (UTF-8) format. You need to switch your view mode to it if you want to see all "special" characters. You must always give us your name, given name and family name. If you forward Lowlands-L mail to another (alias) account, please give us the address of that account. We need to identify it so we can do something in case we get error messages from that server. If you wish to leave ("unsubscribe" from) Lowlands-L, please follow the appropriate steps as described below. DO NOT mark Lowlands-L mail as SPAM. If you take this unethical action, it may detrimentally affect the entire list and its subscribers, as well as LINGUIST, our server hosts. Besides, we will be able to tell that it was you that did it and we will consider reporting you. SO DON'T! You must credit the writers of anything you quote. "Lowlands-L wrote:" simply won't do. Several of you are still not getting and doing this. Please continue already existing subject headers (rather than making up your own for the same thing). If you do begin a new topic, please make sure "Lowlands-L" or "LL-L" is in the subject line as well. DO NOT SEND POSTING SUBMISSIONS IN CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. Many beginners, but also a few older hands, forget to provide their names with their posting submission. Please remember that anonymous posting is not an option, that you are obligated to give your given and family name, even if you do not put them right next to each other. Even some people who have been with us for a while persistently ignore the following rules: Keep subjects separate: Only one topic per posting! Don't mix things up, please! Stick to the subject title: Do not change the topic name in your responses. Just stick with the one we have, even if you think it doesn't apply or is silly. I will change it if I think it needs to be. *Edit quotes:* If you hit the "reply" button and simply write your response before or after an unedited, complete quoted LL-L issue, please do not complain to me that I have removed the quoted text in the published version. It is proper email behavior to quote only the portions that are relevant to your response. *Give credit:* Let us know who the authors of quoted text portions are. If you just hit the "reply" button, it will automatically give "Lowlands-L" as the author. That simply will not do. You must be more specific, and you owe authors the courtesy of crediting them by name. *Sign off:* If you feel like leaving the List, please do not send the sign-off command to the posting address or to my personal address. *Change of Address* You do no longer need to sign off and on again if your email address changes. It suffices if you send me (sassisch at a message giving us the old address and the new address. If you don't remember under which address you were first subscribed, it will suffice if you give us only the new address and your name. *Temporary Absence* - Before you take a trip or for some other reason need to stop LL-L mail arriving for a given length of time, please write to us ( lowlands.list at to let us know the date you want mail to be stopped and the date you want mail to be resumed. As some of our members can attest, this has been working really well. It certainly beats the old, crude method of signing off and on again. - Once in a while people find themselves unsubscribed without notice. Some of them immediately suspect the worst: that I have "booted them out" for some infraction or other. (I know this for sure only about those that contact me. But it happens again and again and involves even the nicest, best-behaved people.) Please do not jump to this conclusion unless you have received prior reprimands and warnings (which happen very rarely, have not happened at all for well over two years). If you find yourself disconnected from Lowlands-L, the reason is most likely that the automated server has unsubscribed your address because of repeated "bouncing," i.e., because your mail servers keep informing the list server that you cannot be reached or is filled above quota. Most of the time this is due to temporary disconnection. - Sometimes the reason is that a subscriber's junk mail filter (or "spam" filter) has not been "told" to exempt Lowlands-L mail, which is why our mailings do not arrive in your in-boxes. - So, if Lowlands-L mail stops coming, please first check your "spam" filters and adjust them if necessary, and only contact me about the problem if all of the above fails. - Should you indeed be disconnected, please write to me or resubmit an application. I'll be more than happy to bring you swiftly back to the fold. Again, dear Lowlanders, thanks for your support and cooperation and for all those interesting contributions past and future! Regards, Reinhard "Ron" F. Hahn Co-Founder& Chief Editor Lowlands-L ( sassisch at ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sat Jul 6 14:04:41 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2013 07:04:41 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2013.07.06 (01) [NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 06 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Rebecca Breu Subject: Vocabulary Moin, Moin! Ik heff anfungen, mal 'n beten wat op Platt to schrieven, man mi fehlt so m?nnichmal dat richtige Woort. Villicht k??nt ji mi helpen? Ik will to 'n Bispill 'n Kuss beschrieven, man ik weet nich, wo ik dat angahn schall. Op Hoochd??tsch woor ik so W??r bruken as leidenschaftlich, st?rmisch, begierig, ungest?m, usw., op Engelsch passionate, eager, hungry, heady, usw., man wat segg ik op Platt? Dat is ok swoor, Literatur to finnen, wo ik mi 'n beten wat afkieken kann, wat Leevde un Romantik angeiht. Wenn een dor 'n Tipp v?r mi hett, ik b?n sounso j?mmers op S??k na wat ne'et to lesen. :) Un wo seggt man, wenn een so 'n sch??n Grienen hett, dat du ok glieks grienen muttst? (Ein ansteckendes L?cheln/a contagious smile?) Un 'n ganz anners Thema: Wo heet egentlich dat Deel vun 'n Fohrrad, wo een sien Bagaasch op fastmaakt? (Gep?cktr?ger/luggage rack?) Rebecca ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Lexicon Moin un willkamen, beste Rebecca! Reinhard/Ron Co-Founder and Editor, Lowlands-L Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Sat Jul 6 22:09:26 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2013 15:09:26 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2013.07.06 (02) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 06 July 2013 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Vocabulary Gauden Dag ok Rebecca, Ron un all' Lowlanners! Ick fang mal mit dat K?ssen an. V?rweg poetsch' wat ut dat Versepos *"Kein H?sung"*, wat Fritz Reuter sotauseggen mit Hartblaut schrewen hett. *De Hewen blag, un d?rch de H?h gahn Wolkensch?p up stille See. Dat is en Ku?, den'n hett de Hewen de Ird in Leiw un Andacht gewen, un d?rch de Welt, dor klingt en Klang, de h?rt sick an as: Lewen! Lewen! * In ein oll' Leed: *Juchhe, Hochtiet und Hochtiet is h??t** *(Quelle: Haas, 33,S. 64) kannst l?sen in'n 1. Riemel/Vers: *Juchhe, Hochtiet un Hochtiet is h??t! Kiekt de schmucke Bruut mol an un den drallen Br??dgamsmann, wie se sick so herzig schn?tern un mit F?erogen kl?tern! Schn?tert, kl?tert frisch drup in, Bruutl??d m?ten lustig sien. **k?ssen, *swv., k?ssen; snuteln, swv.; sn?tern, swv.; knuutschen, swv.: Geknuutsche, n.; Snudelee/-lie, f. Lit.: HOCHDEUTSCH PLATTDEUTSCHES W?RTERBUCH - VERLAG SCHUSTER LEER. * **Ku? **Ku? *m., Pl. *K?ss'; Syn Buss *m., *Puss *m., *S?uten *m. *Phras * *Krichst 'n S?uten! **k?ssen *wie hd.. *Syn **knuutschen, afknuutschen, aflappen, afpussen, aflicken, einen upbrennen, 'n S?uten g?ben, einen updr?cken. *Lit.: Neues hochdeutsches- plattdeutsches W?rterbuch Renate Herrmann-Winter *Ku? *m. Ku?: osculum 'ein M?ndeken, Ku?': Rdaa.: *Ku? ahn Boort hett kein Oort, Ku? mit Priem smeckt noch mal so fin*; im Volksreim *O nee, o nee: O ja, o ja, min Musikus, du giffst, du giff**st sonn' s?uten Ku?. **k?ssen *k?ssen; Abfertigungen: *ierst heff mi un denn k?? mi! Sei kann sick k?ssen laten! Gah hen un k?ss de Katt. Wat de Leiw nich deit, s?d' de Snider, k??t den Z?genbuck mang de H??rn; *?bertr. vom Bezechten: *dei hett dei oll Buddel tau oft k??t; *ebenso: *darf ick eins din Fr?ndin k?ssen? **K?sserdanz *m. Ku?tanz, beliebter Volkstanz*. Lit.: Wossidlo/Teuchert * denn' kann ick up mien Quetschkomod sp?len. ... nu heff ik mi woll ok 'n S?uten verdeint... Ick w?nsch alltohopen 'n sinnigen S?nndag. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Jul 8 01:02:16 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2013 18:02:16 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Media" 2013.07.07 (01) [EN-FY-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 07 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Media Dear Lowlanders, The following video presentation makes fun of the government line that North Frisian language has its fair share of media representation in Schleswig-Holstein (or elsewhere). Following that, there are two North Frisian new articles. Most is in North Frisian, some in Low Saxon, with German subtitles. Please note that there are several North Frisian varieties, aside from East and West Frisian varieties: More North Frisian to listen to: Mainstream Mainland North Frisian: North Frisian and Low Saxon coexistence (also with German, Danish and Southern Jutish): Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Jul 8 17:44:55 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 10:44:55 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2013.07.08 (01) [DE-NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 08 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Lexicon Nu mell ick mi all wedder... Kiekt noch eins in bi " LL-L "Lexicon" 2013.07.06 (01) [NDS]. Rebecca fragt' an "... Un 'n ganz anners Thema: Wo heet egentlich dat Deel vun 'n Fohrrad, wo een sien Bagaasch op fastmaakt? (Gep?cktr?ger/luggage rack?) Nu heff ick mi 'n Kopp makt, un b?n de Fraag nahgahn: Ein *luggage rack *is ein Gep?cknetz bi de Isenbahn. H?t giwwt dat de woll nich mihr. Gep?cktr?ger am Fahrrad *rack, carrier*; to rack *aufstecken (Teile auf ein Gestell) ?. *Lit.: PONS Express W?rterbuch ENGLISCH. Ji k?nt je mal bes?uken: Ick heff bether noch kein plattd??tsch Wuurt funn'n. Gr?uten. Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Jul 9 21:00:03 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 14:00:03 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2013.07.09 (01) [DEEN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 09 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Vocabulary Un nu k?mmt de Rest... *Who laughs last, laughs best.* Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten. Wecker tauletzt lacht, lacht an'n besten. *We doubled over with laughter listening to his stories. *Bei seinen Geschichten lachten wir uns einen Ast. Bi sien Geschichten lachten wi uns 'n Telg. Lit.: IDIOMS Englische & Amerikanische Redewendungen. *l?cheln **Syn. **grienen, schmuustern, schmunzeln; Spez *h?hnisch, h?misch l?cheln (grinsen)*, grifflachen, sik einen h?gen; **lachen *wie hd. *Syn. **k?keln, kichern, kucheln, gniddern, gnikkeln, gluckern Spez* sehr laut lachen *krieschen, kreigen, juchen; *fortw?hrend heftig lachen *sik dotlachen, sik scheif lachen, sik krank lachen, sik wechlachen. **l?cherlich 1. *komisch wirkend, Ablehnung hervorrufend *Syn** quackelig, trallig, twallig, appeldwatsch, appeldwalsch, figilant, kalwerig. - **2. *verst?rkend, sehr *Syn **bannig, b?s, dull.** *Lit.: Renate Herrmann-Winter Neues hochdeutsch-plattdeutsches W?rterbuch HINSTORFF. *lachen *lachen *1. *Art und Umst?nde *a.*anschaulich beschreibend und besondere Verh?ltnisse: *wenn he lacht, krigen de Uhren Bes?k; du lachst **? **wer 't ganz Gesicht un ?wer 't halw is man Mod'; he lacht, dat em de Buk b?wert; Br?sig lachte mit Arm un Bein; *adv. Bestimmung: *gell lachen *hell auflachen; im Vergleich, von M?nnern: *lachen as 'n Kobold, as 'n Kiwitt, as ne Jungfer, as 'n Spitzbow* (nicht eig. volkst?mlich); von Frauen: *lachen as 'n Stieglitsch, as ne Lachduw, as ne Hawerz?g'; *mit Beziehung auf einen, der lacht, ohne verstanden zu haben, warum die andern lachen: *dei maakt 't as dei Nigend?rper Kauhhierd', wenn dei L?d' in 'n D?rp lachen, lacht hei sick in 'n Busch ok; hei lacht mi nah dei Ogen rin; wer ?wer uns lacht, hett 'n groten Hals; wecker to lest lacht, de ok to best lacht. **b. *Lachen und Weinen: *du kannst woll lachen, wenn anner L?d' weinen*; *dee *(der Wohlhabende) *kann sick v?r Lachen nich bargen, wenn anner L?d' de Ogen ?wergahn; se hett Lachen un Weinen in einen Pott*; vielfach; *dei kann roren un lachen in einen Aten; noch wit vont Lachen, s?d' de Brut, dor huult se all. *Unverstand: *Dummheit lacht.* Zss.:* an-, be-, dal-, glim-, griff-, grim-, **jicher-, tau-, ter-, utlachen; *Wortbildung: *Gelach, Gel?chel, Gel?chter. - *Mnd. *lachen.* *Dit is sowat as ein Kostprauw** von Pe*rfesser Vo?lo. O hah, nu kam ick ok in't Lachen... Hanne ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Jul 9 21:37:36 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 14:37:36 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Language acquisition" 2013.07.09 (02) [CY-EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 09 July 2013 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Language acquisition How to (not?) teach a foreign language (including English): *Humo*(*u*)*r alert!* Naughty language alert as well! Regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Thu Jul 11 03:41:29 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 20:41:29 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Language proficiency" 2013.07.10 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 10 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs Subject: LL-L "Language acquisition" 2013.07.09 (02) [CY-EN] I'm in (Y)ekaterinburg this week and surprised how poor the knowledge of English here is. Even the lady at the tourist information desk at the airport (Koltsovo) does not speak English. The same holds for some restaurants. Fortunately some menu cards have pictures of the main dishes. At the event side some staff people have a badge "I speak English", but asking them to explain how to drive to the airport is much too much asked for (The exit of the exhibition area is only towards downtown and one cannot u-turn on the motoway). The Hertz car rental guy could not distinguish between the fee one pays for the damage insurance and the franchise still to pay in case of an accident. He charged me the franchise first in stead of the insurance fee. Stupid me, I should have learned to speak Russian. My Yahoo menu appeared in Russian here at first, but after a warning against use of false identity, I could switch. American websites (as Yahoo, Linkedin...) automatically give warnings when one logs in from a Russian IP address. I'm at Innoprom this week ( and staying at the Angelo airport hotel in Koltsovo. Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Fri Jul 19 04:26:22 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 21:26:22 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2013.07.18 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 18 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Tom Mc Rae Subject: LL-L Languge Convention Delancey Place quoted the following from a book.. -- saying "please" and "thank you" is not a universal custom -- there are societies such as the Inuit, where it is not the case. In fact it first took hold in Western society during the commercial revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as evidence of the democratization of society -- our desire to view everyone as equals. Before that, saying please and thank you was a way to show deference to a lord or master. "Thank you" derives from "think," and it originally meant, "I will remember what you did for me"-- and "please" is short for "if you please," "if it pleases you to do this": Having lived in West Africa for 11 years I would question this statement. The old Asante Twi language has "thank you" as 'Medassi" and "Thank you very much" as Medassi Pi." Further north in Ghana the early iron age Mossi Dagbaani tribes have "M'pooseeya" or "Ta Puhyia". English speaking Ghanaians ranging from pidgin to excellent will use "Please" or "Pleesuh". I concede that some learned this at school but it is also used by illiterates and appears to have evolved from their local word for please. Best Regards Tom Mc Rae Brisbane Australia Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolised. ?Albert Einstein ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Fri Jul 19 17:10:22 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 10:10:22 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Idiomatic=?UTF-8?Q?=E2=80=8Ba=22_?=2013.07.19 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 19 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Mike Morgan Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2013.07.18 (01) [EN] Regarding please and thank you... Tom Mc Rae notes: > Delancey Place quoted the following from a book.. > -- saying "please" and "thank you" is not a universal > custom -- there are societies such as the Inuit, where it is not the case. > Having lived in West Africa for 11 years I would question this statement. > The old Asante Twi language has "thank you" as 'Medassi" and "Thank you > very much" as Medassi Pi." ... I don't see the disagreement. After all the statement "is not universal" does NOT equate with "is universally absent"... The fact that use of "please" and "thank you" may "equate" in some way with "modern western values" does NOT mean that they may not ALSO match well with certain (even many?) non-western non-"modern" societies and languages. Although I have some experience in other parts of the world (including Horn of Africa and southern part of EAST Africa), mostly I can speak with "authority" about Asia only... and in GENERAL (though not without exception) usage of phrases translated (tanslatable?) as "please" and "thank you" in a wide range of languages and societies has "migrated" towards a Western (Euro-Amerfican) model over the years (i.e. MY lifetime). The expressions (forms used) haven't much changed (except as noted below) but the USAGE (significance) HAS. Take Nepali. Like most modern Indic language there is a word ??????? /dhanyabaad/ which is usually given as the translation of "thank you". AND, if you listen to mall-attendants and 3-star restaurant waitpersonel usage (and also by clientelle of such establishments) nowadays, you will get the impression that it is used EXACTLY as (American) English "Thank you". Note however, 1) ??????? is NOT Nepali, it is not an inherited Indic word going through the normal process of linguistic changes, it is a direct borrowing from Sanskrit. I.e. it is a 'high-falootin'/high-culture word. And using it "shows high culture" (whatever that is!) 2) It's use even by service personel and clientelle is NEW. When I was first in Nepal 35 years ago, one would NEVER have heard someone being served a meal they ordered replying with ??????? ! UNTHINKABLE! ??????? was something I maybe might would have used if I owed my LIFE to someone else (e.g. if I had lost my passport AND all my cash on the road and a Nepali had picked it up and come running after absent-minded me to RETURN it, THEN I would certainly have said ???????... and probab;ly fallen down, prostrating myself at to his feet!!). In the old days , IF ANYTHING was said, the exchange would have gone something like this: Wait person: ?????? /linus/ (take it) Me: ? /la/ (ok) There is nothing LESS polite in this... it is just a different culture... a culture less "contaminated" by Western ways. AND in a way it is a cheapening... after all, if someone saves my life or if they serve me a coke, all I can do is give the SAME reply.... PS. Mumbai/Bombay NOTE A similar development (evolution) has taken place in India also... Though at least in Mumbai (and much of Urban india) there is STILL a risistance among educated to equate Indic ??????? /dhanyavaad/ with "thankyou... and so in Mumbai Marathi and Gujarati and Hindi, the tendency is to use ?????? /thenks/ (aspirated /t/ NOT dental fricative /?/ Note also that in Hindi there is the option of using Urdu /shukria/ for "thanks" ALSO as far as I can think, there is STILL no equivalent for please in Nepali ... except the borrowed Hindi ?????? /krpaya/ we just use the appropriate verb form (imnperative, etc)... and cna "soften" (or intensify it!) it if needed by the addition of a sentence final partical (several options available) my 8 anna's worth! mwm || *U*C> || mike || ???? || ???? || ??? (aka Dr Michael W Morgan) sign language linguist / linguistic typologist academic adviser, Nepal Sign Language Training and Research NDFN, Kathmandu, Nepal ---------- From: Paul Finlow-Bates Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2013.07.18 (01) [EN] My nephew lives in Finland (his wife is Finnish) and their kids are completely bilingual. But they have to keep reminding the kids to say please and thank you when speaking English, as it's not an automatic response in Finnish. Paul Derby England ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Jul 22 17:38:14 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:38:14 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Idiomatic=?UTF-8?Q?=E2=80=8Ba=22_?=2013.07.22 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 22 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2013.07.18 (01) [EN] > *From:* Lowlands-L lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM > *Sent:* Friday, July 19, 2013 6:26 AM > From: Tom Mc Rae > Subject: LL-L Languge Convention > Delancey Place quoted the following from a book.. > -- saying "please" and "thank you" is not a universal custom -- In my Lonerland Limburgish from Vliermaal: For "please": The common or rather impolite form: "d?" a kind of vocative form of "doe?" = in Dutch "daar" "d?" comes close to the Dutch "ziedaar"; similar to the French "voil?", that still sounds polite when one compl?tes as "voil? Madame", "voil? Monsieur". The polite form: asteblif (Dutch: alstublieft, if it to you pleases) for both singular as plural generally also completed as "asteblif meneer", "asteblif madam" "asteblif mammezel" (= mademoiselle). Young guys become immediately "meneer", while young ladies, especially when not married, pass trough an intermediate state of "mammezel". For "thank you: "m?rseej" (cf. the French "mersi"; it is not uncommon to diphtongize ending e or i vowels as well in East Walloon as in Southern Limburgish. When offering food, one adds generally: "Lut het oech smoake" ("lut" is the imperative form of "loe?te", Dutch "laten") "Oech" sounds similar to "euch" in German, but it is used in both singular as plural, so as "u" can be used for both in Dutch. When offering drinks: "Sonteej" not nazalized in Vliermaal, it is nazalized though by some in Tongeren 5 miles to the South (cf. French "Sant?" nazalized) Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Jul 29 01:06:35 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 18:06:35 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.28 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 28 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs Subject: LL-L Travel We had some exchanges on travel in this group before. Let's see if it is still active. I'm looking for suggestions I'm participating at a conference of the IEEE in Vancouver on Sept. 11-13. I'm staying at the Delta, 550 West Hastings The conference is across the street in the Harbour Centre. (I would rather write Harbor Center, but the Canadians .....) I arrive on Sept 9 in the evening. So I have the 10th for visiting Vancouver (+ jetlag recup). Suggesstions are welcome. I'm returning home, leaving on Sept 15 in the morning. On the 14th I take a trip to Seattle: Amtrak Cascades 6:40 am -> 11:05 am and back 6:50 pm -> 10:50 pm I reserved for Underground Seattle at 12 pm. I don't know how long that tour will take. Thanks ahead for all good advice. Regards, Roger ---------- From: R. F. Hahn Subject: Travels Hi, Roger! What wonderful news about you visiting our area again! I'm sure other people have more information than I do. Let me just say that I've spent a lot of time in Vancouver(BC, Canada), and it's one of my favorite cities. It's one of the closes North America has to a "European city". Robson Street in downtown, all the way up to English Bay. (Part of that street is known as Robsonstra?e, because that neighborhood used to be home to many German immigrants. For people-watching, I recommend Granville Island with its artist studios, theater and a terrific market. There's good East Asian food in Vancouver (being North America's "sushi capital"). If you like good, affordable Chinese food, eat at Hon's on Keefer Street in Chinatown (not the one in downtown!). Also try the French Canadian signature dish *poutine *. You as a Belgian might actually enjoy it (while I am not too sure about it ...) I believe the tour of Seattle's undergroundtakes about one hour. (Careful! The place is said to be haunted ...) I'm not yet sure what my teaching schedule will be like, but, if you have the time, I'd love to have lunch of dinner with you somewhere. It would be really nice to see you again. Let's communicate about the details of that privately. Best regards, Reinhard/Ron Seattle, USA ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Mon Jul 29 17:23:36 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:23:36 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.29 (01) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 29 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Pat Reynolds Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.28 (01) [EN] We had some exchanges on travel in this group before. Let's see if it is still active Roger Thijs wrote ..... We had some exchanges on travel in this group before. Let's see if it is still active. I'm looking for suggestions I'm participating at a conference of the IEEE in Vancouver on Sept. 11-13..... Hi Roger, It is a long time since I was in Vancouver (over 20 years), and then Stanley Park and the Anthropological Museum were the things I?d return to. It was also a nice city to wander in. The only downside for me was that the plane descended very rapidly, which upset my hearing/balance for the first couple of days. Cheers, Pat Pat Reynolds Settling in to a new job, working for the Heritage Crafts Association ( ---------- From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.28 (01) [EN] To Roger, in reply to your going to Vancouver.**** It is a wonderfully civilized city. Of all the things to do in Vancouver, three stand out:**** 1.The Anthropological Museum at UBC. A most interesting collection of artifacts and works of art of the local tribes before the white man took their indigenous life away. Their collection of totempoles is fantastic. But they also have art by modern Indian artists that makes your jaw drop.*** * 2. The authentic Chinese garden of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. It transports you in the dream world of a Chinese scholar from the end of the end of the 19thcentury. Make sure that you buy tea at their tea shop! It is unfortunate that the neighborhood is a little bit unkemped, but the gardens and the study are absolutely worth it.**** 3. For just mindless enjoyment ( yes, I know about those meetings ) I would suggest you amble over to the Aquarium and spend time with the fishes, and the aquatic mammals and do not forget to go visit the rainforest in the belly of the aquarium. You?ll come out a better person; guaranteed.**** Jacqueline BdJ**** Seattle WA USA (across the border) **** ---------- From: Isaac M. Davis Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.28 (01) [EN] For poutine, I recommend Frenchies Diner on Dunsmuir (speaking as a former resident of Vancouver and a current resident of Montr?al). Bon app?tit! Regards, Isaac M. Davis ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Jul 30 00:07:26 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 17:07:26 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.29 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 29 July 2013 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: (Ted Harding) Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.29 (01) [EN] > From: Pat Reynolds > Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.28 (01) [EN] > > Roger Thijs > wrote ..... > > We had some exchanges on travel in this group before. Let's see if > it is still active. > > I'm looking for suggestions > > I'm participating at a conference of the IEEE in Vancouver on Sept. > 11-13..... > > Hi Roger, > It is a long time since I was in Vancouver (over 20 years), and then > Stanley Park and the Anthropological Museum were the things I'd > return to. > It was also a nice city to wander in. The only downside for me was > that the plane descended very rapidly, which upset my hearing/balance > for the first couple of days. > > Cheers, > Pat > > Pat Reynolds > Settling in to a new job, working for the Heritage Crafts Association > ( ) Pat: heritagerafts are just what you need for making a tour round Vancouver Island! Best wishes to all, Ted. PS: Written within 20 miles of King's Lynn, England -- anciently a major Hanseatic port, and birthplace of Captain George Vancouver who explored and mapped that part of the Pacific coast in the 1790s, and whose name is attached to many places. > [remainder snipped] > ---------- ------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: (Ted Harding) Date: 29-Jul-2013 Time: 19:07:23 This message was sent by XFMail ------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Jul 30 18:25:42 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 11:25:42 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Literature" 2013.07.30 (01) [NDS] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 30 July 2013 - Volume 01 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Hannelore Hinz Subject: Literature (Autorin. H. Hinz) *Austmaand * Hoch tellt de Austtied as ein Fest, un ripte S?nn dat Kuurn up't best, mit Freud is Austarbeit rasch dahn, nu heit dat, an de Austkron ran; wi binnen sei mit Lief un S??l; tau Austk?st sm?ck sei de Sch?nd??l. L?t Austmaand uns mit Hundsdag' sweiten, ok dat will'n wi noch d?gt geneiten. Man, wenn noch eins de Kukuk r?ppt, so hart uns nahst de Winter dr?ppt. V?l Dau m?t sien, hei bringt kein Not, wi hebben stolt dat d?glich Brot. S?nd Lorenz (10.), Bartelmeis (24.) ok gaud, denn k?mmt de Harwst mit S?nn'nmaud. Un ?wer uns an'n wieden H?ben Tw?stiert sien Jungv?gel hoch sw?ben. De Sommertied w?wt lies' ehr Enn'; bald ward de S?nn sick wedder wenn'. Tw?lstiert: Roter Milan Mit ein hartlich Gr?uten. Hanne Hinz ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. Send commands (including "signoff lowlands-l") to listserv at or lowlands.list at .!/group.php?gid=118916521473498 ========================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM Tue Jul 30 18:29:22 2013 From: lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM (Lowlands-L) Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 11:29:22 -0700 Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.30 (02) [EN] Message-ID: ===================================================== L O W L A N D S - L - 30 July 2013 - Volume 02 lowlands.list at - Posting: lowlands-l at Archive: Encoding: Unicode (UTF-08) Language Codes: ===================================================== From: Roger Thijs Subject: Re: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.29 (02) [EN] > From: (Ted Harding) > Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2013.07.29 (01) [EN] > ...;heritagerafts are just what you need for making a tour round Vancouver Island! Thanks to all for the suggestions. A couple of things: 1 - The Vancouver family is supposed to have Dutch origins: quote: There has been some debate about the origins of the Vancouver name. It is now commonly accepted that the name Vancouver derives from the expression van Coevorden, meaning "(originating) from Coevorden", a city in the northeast of the Netherlands. This city is apparently named after the "Coeverden" family of the 13 ? 15th century. An alternative theory is that Vancouver is a misspelling or anglicized version of Van Couwen, a Dutch name. quoted from: 2 - Vancouver gives me nightmares. I have been driving up to there for an exhibition a couple of years ago, while staying in Bellingham WA (after a visit to Boeing in Everett). My Hertz "Never Lost" guided me to the middle of nowhere in a hilly suburb. I found a commercial street and I stopped for lunch at a Laotian restaurant. The meat was served in a bowl of red soup. Some meat fell of the fork, splashing my shirt with the red fluid. My spare clothes were left in the hotel in Bellingham, but fortunately I could buy a shirt in a Pakistanese shop in that street. Anyhow, in the afternoon I still came to make a tour of the exhibition in the expo centre, downtown at the harbour. 3 - I got poutine coming out of my ears when being in Montreal for a week last year. I was staying in the Fairmont above the underground railway station, having a lot of eateries underground. Actually I don't like the sweet ketchup tasting sauce, nor the cheese blocs on my fries. And further I think it is a bomb of calories. 4 - I made some jokes about poutine at the booth of Canada at the Innoprom exhibition in Ekaterinburg a couple of weeks ago. The staffing actually was not Canadian (none of them understood French). They had contracted the thing to a Russian governmental service. And these guys had a different taste of humor. Regards, Roger ========================================================= Send posting submissions to lowlands-l at Please display only the relevant parts of quotes in your replies. 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