Patientive Nouns
R. Joe Campbell
campbel at
Fri Nov 12 07:34:01 UTC 1999
Here is the other list I promised -- patientive nouns. Ask Mr. Gael
what he thinks of them.
Best regards,
Key to Patientive Nouns and Sources
Source Verb Patientive Noun English
a:na tlaa:ntli s.t. set apart, or a person who is led
ahci, caqui tlaahcica:cactli s.t. well understood
ca:hua tlaca:uhtli s.t. which is left or abandoned
cactli, copi:na tlacaccopi:ntli person or horse that lost a shoe
calli, mela:hua calmelactli large long room or corridor
cana:hua tlacana:uhtli s.t. which is trimmed and made thin
caxa:hua tlacaxa:uhtli s.t. weakened
celia tlaceli:lli s.t. which is received
chama:hua tlachahchama:uhtli s.o. flattered
chaya:hua tlachaya:uhtli s.t. scattered
chi:hua tlachi:hualli s.t. which is made or done
chi:hua tlachi:uhtli s.t. which is made or done
chica:hua tlachica:hualli s.t. which is strengthened
chica:hua tlachica:uhtli s.t. fortified
chicoihtoa tlachicoihto:lli slander
chinoa tlachino:lli s.t. which is burned
chipa:hua tlachipa:hualli s.t. which is cleansed, purified
chipa:hua tlachipa:uhtli s.t. purified or clean
co:hua tlaco:hualli s.t. bought, purchase
co:hua tlaco:uhtli s.t. bought
cochte:ca tlacochte:ctli s.o. who is put to sleep
cochte:ca tlacohcochte:ctli a woman who is seduced
cochtla:za tlacochtla:ztli s.o. who is put to sleep by a spell
coto:na cotoctli piece (e.g., of bread)
coto:na tlacoto:ntli s.t. cut off
coto:na tlacoto:ntli s.t. which is trimmed or cut off
coya:hua tlacoya:uhtli s.t. widened
coyo:ni tlacoyoctli hole
cuepa tlacuepalli s.t. which is turned upside down
cuepa tlacueptli s.t. returned or turned
e:catl, peya:hui e:capeyactli cool and gentle breeze
huahuana tlahuahuantli s.t. which is marked, striped
huapa:hua tlahuapa:uhtli s.t. which is supported or strengthened
hui:ca tlahui:ctli s.t. carried to another place, fetched
hui:tequi tlahui:tectli s.t. which is beaten
huito:mi tlahuito:ntli s.t. torn down, destroyed
i:xtli, patza:hua tlai:xpatza:uhtli person whose eye is put out
i:xtli, poya:hua tlai:xpoya:uhtli s.o. dazzled or deceived
ichpa:na ochpa:ntli wide road
ichtequi ichtectli s.t. stolen
ihcuiloa tlahcuilo:lli s.t. written
ihya:na tlaihya:ntli s.t. hidden
ilna:miqui tlalna:mictli s.t. which is remembered
iltequi tlaltectli sip, s.t. which is sipped
ma:itl, capani ma:capactli snap of the fingers
ma:no:tza tlama:no:tztli s.o. who is beckoned
ma:tope:hua tlama:tope:uhtli s.t. which is pushed with one's hand
ma:ya:hua tlama:ya:uhtli s.t. which is thrown
mahce:hua tlamahce:uhtli spoils, or s.t. which is deserved
mali:na tlamali:ntli s.t. twisted
mela:hua tlamela:uhtli s.t. explained or straightened out
moya:hua tlamohmoya:uhtli s.t. scattered or put to flight
na:miqui na:mictli married person, spouse
na:moya tlana:moxtli s.t. stolen
Key to Patientive Nouns and Sources [p. 2]
Source Verb Patientive Noun English
namaca tlanamactli s.t. sold
pa:ca tlapa:ctli laundry, s.t. washed
pa:ca tlapa:ctli s.t. washed
pa:huaci tlapa:huaxtli s.t. which is cooked
pahmaca tlapahmactli s.t. purged with medicine
patla:hua tlapatla:uhtli s.t. widened
tetl, patla:hua tepatlactli wide flat stone
pehpena tlapehpentli s.t. which is chosen
peya:hua tlapehpeya:uhtli measure which is full of liquid
pi:qui tlapi:ctli s.t. created or invented
pitza:hua tlapitza:uhtli s.t. which trimmed, made thin
pitza:hua pitzactli s.t. slender and long
po:che:hua tlapo:che:uhtli s.t. smoked up
po:hua tlapo:uhtli s.t. counted
pochi:na tlapochi:ntli s.t. which is carded
pohpo:hua tlapohpo:uhtli s.t. cleaned or scrubbed
poztequi poztectli s.t. broken
poztequi tlapoztectli s.t. which is broken
quechtequi tlaquechtectli s.o. who is beheaded
tataca tlatatactli s.t. dug up, an excavation or tomb
te:ca tlate:ctli s.t. poured out on a flat surface
te:mi tlatete:ntli ground which is paved
te:nna:miqui tlate:na:mictli s.o. who is kissed on the mouth
te:ntli, tomahua te:ntomactli s.o. with thick lips
teci textli flour
tepe:hua tlatepe:uhtli s.t. scattered
tequi tlatectli s.t. which is cut
tetl, poxa:hua tepoxactli light stone, pumice
tia:miqui tia:mictli merchandise
tla:lcopi:na tlatla:lcopi:ntli groundwork for a building
tla:za tlatla:xtli s.t. thrown or dropped
tlalli, huaqui tla:lhua:ctli island or dry land
tlapa:na tetlapactli flagstone
tlapa:na tlatlapa:ntli s.t. which is broken
tlazoa tlazohtli s.t. precious
tli:lli, chapa:ni tli:lchapactli ink blot
to:ca tlato:ctli s.t. which is buried
to:ca to:ctli young stalk of corn
to:mi toto:ntli frayed cloth
toma:hua tlatoma:uhtli grease or s.t. fattened
toxoma tlatoxo:ntli s.t. which is scraped
tzaya:na tlatzaya:ntli fragment, piece of s.t.
tzotzo:na tlatzotzo:ntli drum, or a person beaten
xi:ma tlaxi:ntli s.t. scraped or skinned
xi:pe:hua tlaxi:pe:uhtli s.t. which is peeled
xitini a:tepe:tena:nxitictli door of a rampart or city wall
xole:hua tlaxole:uhtli s.t. scraped or hurt
yo:coya tlayo:coxtli s.t. created or invented
yo:coya tlayo:coyalli invention, s.t. which is created
yohua tlayohualli darkness
za:loa tlaza:lo:lli s.t. which is glued to s.t.
zaca tlazazactli s.t. which is carried
zo:hua tlazo:uhtli s.t. unfolded or spread out
zotla:hua tlazotla:uhtli s.t. weakened
patientive nouns exercise 01
1. calmelactli 1. large long room or corridor
2. tlaa:ntli 2. s.t. weakened
3. tlaahcica:cactli 3. s.t. which is received
4. tlaca:uhtli 4. s.t. which is trimmed and made thin
5. tlacaccopi:ntli 5. person or horse that lost a shoe
6. tlacana:uhtli 6. s.t. set apart, or a person who is led
7. tlacaxa:uhtli 7. s.t. well understood
8. tlaceli:lli 8. s.t. which is left or abandoned
patientive nouns exercise 02
1. tlachahchama:uhtli 1. s.o. flattered
2. tlachaya:uhtli 2. s.t. scattered
3. tlachi:hualli 3. s.t. which is made or done
4. tlachi:uhtli 4. s.t. which is made or done
5. tlachica:hualli 5. s.t. which is strengthened
6. tlachica:uhtli 6. s.t. fortified
7. tlachicoihto:lli 7. s.t. which is burned
8. tlachino:lli 8. slander
patientive nouns exercise 03
1. cotoctli 1. piece (e.g., of bread)
2. tlachipa:hualli 2. s.o. who is put to sleep by a spell
3. tlachipa:uhtli 3. a woman who is seduced
4. tlaco:hualli 4. s.o. who is put to sleep
5. tlaco:uhtli 5. s.t. bought
6. tlacochte:ctli 6. s.t. bought, purchase
7. tlacochtla:ztli 7. s.t. purified or clean
8. tlacohcochte:ctli 8. s.t. which is cleansed, purified
patientive nouns exercise 04
1. e:capeyactli 1. cool and gentle breeze
2. tlacoto:ntli 2. hole
3. tlacoto:ntli 3. s.t. cut off
4. tlacoya:uhtli 4. s.t. returned or turned
5. tlacoyoctli 5. s.t. which is trimmed or cut off
6. tlacuepalli 6. s.t. which is turned upside down
7. tlacueptli 7. s.t. widened
8. tlahuahuantli 8. s.t. which is marked, striped
patientive nouns exercise 05
1. ichtectli 1. person whose eye is put out
2. ochpa:ntli 2. s.o. dazzled or deceived
3. tlahuapa:uhtli 3. s.t. carried to another place, fetched
4. tlahui:ctli 4. s.t. torn down, destroyed
5. tlahui:tectli 5. s.t. which is beaten
6. tlahuito:ntli 6. s.t. which is supported or strengthened
7. tlai:xpatza:uhtli 7. s.t. stolen
8. tlai:xpoya:uhtli 8. wide road
patientive nouns exercise 06
1. ma:capactli 1. s.t. which is pushed with one's hand
2. tlahcuilo:lli 2. s.t. which is thrown
3. tlaihya:ntli 3. s.o. who is beckoned
4. tlalna:mictli 4. s.t. hidden
5. tlaltectli 5. s.t. which is remembered
6. tlama:no:tztli 6. s.t. written
7. tlama:tope:uhtli 7. sip, s.t. which is sipped
8. tlama:ya:uhtli 8. snap of the fingers
patientive nouns exercise 07
1. na:mictli 1. married person, spouse
2. tlamahce:uhtli 2. s.t. explained or straightened out
3. tlamali:ntli 3. s.t. scattered or put to flight
4. tlamela:uhtli 4. s.t. stolen
5. tlamohmoya:uhtli 5. s.t. twisted
6. tlana:moxtli 6. spoils, or s.t. which is deserved
7. tlanamactli 7. laundry, s.t. washed
8. tlapa:ctli 8. s.t. sold
patientive nouns exercise 08
1. tepatlactli 1. measure which is full of liquid
2. tlapa:ctli 2. s.t. created or invented
3. tlapa:huaxtli 3. s.t. which is chosen
4. tlapahmactli 4. s.t. purged with medicine
5. tlapatla:uhtli 5. s.t. washed
6. tlapehpentli 6. s.t. which is cooked
7. tlapehpeya:uhtli 7. s.t. widened
8. tlapi:ctli 8. wide flat stone
patientive nouns exercise 09
1. pitzactli 1. s.t. counted
2. poztectli 2. s.t. slender and long
3. tlapitza:uhtli 3. s.t. smoked up
4. tlapo:che:uhtli 4. s.t. which is carded
5. tlapo:uhtli 5. s.t. which trimmed, made thin
6. tlapochi:ntli 6. s.t. broken
7. tlapohpo:uhtli 7. s.t. cleaned or scrubbed
8. tlapoztectli 8. s.t. which is broken
patientive nouns exercise 10
1. te:ntomactli 1. flour
2. textli 2. s.o. who is kissed on the mouth
3. tlaquechtectli 3. s.o. with thick lips
4. tlatatactli 4. s.t. scattered
5. tlate:ctli 5. ground which is paved
6. tlate:na:mictli 6. s.o. who is beheaded
7. tlatepe:uhtli 7. s.t. dug up, an excavation or tomb
8. tlatete:ntli 8. s.t. poured out on a flat surface
patientive nouns exercise 11
1. tepoxactli 1. flagstone
2. tetlapactli 2. groundwork for a building
3. tia:mictli 3. island or dry land
4. tla:lhua:ctli 4. merchandise
5. tlatectli 5. s.t. thrown or dropped
6. tlatla:lcopi:ntli 6. s.t. which is broken
7. tlatla:xtli 7. light stone, pumice
8. tlatlapa:ntli 8. s.t. which is cut
patientive nouns exercise 12
1. tlato:ctli 1. fragment, piece of s.t.
2. tlatoma:uhtli 2. frayed cloth
3. tlatoxo:ntli 3. grease or s.t. fattened
4. tlatzaya:ntli 4. s.t. which is buried
5. tlazohtli 5. s.t. which is scraped
6. tli:lchapactli 6. young stalk of corn
7. to:ctli 7. ink blot
8. toto:ntli 8. s.t. precious
patientive nouns exercise 13
1. a:tepe:tena:nxitictli 1. drum, or a person beaten
2. tlatzotzo:ntli 2. s.t. scraped or skinned
3. tlaxi:ntli 3. darkness
4. tlaxi:pe:uhtli 4. door of a rampart or city wall
5. tlaxole:uhtli 5. invention, s.t. which is created
6. tlayo:coxtli 6. s.t. created or invented
7. tlayo:coyalli 7. s.t. scraped or hurt
8. tlayohualli 8. s.t. which is peeled
patientive nouns exercise 14
1. tlaza:lo:lli 1. s.t. unfolded or spread out
2. tlazazactli 2. s.t. weakened
3. tlazo:uhtli 3. s.t. which is carried
4. tlazotla:uhtli 4. s.t. which is glued to s.t.
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