Az: Question regarding Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca...

Frances Karttunen karttu at
Fri Jun 25 10:58:17 UTC 1999

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>  Mulling over god triads in ancient Mesoamerica while visiting a
>temple supposedly dedicated to Tezcatlipoca at Teopanzolco (in
>Jorge Perez de Lara
>jorgepl at

Dear Jorge,

I can't answer your specific questions, but I'd like to point out that a
triad of anything would be decidedly un-Mesoamerican.  The Aztec world,
sharing in the Mesoamerican cosmovision, was a cognitive world pervaded by
2s (the duality expressed by pairs uch as Ometeotl/Omecihuatl) and 4s (the
quadripartite nature of just about everything).


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