Was "ihiyotl"; instrumental suffix

R. Joe Campbell campbel at indiana.edu
Tue Jul 27 18:02:33 UTC 1999

Here are some other words with the instrumental suffix "-ya" -- that is,
at least, I must have thought so when I marked them.  If you catch an
error, I consider it a favor to have it pointed out.


1.  *imotlatocaya*.  quitlaquentiaya amatica: in intopil, imotlatopil,
    in inenemia, in imotlatocaya,  they arrayed in paper their staves,
    their stout traveling staves with which they journeyed, with which
    they traveled. <poss-ohtli-p51-toca2-ya1> (b.1 f.2 c.19 p.41)
2.  *inemactia*.  mochi inemactia,  many were his gifts.
    <poss-p53-maca-ya1> (b.4 f.4 c.9 p.34)
3.  *inenemia*.  quitlaquentiaya amatica: in intopil, imotlatopil, in
    inenemia, in imotlatocaya,  they arrayed in paper their staves,
    their stout traveling staves with which they journeyed, with which
    they traveled. <poss-dupl-nemi-ya1> (b.1 f.2 c.19 p.41)
4.  *intlahuanaya*.  imixpan quihualquetza in intlahuanaya, in itoca
    xochcomitl, ihuan in intlahuancax, in intetlahuan, in
    tetlamamaconi,  they set up before them that from which they
    drank, called the flower vessel, and their drinking bowls and wine
    cups, the serving vessels. <poss-tla:hua:na-ya1> (b.4 f.11 c.36
5.  *iohtlatocaya*.  amo quimati in campa huallauh inenca
    iohtlatocaya:  he did not know whence his sustenance, his
    [provision for] journeying, came. <poss-ohtli-p51-toca2-ya1> (b.4
    f.2 c.6 p.17)
6.  *iotlatocaya*.  huellaixnextia, inic quitemoa, icochca, ineuhca,
    in icemilhuitiaya, in iotlatocaya, in inenca, in nencayotl, in
    nemoani, in nemoaloni, in otlatoconi,  he labored industriously to
    gain sustenance, his daily bread his trail rations, his
    livelihood, his maintenance, the source of life, the means of
    living, and provisions for traveling. <poss-ohtli-p51-toca2-ya1>
    (b.4 f.12 c.38 p.125)
7.  *ipatlania*.  anozo michin in mochihuaz, niman iuh moxima in
    tecolli inic moxincayotia, ihuan motlatlalilia in ipatlania
    iyomotlan, ihuan in iuh icac icuitlapil, maxaltic:  or [if] a fish
    were to be made, just so was carved the charcoal [and clay core]
    to give it its scales; and its side fins were formed and its tail
    stood divided. <poss-patla:ni-ya1> (b.9 f.6 c.16 p.74)
8.  *ipatlania*.  huel ye in ipatlania:  it is the real place of its
    flight. <poss-patla:ni-ya1> (b.11 f.6 c.2 p.55)
9.  *ipatlania*.  inic mitoa huitzitzilmichi. achi huihuiac in
    iatlapal, in ipatlania, in itlanelohuaya.  it is named
    uitzitzilmichin, because its fins, its swimmers, its rowers, are
    somewhat long. <poss-patla:ni-ya1> (b.11 f.6 c.3 p.58)
10.  *ipatlania*.  yehuatl ipatlania.  this is its flying part.
    <poss-patla:ni-ya1> (b.11 f.9 c.5 p.89)
11.  *ipatlania*.  in itlanyoc itapalcayo ompa ca in huel iiamatlapal,
    in ipatlania:  underneath its shell, from there are its wings, its
    place of flight. <poss-patla:ni-ya1> (b.11 f.10 c.5 p.100)
12.  *itemoya*.  itemoya, .  his way of coming down. <poss-temo:-ya1>
    (b.2 f.14 c.38 p.240)
13.  *itlacatocaya*.  ayac itlacatocaya,  no man name gave they him.
    <poss-tla:catl-to:ca:itl-ya1> (b.4 f.5 c.13 p.51)
14.  *itlacoaya*.  auh in aoc tle itlacoaya, itech quihuallazaya, in
    itilmatzin, inic tlacoa, anozo quinamaca itlal, in quihualtzacuia,
    anozo canah temac motlalia, canah netlacuilli quichihua:  and when
    there was no more of what one could buy things with, one gave up
    one's precious cape so that he could buy things, or sold his land,
    which he had enclosed or somewhere placed in another's hands;
    somewhere he arranged a loan. <poss-p51-co:hua-ya1> (b.3 f.1 c.1
15.  *itlaczaya*.  cenca quimahuiztiliaya in itopil, in itlaczaya
    yiacateuctli:  they paid great honor to the cane, to the walking
    staff, of yiacatecutli. <poss-p51-icza-ya1> (b.1 f.2 c.19 p.43)
16.  *itlaczaya*.  itlaczaya imac onoc, otlatopile.  his traveling
    staff was in his hand; he had a stout cane staff.
    <poss-p51-icza-ya1> (b.1 f.2 c.19 p.44)
17.  *itlahuitequia*.  auh inic quiquechpachoa, acipaquitli
    itlahuitequia, chichiquiltic, tzitziquiltic, huihuitztic, necoc
    campa in huihuitztic.  and they bore down upon her neck with the
    beak of a swordfish, barbed, serrated, spiny---spiny on either
    side. <poss-p51-hui:tequi-ya1> (b.2 f.5 c.26 p.94)
18.  *teponazoaya*.  ceyoal in teponazoaya, in icpac inteocal:  all
    night they played the two-toned drum on the top of their temple.
    <tepona:ztli-v05a-ya1> (b.10 f.11 c.29 p.177)
19.  *tocochia*.  tocochia.  our eyelashes. <poss-cochi-ya1> (b.10 f.8
    c.27 p.137b)
20.  *tometzpitzahuaya*.  tometzpitzahuaya.  slender part of our
    thigh. <poss-metztli2-pitza:hua-ya1> (b.10 f.7 c.27 p.125a)
21.  *tonepalehuiaya*.  tonepalehuiaya.  our helping places.
    <poss-p53-pale:huia:-ya1> (b.10 f.8 c.27 p.135a)
22.  *tonepalehuiaya*.  tonepalehuiaya.  our helping places.
    <poss-p53-pale:huia:-ya1> (b.10 f.8 c.27 p.135a)

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