Adjective formation

R. Joe Campbell campbel at
Thu Nov 11 22:09:29 UTC 1999

   I haven't forgotten about our adjective formation discussion, but I got
detoured on making a newer list of them.  In the meantime, here is the
older one.

Best regards,


             Key to "Adjective" Formation and Verb Sources

-c (preterit ending attached to basic verb)

  Source Verb                         "Adjective"        English

   ahhuiya (be fragrant)              ahhuiyac           fragrant
   ala:hua (become slick)             ala:huac           slippery
   cama:hua (become ripe)             cama:huac          ripe
   cana:hua (become thin)             cana:huac          thin
   catza:hua (become dirty)           catza:huac         dirty
   chama:hua (become chubby)          chama:huac         chubby, filled out
   chica:hua (be strong)              chica:huac         strong
   chipa:hua (purify)                 chipa:huac         clean, pure
   coya:hua (extend, enlarge a hole)  coya:huac          wide (e.g. opening)
   cuala:ntli-cui (grab)              cuala:ncuic        angry
    [patientive noun from cuala:ni]
   cuaitl-pitza:hua (become thin)     cuapitza:huac      something pointed
                                                         at the top
   cuechtli-e:hua (become sooty)      cueche:huac        sooted up
   huapa:hua (become stiff)           huapa:huac         stiff, firm
   hue:iya (grow)                     hue:yac            long
   iucci (ripen, cook)                iuccic             ripened, cooked
   i:xtli-hue:iya (grow)              i:xhue:yac         long faced
   i:xtli-pitza:hua (become thin)     i:xpitza:huac      thin faced
   iztetl-dup-hue:iya (grow)          iztehuehue:yac     long nailed
   mo-tlazohtla (love)                motlazohtlac       expensive
   nacaztli-hue:iya (grow)            nacazhue:yac       long earred
   patla:hua (widen)                  patla:huac         wide
   pitza:hua (become thin)            pitza:huac         thin
   po:ch-[po:ctli]-e:hua              poche:huac         smoked up
   poya:hua (darken)                  poya:huac          dark, painted
   poza:hua (inflate)                 poza:huac          swollen
   te:ntli-tila:hua (thicken)         te:ntila:huac      thick lipped or
                                                          wide hemmed
   te:ntli-toma:hua (grow fat)        te:ntoma:huac      thick lipped
   tila:hua (thicken)                 tila:huac          thick
   tlahto:lli-hue:iya (grow)          tlahto:lhue:yac    loquacious
    [patientive noun from tla-ihto:a]
   tlatla (burn)                      tlatlac            burned
   tli:lli-e:hua (become)             tli:le:huac        blackened
   toma:hua (grow fat)                toma:huac          fat
   tzi:ntli-pitza:hua (become thin)   tzi:mpitza:huac    pointed at the bottom
   tzope:lia (sweeten)                tzope:lic          sweet
   xo:tla (burn, bloom)               xo:tlac            hot, bloomed
   yacatl-pitza:hua (become thin)     yacapitza:huac     pointed
   yacatl-toma:hua (grow fat)         yacatoma:huac      fat nosed
   yohua (get dark)                   yohuac             nighttime
   yo:llo:tl-chica:hua (be strong)    yo:llo:chica:huac  courageous
   zotla:hua (faint)                  zotla:huac         fainted, limp

-qui (preterit ending attached to basic verb)

   a:tl-te:mi (fill up)               a:te:nqui          full of water
   cactli-dup-copi:na (remove)        caccocopi:nqui     barefoot
   cactli-toma (loosen)               cactonqui          barefoot
   calaqui (entered)                  calacqui           one who has entered
   capotza:hui (turn black)           capotza:uhqui      blackened
   caxa:ni (loosen)                   caxa:nqui          loosened, badly tied
   ce:hui (calm, cool)                ce:uhqui           calmed, fallen in honor
   chala:ni (pot to clank or crack)   chala:nqui         broken (vessel),
                                                          out of tune (song)
   chapa:ni (make wet slapping sound) chapa:nqui         soaked
   cocoya (be sick)                   cocoxqui           sick
   coyo:ni (develop a hole)           coyo:nqui          perforated, hole
   cuala:ni (be angry)                cuala:nqui         angry
   cua:itl-mani (lie flat)            cua:manqui         wide at the top and
                                                          narrow at the bottom
   cua:itl-xocotl-miqui (die)         cua:xocomicqui     drunk or insane
   cuepo:ni (burst, bloom)            cuepo:nqui         burst, bloomed
   cuitlatl-zotla:hua (faint)         cuitlazotla:uhqui  lazy
   e:lli-te:mi (fill up)              e:lte:nqui         full of food, surfeited
   hua:qui (dry)                      hua:cqui           dry
   huetzi (fall)                      huetzqui           fallen
   i:xtli-cocoya (be sick)            ixcocoxqui         sick in the eyes
   i:xtli-patza:hua (mash, deflate)   ixpatza:uhqui      blind in an eye
   i:xtli-petla:hua (uncover)         ixpetla:uhqui      of uncovered face
   i:xtli-pina:hua (feel shame)       ixpina:uhqui       bashful
   maitl-cocoya (be sick)             macocoxqui         lame of a hand
   mali:na (twist)                    mali:nqui          twisted
   maitl-miqui (die)                  mamicqui           lame of the hands
   maitl-poztequi (split, break)      mapoztecqui        lack a hand or hands
   mo-e:lli-pan-petla:hua (uncover)   me:lpanpetla:uhqui bare-chested
   mo-e:hua (get up, raise)           meuhqui            out of bed
   miqui (die)                        micqui             dead
   mo-dup-no:tza (chat)               monono:tzqui       converted, reprimanded
   mo-yo:llo:tl-e:hua (get up, raise) moyo:leuhqui       excited or in love
   mo-yo:llo:tl-mela:hua (straighten) moyo:lmela:uhqui   confessed
   paqui (be happy)                   pacqui             happy
   pala:ni (rot)                      palanqui           rotten
   peto:ni (dislocate)                petonqui           dislocated
   pina:hua (feel shame)              pina:uhqui         ashamed
   poli:hui (perish, disappear)       poliuhqui          lost
   pozo:ni (boil)                     pozonqui           angry, irritated
   poztequi (split, break)            poztecqui          broken, cut
   te:ntli-coto:ni (snap, cut)        te:ncotonqui       nicked, or having
                                                          a split lip
   te:mi (fill up)                    te:nqui            full
   te:ntli-xiti:ni (collapse, break)  te:nxitinqui       having a frayed edge
   teotl-miqui (die)                  teomicqui          sacrificed before
                                                          the idols
   teotl-tlahto:lli-cuepa (turn)      teotlahto:lcuepqui heretic
   tlahua:na (get drunk)              tlahua:nqui        drunk
   tlantli-copi:na (remove)           tlancopi:nqui      having no teeth or
                                                          broken teeth
   tlantli-coto:ni (snap, cut)        tlancotonqui       having broken teeth
                                                          or teeth missing
   tlapa:ni (break)                   tlapanqui          broken
   tletl-miqui (die)                  tlemicqui          sweltering (person)
   tzaya:ni (tear, shatter)           tzayanqui          torn, broken, shattered
   tzi:ntli-mani (lie flat)           tzi:mmanqui        wide at the bottom and
                                                          pointed at the top
   tzi:ntli-miqui (die)               tzi:mmicqui        impotent
   tzi:ntli-poztequi (split, break)   tzi:mpoztecqui     having a broken back
   xeli:hui (split)                   xeliuhqui          split
   xiti:ni (collapse, break)          xitinqui           fallen or knocked down
   dup-xiti:ni (collapse, break)      xixitinqui         fallen or knocked down
   xocotl-miqui (die)                 xocomicqui         drunk
   xotl-poztequi (split, break)       xopoztecqui        having a broken foot
   xotl-poztequi (split, break)       xotzayanqui        having a split foot
   yacatl-poztequi (split, break)     yacapoztecqui      having a nose cut off
   yo:llo:tl-ce:hui (calm, cool)      yo:lceuhqui        calmed, placated
   yo:llo:tl-dup-cuepa (turn)         yo:lcuecuepqui     inconstant, changeable
   yo:llo:tl-dup-cuepa (turn)         yo:llo:cuecuepqui  inconstant, changeable
   yo:llo:tl-miqui (die)              yo:llo:micqui      dull of understanding
   yo:llo:tl-pozo:ni (boil)           yo:llo:pozonqui    angry, irritable

 -tic [-ti + -c] (preterit ending attached to denominative verb)

   Source Noun                        "Adjective"      English

   a:calli (canoe)                    acaltic            grooved
   a:tl (water)                       atic               runny, watery
   a:to:lli (atole)                   atoltic            soft
   camohtli (sweet potato)            camohtic           soft, tender
   chi:lli (chile pepper)             chichiltic         red
   cihua:tl (woman)                   cihuatic           feminine
   co:ztli (yellow dye)               coztic             yellow
   cuaitl-metlatl-pilli               cuametlapiltic     having a large head
   etl (bean)                         etic               heavy
   huitztli (thorn)                   huitztic           sharp pointed
   i:xtli-tli:lli (soot)              i:xtli:ltic        dark faced
   neuctli (honey)                    neuctic            sweet
   nextli (ash)                       nextic             dark, ash-colored
   omitl (bone)                       ohomitic           bony and thin
   pahtli (potion, medicine)          pahtic             cured
   piaztli (siphon, tube)             piaztic            long and thin
   pilli (child, noble)               piltic             noble
   quilitl (greens, herbs)            quiltic            green
   te:ntli-tzontli-tli:lli            te:ntzontli:ltic   black bearded
   tetl-pitztli (fruitpit)            tepitztic          hard
   tetl (stone)                       tetic              hard
   tlalhuatl (tendon, nerve)          tlalhuatic         sinewy
   tli:lli (soot)                     tli:ltic           black
   tzi:ntli-huitztli (thorn)          tzi:nhuitztic      pointed at the base
   xiquipilli (bag)                   xixiquipiltic      swollen
   yacatl-huictli (hoe)               yacahuictic        having a long wide nose
   yacatl-huitztli (thorn)            yacahuitztic       having a long sharp
                                                          nose (person) or having
                                                          a sharp point (thing)
   yacatl-piaztli (siphon, tube)      yacapiaztic        having a long straight
   yahualli (round grass pad)         yahualtic          round

 -tic [-ti + -c] (preterit ending attached to denominative verb which is
                  derived from a patientive noun derived from source verb:
                  [source verb > pat. noun > denom. verb] + -c)

   Source Verb                        "Adjective"      English

   ala:hua (become slick)             alactic            slippery
   caxa:ni (loosen)                   cacaxactic         loose, sparcely woven
   cama:hua (become ripe)             camactic           tender, ripe
   cana:hua (become thin)             canactic           thin
   catza:hua (become dirty)           catzactic          dirty, dirty-colored
   chama:hua (become chubby)          chamactic          chubby, filled out
   chica:hua (be strong)              chicactic          strong, firm
   chipa:hua (purify)                 chichipactic       clean, pretty
   chiya:hua (get s.t. greasy)        chiyactic          greasy
   dup-coto:ni (snap, cut)            cocotoctic         broken, torn apart
   coto:ni (snap, cut)                cotoctic           having a missing piece
   co:tztli-toma:hua (grow fat)       cotztotomactic     having heavy calves of
                                                           the legs
   coyo:ni (develop a hole)           coyoctic           hole, or having a hole
   cuahuitl-tila:hua (thicken)        cuauhtilactic      dense (e.g. cane fence)
   cuecha:hua (get moist)             cuechactic         moist, damp
   cue:chtli-e:hua (become)           cuichectic         get sooty
   huapa:hua (gain strength,
              raise children)         huapactic          hard, firm
   i:xtli-cuepo:ni (burst, bloom)     ixcuepoctic        blind of an eye
   i:xtli-pitzi:ni (burst)            ixpitzi:ctic       blind of an eye
   ihzahuaca (rustle)                 izahuactic         hoarseness
   mela:hua (straighten)              melactic           straight
   nextli-e:hua (become)              nexectic           dark, ash-colored
   peya:hua (overflow)                peyactic           flowed (e.g. water)
   pitza:hua (make thin)              pitzactic          slender and long
   pitza:hua-coyo:ni (develop hole)   pitzcoyoctic       narrow (e.g. hole)
   po:ch [po:ctli]-e:hua (become)     pochectic          smoked up
   pochi:na (unravel, card)           pochictic          teased, inflated
   poxa:hui (soften)                  poxactic           soft, spongy
   tili:ni (tighten)                  tilictic           bulged, warped
   tlacua:hua (harden)                tlacuactic         hard
   tlantli-copi:na (remove)           tlancopictic       having broken or
                                                          missing teeth
   tlantli-coto:ni (snap, cut)        tlancotoctic       having broken or
                                                          missing teeth
   tli:lli-e:hua (become)             tli:le:ctic          blackened
   dup-tzaya:ni (tear, shatter)       tzatzayactic       broken or cut into
                                                          many pieces
   tzili:ni (ring, tinkle)            tzilictic          having a clear sound,
                                                           like a bell
   xotl-dup-patla:hua (widen)         xopapatlactic      having wide or large feet
   xotl-dup-tila:hua (thicken)        xotitilactic       having wide or large feet
   yacatl-dup-coto:ni (snap, cut)     yacacocotoctic     having no nose
   zone:hua (swell, puff up)          zonectic           soft, spongy, light
   zotla:hua (faint)                  zotlactic          weak, withered, or
                                                           without courage

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