LL-L "Culture" 2013.03.13 (01) [DE-
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Wed Mar 13 20:05:42 UTC 2013
L O W L A N D S - L - 13 March 2013 - Volume 01
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From: Roger Thijs rogerthijs at yahoo.com
Subject: LL-L Cultural Change
Globalization of our local culture is rapidly progressing.
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui from Antwerp is selected with his group as one of the
cultural ambassadors of Europe.
With a clip at ther bottom of the page with an excerpt of a performance.
More about Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui at:
From: Heiko Evermann heiko.evermann at gmx.de
Subject: Deutsche Bahn - MundartaktionLeve Lüüd,
die Deutsche Bahn veranstaltet Mundartwochen und macht dazu eine Umfrage,
in welcher Mundart bahn.de erscheinen soll. Ich dachte mir, das ist hier
vielleicht von allgemeinem Interesse:
Hartlich Gröten,
Heiko Evermann
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