in cuappetlapan

Michael Mccafferty mmccaffe at
Wed Nov 17 13:44:12 UTC 1999


Lately I've been working in another native American language family and
have not spent much time at all with Nahuatl, but I'm happy
to give you a few of my meagre memories when I can.  And you are quite

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Leonel Hermida wrote:

> Hi,
> In cuappetlapan, in ocelopetlapan oyeco, in oimmac *manca*
> in cuappiaztli, in cuauhxicalli, in ocuauhyacanque, in
> ocatlitique in tonatiuh in tlalteuctli:
> they came exercising military command; in their hands
> rested the eagle tube, the eagle vessel; they led the eagle
> warriors; they provided drink for the sun, for tlaltecutli.
> (b.6 f.9 p.106)
> I was able to depuzzle 'in cuappetlapan in ocelopetlapan' (please
> correct me if I am wrong: 'petlatl' is 'reed mat'


, so petlapan ('on the
> reed mat')


 must mean s.t. like 'office', so cuappetlapan < *cuauh-
> petlapan and ocelopetlapan must translate as 'the eagle-office
> [and] the ocelot-office)

isto e o que penso eu tambem.

 but I cannot find the verb root in 'oyeco'
> (ye?, yeco?, co?, though this must mean 'they came')...;

nao estou certo de esta palavra.  Mas creio que seja <yauh>.  Joe o Fran
vao sabe-la.

 the next
> doubt is 'oimmac' (unless 'imma' means 'their hands', immac = 'in
> their hands' and o- is the antecessive prefix ??);

sim.  o <o> indica o passado e a traducao de <imma> e correcta.

 'cuappiaztli' and
> 'cuauhxicalli' pose no problems but there remain the two verbal
> complexes o-cuauh-yacanque? and o-c-atli-tique?

yacana....yacatl + ana = guide, lead.  Nose-draw: very graphic, huh!!??

(past tense)

> Thanks to Michael, Fran and Joe. I'm impressed with the Aztec
> pharmacopoeia (*pahamatl)!!
> Best regards,
> Leonel

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