Aztec pregnancy
Mark David Morris
mdmorris at
Tue Nov 23 16:53:07 UTC 1999
Below are three letters from Tlaxcala. The first is a fragment of one
from 1752 which includes the "inquixic" and XAXAC expressions that have
been troubling me. I think perhaps "inquixic" is ixquich ic. I am stumped
on XAXAC, which is a shame because the word is both underlined and
capitalized in the original. The following two are letters from 1810 which I
find interesting. Sincerely, Mark Morris
Yhua- yeh aprobados cate-
ytehpa yn D pasql a:sico yalhua
ynCoreo o"quimonquiltizino yn
Ds tepezin otictlaca quitiq- yn
Dn Pasql Axcan otitlatitlanq-
coreo Cuitlaxcuapan ynhauc
yn Sr. Sossa yhu- yn Despacho yca
hual moicas yn Sr. Dn ygnacio
ballarte Alcalde ordinario
ompa Cuiltlaxcuapa yca hual
moicas quichihuaqui yn ynfor
macion o:motlacuilhuili yn
Sr. lozano ma yn Sr. Sossa quiquix
tis yni x:ax:ac ynahuatzinco
yn Sr. obispo yca qui monahua
tilis yn Sr. Ballarte mahualmo
icas yCaon ycquali ticate inin
sa yxtacasin Mochihua ypanpa
ycuac quimachilisq- yn Diabl[o]sti
yc ipan ticate ynquixicmona
huatilitzino ynteopixcatzintli
Seq Dn Jose Maria Landa
Cenca Nicpia paquilistli yc
nic mati mitz momaquilia
in to tto Ds. ytechicahuali
tzin niCan nictitlani sete
quihua mocxitlantzinco y
ca yn Meliotzin Otimocau
que lle Sabado y Nehuatli
Ni merino Seq San Bernabe
Amaxac notoca Juan Man
hernandez tlapuo yn Metz
tli de Marzo chicome tona
li xihuitli 1810 n.c.t n.m.
q. momatzin nimotetequipa
no Catzin
f1 v
Juan Martin hernandez
AluaSil Mayor Ata
nacio Martin de Nava
Oct. 6 de 1810 as
Notisio Al Sr
teniente del pueblo de
Sta ana chauatenpan
lla Sr. Dan Franco Fernadez
lla Srn Dn tomas Barela
ya todos los Comersiantes
para el dia 27 de enero
or el dia 8" de Fefrero a
las sais de la tarde
los sitamos contoda
su gente qe se tengan
por sabido qe tienan las
Bidas Bendiadas y los
Caudales perdidos qe
las Cabesa emas de A
Sar de todos los gachu
pines y todos los ricos
f1 v.
qe emos de consumia
con todos poreso Bam
os lla matar al yndio
gobernador llenfin a
todos y no Ba A olo
Bistos el Coreo enba
Jador por qe no aga
n lo qe yso ese trasio
nero gobernador de
prenderlo ypor eso
les Abisamos qe se
prebengan y Dispon
gan Amorir para
el Dia qe Sitamos los
gahupines primero
el Capitan
General de los Reales
efersitos de tanpico y
tan miagu &
Al Sr. teniente de Sta
Ana Chautenpan
For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more
grief. Eccl 1:18
To realize that our knowledge is ignorance, this is a noble insight. To
regard our ignorance as knowledge, this is mental sickness. Only when we
are sick of our sickness, shall we cease to be sick. The Sage is not
sick, being sick of sickness; This is the secret of health. TTC 71
MDM, PhD Candidate
Dept. of History, Indiana Univ.
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